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MARCH 2025

Ireland’s Israeli Embassy Closure – Is Mossad Now Preparing A False Flag In Dublin?

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Ireland’s Israeli Embassy Closure - Is Mossad Now Preparing A False Flag In Dublin?

The Israeli Embassy on Shelbourne Road in Dublin

Written by Gavin O’Reilly

Last month, tensions between the southern Irish state and Israel would come to a head with the announcement by Tel Aviv that they would close their embassy in Dublin, with the Jewish state having maintained a diplomatic presence in Ireland since 1996. The move follows the withdrawal of Ambassador Dana Erlich in May of last year, following the decision by Leinster House, alongside Norway and Spain, to recognise Palestinian statehood, a move that then-Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz warned would result in “severe consequences” for Ireland.

Indeed, one month after the commencement of Al-Aqsa Flood and the subsequent Israeli genocide on the beleagured Gaza Strip, Israeli Minister Amihai Eliyahu would suggest that displaced Palestinians “go to Ireland or the desert”. A move that would not only destabilise Ireland through the vast influx of refugees, but would also ethnically cleanse Gaza in line with an Israeli government plan to mass-expel Palestinians from the Strip. Eliyahu’s statements would later be echoed by former Israeli spy Jonathan Pollard, who served almost thirty years in a US prison for passing on official secrets to Tel Aviv before being released in 2015.

Following the Israeli invasion of Lebanon last October, shots would be fired at Irish UN troops by Israeli forces. Merkava tanks would also aim their turrets at the Irish contingent, almost resulting in an Irish equivalent of a USS Liberty-style incident.

The reason for such tensions arises from Ireland’s strong historical solidarity with Palestine. At the beginning of the 17th century, following the defeat of Irish Chieftain Hugh O’Neill and the end of Gaelic rule in Ireland, the English Crown would move vast amounts of settlers from England and Scotland into the Irish province of Ulster, which O’Neill formerly ruled over. Displacing the native Irish in the region, the plantation of Ulster would bear a stark similarity to the Nakba of 1948, in which 700,000 Palestinians became refugees overnight in order to make way for Ashkenazi Jewish settlers being moved from Europe into Palestine. This was in line with the 1917 Balfour Agreement, in which Britain promised the Zionist lobby that they would assist in the establishment of a Jewish state in return for the entry of the United States to the First World War. Both situations would result in the establishment of states in which the indigenous population was subjugated at the hands of a settler class, eventually culminating in widespread armed resistance. As such, strong solidarity exists in Ireland for the Palestinian cause to this day, resulting in a hostile attitude from Tel Aviv towards Dublin and Ireland as a whole. A hostile attitude that now ominously looks set to go beyond a mere breakdown in diplomatic relations.

On Monday, the Irish media outlet Gript, reporting on an article in the German publication Bild, revealed that ISIS-K – the Afghan branch of the organisation, established following the US withdrawal from the country in 2021 – had used its social media channels to call for its followers to attack cultural and music events throughout Europe and the US, including amongst them Ireland’s St.Patrick’s Day celebrations in March. A concerning development following the recent diplomatic fallout between Dublin and Tel Aviv, and Israel’s role in false flag operations and the establishment of ISIS in the first place.

On the morning of September 11th 2001, as planes crashed into the World Trade Center and the world was irrevocably changed forever, a New Jersey housewife noticed another concerning sight from her apartment window. Three young men, kneeling on the roof of a delivery van in the car park of the apartment complex, appeared to be in celebratory mood in spite of the chaos unfolding in front of them, dancing, high-fiving one another and taking photos of the burning Towers.

Reporting this incident and the registration number of the van to the police, five men would be stopped in the vehicle later that day, announcing upon their arrest “We are Israeli. We are not the problem. Your problems are our problems. The Palestinians are the problem”. A bemusing statement to make on what they could have just assumed was a routine traffic stop. The arresting officers’ suspicions would be further aroused with the discovery of $4,700 in cash on one of the men, two foreign passports on another, and traces of explosives being detected in the van by sniffer dogs.

Being held in custody for two months, the FBI would eventually conclude that at least two of the men were Mossad operatives. One of the men, Paul Kurzberg, whose brother Sivan had made the “We are Israeli” declaration upon their arrest, would initially refuse to take a lie detector test, and would fail it when he eventually did. One of Kurzberg’s legal team would later state that his reluctance to take part in the test was due his previous involvement in Mossad activity in other countries. After 71 days, all five would be released without charge, with Attorney General John Ashcroft personally signing off on the order. In 2005, Ashcroft would set up a consultancy firm that would count the Israeli government as one of its first clients.

Upon their return to Israel in November of that year, they would be interviewed on the talk show Inside Israel, with one of the men, Oded Ellner, confirming foreknowledge of the attacks by declaring “Our purpose was to document the event”.

The event in question would be used to put the radical foreign policy suggestions of the Project for the New American Century think tank into place. Established in 1997 by numerous future members of the Bush administration, the PNAC envisaged the US taking a dominant role in world affairs through military force before another global super-power emerged following the end of the Cold War. In 2000, the PNAC published its Rebuilding America’s Defenses document, which admitted that implementing such a strategy would be a slow and incremental process, save for a “catastrophic and cataclysmic” event, such as a “new Pearl Harbor”. The following year, such an event would conveniently occur in New York and Virginia, with the US going to war with a number of countries in the resulting “War on Terror”.

In 2011, this war would reach Syria, when following then-President Bashar al-Assad’s refusal two years’ prior to allow US-ally Qatar to construct a pipeline through his country, the CIA would begin arming and training Salafist militants in a bid to overthrow his secular rule. Joining them in this endeavour would be Israel, with the Syrian Arab Republic being a long-time opponent of the Zionist state, owing to Damascus’ membership of the Axis of Resistance and its key role as a conduit between Iran and Hezbollah. In 2013, having taken control of vast swathes of the country, these militants would cross the border into neighboring Iraq – itself destabilised following the 2003 US invasion, which was stringently lobbied for by Benjamin Netanyahu – and establish the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, more commonly known as ISIS, an organisation whose attacks would conveniently align with the geopolitical interests of Tel Aviv.

Indeed, Iran, the final country in the intended list of targets following the 9/11 attacks, and who had intervened militarily in the Syrian conflict at the request of Damascus in 2013, would bear the brunt of numerous ISIS attacks. In 2017, the group would bomb the Iranian Parliament and the mausoleum of Ayatollah Khomeini in Tehran, killing 17 civilians. The following year, an ISIS attack on an IRGC parade in the city of Ahvaz would result in 25 deaths. In 2022, amidst the US-fomented uprising in relation to the death of Mahsa Amini, ISIS would open fire on the Shah Cheragh Mosque, a Shia pilgrimage site in Shiraz, killing 15 people, and in 2024, an attack on a ceremony to commemorate Quds Force commander Qasem Soleimani would result in 103 deaths. Terrorism in Iran by Israeli-linked groups is not something that has been confined to the past decade either. In the immediate years following 9/11, the Mossad-linked Jundallah, based in the predominantly-Sunni Sistan and Baluchestan region in eastern Iran, would carry out a number of attacks in the country.

Returning to Europe, ten years prior to Israel’s warning of “severe consequences” for Ireland following its recognition of Palestinian statehood, Benjamin Netanyahu would similarly warn that France would be making a “grave mistake” should it vote to recognise a Palestinian state, something that Paris subsequently did in December 2014. The following year, in November 2015, ISIS would carry out a massive attack in Paris, resulting in the deaths of 130 people. A horrific event, the nature of which may be repeated in Ireland in the not-too-distant future.


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Mexican Emperor

don’t mess with jews?


even if you dont oppose them they will mess with you and kl you and poison you. their brutality knows no limits thei despise you they even gladly kl their own these 5% jewish dna limited hangouts that serve in the idf. the jews on top will gladly kl them too yosef mizrachi says it himself he wants 80% of the jews to die in their final w ar. and then become the sole supramist nation left on earth en sl aving all the gentiles ti serve the jews

Last edited 1 month ago by Thehandrubbingjews

know that israel is holding the world hostage with a nuclear gun. they will gladly ignite the nuclear ho lo caust against the gentiles its just one of the many ways they have to achieve their victory over us. they gladly false flag n uke so the exchange between russia and usa gets triggered. and if not n ukes its plandemics and massive immigration replacement agenda woke pe do. they have plenty of ways to destroy us. our brith rates are down the drain orcs being brought in to take over.


according to their rabbis, every jew will get 2,800 goy slaves to cater to their every need. i don’t know why they don’t just make it a round 3,000.


we the shia of ahlulbayt like to confront the devil zionist on every corner . zionist is afraid of only one the shia of ali . zionist has never forgotten what happen to thier leader zionist marhab in khayber by imam ali. we the shia of ali will repeat that khayber part 2 and destroy zionist devil forever. just matter of time . waiting for the son ao ali (mahdi to come back )

Israel is a Terrorist Colony

fuck off. death to israel!

dead mercs

terrorist threatens the joo specialty.


that’s correct. terrorist attacks, color revolutions, proxy war, and ultimately world wars to kill nonjews. when will russia and putin point out the real enemy like gavin o’reilly has done in this article?


never cause isreal is just exploiting the one common weakness of every important person on the planet. greed!

krusty clown

irrelevant—ireland cannot influence israel


no one can influence israel. their whole religion is based on their supremacy and their belief that it’s their destiny to rule over all twelve tribes.


most of the world’s problems, most of the evil in the world, can be traced back directly to talmudistan. all of these “embassies” should be closed. they are no more than terrorist bases.


there was a genocide in ireland from 1642-1654. the population fell from 1,500,000 to 600,000. 500,000 were killed and 400,000 were enslaved. they were the majority of the slave population in america and the caribbean. african slaves cost £50, the irish slaves only £5. cheap irish slave women were mated with expensive african male slaves. the first slaves arrived in america in 1619, a sjave ship carrying 100 irish slave children. african slaves only arrived in 1620.


this isn’t a competition for who got f*cked over more by the anglo…smh

Shlomo's little weenie

southfront exposing these dancing babylonian scum on 9/11. there’s hope yet. an attack on irish nationals by the cia front ? possible. “a horrific event, the nature of which may be repeated in ireland in the not too distant future”. yep, like the crocus hall concert eh ? same actor. arrogantly forewarned. ignored. ireland’s not france though. no dreyfuss skeleton in the closet for the eternal victims to announce a cassis belli for murdering people.


they hate ireland and want to attack it because ireland spoke out against their c rimes against the palestinians in gaza. these jews know no limit in cruelty. they think they have the right to kl everyone they want and steal their land. its time the world wakes up and gives these jews the punishment they deserve for their cri mes against us

Conan M

why would they need to do that when dublin is the only one nation that is showing courage to the face of pure evil?… only wish the united $tates of anarchy aka land of the freak home of the $lave could have showed the world this side of courage demanding no invasion of afghanistan and iraq until 9/11 was investigated … alongside the south koreans giving the boot to their president for treason a month ago!… now these are what you call 2 model republic(s)!…

Last edited 1 month ago by Conan M

great article. guess i’m irish.

Stupo von Germ

as a submissive germ in amerikunt colony i frequently visit tel aviv gay bar

the narrative

the zionist indoctronites may respond with terror…but they have a problem…more and more nations will throw them out…the pariah state prefers self destruction to peace. they will continue to bankrupt the us and other western nations …

IRA is stronger than EDL

no need for false flag, the arabs cannot colonize ireland, what are the resources except free housing and tent villages? the irish mob has the arabs under some better control than the scared brits who shaking in their panties at their own government control. arabs love it when nation states hate their own, can walk right in like the new masters.


you seem to be confused about the identity of the masters. the real masters wear little black hats and control blackrock, vanguard, washington and everything else.


well, whaddya know… even a drunken irishman can smell kike shite….

Moshe Dayan

ethnic cleansing and racism are perfectly acceptable and celebrated in all western media. when one cannot call out a racist ethno-state for what it is, then we are living in orwells “animal farm” where all animals are equal, but some are more equal than others.


if israel are planning a false flag time to report to the icj and icc and put them on a list of terrorist nations and cut them off from the rest of the world. although urs vdl will probably travel to israel to hug and kiss bibi in support.


at least the air in dublin now smells a bit sweeter. maybe one of those oh-so-radical “moslem extremist” groups which never lift a finger against the zios or the us for some strange reason, will do another 9/11. maybe the zios will fund an irish “tommy o’robinson” to stir up trouble with moslems.

dead mercs

send the khazar filth back to the slums that spawned them. ireland shows the rest of zionazi occupied urupp how to rid itself of vermin. long live palestine and onward to the total liberation of the human family from the zionazi disease. zzzzzzzzzzzzz

dead mercs

who will pay for zionazi genocide and jooi$h global terror now that the toilet paper “mighty” dollah is getting flushed like filthy used toilet paper. nobody. the zionazi abomination is dying in front of our eyes as the rich cho$enite parasites flee palestine en masse. time to lock up nutnyahoo and his gestapo capo$.z


i think israel should bring all their eople home, and build out the idf and reserves and civil defense. when the arabs realize that israel and israelis are 24/7 ready to go to war, with no apologies, it will make them think twice about aggression. why waste energy and resources overseas when the war is at home. maybe someday when no one is shooting at them, maybe then play diplomacy stuff. not today. tomorrow doesn’t look good, either.

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