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MARCH 2025

Iraqi Prime Minister Says Determined To End U.S.-Led Coalition Presence

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Iraqi Prime Minister Says Determined To End U.S.-Led Coalition Presence

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The Iraqi government is forming a committee to end the United States-led international coalition’s mission in the country, Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani’s office announced on January 5.

“Government is setting the date for the start of the bilateral committee to put arrangements to end the presence of the international coalition forces in Iraq permanently,” a statement from the PM’s office said.

The announcement came a day after a U.S. drone strike killed Mushtaq Talib “Abu Taqwa” al-Saidi, a senior commander of Harakat Hezbollah al-Nujaba, prompting anger among Iran-aligned parties and armed factions in Iraq who demanded the government end the presence of the coalition in Iraq.

“We stress our firm position in ending the existence of the international coalition after the justifications for its existence have ended,” al-Sudani was quoted as saying in the statement released by his office.

Harakat Hezbollah al-Nujaba, which is backed by Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, is a part of the Popular Mobilization Forces (PMF), which is officially recognized by the Iraqi government. It is also thought to be one of the main factions of a shadowy group known as the Islamic Resistance in Iraq which carried out more than a hundred attacks against U.S. forces in the country and neighboring Syria since the start of the Israel war on the Palestinian Gaza Strip.

Abu Taqwa was targeted while he was in a PMF headquarters located within a complex of the Iraqi Interior Ministry in Baghdad’s Palestine neighborhood.

The Pentagon said that the commander was killed in response to recent attacks that targeted U.S. forces in both countries.

The U.S. has 2,500 in Iraq and 900 in Syria on a mission it says aims to advise and assist local forces trying to prevent a resurgence of ISIS.

Expelling U.S.-led coalition forces from Iraq will not be easy, as Washington is determined to maintain this presence. An exit from Iraq will most likely force the U.S. to also withdraw its forces from Syria, which are mainly supplied through the country. This would be a major win for Iran and its allies in the so-called Axis of Resistance.


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american occupation forces withdraw once they have caused enough casualties and burned down all the infrastructure. they call it “democracy”.


no need for ‘a commitee to end usa presence in iraq’. iraq just needs enough irams, drones, short range ballistic missiles, efps, cluster-ammunition, mortar-systems, suicide-bombers and anti-aircraft weapons. half of it already in iraq in good numbers, and the rest can be delivered by iran, turkey or china.

Last edited 1 year ago by MotherTeresa

target us bases including baghdad green zone day and night, stop the oppression of the sunni populated iraqi areas, unite in fighting against the amurikkan invaders, and destroy their oil stealing system, block the harbour, reinstall the old truely iraqi constitution, and unleash hell upon the us mercenaries inside iraq – so that every single day at least 3-5 us soldiers are killed !!!

Last edited 1 year ago by MotherTeresa

and what’s even more important – attack the us & uk invaders at their homes and bases inside europe and elsewhere. losts of us bases in europe. uk is full with iranian and pakistani asylumseekers, that can unleash havoc on uk police, government buildings, military personal and families, petrol stations etc.

Last edited 1 year ago by MotherTeresa

also targeting jewish synagoges & institutes or us bases in germany, france, austria – or jewish let companies like e.on, vodafone, or media stations should not be a big problem. but iran and libanese hezbollah seem to be afraid to strike back at the usraeli beast. order muslimeen & asylumseekers in europe to mass-attack & burn down us,uk and eu media stations, this to me seems to be the most effective move that could& should be done.

Last edited 1 year ago by MotherTeresa

disagree. the anglo-american forces are withdrawing once they’re losing and they’re now losing all over the eurasian and african continent. soon enough we’ll see that their only european, asian and african allies left will be island nations.

Last edited 1 year ago by M.Paraplu
Marcel Bethage

you’ve been hearing this kind of chatter from irak for years! what has happened since then?


now things are very different. us has no weapons to fight, all weapons have delivered to ukraine and all know that. biden is lacking in polls and isreal made huge mistake in attack to gaza, arabs are unite. all the world is expecting something like that and no one has interest or weapons to fight in western countries. it is good time to free iraq.

Psionists slaves of America

and if they leave iraq the will also leave syria. al-asad wins again.


treba tých okupantov jednoducho vybiť!!! iná cesta tu zrejme nie je. sami od seba sa nemienia stiahnuť. veď tam kradnú ropu. a nie že bránia isil, ale oni ho tam sami školia.


máte úplnú pravdu. všetka bieda, ktorú spojené štáty spôsobili v prvých dvoch desaťročiach, sa teraz odvracia.

Last edited 1 year ago by M.Paraplu

us are here to “prevent a resurgence of isis.” only a western boomer can belive these bs. meanwhile only russia strike them and isis does terrorist attack in iran, the worst ennemy of usa/israel. how convenient…


until the m.e. wakes up to how this u-s-protection and extortion mafiusa style racket works nothing will change. isis were formed/funded by the u-s as it’s permanent 30s chicago style ‘violent hoodlums’, murdering and destabilising on the cia’s orders.

iraq won’t get rid of organised crime by making a committee with the racketeers, only further embed the corrupt u-s state.

can any country (except yemen) stand up to bidens’s thugs? oh ussr, where art thou?


ussr collapsed due to the saudis who couldn’t stand up against the us and because natural gas was underused, which was probably the only way to counter us coal at that time.


but lots of countries can stand up to biden’s thugs these days. the us has gone full shale, meaning that their reach of power has gotten weaker, while simultaneously disrupting saudi arabia’s oil market, angering saudi oil barons and making them less dependent on the us at the same time.


and it’s the prc that can stand up against biden’s thugs. the prc’s plan though is to build up other nations and ignore the us.


but the u-s can’t be ignored, its tentacles are everywhere, precisely because of its energy issues. rus, iran and prc effectively allow the u-s room to bully and murder simply by being afraid to push back militarily. to ignore u-s warmongering and play the ‘noble’ long economic game, however, is at the expense of plstn, syr, dnbss etc. this blood soaked waiting game suits the u-s just fine too, whether it’s jb in charge or dt (who encouraged an illegal u-s presence/piracy in syria).


“government is setting the date for the start of the bilateral committee to put arrangements to end the presence of the international coalition forces in iraq permanently,” a statement from the pm’s office said.

the iraqi parliament has already voted in 2020 to expel us troops.


remember in 2020-2022 former prime minister of iraq was mustafa al-kadhimi (a cia dog). that cia dog had “control” over the falcons intelligence cell of iraq (fic). read into fic and who support them and you can link it.


it seems people forget that the us of snakes fuk around in other countries 24/7, be it in iraq, turkey, pakistan or other asian countries (japan, s-korea, even in india). serbia, russia, ukraine, china, hk, etc etc…


blah, blah, blah. the iraqis form a committee rather than act. they are scared shitless of uncle sam. why is it impossible for arab gov’ts ever to do anything? no wonder the arab street admires hamas and hizbollah.


don’t forget the time hamas was bought to fight for quatar alongside al quida in syria. not much in hamas to respect. hezbollah is another thing they seem to have kept their sovereignity for now.

amerikans are morons

self uglified amerikans loved everywhere


the iraqi air force might carpet bomb the invaders to help them go home quickly.


since their air force is us gifted they probably have some “you can’t shoot us with our weapons” stuff integrated.


how many days until he has an accident or there are charges of corruption against him?


američania nemajú čo hľadať v iraku, treba ich vykopnúť čím skôr tým lepšie, homosexuálni americkí okupanti patria do rakiev, poslať ich všetkých do jfk airport a 2 metre pod zem na najbližšom cintoríne. fuck usa, fuck israhell, fuck eu vassals.


talk is cheap and slow…. this is a question of sovereignty, and should not be debated in judicatory courts for endless years.


have heard this before, shit or get off the pot

Zelenskii's Flaring Nostrils

after trump assassinated soleimani and iraqi sentiment to kick americans out was aroused trump refused to leave and added that when the us does leave they are going to charge iraq $10 billion for the base we leave behind. chutzpah!


good but do it fast. no need for committees. get the ziomafia stooges out of your country. no country can prosper with the jewish supremacists and their american slaves involved in their internal affairs.

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