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Iraqi Resistance Groups Send Threats To United States By Releasing Photos Of Its Bases In Middle East

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Iraqi resistance groups (also often brended by media as ‘pro-Iranian militias’ continue publishing photos and videos of US facilities in the Middle East in an apparent message to the US military and political leadership.

This time they posted edited satellite images of the US military base in Kuwait.

Earlier, Usbat al-Tha’ireen, a recently-formed Iraqi armed group, released a new video threatening U.S. forces deployed in the Ayn al-Assad military base and Baghdad’s Green Zone (where the US embasssy is located).


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Mustafa Mehmet


Zionism = EVIL

Watch em drop Turkey boy :)

Mustafa Mehmet

Will see near future everything will change in Middle East and around the world. (if) people can stop man-made corona 19 first.. the whole world suffering at the moment not just the Yankees

Zionism = EVIL

The virus is part of the Zionist/Americunt biowarfare gone feral. It is time you Turkeys get out of Syria and leave your neighbors in peace or KARMA will destroy you. I have always believed in a natural cycle of justice, the Americunt arseholes got too arrogant and full of hubris. Natural justice was inevitable. They are finished. The biggest winners are China and Iran who held their ground and principles. Chinese economy is back to 90% normal and will grow at 20% or more as all manufacturing in now in China. SO FUCK AMERICUNTS.

Mustafa Mehmet

So who’s going to do business with China now.?even your mother Russia worry now c’19 spreading like anything in Russia . my unfortunate friend stag over there to I get the true news from her

Zionism = EVIL

Dude, you don’t realize that China is a very powerful country which already had 60% of all global manufacturing. It is allied to Pakistan and Iran, the cornerstones of ONE BELT which have a combined population of over 300 million much more than Americunts. You obviously don’t pay attention to even South Front news, Nigeria the biggest country in Africa is buying Chinese weapons. I can go on, but you get the idea. Iran was saved by China’s quick and selfless medical intervention. Iranians will never forget the magnanimous Chinese assistance. China will now dominate Europe too as it is sending medical supplies, what have the evil Americunts done, greedy bastards even stole from their NATO arselickers. Not meant as an insult, but you Turkeys are really stupid to have delusions that you can annex Arab lands like the Zionist fucks who are finished too. It is time to become humans again and stop these wars.

Mustafa Mehmet

look don’t think Turkey wants to annex anybodys land. assad couldn’t stop pkk. or the rest whatever they call them self.. attacking and killing innocent people there was no secured border-left.. turks has to intervene to protect our borders hopefully near future everything back to normal.

Zionism = EVIL

Let’s hope so. Assad is the best there is and it is for Syrian people to decide. The bravery shown by the SAA and majority of Syrians vindicates Assad, that he has the support of the people. Turkey should have learnt to stay secular and stay away from Arabs who destroyed the Ottoman Empire and will do it again if they are pushed. History is the best indicator of the future. Turkey should stop meddling in neighboring states, focus on its growing economic and virus problems. Turkey should play a positive role and also work out some modus vivendi with the Kurds, even though they are bastards and trouble makers. No country in the region will ever allow them to have “state”. If Turkey cooperated with Iran, Iraq and Syria on the Kurd problem, there would be no problem. Dr. Assad even sent that pimp Abdullah Ocalan back to Turkey and the Erdogan started supporting Wahhabi terrorists. What kind of logic is that?


exactly, kurds can be tenants in the borderland and have a life but if they strive for more there is no future even if the yankeetwats and the maggoty jews tell them otherwise. the kurds should realise that promises by the yankeetwats are as valid as yesterday’s paper and the jews, whether as land-thieves in palestine or embedded/entrenched traitors in london or new york or paris, will lie, cheat, kill and steal like there is no tomorrow and their siren-song just that – worth nothing. kurds would be better off joining force with Assad and turkey when they go for the jews in palestine, as they will – iron doooooom is coming.

Jens Holm

You tell exactly how Your dark is. A wall around You is the best solution for the rest of the world but not for the people living in that dirty kettle of Yours.

Jens Holm

We have weather rapport like Your writing. Its more reliable to put a finger out of the window. If it becomes wet, its raining.

Jens Holm

That number is not correct. The was majority still are very poor in the ol farmland with very low incomes and pension.

You also has to subtract old and children as well its stil a tradition there – as in main parts og ME – that the women educates less and are kept home.

So Your 1,4 billion has to be compared with working forces. But the Chinese economy is doing much better then the USA one does.

Here You also forget – as written above – that a lot of that productiity wil be used for internal improvements.

Unliike You, the Chinese makes the cake to share bigger. Its not only China takes from the rest, so we get less, which is a typical MUhammed Economy statement.

I also will add, that China now will no more be treated as underdevelloped and therefore has to sell at Our markets to what we name as normal prices. We lso wont accept anymore, that they can buy most of Our companies and we cant do the same thing in China.

We also try to reduce the crap they sell to us. Of course cheep produced things also is cheeper.

They do have big problems with that themselves all over and not only in milk and food.

Denmark could export a lot more to them. Our probems is ecant priduce much more then we do. They are desperate to get better food.

Many scintist also say, that the Corona is develloped by people and animals lives too close, which is normal in China.

We have seen it for the Kopts in Egypt. All their pigs was slaugtered and mainly by polical reasons, but those pigs was kept as old day garbage eaters and therefore a healt risk as well.

Jens Holm

I can confirm that. I thought lyiong was nomer one for a Nobel price for it. Ignorance might be close to that.


F-ck Turkye ISIS!

The Objective

You do spew a lot of nonsense, don’t you? The U.S empire is in decline, but its military is still a highly deadly force. Even Iran will pay a heavy price to purge America from the Middle East, let alone the Iraqi militia. You reason like a child. What you do on this forum is cheer-leading. I have read many of your posts here, and most are disgusting. They add little knowledge to the conversation, and make other U.S haters (including myself) feel embarrassed. It also affects the credibility of SouthFront when you spew this illogical assertions. If you want to learn to comment logically, visit sites like thesaker.is, moonofalabama, viableopposition.blogspot.com, and many others. I refrain from reading your comments now because I know it’s a waste of time – I am unlikely to learn anything new. PLEASE, STOP POLLUTING THIS FORUM

Jens Holm

He is like childrens wish lists, where they get only a few things and also has not to use old clothe and toys, so the addings makes a zero for subtractions too.

Je is a minus hiomselv. A non devellopment zone in the ME model made by Muhammed 1300 yars ago like dust to dust.

He is raised to do nothing and its an honor to give non working things for free.

I cant hear anything, hes says – Sitting in hos ears.


the quicker the dumbass morons from washington dc decide enough is enough and retreats back home and accept another defeat and leave the friggin jews to fend for themselves, sure that would be the optimal outcome. but since the lawmakers on the hill are bought and paid for by the jewry and trump, silly dumb twat out of his depth, is in the grip of netanyahu/kushner, it’s unlikely to happen so the best way forward is numerous small attacks on the disunited states of A’s interests and the dumbass morons will have to be fuck off for home, to mom, applepie and lowgrade education and non-existing healthcare and crumbling infrastructure and so on. just let them friggin jews fend for themselves and save the disunited states of A from disintegration and wholesale poverty and and and. apartfrom that – just fuck offff.

The Objective

How about we focus on the latest developments on ground and try to figure out what’s about to unfold. Seriously, these emotional, instead of logical comments adds nothing except stir up anger and false hope. There is no doubt that America is dangerous country to the World, and Israel is even much more dangerous to everyone, not just Muslims. But screaming on forums for the U.S to pack up and leave isn’t going to change anything. Since America married the dollar to oil in 1975, it is stuck with having to interfere with sources of oil from around the world in order to protect the dollar and its economy. Without this, they cannot maintain their military, let alone expand it. Leaving the Middle East is like leaving America’s economy to the fate of that region. Should the U.S leave and governments in the region start accepting other currencies beside the dollar for oil sales, the U.S economy will feel an immediate jolt. NO. The U.S certainly will not leave the Middle East without a real bloody fight. And if Iran succeeds in forcing the U.S out or severely damaging its military capability in the region, I think they will nuke Iran.


yada yada yada

The Objective

Americans who keep protesting that Trump withdraw U.S forces from the Middle East don’t know a shit about how the U.S economy works. Iran is the greatest threat to America today because of the sensitive position it occupies in the Middle East.

When America’s policy makers identify Russia and China as the greatest threats to America, they are lying. Russia and/or China will never go to war with the U.S. Them too are imperialists like they U.S. Given the chance, both Russia and China will exploit weaker nations. The only time the get at odds with America is when their economic and political interests are threatened by the U.S. For this reason, Russia and China will not fight the U.S to protect a weaker country from being exploited.

But Iran is very likely to fight the U.S if sufficiently armed. They are driven by a religious ideology which puts their belief over all other interests, including economy and political. That is the reason Trump is obsessed with Iran. Iran is his top priority over all else – and make no mistake, Trump wants a war! He is only being hesitant because he isn’t sure the American public will continue supporting the war should America’s losses become intolerably high, which is very likely. Should he lose domestic support in a war with Iran and is forced to make premature peace, the situation would be a nightmare. Iran will openly test a nuke and build a nuclear arsenal, and then all hell will break loose for the U.S and Israel in the Middle East. Attacks by both Iran and its proxies will be more daring and destructive to U.S interests.

If Trump wins a second term, I think this war is a done deal. He will risk impeachment in the Middle of this war!


take your meds idiot

Jens Holm

So americans are suisiders:)

The China economy is not back to normal at all. They restart the Wuhan part well and most parts of the rest has not been locked down much.

You forget, that they have to sell it to someone. It makes no sense to produce a lot, if its not bought.


Telling Iran is doing fine is telling me and the rest of the world, You hardly know where it is. Is Trump President there???

Shia man

Iran is doing more then fine they have it under control and more then half of the active cases have already recovered.

Iran has seen a sharp decrease in the number of new cases of coronavirus as well as a decrease in mortality from it. pic.twitter.com/agSZw5ZMFZ— Y.N.M.S (@ynms79797979) April 9, 2020

Jens Holm

Any normal person in the whole worldknow in writings, that 2 ministers and Your Pope delayed the correct classic anti virus attitude.

They were adviced well by the Iranian healt care system.

Shame on You writing like that. So many has died as spendables for very bad resons.

Shia man

US is much worse why don’t you focus on your country instead of pointing your finger else where like your incompetent president maybe then your problem will begin to get solved.

Zionism = EVIL

Responding to a attention seeking mental patient is not a good idea.


Another good one! Pull no punches bro, you speak the truth with passion! Bless you!

Zionism = EVIL

Truth always wins. The Americunts are finished, they have spread evil and misery long enough and now nothing can reverse their decline. Just enjoy the bastards beg and die.


Can’t wait it! Thank you!


You mean Pompeovirus?

Zionism = EVIL

Let me make one thing crystal clear, the “Iraqi resistance” is the armed forces of Iraq and the people and the very reason they have not attacked the cowardly Americunt arseholes in force is to let the virus infected cunts leave peacefully, if the Americunts scum and the NATO arselickers don’t leave in a short time the body bags will pile up sky high. The Americunt cowards and hunkered down like rats in 3 bases and all contact with Iraqi military has ceased due to insider attack fears. A second Americunt aircraft carrier has just been mothballed due the majority of crew infected. Pentagon is censoring the truth, but intelligence leaks reveal that over 15,000 Americunt lardass child killers have perished due to the Pimpeo virus. So FUCK OFF or DIE!

Jens Holm

I see no censorship – and here they are blamed bring photos :)

And yes, we never should have helped that quagmire. They deserve to be a part of Iran. They will integrate well in corruption too.

Shia man

I really wonder why southfront never published this video with this article apparently this is also a new Iraqi resistance group

The Islamic Resistance in #Iraq published a statment claiming responsibility for the targeting of a logistical convoy supporting American forces in the country. The statement claims the attack occurred on 04/08 causing death and the loss of equipment. pic.twitter.com/xSjqpclBqV— Joe Truzman (@Jtruzmah) April 9, 2020


Superbly put!

Thank you!


yes, a barrage of missiles on these bases will make the yankeetwats wishing for home, for mom, applepie and low grade education and a nonexistent healthcare system and a seriously dilapidated infrastructure and fake news 24/7 as a better choice than missiles and rockets and being body-bagged home.

once the twats are out of the way, the road to tel aviv and the annihilation of the thieving, murdering and lying jews can ensue. fun to watch and if they just breath one word of nukes they’ll be toast everywhere since the world will not accept to be held hostage to the jews’ threat of using the nukes. they will be gone in a heartbeat and that includes the embedded/entrenched jews around the world.

Zionism = EVIL

I have been reading and analyzing the dumbass Americunt intelligence reports by different countries, the bastards are fucked as their military is slowly being put out of commission.

General says coronavirus may affect more Navy ships

Pentagon leaders anticipate that the coronavirus may strike more Navy ships at sea after an outbreak aboard an aircraft carrier in the Pacific infected more than 3,000 sailors, a top general said Thursday.

Gen.John Hyten, vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said one member of the crew of the USS Theodore Roosevelt was hospitalized Thursday in intensive care on Guam, where the carrier has been docked for more than a week. He said 1416 crew members are now infected and that 1,164 test results are pending. Some estimates put the number of US military personnel infected as high as 30% due to close quarter living and poor medical and hygiene conditions as most service personnel come from poor families and have existing medical conditions like obesity, diabetes, rampant drug use and poor diet.

Jens Holm

The oneeyaed versions here are the same. Al others are hit by Corona, so they are hurt too. But that of couse dont bother You….

Zionism = EVIL

This is the ideal time to finish off the Zionist cancer, engage the motherfuckers in a sapping asymmetrical war over multiple fronts and bombard them with missiles. The ugly vermin will run back to the North American and Euro ghettos from where they came.

Luke Hemmming

One just has to look at how the USA is coping with the coronavirus to see how down hill and backwards that country is. 1900 deaths in a 24 hour period. So much for the Great America, MAGA and all those other stupid slogans they use to describe the US. Mass graves been dug in NYC. People lining up for food handouts. 16 million applying for unemployment benefits. For a 1st world country its doing worse off than India (1.4 billion pop. and lots of large slum areas, 199 deaths to date, Syria (a war torn country with large population and refugee movements and large refugee camps – deaths from coronavirus…2)!! Pakistan 193 million pop. 63 deaths and not considered a 1st world country. Yup the good ol USA…what a joke!

Jens Holm

USA has 220 mio. inhabitant and each produce several timesa mopre then any Iranian.

And yes, they are in the late group just as Iran, Italy and Spain.

Im afrais it makes no sense to compare with India as You do too. We font know if they has theor part of it under control.

It also a matter of who gets this “influenze” first, because then they also get well first – the ones alive.

And it is about 2% only and about 6 % for the very old.

In its own bizar way it saves money the old ones die earlier too.

You have no idea about, what its all about.

Traiano Welcome

Your numbers are wrong. The rest of what you say is no more trustworthy either: Population of the US 327.2 million (2018) In 2018, around 155.76 million people were employed in the United States. Of those 155.76 million you will have a hard time convincing anyone that every single one of them (burgher flippers and paper shufflers included) are more productive than every single Iranian (including those developing home grown technologies and producing sophisticated technology exports to the rest of the world). Your information, logic and reasoning are defective so your argument just doesn’t fly at all.

Zionism = EVIL

The idiot is mental patient and trolls every comment and you are responding to him. He uses google translate to post total baloney.

Traiano Welcome

I know, I just put that out there for the benefit of the gullible who might on a bad day just take him seriously. Got to protect the youth, you know …

Zionism = EVIL

Indeed, all this spending on wars and weapons was bound to backfire as I have been posting for years. The Americunts are selfish greedy swine who had the delusion of “full spectrum dominance” and now as we have before they can’t even feed their people let alone provide basic services. Hurricane Katrina was just the beginning. The stupid Jew controlled bastards spent $13 TRILLION on lost wars since 2001 false flag and now can’t even buy masks for their fuckwit brainwashed moronic made in China Walmart flag waving arsehole population.

Shia man

Yes indeed god gave them many chances to fix their ways and repent but they continued with their arrogance and thuggery Towards other countries they even voted for a president which embodies their ideals.

Zionism = EVIL

I believe it is in their evil nature from get go. If you look at their pathetic history, they committed a holocaust of the Native Americans, used primitive bio-warfare by passing on blankets with small pox, diseases, then instituted slavery, racism, violent gun culture, oppression of the weak, stole half of Mexico. The country is built on lies, greed and violence. They are degenerate dehumanized criminals, nothing less and now the world can judge for itself.

Shia man

Indeed it’s their culture after all Roman culture.

Zionism = EVIL

Good point, some say that Anglo-Americunts are a modern day continuation of the Roman empire, just more crude, greedy, vicious and power hungry. With modern weaponry these bastards have wreaked havoc for over 300 years from India, China, Africa to Latin America, just plunder, loot and steal lands and commit genocide. Now it is coming to an end and full circle.

Luke Hemmming

If you google translate his comments even google would probably reply “translation unavailable for this text” or something like that LOL.

Zionism = EVIL

LOL, you are right, I have even tried to put his baloney in different languages for gaining some sort of comprehension, but still came up blank. The Danes have a lot to answer for their mental health system and access to the internet.

Luke Hemmming

Some people should be banned from using the internet…Jens is one of those people.

Zionism = EVIL

The main problem I have with idiots like him and that goes for hasbara too, they just spam to ruin threads and reply to every comment. It is a tactic to break up a discussion.

Luke Hemmming

Absolutely correct you are. I have now changed my tactic and make reference to them as a third party instead of directly replying to them.

Zionism = EVIL

Best way to neutralize them is to ignore them. They try to bait, as the “Objective” hasbara troll tried to do below. I have been playing this game a long time and not that easy to bait. Ignore the bastards and keep on with your honest comments. There are some very smart people here too who are well read and traveled.

Luke Hemmming

Again you are right and I have actually not really done much commenting on here lately and when I do I try to avoid making a comment to their comments but I just had to let Jenny the drunkard know that he is a drunken phuckwit hahaha. But yes I will try to refrain from making comments to them directly. :-)

Luke Hemmming

USA pop is 330 million approx. you phucking retarded douche bag get your facts right and lay off the booze you drunken bum

Zionism = EVIL

The evil, mean, selfisg, greedy bastards have no universal health care system or care about their millions of homeless and poor. Even the MSM is now questioning the farce of the deadbeat Americunt system.

Coronavirus is hurting America’s self-anointed “exceptionalist” place as a world leader while China rises with a human face

American friends have told me they’ve been shocked by what’s happening in their country. Since, America could not deal with the crises it created, it now has to beg China and Russia for help.

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