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MARCH 2025

Iraq’s Kurdistan Region Holds Independence Referendum (Overview)

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Iraq's Kurdistan Region Holds Independence Referendum (Overview)

The Kurdish Independence referendum despite the pressure from Iraq and many other Middle Eastern and European countries opened its polls this morning.

The ballot contains a single question: “Do you want the Kurdistan region and the Kurdistani areas outside the region’s administration to become an independent state?

People will cast their ballots in about 2065 polling stations until 8PM (GMT+3) while Iraqi Kurds living abroad had the ability to vote the day before. The vote covers the territories of Northern Iraq. All combined, 5.6 million Kurds are eligible to vote according to the High Referendum Council.

With Israel being the only country to support the vote, the number of detractors is overwhelming: Turkey, Iran, Syria, Russia, the United States and the United Nations, not to mention Iraq itself, have all opposed the referendum. Amongst them, Turkey is the most vocal, threatening blocking Kurdistan, unless the plebiscite is cancelled altogether.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said on Monday that Ankara would close the Habur border crossing with northern Iraq over the plebiscite and also threatened the Iraqi Kurds with blocking their key oil exports. These measures are understandable, considering there are 14 million Kurds living in Turkey that can be considered a fifth column. The rest of the detractors, on the other hand, are more reasonable: they demand that the fate of Kurdistan is to be decided by reaching an understanding with Baghdad first.

The UN has warned of the vote’s “potentially destabilizing effect,” while the US has said it could fuel regional unrest and distract attention from ongoing campaigns to rout the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL, also known as ISIS) group in Iraq and Syria.

Even in Kurdish regions of Northern Iraq the situation regarding the referendum is not clear-cut. While the overwhelming majority of Kurds has voiced their support for independence on social media, a countermovement led by a group of activists and politicians argued in favor of postponing the referendum under the slogan “No for now”, supported by Gorran (Change) and Kurdistan Islamic Group (KIG) parties. Holding the referendum under the current political conditions and without solving internal crises in the Kurdistan Regional Government is a “dangerous step” to take, according to their joint statement.

The debate has also sparked a discussion about the inclusion of the disputed territories – such as the oil-rich province of Kirkuk and parts of the Nineveh and Diyala provinces. These are controlled by the Kurdish military and lie outside of Kurdistan Regional Government’s defined borders, but are regarded by Kurdish leaders as integral parts of any independent Kurdish state. The inclusion of Kirkuk, in particular, has incensed Turkmen in the ethnically mixed region, who dubbed the decision of partaking in the upcoming vote “unconstitutional”.
Kirkuk, regarded as part of the state of Iraq by Baghdad, and part of the autonomous Kurdish region by the KRG, officially announced its participation in the referendum last month.

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Blagajna Blagajna

Massoud Barzani and his father Mullah Mustafa Barzani are friends of Israel.


ihraç subay

From book of Yona Sabar, according to Ottoman documents there wasn’t any kurdish tribe named barzan or barzani but there was only a jewish family. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/af45481de1ed5ff2bfdd11881437ed2fdc50d15dda2873fdbfad8e9e0d11231b.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/a4fdc8860216dc93f19b2072d6c84d6af78ffb32778ec21cb5df4e130e6a5c91.jpg

Solomon Krupacek

they called Barroso :)

Brother Ma

What do you mean? Is barroso jewish?

Solomon Krupacek

no. i was only joking with similar surnames :)

Brother Ma

Yes .i had read this elsewhere.nothing new about kurdish jews.at least two hundred thousand are living in israel as we speak.that is a lot if jews in proportion to the population they come from.

And nothing new about cryptojews.donmeh are in turkey and kemal of turkey 1920 s was one of them.

ihraç subay

Mustafa Kemal Atatürk was not one of them, the claims belong to the jews. Because he had executed most of them and especially the leaders. But after him it is a reality they took the control and used the name of Mustafa Kemal. And at same period also most of the armenian rebelian group leader were cryptojew.


Yona Sabar, a Kurdish Jewish professor of Hebrew and Aramaic at UCLA and author of “The Folk Literature of the Kurdistani Jews,” said the articles are based on an inaccurate reading of Kurdish Jewish history. According to Sabar, a 16th-century Kurdish rabbi named Shamuel Adoni also was given the name Barzani to signify that he came from the town of Barzan. He was followed by a string of well-known rabbis with the Barzani name, including Asenath Barzani, a woman who was ordained as a rabbi in the 17th century. But Sabar said it is unlikely that Massoud Barzani is connected to that family. “Barzan is a very well-known Kurdish tribe, and the Jews who lived in that area were very few,” he said. The Kurdish Jewish population in Iraq, Iran and Turkey probably reached 25,000 at its peak, though almost the entire community left for the Jewish state soon after Israel’s 1948 War of Independence. There is no discernible Jewish community left in the area today. Rifat Bali, a Jewish historian in Istanbul, said the Barzani story is part of a larger theory circulating for the past few years that has particularly strong popular support in Turkey’s conservative nationalist and Islamist circles.

ihraç subay

If you look the history, including Massoud Barzani’s book about Mustafa Barzani you can’t see any document dated before 1880’s. And as I mentioned before Ottoman documents do not mention any tribe named Barzani. But in the Ottoman Archieves there some document about Barzanis. Even the smallest tribe in the region has more than five or six hundreds years of history. isn’t it interesting the Barzani tribes history began in twentieth century. You can’t show any document about kurdish barzani tribe before nineteenth century. But alot of documents about jewish Barzani family. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/c90b17e8ab098d97785dd356f0ee2a5689572e778f55580aee28aecabefe56b7.jpg in latin alphabet “Hıtâb-ı Müşîrânelerine; Ma’rûf-i Abd-i Ma’rûz-ı Çâkerlerine!

MUSUL KAZÂSI HAHAMLARINDAN HAHAM SALLUM BARZANİ; NAM YAHÛDİ: gûya İslâm taifesinden birine ıtale-i lisan etmiş diyerek Yehûdiy-i mersûm-ı, kâtil nâmiyle derdest-i zencîr-i bend olarak mahpus ve ba’dehû Dersaâdete celb ve keyfiyeti Meclis-i Vâlây-ı Ahkâm-ı Adliye’de bittezekkür, Yehûdiy-i mersûm-ı, bâ Fermân-ı Âli; Selânik cânibine tard ve teb’îd Buyrularak ve el- hâlet-hâzihî, ol cânibde bî’kes ve perîşan hal ve hevâsını dahî imtizâc edemediğinden, mersûmıng vefâtına sebep olacağından; Çâkerlerine Hıtâben Vürûd eden Mektublarından Müstebân oldığı, Mâ’lum-ı Ilm Ârây-ı Rahîmâneleri Buyruldıkda, Merâhim ve Eşfeha-i Seniyyeleri, Mülûkânelerinde meşgul ve mebâhî olınması husûsunda îcab eden Emirnâme-i Hazret-i Vekâletpenâhî Isdarına; İnâyet buyurılması bâbında. Fermân: Hazret-i Men Lehül 22 / cemaziyel Âhir/72{ 1856 }” in english sortly : rabbi Sallum Barzani insulted one of the muslim and his religion and the goverment wanted to send him exile to Selanik. The document dated 1856, and there is a lot more.

OK. you can claim that they were converted to islam. But their former leader Mulla Mustafa Barzani never seen being praying like muslims or doing ritual worship of islam. I think everybody knows what mulla means.


I don’t give a shit if they are muslims or not. Could you post the real text about the barzanis? The Osmans did not use the latin alfabet ;)

Brother Ma

Gypsies in europe called themselves E- gypsies and roma from Roman-s as well .why? As they originally came to europe from india through these areas.also these areas still had prestige in europe at that time.egypt self explanatory but romany as byzantium greek empire was still known as east roman empire or rum or rom by moslem turks and arabs.

So it is very credible that Barzani ancestors,if originally jewish, chose such a name barzani to have cache with native kurds.


You know what? I wouldn’t give a flying fuck!

Brother Ma

You are rude matt and a pain in the arse.whats wrong matt,dont like that we have not fallen for your zio sayanim bullshit!



So my comments are helping the MOSSAD????

Brother Ma

Sorry the evidence is already out there.most of Young Turks were cryptojews as was Kemal.please read a little more widely.


These Kurdish Jews moved to Iraq in 1958 , a total of 11,000 . How did the 11,000 multiply into 200,000 ?

Brother Ma

I read it somewhere Ronald.i will try and find it for you.

At the end of day maybe they got to be 200k just like kurds in Ne syria became the premier group there.what do you think?

Brother Ma


Maybe they multiplied like Jesus multiplied the fish?


So now Barzani is a crypto jew as well, the people on this site seem to be a sect of discovering jewish consiparicies all over the planet :))))


Interesting, thanks for sharing, whether or not he’s a Cyrpto Jew, he’s certainly working for them completely.


Are then only Kurds are allowed to vote? Not the Arabd living in the area occupied by the Peshmergas? If so, this is really apartheid, I understand why only Israel support them…


Absolutely you are right. Only Kurds are allowed to cast vote. Iraqies in the Arab majority regions have been kept away from polling stations. Israeli formula.


If that was true, why is the question: Do you want the Kurdistan Region and the Kurdistani areas outside the administration of the Region to become an independent state? being posed in Kurdish, Turkmen, Arabic and Assyrian languages?


Hi (((matt)))

Brother Ma

Yes .very sad that Israel supported south africa all these years.hypocritical !

northerntruthseeker .

A reality check here… The Kurds vote for “independence” today and give it a resounding yes… Tomorrow Turkey, Iraq, Iran, and Syria, will all be at war against the Kurds which is exactly what the criminals in the US and that psychotic shitty state of Israel absolutely want…


They vote all they want, russians and the others who don’t want to see this will slowly but surely block them in all kind of manner, doesn’t have to be an open conflict, they won’t be happy with their kurdistan.


Lest see what the russians do this time. you know the father of Barzani lived in the soviet union for some time?


Let the SDF/YPG join them first, that way both problems can be solved in one go!


How nice of them to allow “ALL” to vote! Frankly, this is my first time seeing such an important matter will be handed to children also (according to recent estimates, total Kurdish population of KRG is between 5 to 6 millions, about the 5.3 which is mentioned in the article. Total population, including infants.

I’m sure it was a totally free and unbiased vote!


They’re already using maps of “Greater Kurdistan” (including territories of Syria, Turkey, and Iran) in their official CIA funded media channels.

MD Ranix

a dream which will turn into a nightmare soon for kurds … thanks to hypocritical israhell … trademark of deceptive satan


What’s going on in Iraq and Syria have been planned 10 years ago in Zionist US Israeli meeting. When the leaders of a country are illetrate then this happens to that country. Its not a wonder.


Ten years ago , 16 out of 19 US bases in Iraq were built in “Kurdish” areas .


Zionist snakes are happy in their own community.


Finally kill all those Zionists US-Israeli bitches nice one Russia, you can freely bomb all of them.


Land grab… Totally ignorant of the fact that they probably just sealed their own doom…


US/Zionism is the Middle-East and Asia Colonial gangrene Cancer

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