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MARCH 2025

Iraqi Warplanes Kill 45 ISIS Members In New Round Of Strikes In Syria

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Iraqi Warplanes Kill 45 ISIS Members In New Round Of Strikes In Syria

Via the Iraqi Air Force

On June 23, the Joint Operations Command of the Iraqi military announced in an official statement that warplanes of the Iraqi Air Force had targeted a meeting of ISIS commanders in the Syrian town of Hajin in the southeastern Deir Ezzor countryside.

“In accordance with the orders of the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, Dr. Haider Al-Abadi, and according to accurate intelligence information from the Falcons intelligence cell, and in coordination and supervision of the Joint Operations Command, Iraqi F16 warplanes carried out a successful airstrike [inside Syria],” the Iraqi military Joint Operations Command said in its official statement.

According to the Joint Operations Command, Iraqi warplanes destroyed three hours in Hajin, where ISIS commanders were holding a meeting. The three houses were connected via a network of tunnels, which allowed the terrorist commanders to move unseen between them.

As a result of the airstrikes 45 fighters and commanders of ISIS were killed, according to the Joint Operations Command. The list of the airstrikes’ fatalities included the director of ISIS ministry of war, the deputy of ISIS minister of war, the military commander of ISIS in the region of al-Jazeera, a director of ISIS’ media, two commanders of ISIS’ security forces (Hisbah), a member of ISIS main commission and the personal messenger of ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.

During the last three months, the Iraqi Force carried out several airstrikes on the remaining positions of ISIS in eastern Syria in coordination with both the US-led coalition and the joint Syrian-Iraqi-Russian-Iranian intelligence cell in the Iraqi capital of Baghdad.

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Gregory Casey

More Brilliant News in 2018 following on the Syrian Arab Army retaking of Douma and E Damascus ……. so far!! Onwards and upwards in Southern Syria all the way to the Golan Heights!


Golan Heights should be last frontier to liberate. They must completely clean whatever is left of ISIS in SAA controlled territory. They can’t start fight with Israel and their Jihad servants before resolving problems of Eastern Euphrates and Kurd’s and Idlib.

Gregory Casey

I agree. I believe that Syrian Forces need to re-take everything East of the Euphrates first together with all territory between the Euphrates and the Mediterranean prior to embarking on any Ops in areas of Northern Syria currently under the control of Turkey and its Gangsters or the Golan.


If I might add If they reach agreement with Kurd’s over the autonomy, they might get control over majority of Syrian border without fighting. In that case US-NATO can only pack their bags and go away. That would leave Idlib problem to tackle and resolve. After which they can direct everything they have against Golan.

Gregory Casey

Agreed. That is my own view, more or less although I suspect that doing a deal with Kurds may well depend on how well or how badly Kurdish Candidate gets on in Turkish Election today.


I have no comment on “Kurdish Candidate”. My knowledge on Turkish internal politics is symbolic.

Gregory Casey

Actually, he is running in the Presidential Election today while sitting in Jail having been put there by the Gangster Erdogan


Oh PKK leader?! What was his name…how come is that possible that they let him running for president?!

Bill Wilson

You quiet a barking dog by cutting off it’s head.


That would mean bombing in Washington DC and Tel Aviv.




New York, the capital of the empire is Manhattan island and Brooklyn.


Poor Trump


Was this ISIS group acting independently or getting aid from West?


Seriously? acting independently?


“… acting independently2” means that they were no US-“advisors” among them?


Apart from logistics – food, water, ammunition, medical care, transport and intelligence (from U.S. drones and satellites) about positions of their enemy, well apart from all that they were “acting independently”.

Dr. Ronald Cutburth

Wow! How wonderful may those commanders only go to hell.


Probably won’t make any difference. Many ‘commanders’ have been killed in the past and Daesh just carry on regardless!


They Die Faster than Your Government can Train’m….


not so sure about that….. they are not only running out of territory and soldiers but also out of commanders


And yet they are attacking places in Syria and Iraq on a daily basis


Yes. Because they have great logistics and assured best transport from US & NATO ! They don’t even need commanders because they execute already prepared orders and tactics from US-NATO anyway. Once SAA clears one region ISIS are transported and they reappear in another region with plenty of ammunition, food and water. They have US-NATO satellites on their disposition and they know positions of SAA and Iraqi troops on daily bases.

ISIS & US & NATO are well known TERRORIST GROUPS you know.


They can use all them NATO Goodies including their Intelligence and Radar…AWACS at their “Service”….Choppers Deliver them right to the Frontlines where they are needed…Damn this is the Way to Create & Lead the Biggest Terrorist-Movement in the Whole Wide World… The USraeli-Headchoppers..Major League Terrorists…come and Play with’m Big Boyzzz…Earn Big Bucks Stealing: Land, Oil & Gold..!!! What Poor Uneducated Sorryass Loser doesn’t want to be part of that..


Blackhawk taxi service.


“… but also out of commanders”.. Well , the US advisors have the say there anyway..


Your right, the only way to stop them is to target the commanders, the US and Israel.


Nice this Iraqi…Syrian…Iranian… Joint Ops… Brotherly United…..Latersss USrael…..


72 virgin goats are waiting for them

Great job Iraq ! You have killed in 1 strike more ISIS then US & NATO in all these years combined..


And meanwhile PUTIN takes out Air-Force from Syria (AGAIN this game!)


The Russians announced that they had moved some aircraft from Syria, how do you know they weren’t replaced by other aircraft? To assume makes an ass of u and me.


Those are very harsh desert conditions. With too much sand flying around… Russia has already lost fighter jet falling into the sea…. Not cleaning them up thoroughly from certain number of hours it can be dangerous. Because of engine failures. If they are not completely dismantled and cleaned after certain number of hours they can simply fail to function and fall down. They can’t do those more complicated things in Syria they do not have conditions to do that


“Iraqi Warplanes..” Oops! We can see now that Muqtada al-Sadr the Shi’ite cleric (that fought Mad-Dog Mattis in Fallujah) won the elections in Irak ,,


When the mission is as important as the article says it would be better to use our own pilots in order to ensure success.


The key is in full cooperation of Syrian and Iraqi armies. They should combine their forces to do massive cleaning up operations on both sides of the border.

Syria should push those ISIS from desert towards Iraqi border where they could squash them from both sides of the border.

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