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Iraqi Popular Mobilization Units Are Ready To Advance On Al-Qa’im City

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On October 25, Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, Deputy Chairman of the Iraqi Popular Mobilization Units (PMU) Committee, announced that the PMU finished its preparations for the upcoming military operation to liberate the last ISIS stronghold in Iraq, al-Qa’im city, according to the PMU media wing.

“The PMU preparations to liberate al-Qa’im have been completed, the operation comes after the PMU liberated Akashat area and al-Walid border crossing” al-Muhandis told the PMU media wing.

Al-Muhandis revealed that the PMU will attack al-Qa’im from the southwestern direction, while the Iraqi Army will attack the city from Rawa town east of it. The deputy chairman of the PMU Committee also said that the aim of the military operation will be to secure the border with Syria and the international highways with Syria and Jordan.

Field commanders of the PMU also told the PMU media wing that their units are ready to begin the military operation in any moment. Meanwhile, Iraqi sources reported that the operation will be launched in the upcoming hours.

The Iraqi Army and the PMU will push to capture Rawa town before advancing towards al-Qa’im city. The operation will likely be harder than the previous anti-ISIS military operations in Tal Afar and Hawija areas.

Chief of Staff of the French Army Jean-Pierre Bosser said on October 25 that 7000 ISIS fighters are now stationed on the Syrian-Iraqi border according to Iraqi sources. ISIS will likely deploy most of these fighters to counter the Iraqi government forces upcoming attack.

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Better they secure that Syria/Iraq border before Peshmerga makes anymore deals with Isis, to pass without a fight and grab the border region.


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Assad Did Nothing Wrong™

I’ve been hearing about imminent operations to take Al Qaim for the last few months. What’s taking so long?


Barzani’s idiotic scheme. Guess who ordered him to do that?


The operations are imminently fast approaching.


The article seems a bit confused: “The Iraqi Army and the PMU will push to capture Rawa town before advancing towards al-Qa’im city.” Hopefully not true. I don’t see this as being necessary, since Rawa is on the north side of the river. Also note the French stating 7000 ISIS fighters left on the border area. This is highly doubtful !! ON TO AL QAIM! better late than never :D


Yes, I cannot imagine there will be much enthusiasm from the bandit Arab tribes who are defecting to the SDF from ISIS to face certain death against the SAA and PMU. Thats estimated to be about 10,000 terrorists.


Have to have everything ready. Syrians and Iraqis will launch at the same time, give or take, to prevent daesh concentrating their forces. Iraqis have been busy at home with another daesh area and lately with the KRG. SAA Has been busy with D-E city, Euphrates East Bank, Mayadeen, restless insurgents in Idlib-Hama, al-Quratayn back-stab, and they are now taking T-2 to complete the preparations. Nearly there. Daesh is very close to being only a memory.


The fucking PMU was supposed to attack several months ago to distract ISIS and help the SAA. But obviously they wanted ISIS to be weaker before actually doing anything.


at last. a key operation in the area, will benefit both SYria and Iraq….

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