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MARCH 2025

Iraqi Popular Mobilization Military Parade In Kirkuk City – Another Sign Of Group’s Growing Influence

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Iraqi Popular Mobilization Military Parade In Kirkuk City - Another Sign Of Group's Growing Influence

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On June 8, the Popular Mobilization Units (PMU) held a military parade in the city of Kirkuk in northern Iraq. The parade marked the International Quds Day (Jerusalem Day). The Quds Day is an annual event held on the last Friday of Ramadan to express support for the Palestinians and oppose Zionism and Israel. It was initiated by Iran in 1979.

The PMU is a 90,000-strong coalition of predominantly Shia militias, which has actively particilated and is still participating in anti-ISIS operations of the Iraqi government. The PMU was established in 2014 and was officially incorporated into the Iraqi Armed Forces in December 2017. According to some experts, the PMU is the most capable military force in the coutry. The PMU and its leaders also have significant political influence.

For example, a political alliance led Muqtada al-Sadr achieved victory in the 2018 parliamental election, which took place in May. Al-Sadr is leader of the Peace Companies (Sarāyā al-Salām), which are a component of the PMU. Other PMU-linked politicians and groups also gained notable result in the election.

This analysis was released by SF in 2017, but still remains useful to understand the role of the PMU:

The PMU’s Quds Day military parade in Kirkuk is another sign of the group’s influence across Iraq. Over the last few years, the city and its oil-rich countryside used to be in hands of the Iraqi Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) and its US-backed military force known as Peshmerga. However, in 2017, the KRG made an unsuccessful attempt to establish an independent Kurdish state in northern Iraq. The KRG staged an independence referndum in the Kurdish autonomy and multiple other areas including, which were seized by Peshmerga during the war on ISIS.

The KRG’s referendum was held on 25 September 2017 triggering a large-scale political crisis and military tensions with the Federal Government. As a result of this crisis, the Iraqi Army and the PMU used a military option retaking Kirkuk and many other areas from Peshmerga. A de-facto military defeat and a split within KRG political factions put en end to the KRG’s attempts to create an independent state in northern Iraq in 2017 and forced Kurdish President Masoud Barzani to announce his intentions to resign. Despite this, the Barzani family remained in power. For example, Masrour Barzani, a son of Masoud Barzani, is Head of the KRG’s Security Council.

Currently, the PMU, PMU-affilated politicians and PMU-affilated humanitarian organizations are actively working in northern Iraq, especially in the areas formerly controlled by Peshmerga, thus expanding its influence there.

Pictures are collected by Dambiev (source):

Iraqi Popular Mobilization Military Parade In Kirkuk City - Another Sign Of Group's Growing Influence

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Iraqi Popular Mobilization Military Parade In Kirkuk City - Another Sign Of Group's Growing Influence

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Iraqi Popular Mobilization Military Parade In Kirkuk City - Another Sign Of Group's Growing Influence

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Iraqi Popular Mobilization Military Parade In Kirkuk City - Another Sign Of Group's Growing Influence

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Iraqi Popular Mobilization Military Parade In Kirkuk City - Another Sign Of Group's Growing Influence

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Iraqi Popular Mobilization Military Parade In Kirkuk City - Another Sign Of Group's Growing Influence

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Iraqi Popular Mobilization Military Parade In Kirkuk City - Another Sign Of Group's Growing Influence

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Iraqi Popular Mobilization Military Parade In Kirkuk City - Another Sign Of Group's Growing Influence

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Iraqi Popular Mobilization Military Parade In Kirkuk City - Another Sign Of Group's Growing Influence

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Iraqi Popular Mobilization Military Parade In Kirkuk City - Another Sign Of Group's Growing Influence

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Zainab Ali

the exemplary pmus are trained by the best of the righteous


I agree. It would be great if the PMU all work with Iran and strengthen the Axis of Shiite resistance in the region. If they do that, no one will mess with them! They must unite and work with Iran!


And with portraits of Ayatollahs Khomeini, Khamenei and Sistani. I know how Zionists like to see them in a Quds day parade.

An explanation for the ones who aren’t familiar with Shi’a:

Every practicing Shi’a follows a cleric, high enough in his studies to become a “Marja” or source to follow. Some of the Marja’s who are very popular and very high in religious studies become “Marja’ ‘Aam” (general source). Very few achieve that status. Ayatollah Khomeini was one and Ayatollah Sistani is also one of them, but not Ayatollah Khamenei, although he is immensely popular. Ayatollah Khomeini has passed away and religiously it’s not advisable to follow a deceased Marja’ (but if one followed him when he was alive, they may continue). The most popular Shi’a marja’s today are Ayatollahs Khamenei and Sistani.

So Marching in front of those pictures is not necessarily showing that PMU connects to them politically, but religiously. Nevertheless, it was Ayatollah Khomeini who advised the Quds day so it’s natural to see his portrait on a Quds day parade.

PS: Following a Marja’ is to answer the religious questions when in doubt, giving him donations and various religious tax. Only men can become Marja’. Another proof that Iran oppresses women, right? How dare them! ;)


Other should have quds equivalent of annual remembrance against Israel violent conquest.


Thank you Garga for the education. Would you kindly explain the differing tax rates for the Jizah and Zakau.


You’re welcome. Naturally, I’ll explain it as a Shi’a.

Hoo boy, there are a lot of misconceptions and lies about Jaziya. I’ll try to explain from a religious viewpoint and from a sociopolitical point of view.

– From a religious point of view, in a land with a Muslim ruler, everybody has to pay the religious tax. There are 4 kinds:

1- Zakat: A must-pay charity kind of tax (one of the three/five pillars of Islam (3 for Sunnis, 5 for Shi’as). Payer must be adult, independent, free, sane and able, wealthy enough to have enough of the things which Zakat is deductible from (like gold/silver, livestock (camels, cows/bulls, sheep), wheat, barley, dates and raisin (9 items total).It’s advisable to pay Zakat for property and goods, but not a must The poor shouldn’t pay Zakat.

2- Khoms (one fifth): It is payable one time for the following items: Annual benefit (what is left from income after the family’s annual expenses), Minerals (gold, silver, plumb, cupper, oil, charcoal, salt, agate, Turquoise) if what’s remain after deduction of costs is more than the value of ~60gr of gold. Treasure found, more valuable than 60gr of gold, and a few other items. Gifts, inheritance and dowry don’t have a Khoms.

3- Kharaaj (tribute, levy, tax): a tax for land and the benefits of it. A lot of parameters are used to calculate it, like the area, water, droughts and so on.

4- Jazya: The only tax that non-Muslims pay, all 3 above are Muslim tax. Jazya cannot be asked from women, children, elderly, disabled and insane. Slaves shouldn’t pay it, but their non-Muslim owners should pay instead of them. It is a tax for individuals and the land which they own. It’s an annual tax but can be paid in parts. It’s a one-tenth kind of tax, but there’s not a single interpretation for it, different religious figures have different opinions. Please note that if the Islamic government of the land which non-Muslims live in, is unable to perform the it’s duties (which the Jaziye is paid for them, like security and freedom of movement and worship), the Jaziya should not be paid.

The above were from a religious viewpoint. It’s important to note that today’s governments do NOT receive ANY of the above taxes. The first 3 are paid to Marja’s (for Shi’a) or Islamic ruler/cleric (Sunni) to be used for the betterment of the poor or population as a whole and the fourth (Jaziya) is not asked and is not paid. Instead, the Islamic government like any other government demands certain tax which is paid by EVERYBODY, no matter what religion and gender like income tax (various percentage depending on the income), value added tax (fixed percentage for anything you buy) and so on.

Wise Gandalf

Bastard country. Iron courtain around it!

Hisham Saber

That’s no way to talk about Israel.


Humble thanks.

Wise Gandalf

Another killer organization matured to destroy. Iraq should have ONLY regular army and police. No ethnic, religion bastard groupings.


The Christian PMU’s would not have kind words for your thoughts. You are unhappy that General Soleimani was able to organize them and actually beat ISIS in Iraq. That was achievable only because they operated outside of US command. Now that ISIS is largely defeated the US has no more excuse to be in Iraq, so now the PMU’s will beat the US out as well. The Iraqi government will not be able to as it is still a vassal.

Wise Gandalf

christian IS ALSO religion.

no way!

ONLY governmental forces.


Ah, yes you are unhappy that Soleimani was able to organize the PMU’s and beat ISIS, you are American or Israeli. Sad for you.

Wise Gandalf

Look, me does not interest soleimani or others. i am generally against non governmental forces. in each country. also against kurdish forces, for example.


Generally governments are considered honest and honorable in protecting lives and interests of their citizens. However as you may know the American government in Iraq and Syria has waged war upon them by proxy.

That is by “substitute”.

Qatar PM claimed the US, Saudis and Qatar have spent 132 billion on trying to overthrow Assad by funding training and arming Al Qaeda and ISIS. These agents of the Liar support these Wahhabi Sunni jihadists while publicly claiming to be in battle against them.

ISIS in Iraq was not supposed to be beaten, when the Iraqi Army would be about to grease them, the USAF would engage in an accident, and their “friendly fire” would ensure an ISIS victory. ISIS and the “war on terrorism” is the public rational for the continued occupation and control by US military forces. Without Soleimani, the ISIS jihadists would still be holding Iraqi territory. That is probably why some are so keen on seeing the Iranians leave Syria, Soleimani is too smart and the invaders will be beaten.

Hisham Saber

Yes, to destroy the apartheid racist Zionist entity Israel. They have stated over and over that this is their goal. And they will succeed. Miserable Jew.

Hisham Saber

The glue that binds the PMU groups is IRGC Gen. Solemenie. And he answers directly to Khamenei.

Israel’s future is indeed very bleak. The U.S., French, British and Kurds in north-east Syria are effectively surrounded. West of the Euphrates are the Syrian Arab Army, NDF, Hezbollah, about 14,000 Afghan volunteers, Russian mercs, Hezbollah. On the Syrian-Iraqi border, are the Shia militias, PMU.

If these above forces wanted, they could squash the U.S. et al rather quickly and roll up the acres all the way to Jerusalem and Tel Aviv.

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