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JUNE 2024

Iraqi Resistance Attacks Vital Targets In Israel’s Eilat, Drone Base In Occupied Golan (Videos)

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Iraqi Resistance Attacks Vital Targets In Israel’s Eilat, Drone Base In Occupied Golan (Videos)

Illustrative image.

The Islamic Resistance in Iraq (IRI), an umbrella group of Iranian-backed armed factions, launched on May 20 three more drone attacks against Israel in response to the ongoing war on the Palestinian enclave of the Gaza Strip.

In three separate statements, the IRI said it struck two “vital targets” in the southernmost Israeli city of Eilat as well as a drone base of the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) in the occupied Syrian Golan Heights. The group released a single video showing the launch of what appears to be an Iranian-made Shahed-101 at the Golan.

On the day of the attacks, the IDF announced in a statement that its fighter jets shot down a “suspicious aerial target,” thought to be a drone, that was heading toward Israel from the direction of Syria.

The apparent drone was downed outside of Israeli airspace, according to the IDF, and alerts were activated in open areas in the Golan Heights.

Separately, fighter jets and one of the Navy’s Sa’ar 4.5-class missile corvette shot down two more targets heading toward Israel from the “eastern direction,” the IDF added

The apparent drones did enter Israeli airspace and no sirens sounded. Amid the incident, people in Eilat reported seeing interceptions.

The IRI first emerged after the outbreak of the Israeli war on the Gaza Strip. The group began launching attacks against Israel as well as against United States forces in Iraq and neighboring Syria after the October 17 al-Ahli Arab Hospital massacre, around ten days into the war.

The group suspended attacks against U.S. forces last February after the death of three American troops in a drone strike on a base in Jordan, reportedly upon a request from Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps. Nevertheless, it escalated attacks against Israel starting from March.

Israel has not openly responded to the IRI’s attacks yet. Nevertheless, it was blamed for several attacks that targeted Iranian-backed armed factions along the Syrian-Iraqi border and near the Syrian capital, Damascus, after the start of the group’s attacks.


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Eilat Brick Shitting Brigade

yes we know. i take one big fat smotrich every morning to the thunder of explosions


this pleases me! justice returned!


it’s about time the jews are served the same crap the jews have served the neighbouring countries for decades. the deserve being on the receiving end of murder and mayhem for once – go iraqis more of the same!

The Crunge

interesting, israel not responding to these attacks after years of syria not responding to their attacks.

Expulsion Don't Work

ashkenazis are anti-semites

Expulsion Don't Work

end global wars. eliminate ashkenazis.

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