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MARCH 2025

IRGC Calls Recent U.S. Accusations Against Its Naval Forces “Fake” & “Hollywood Scenarios”

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IRGC Calls Recent U.S. Accusations Against Its Naval Forces “Fake” & “Hollywood Scenarios”

Forces of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) in the Persian Gulf. FILE IMAGE: IRNA

Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) has slammed the recent U.S. accusations against its naval forces, calling them “fake” and “Hollywood scenarios.”

On April 15, the U.S. Navy accused the IRGC’s naval forces of harassing six of its warships in the north Persian Gulf. The Navy released videos showing Iranian patrol boat crossing the bows and sterns of the U.S. vessels at extremely close range and high speeds.

In a new statement, the IRGC said it recently increased its patrols in the Persian Gulf “to prevent the continued illegal, unprofessional, dangerous, and even adventurous behavior” of the U.S. Navy, as well as to “strengthen the security of domestic vessels and combat fuel smuggling.”

“In this regard, on April 15, after announcing the shooting situation in the training areas already marked with special coordinations on the map, the IRGC Navy sent 11 high-speed boats that they have encountered with US warships. Despite the unprofessional and provocative actions of American terrorists and their indifference to warnings, they were forced to withdraw from the IRGC naval vessels,” the IRGC Navy said in the statement, that was released on April 19, adding “the U.S. Navy, in its official statement, presented an incorrect and purposeful story of the incident, which indicates that the Americans are interested in the Hollywood scenarios.”

The IRGC went on to warn the U.S. against “any adventures or false and fake scenarios,” saying that “Iran will consider the dangerous behavior of foreigners in the region as a threat to their national security, and give a definite response to any computational error.”

The statement reflects Iran’s determination to deter U.S. forces in the Middle East. Washington has been working to contain Tehran’s influence in the region, including in the Persian Gulf, as a part of its “maximum pressure” campaign. This policy has yielded no success, thus far.


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Thomas Osa Jeng

F in the chat for fat americans

chris chuba

If I am reading this correctly, the U.S. navy ships crashed a naval training party. That would indeed be rude.

Jens Holm

Winning a battle is not winning the war. You also seemes to think USA are sitrting ducks. Its very simplified seeeing USA and other protecting oil transport are afraid and creep as they were born to it.

Fx Iran now has shown they love ballistics. Do USA and several others have such devices. Yes we have.

Soon after Iran will be like a body with no arms, legs and head.

Jens Holm

Yes, I think You are highly incorrect. I see USA and we try to keep the oil transport open and USA also try to make things low in a kind of non war or low scale war angains Iran.

I diont think they dared to wipe anything. True it was statement.

But that too is an escalation and USA easy can step up and then it will not be about vessels of any seize.

Hasbara Hunter

If this scares the shit out of the U.S. Navy….then what will be their response in a real warlike situation one wonders…They probably instantly abandon ship & start swimming for their lives…wtf…The U.S. is nothing but Loudmouthed Chickenshit Cowards….

Icarus Tanović

Wouldn’t you know, who would say…:)

Hasbara Hunter

The Lack of any creativity is clearly showing that the U.S. is in complete panic-mode at the moment…Trying desperately to get a little help from the international community in their little war with Iran…Bring it on USraHell…keep Cryin’ & Moanin’ like the little genocidal psychopathic bitch that you are…you are on your own now! No one will help you with your next Rape & Pillage Party…and you are too weak & chickenshit to do it alone…hehehe

Icarus Tanović

They are affraid of Iran. If not they would attack it already several hundred times. That’s the fact…

Zionism = EVIL

The Americunt arseholes are liars and the most important question is why are the dying fuckwits doing in the Persian Gulf anyway, while their fat lardass sailors are dropping like flies thanks to the corona bio-wafare boomerang.


it goes without saying that Iran has the advantage of the entire length of the eastern shore of the persian gulf which is an advantage not even the most devastating fleet of behemoths (us fleet of carriers etc) can conquer – rest assured the shore of the persian gulf is what it is all about and that is something the iranians hold on to very tight. not even the jewish spies can do much about it and since trump is an idiot but not such an idiot he won’t risk his second term in the white house with an attack on a country that can defend itself and inflict such damages on the attacker that there is no come back. remember vietnam. a shameful defeat for a warring nation at the hands of peasants. they should bow their heads in eternal shame, the yankeetwats.

Icarus Tanović

Agreed. Vietnam ashamed Mighty America. Titanic forests that Vietnam have saved them alots.

Jens Holm

Best wishes and Greetings from Kursk below the see and the many saved there working at the most lousy aircraft carrier in tne whole.

If it was a dog, it would have been shot many years ago.

Zionism = EVIL

For some reason any videos of photos on SF now get deleted. But if you look at the factual Iranian footage, it is amazing how professionally the IRGCN acted, their Paykan missile boat had a lock on the cowering Americunt arseholes running around scared on the deck of a rusting junk ship and the IRGC drones captured the whole scene as the missile boats covered the dozen or so fast 22mm quad armed boats that circled around the Americunts. The Persian Gulf is an an Iranian lake since the planet earth came it existence and the Persian superpower Achaemenid Empire created the first blue water navy here that fought the Greeks and Romans miles away in the Mediterranean.

Jens Holm


Not any pictures got deleted.

Jens Holm

I agree. Thats why my fear or worries will be theings step up to be not about the coast at all.


given what we know, it’s a corollary that Iran must build itself some serious and hefty nukes to fit at the tips of their long range missiles so to reach tel aviv and schlomo land and know this, it’s the jews that is forcing Iran to build nukes since the jews, like always, are hankering for more to steal and are hounding Iran to a degree not seen since the disintegrating states of A killed off its indigenous people, the indians. it’s another corollary that the middle east will be a peaceful region once the jews are terminated full stop or relocated to hell, whichever comes first.

Jens Holm

It seemes You dnt see thats a main part of the dispute. Why should Iran has nukes or any for that matter.

Iran by that are under sanctions as well as ,most of their loausy money are used in warfare.

cechas vodobenikov

as Mao observed, amerika is a paper tiger: FAKE people, fake military Amerikans lose all wars except against defenseless peoples…they will never challenge even North Korea…nor Iran……in 24 hours Iran can cripple oil exports through the Hormuz strait w their subs and mines


as Mao observed, Taiwan is a free country

Jens Holm

Mao and company collapsed themselves after killing millions of its ownpopulation and making most of China back to steam angines …

Zionism = EVIL

The Persian is very narrow and shallow body of water. Even base bleed laser guided Iranian naval artillery which has very potent Iranian 155, 175 and 203 mm artillery can sink the Americunt junk, let alone the thousands of Iranian loitering drones, SSM and even ATGM that can be fired from the 2200 kms Persian Gulf coast dotted with caves, coves and bunkers. No one can take on Iran in the Persian Gulf and survive.

Peter Jennings

The US navy is in Iran’s back yard so should behave and show some respect.

Jens Holm

Sure. Respect is both ways. Iran dont owe the whole thing.

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