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Iraqi ‘Resistance’ Groups Attack Five US Supply Convoys (Video)

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Iraqi ‘Resistance’ Groups Attack Five US Supply Convoys (Video)

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On March 25, five convoys carrying supplies and equipment for the US-led coalition came under attack in different parts of Iraq.

The attacks took place in the following areas:

  • The first supply convoy was attacked near the city of al-Diwaniyah in the southern province of al-Qādisiyyah. The Islamic Resistance in Iraq – ‘Ashab al-Kahf claimed responsibility for the attack;
  • The second supply convoy was attacked near the city of al-Nasiriyah in the southern province of Dhi Qar. Saraya Awli’a al-Dam claimed responsibility for the attack;
  • The third supply convoy was attacked near the district of Yusufiya in the outskirts of the capital, Baghdad. The International Resistance claimed responsibility for the attack. Three trucks were allegedly damaged. The group shared a video of the attack;
  • The fourth supply convoy was attacked near the city of Hillah in the central province of Babylon. No group has claimed responsibility for the attack yet;
  • The fifth supply convoy was attacked near al-Diwaniyah. No group has claimed responsibility for the attack yet.

All five convoys were targeted with improvised explosive devices, which have became the go-to weapon for pro-Iranian factions in Iraq.

The attacks on US convoys and bases in Iraq are a response to the assassination of Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, Deputy-Commander of the Iraqi Popular Mobilization Units, and Iran’s Quds Force Commander Qassim Soleimani.

The March 25 attacks demonstrate the commitment of pro-Iranian groups to their ultimate goal, which is to force US troops out of Iraq as soon as possible.


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“All five convoys were targeted with improvised explosive devices” Nice! But not single word about how many trucks are destroyed ?! Deliberately or not, one surely can’t see anything from that video above

John Wallace

How do those US armored vehicles stand upto an RPG , front or back .. Obviously the trucks carrying them won’t . I guess too much open ground so lack of protection for someone to use an RPG ..

Steve Standley

Yeah you’re right, RPGs are generally speaking short range. Like 200-300 meters. Exception: RPG-29 is about 800 meters with tripod. 500 without. Otherwise ATGMs are a better choice here. Even an older Russian ATGM like the Metis-M1 is accurate to 1.5 km and will blow through lots of armor.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

And shred the nerves even more.

John Wallace

I was thinking there seemed to be plenty of RPG’s captured from ISIS and that ATGM’s were a little more difficult to get ahold of.. Need to increase damage to increase cost. They never say if the truck driver was hurt although it looks probable from the explosions.. Must give palpitations to the driver following..

Steve Standley

They certainly could have used RPGs. I mean, they are engaging a semi-rig hauling an armored fighting vehicle. It’s not like the rig or any other rig on the road was going to stop and hunt them down. I think this crew is just getting it’s feet wet.

Fog of War

” I think this crew is just getting it’s feet wet. ”

Because Iraq doesn’t have tens of thousands of men with long term combat experience. Seriously guy ?

Steve Standley

Absolutely serious. You’re dismissing evidence for a broad-brush generalization. You even comment on the poor quality of the video, and yet you think your generalization is some kind of overriding truth? This group was started in 2020. Just what fraction of Iraqi men do you think have experience bombing coalition assets and video taping it? How much command-detonation IED work do you think the Iraqis have done in the last 10 years. lol @ your reasoning.


The guys involved in directly attacking US occupational forces, if they are still around would be in their 40’s, unless they have the energy of youth to fight. Whoever’s doing it now would have to be those born when the 2003 invasion happened.


Definitely IED is preferred choice for these sorts of roadside attacks – is just a wired up artillery shell, so very cheap and most importantly remotely detonated. RPG-7 will leave a smoke trail straight back to the operator, likewise a truck on a main highway is a relatively fast moving target, so RPG operator would need to be at most around 100 metres to maximize its accuracy range, against moving target, and standard RPG-7 warhead is hollow charge, that may not be so effective against soft skinned truck target. It could actually go straight through an unarmored haulage cab, or scorch hole through side of sea-container, spraying inside with jet of hot liquid metal, but as container insides are very large this would not necessarily be overly effective (in contrast, the hollow charge’s jet of hot liquid metal is designed to be very bad for anything inside of a cramped tank or armored vehicle).


I agree about RPG’s. Those are IED, “improvised explosive devices” mentioned in the article, not RPG’s. Depending on their size they can even destroy tanks so… Logical to use IED’s because IED’s can be activated from very safe distance by phone. The biggest problem is the speed of those trucks… drone above or laser guided optical device is needed for accurately activating IED from big distance on truck going fast… I didin’t see any “US armored vehicles” on this video. Just regular heavy trucks…

John Wallace

Thanks but I very well know all about RPG’s I still have a few pieces in me from one. I want to know if they are effective against those US armored vehicles . They sit pretty high which was to combat the IED’s in Iraq after the previous versions got hammered. They look like a juicy target and surly an RPG would make amess unless they have added protection . https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/f5174e021e324132b4a952c7160224ee62caafb2de47725208e95a5b144a0454.jpg


They are big juicy targets. They always will be one (doesn’t matter which modern fancy Armour they use ) Those trucks are built above all to resist better, the road mines (anti tank). By better protecting lives of those inside (Survivability). I doubt very much that they are effective against any IED’s…. also I doubt very much that they can resist any modern RPG’s if directly hit from any direction (except engine). Standard armored trucks are built to resist heavy machine guns. My lucky guess is that their protection would go up to 25mm caliber auto canon at the best! But definitively not above that. They are not light armored vehicles but trucks after all.

John Wallace

Thanks. Pretty well much what I think but I am a bit surprised a few of them have had an RPG or heavy machine gun squirt to see what they can take.. Wasn’t it during the early days IED’d were going off everywhere so this lot of more of an annoyance than anything else..


Good points. This looks either like “annoyance”or “publicity stunt” to have posture of “rebellion” but with lots of noise and without much results… (avoiding like that, to make US angry because of serious losses) To me all these “attacks” are just sporadic (not well planned or executed) IED attacks. No wonder this video losing focus in the moment of explosion. If nothing was damaged from explosion than that was failed attempt…


I think the IEDs are best in this kind of environment but they need to make them stronger and more deadlier for the invaders!



klove and light

to be continued………………….

Steve Standley

I think these Iraqi guys are just getting their legs under them. For instance, the poor quality of the video tells us they are still working the bugs out of their missions. Surely they wanted that video to demonstrate their work to the world; go watch houthi combat videos. they are pretty good. Also, this is not a big explosion. It probably only damaged the semi-truck hauling the oshkosh or mrap or whatever it was. I suspect by all the fire it produced this was not all high explosive. Perhaps fuel or powder or something that burns, or “deflagrates”.

Steve Standley

The video is from the “international resistance” group. Al-Sadr called for the formation of this group in early 2020, so it’s a relatively new group. I’m sure their work will only get better.


Pro-Iranian? They are Pro-Iraqi militia. Is this a US State Dept. website or something?

Assad must stay


Pave Way IV

All five convoys were targeted with improvised explosive devices, which have became the go-to weapon for pro-Iranian factions in Iraq.

107mm rockets seem to be the most common “Yankee Go Home” reminder. Don’t recall IEDs being a ‘pro-Iranian faction’ thing.

The attacks on US convoys and bases in Iraq are a response to the assassination of Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, Deputy-Commander of the Iraqi Popular Mobilization Units, and Iran’s Quds Force Commander Qassim Soleimani.

I’m sure they’re still pissed about that, but these are not retaliatory strikes, they’re invitations to leave.

The March 25 attacks demonstrate the commitment of pro-Iranian groups to their ultimate goal, which is to force US troops out of Iraq as soon as possible.

Iran, Iran, Iran… Ya know, it’s just possible that Iraqis completely unrelated to ‘pro-Iranian militias’ are just as eager to have us leave. I’m sort of suspicious about sketchy reports of so many never-heard-of ‘pro-Iranian militias’ that are suddenly coming out of the woodwork to attack us. Seems a bit false-flagy to me.

Fog of War

” I’m sort of suspicious about sketchy reports of so many never-heard-of ‘pro-Iranian militias’ that are suddenly coming out of the woodwork to attack us. Seems a bit false-flagy to me. ”

BINGO, we have a winner !

Fog of War

Is the posted video a joke ? Why pan the camera to a higher angle right before we’re supposed to see the explosion ?

Fog of War

” Three trucks were allegedly damaged. ”

Yawn … more dead tires. How lucky for Uncle Scam, How very lucky. I remember the IED’s from the gulf wars. Totally different ” animals “. How very lucky.

Steve Standley

your observation supports my conclusion up here^ about the group being new to this, and yet, like inspector Clouseau, you literally trip over the evidence and never recognize it.


This explosion looks very fake after comparing it with real videos of explosions. It looks like its from a videogame. I advise SF to look into this and take everything they get from this source or group with a grain of salt.

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