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Iraqi Resistance Exact Revenge On Turkey

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Iraqi Resistance Exact Revenge On Turkey

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Iraqi Resistance Exact Revenge On Turkey

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Pro-Iranian factions and the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) continue to launch attacks on Turkish forces in northern Iraq in response to the July 20 Turkish strikes on Zakho district in the province of Duhok. The strikes, which targeted a number of tourist resorts, claimed the lives of nine civilians, including a one-year-old child.

The attacks began on July 22, when a group calling itself Saraya Awliya al-Dam launched two suicide drones at a base of the Turkish military near Bamerne town in Duhok. The two drones were copies of Iran’s Ababil-2.

On the same day, the so-called Islamic Resistance – Iraq Ahrar Brigades fired a salvo of Grad 122 mm rocket at a large Turkish military base located near the town of Zaylkan in Bashiqa district in the province of Nineveh.

On July 24, a second attack with Grad rockets targeted Zaylkan base. The attack was also carried out by the pro-Iranian Islamic Resistance – Iraq Ahrar Brigades.

Late on July 26, a shadowy group calling itself the Ababil Brigades launched a suicide drone at a Turkish military base located in the area of Barukhi and Siri in Duhok. The drone was a downgraded version of Iran’s Shahed-136.

Early on July 27, a third attack with Grad rockets targeted the Turkish military base in Zaylkan. At around the same time, a salvo of four 107 mm rockets, most likely Iranian-made Fadjr-1, targeted the Turkish consulate in the city of Mosul. No group has claimed responsibility for the two attacks, so far. However, Iraqi sources speculated that they were carried out by pro-Iranian factions.

Turkey acknowledged losing a service member and four security officers in northern Iraq on July 25, and another service member on July 27. Some of casualties were reportedly killed in attacks by the PKK, while the rest were apparently killed in recent rocket and drone attacks by pro-Iranian factions.

The new casualties brought to 42 the number of Turkish personnel killed in Iraq since mid-April, when Ankara launched Operation Claw-Lock, against PKK cells in the Kurdistan Region.

The Iraqi Federal Government is currently working with the Kurdistan Region Government to take steps against Turkey’s military operations on Iraqi territory. Baghdad has already asked Ankara to apologize for the deadly strikes on Zakho as well as to withdraw its troops from its northern region.

Despite its mounting losses and the pressure from Iraq, Turkey will not likely halt Operation Claw-Lock. Ankara appears to be planning to ignore Baghdad’s demands and go on with its operation against the PKK. This could further provoke pro-Iranian factions, who could step up their attacks on Turkey’s bases and diplomatic missions in Iraq.

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good job PKK

José Oliveira

Erdogan’s assassin dictatorship, Turkish state sponsored terrorism, and NATO illegal and unprovoked invasions, with civilians bombed and violations of international law. War instead of peace.

I hope the *ssholes in Sweden and Finland are happy to be in this club now. Ukraine/NATO allies have ZERO values. It took Finland only 77 years to be again on the same side as the Nazi. I guess old habits die hard…

I wish the best for the Syrian, Iraqi, Kurdish, and Iranian people. And I never forget Palestinians, Armenians/Artsakh, and the victims of Afghanistan and Yemen. Let’s hope Russia (and SCO) can be more helpful in all those regions once the Ukrainian issue is finished.

Until then, Turkey will continue to seize this window of oportunity to keep committing its crimes against mankind. I guess they learned very well from their NATO genocidal friends. The western values…


Well stated.


Turkey exists in paradox–kurds are aligned w CIA; they are justified in protecting sovereignty; by acting like USA in Syria/Iraq etc they destablize themselves unfortunately

Pooty Tutenkahmen

The relationship with the CIA is completely mercenary The US needed Kurdish fighters to work where US forces. cant or wont go so they hired the PKK.It wont last much longer especially now that Russia has finally stopped backstabbing Iran , at least we hope so

Rodney Loder.

Can’t understand why Iran is helping PKK, sure Idlib al-Tahrir al-Sham supported by Turkish operation but US presence in Syria is much more dangerous for SAA and US are protecting PKK in Syria and Iraq.


I don’t understand why people think Iran has control of the militants in Iraq they might be allied with Iran but that doesn’t mean they are owned by Iran. If these militants see that it will be beneficial to fight along side of the PKK to kick turkey out of Iraq then that is what they will do these militants live in Iraq not Iran their interest are in Iraq first and foremost. Hezbollah has said this many times they are allies with Iran not their proxy Lebanons interest comes first before their alliance with Iran and that goes for every Group in the axis of resistance.


Quite simple really….’the enemy of my enemy is my friend.’ …

an old adage and one that has stood the test of time..


Because its none sense,thats why! No secret turkey is ready to allie with assad to rid gulen teorrists!


That’s like saying america is ready to ally with russia to get rid of syria, or iran. Syria has no problem with kurds, even if they allied with America. It’s complicated but not complex. That is to say Syria has much bigger problems with Turkiye, ally of America, than Kurds, ally of America. See neither turks nor kurds are really allies but, ha-ha, it’s for different reasons.

Sgt. Based

Turkey has invaded Iraq and Syria but not one sanction from the rest of NATO


They should ask Antony Blinken to get involved, since he said, like yesterday, that the most important principles on earth are sovereignty (he’s of course referring to states not individuals) and independence (I’m guessing he means freedom, i.e. self-determination, since you’d think independence is the same thing as sovereignty).

Then again, who knows with lying scum, or for that matter why anything coming out of their mouths matters.

Rodney Loder.

Iran and Turkey seem to be fighting for influence in Syria, the difference between them from a Syrian perspective has to come from the overall picture on the world stage, – US about to engage in South China Sea, US getting humiliated in Ukraine, Turkey as a member of NATO will be thinking twice about helping out the US politically especially since US supporting the Kurds in Syria, Iraq, Armenia and Turkey, Kurds not a problum in iran at the moment. Only l Jesus Christ can sort this one out.

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