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Ireland’s ‘Hate Speech’ Laws – Censoring Ukraine Truth?

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Ireland’s ‘Hate Speech’ Laws – Censoring Ukraine Truth?

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Written by Gavin O’Reilly

Last month, global attention was drawn to the southern Irish State’s proposed ‘hate speech’ laws, owing to online commentary on the new bill from high-profile figures such as Elon Musk, Donald Trump Jr. and Jordan B Peterson.

Allowing for someone to be convicted for merely possessing ‘hateful’ material – which could be something as simple as an internet meme – without even distributing it, the new legislation, if passed, will effectively create thought crimes in what is a supposed democratic  western state.

Domestic critics of the bill have expressed concern that it will stifle debate on the introduction of gender ideology to the school curriculum, citing the recent case of Enoch Burke as an example. Burke, a teacher at the prestigious Wilson’s Hospital boarding school in County Westmeath, was imprisoned for three months last year over his refusal to not attend the school following his suspension over a dispute relating to the use of ‘they/them’ pronouns on a student.

There have also been concerns expressed that the new legislation will be used to censor critics of the 26-County State’s immigration policy.

Since last November, using emotive coverage of the war in Ukraine as a cover, the southern Irish government has placed hundreds of male migrants into wildly unsuitable locations such as an inner city office block and children’s primary school, leading to protests by local residents over the lack of consultation with community representatives beforehand, the unsuitability of the chosen locations, and the lack of transparency on whether those placed in said locations had been vetted or not.

Protests, that in a similar vein to last year’s Canadian Freedom Convoy, have drawn widespread condemnation from the 26 County political establishment as being ‘organised by the far-right’, with Leo Varadkar, like Justin Trudeau, also being a WEF ‘Young Global leader’.

The spotlight was shone once again on the new legislation this week when Pauline O’Reilly, a Senator and chairwoman of the ruling coalition’s Green Party, announced, in dystopian fashion, that the purpose of the bill was to ‘restrict freedom for the common good’, her comments drawing attention from as far afield as Fox News and acclaimed US journalist Glenn Greenwald.

One facet of the new legislation that has been overlooked by most onlookers however, is the section related to the denial or condoning of ‘war crimes’, which with an increased push amongst the 26 County political establishment for the State to join NATO amidst the ongoing Russian operation in Ukraine, may soon become one of its most relevant.

Since the launch of the Russian intervention last February, the southern Irish State has, in lockstep with the rest of the collective west, condemned what it calls an ‘unprovoked invasion’.

What has been conveniently omitted from this description however, is the almost nine years of western provocations that preceded it, beginning with the November 2013 US and British-instigated Maidan coup, the use of anti-Russian extremist elements such as Right Sector and Azov Battalion to wage a bloody war on the predominantly ethnic Russian Donbass region, and the revelation that the US was producing bioweapons on Russia’s borders.

Key details related to the conflict that, under the new legislation, could soon be made illegal to publicly disclose in the 26 County State.

Indeed, this would tie in with Leinster House’s desire to join NATO, a view not shared by the majority of the Irish public. This has not hindered the 26 Counties anti-Russian policies however, with a number of Russian diplomats expelled in the weeks following Moscow’s intervention; a step noticeably never taken by the southern Irish state towards US Diplomats over Washington’s conflicts in Iraq and Syria, or indeed, British Diplomats over British Intelligence’s role in the 1974 Dublin and Monaghan bombings.

Now, with the strong possibility that a Nord Stream-style false flag attack off the Irish coast is imminent, the criminalisation of facts related to Russia’s military operation in Ukraine, may soon be used to clear the path towards NATO membership for the south of Ireland.


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Gen. Budanov KIA. Zaluzhnyi KIA. Gen. Cloutier KIA

in general most irish people have a positive view about russia, which can’t be said about their view on ukronazis


if you are only allowed to hear and read garbage your thoughts will be those of those who feed you garbage as is the nwo agenda.


the irish government and their state apparatus are like many other eu countries not representative of their population’s an elite who use draconian laws to control a population that at some point may rebel the irish can be like that same as the french. push the right buttons and we will soon see civil unrest and riots in the irish state

stephan williams

i read somewhere that the prime minister of ireland is a jew. is that information true?

it would go al long way towards explaining the shift towards psychopathy within the halls of the irish government.

Des Hanrahan

no , he is half indian .

Last edited 1 year ago by Des Hanrahan

what’s the other half?


fag 4567890


no he is a fucking disgusting indian just as bad as a jew and he is is a faggot married to a man.


well they finally drunk themselves into total idiocy it seems.


their drinking water is laced with fluoride, second only to slumville ussa and for that reason among the most retarded youth on the planet. trust the $cienc€…our owners do!

Des Hanrahan

the real purpose of the new law is to protect our politicians from scrutiny and criticism .

Last edited 1 year ago by Des Hanrahan

the west abandons its heritage of liberty and the rule of law. now some scheming, rat bureaucrat can turn your life inside out.

you’ll enjoy your life as serfs, lads.


the gombeen filth that run the ussan island aka “ireland” for the globo pedovore reptilian scumbags are clamoring to climb aboard the natostan titanic before it sails out to his doom. among the top 3 most corrupt corpofascist entities in urupp the once proud tradition of rebel irish resistance has been washed out of the irish with the poison fluoride in the drinking water. studies show that in the last 20 years kids on the poisoned island have lost on average 10 iq points.

Peter Jennings

what’s new? ireland has never had good leadership. the gov’t there are considering culling all their cows to fight ‘climate change’. how dumb is that? people of ireland, don’t let your wish to be free of the british push you into the arms of a larger parasite. sort out your leadership before it kills you all.


they deserve to hang for treason to us real irish people for filling our once beautiful country with 3rd world inbred savages.


da sempre esiste la censura nei paesi capitalisti occidentali democratici usa-uk-ue-nato ! grazie alla rete internet i paesi usa-uk-ue-nato hanno perso il totale controllo censore della informazione ! puoi censurare nella rete internet filo-usa mondiale le fonti giornalistiche russe ufficiali o sospette di essere filo-russe ! non puoi però censurare tutte le notizie diffuse on -line da privati cittadini occidentali !ecco a cosa la legge irlandese !

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