FILE: Iran test-fires a Ghadr 1 class Shahab 3 long range missile in 2009, a missile defense analysts have said could hit Israel and U.S. bases in the Gulf.
35 U.S. targets in the Middle East and Tel Aviv are within the reach of Iranian forces, a senior Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) commander said on January 4, stressing that the US and Israel must be in a constant state of panic following the assassination of Maj. Gen. Qassim Soleimani.
Gen. Gholamali Abuhamzeh, IRGC commander in the southern province of Kerman, said that Iran reserved the right to take revenge against the U.S. for the death of Maj. Gen. Soleimani, the former commander of the al-Quds Force.
“The Strait of Hormuz is a vital point for the West and a large number of American destroyers and warships cross there … vital American targets in the region have been identified by Iran since long time ago … some 35 U.S. targets in the region as well as Tel Aviv are within our reach,” the Tasnim news agency quoted Gen. Abuhamzeh as saying.
Maj. Gen. Soleimani was killed along with several Iranian and Iraqi commanders in the early hours of January 3 when U.S. aircraft struck their vehicles in the Iraqi capital, Baghdad.
A day earlier, Iran’s Supreme National Security Council held the U.S. responsible for the assassination of the Iranian commander, revealing that it has adopted measures in response to the incident.
Gen. Abuhamzeh’s threat indicates that Iran may be planning a large-scale attack. The U.S. had warned that it would respond to any such attack with military force.
The most stupid action that the U.S gestapo has done since 9/11 was to kill this dude.
i disagree! This is a trap for Iran! USA wants Iranian’s to revenge! Then they will hit back Iran’s refineries, kill its already semi dead economy! After that Iran SHOULD go into revolution via starvation! Oil prices go to $150 dollars per barrell! Venezuela is embargoed! Only Canada, USA and Russia will be able to export large quantities of oil! Who needs oil the most? CHINA! What happens to China’s economy when oil triples in price? Can they produce at competitive rates? What does this do to the US/ china trade war? Leverage?
Chess my friend! The USA WANTS iran to revenge! Especially upon Israel! Because then it will be Israel that the USA will force to do the close in dirty work (yet provide an avenue)!
This was not stupid, this was well planned! What i do know is that Iran will succeed in an Israeli attack! But again, that in itself benefits the USA! Remember, Western revenge is always x1000!
Reality: Iran’s economy is dead! Oil and Gas is all it has left! There have been serious hardcore revolutions happening in Iran! What do u think will happen when they lose the ability to export oil? Iran is on the ropes! Literally! Russia wont get involved because Russia will want iran to block the straits of Hormuz making Russian oil and gas triple in price! Remember Russia has never forgotten Iran’s betrayal from the 1950’s to the 1970’s!
This is not a bad Time for USA! This is a bad time for Iran! Morale is down! War is demanded! They cant afford War! They will try to steal from Iraqi Kurds oil! Iraq will war with Iran! Sunni vs Shia! Guess who will fund this? Go on guess….. u got it, Saudi and UAE! Probably Qatar too! Guess who benefits from oil prices going through the roof? You know who! Guess who gets fucked by oil prices going through the roof? CHINA!
the only thing Iran can do to get super revenge is a successful nuclear attack within the USA or Israel! If they cant do that, Iran is doomed! Because murdering US and Israeli people will only bring a x1000 pay back upon them! These are just facts! And no red flag with muslim chanted music will change that! Did those muslim chants work for Iraq? For Isis? Did they? NO!
I support Russia! But i also deal in reality! Iran is at its end! (its leadership)
Do it then IRGC, watch what happens next.
Easy Tiger, once it starts, there is little chance of stopping.
Exactly John, so that general better calm down. If they shoot over here, it will give Bibi “the smoking gun” he needed and he will order a massive retaliation.
That would be amusing to see without the aircraft that would be targeted.
‘Iron’ Zion LOL Not so Iron when you had all the weaponry the US tax-payer could buy in 2006 were you. Got your asses gloriously kicked by Hezbollah militia, not even a standing army. Israel only knows how to kill civilians who can’t fight back, and so they get their idiot American goys to do their fighting for them. Israel WILL be nuked, and wiped off the map, be sure of that. No entity makes this many enemies and survives.
Oh I’m so very scared.
You don’t have the wit to be scared – you Zionists suffer from hubris, you think everything’s just going to continue like it always has, but it won’t, it never does – hubris meets its nemesis. Sophisticated nations like Persia or China have been around for thousands of years, they know how to survive. The Jewish homeland won’t last a hundred because hubris is your achilles heel.
We have history more than the Persians, maybe only the Chinese have that long history like the Jewish people. We’re not going anywhere, but you can try.
Sure you have a long history – a long history of being kicked out of every state you settled in because you always go too far and piss off the locals. And now you have your own ‘state’ you’re at it again. Not to mention the abuse of American blood and treasure. Tick tock.
We use our own blood to win our wars, like it has been since 1948. It only showed that so many nations wanted our small pieces of land, in the end it returned to its rightful owners – us Jews. Jerusalem was, is and will remain a Jewish city.
*our small pieces of land.. 8th commandment, and the consequences. But then the Jews of today are not the Jews of the Torah, they are like those that fought Noah.
You mean like you won in 2006?
So you can mark me down, but not answer me: why is Israel not a breaking of the 8th commandment? Surely you have an answer, for yourself? Otherwise, are you not living in a personal deceit?
Because we can not steal somethign that is already ours and we view it as our homeland. It doesn’t matter if 90% of the world claim otherwise, we still see it as our country where all of our history and culture are. I don’t feel any shame that I fight to protect my country, Palis need to accept a peace deal or go live somewhere else, there HAS NEVER BEEN THEIR LAND.
So what was Israel’s original action then, when it took the lands from Canaan, if not theft? This is a space on the Earth that has seen migration for 50,000 years – are you saying the Jews were the first to hit it up then?
See, unlike the majority that criticize Judaism, I actually agree with Zionism – the old religion’s injunction against the creation of a Jewish state, placed at the feet of the metaphysical, was a massive, unnecessary weight on the nation of Israel. It removed it from the land, it made it afraid at every instance, and it forged its psychology, as it is today.
But is taking what is not given the way to solve this issue? Israel has more money/capita, and more than enough to make a population to directly democratically acquiesce to an exchange of sovereignty.. in a way, Kushner’s deal was this, if 70 years too late, and much much much too cheap for the sovereignty being asked for. And for a people so faithful, what is a bit of coin for what they believe is their redemption?!
Israel had, and still has imo, the choice to forgo theft, and come to an agreement with the nation who’s land it wishes for its peace and security. But this security will not be gained by theft, and in this respect the Torah is a guide.
Ilya, I for one do support a Palestinian state, because I know it’s the best thing for us to seperate from each other. They kept refusing anything we had offered them, you can not say we don’t want peace because we also understand we need to live on this small land together if we like it or not. It is the best option for two different people who speak different languages and share different religions, two states solution. Jerusalem is our heart and history, that city is the symbol of the Jewish people, we don’t see it as a theft like others claim.
I suppose then we disagree on the definition of theft! Theft to me is the Buddhist meaning: ‘taking what is not given’, and in this respect, the Palestinians (even the ones that sold land to Jews early on) did not give Sovereignty to Israel.
One could claim the Palestinians stole the land from.. well, the Byzantines (Romans), who stole it from Israel, but then we are talking about politics. How much of the population was displaced, and to what extent is state action at all important to the individual inhabitant of the land? Certainly most of the Hebrews didn’t survive Josephus’ account of 70AD. So was not the land fairly empty to be taken over by others?
Too much casuistry for my simple mind. Buy the sovereignty, for a directly democratically fair price, and live in peace. No one will mind.
The argument ‘we had it, but he stole it from us, and she stole it from him, and we are taking it back from her’ makes some sense, but over generational time ownership and title decay, so regurgitating this argument will only cause strife, from which the peace the Jews reasonably search for is inaccessible.
The actions of Rome, and Arabia, were wrong, but repeating that wrong does not make a right.
I agree with that, which is exactly why we need to solve the past issues so we can move forward. Israel can do peace, we proved it with Egypt and Jordan. The Palestinian issue is more difficult but not impossible, I wanna see Trump’s peace plan being executed.
I think his plan is a plausible solution, but is far too cheap, and quite late in the game – a lot of hate has been born out of the Palestinian Prisoner Experiment over 70 years, on both the prisoner, and guard side! 10, 20x the value would get some traction imo. (and whether the Palestinians would then piss it away, is their problem really!)
The problem is that your history is fake.
You better calm down dude and start keeping your eye on the ball. your comment told me you are out in space.
Nah, I’m just curious to see what’s their next move. Will that general keep his word? somehow I hope he does.
First off, I do appreciate when you just lay it on the line. Thank you.
The number 35 is a BS number. The real number is in the millions. It was not meant so much as a provocation to stir the imagination of the public, media and sideline players. It was a poke directly at US and Israeli players. They are not lying about 35 targets being of extreme interest. It is a matter of which 35 and there is no way they can protect it all. It is a point driven home.
Second, for defense/intelligence types, this is like strapping them to a post and cutting their skin off one layer at a time. What the IRGC is telling them is that class is in session for the US DoD, CIA, IDF and Mossad. That was a very serious little message. It looks like somebody near and dear to Mossad and the CIA has already been taken out and there has been almost a complete blackout about that one. If it is true, a critical asset has been lost by them, in some ways more valuable than the Iranian general, on a day to day operational level.
This is going to be in slow motion, with little real news crossing the wire and absolutely irreplaceable assets are going get plowed left and right. My take on this so far. I just have to sit back and see how it goes from here on in, just like you and everybody else at this point. Regardless of likes, dislikes, loyalties and allegiances, this is an exceptionally valuable opportunity to watch how the real game is played. Stay safe.
Thanks John, I liked what you wrote aswell. I think it will be more like of a “shadows war”, meaning they will try to kill a high ranking American officer without any finger points at them. Maybe hit some strategic sites across the ME with their proxies, still without being connected to it.
More along this line of action. The idea is to blind you enemy first, before you bring in the beef.
Yes, and if the spirit of Maj Gen Qassim Soleimani is able to advise the Iranian high command, he would be saying I think, that waiting patiently for the right opportune moment to avenge his death and the US insult to all Iranians is the righteous path to tread.
Hey Florian. Well, it’s early in this next stage of things …… and that is what it really is ….. but, I am sensing that the US missed it’s real target. That is why the Occidentals plus Israel are starting to freak out. Too many participants and observers stay glued to body counts and personalities at the food court and don’t pay enough attention to what is going on back in the stadium, on the actual playing field. The Iranians turned this one around with lighting speed, with the ability to freely proceed in directions they could not cross in security 2 weeks ago.
Clue one was there was not a single hiccup in chain of command change, as if they were already prepared for it and it looks like the behind the scenes nailing started without a hitch. It is why the US is continuing the bombings because, it has all gone sideways, away from the media eye. My take Florian. Rest easy and watch.
The US will have primed ISIS or other paid malcontents to attack US bases I would think, as a cassus belli for war with Iran.
A war that Russia and China should not ignore. The goal for the US would be, I suspect, starving China of oil from Iran, and thereby harming the Chinese economy.
I think they already did that. I think that the attack that killed the american ( oil company employee? Are they serious, are we into this over that? ) was a genuine false flag. The Iraqi PMUs have real weapons and don’t need BS, jury rigged launch systems to do the job. In my view, we are way past that page Florian. Strap in.
The amateur launch system also had no means of elevation of the launch tubes. Perhaps the plan was raise the front or back of the truck on some bricks :)
Lest we forget.
Which is exactly what did occur. I’m sure Russia and China are not happy at this moment. It might be getting close to fish or cut bait.
Iranians are not stupid as arabs. Only way to defeat US is the guerilla warfare, proven in Vietnam by gallant Vietnamese people.
That is already built in. The thing Iran has is a substantial missile capacity. Hitting airfields, command centers and ports would set the war machine back a lot.
Eventually US will prevail, remember Pearl Harbor. I still opt for guerilla warfare is proven successful in both Vietnam & Afghanistan.
You’re wrong. The US empire will collapse. It is a matter of time.
and jemen to
The Pearl harbor attack was never meant to stop the US in the Pacific, it was meant to buy Japan time.
Japan very well knew that they kicked a sleeping giant, so they where just grapping land as quickly as they could.
The problem being that the US leaders are all drunk with US Hubris. The US military is akin to a bull in a china shop.
This is a time for cool and wise heads in Iran. There will be a time when Iran can harm the US, and arguably the US is in danger of its own internecine civil war.
The age old method to unite a nation has always been to declare a ‘just’ war on a foe, or even a friend. This is what the US is attempting now I suspect.
Rather perceptive of you. We also do real smart stuff like re-elect whoever in the time of war. The old ‘don’t change ships mid-stream’ crapola.
i agree! However, the USA is not in Iran! You do realise there is a sunni vs Shiia war going on right? Do u think Iraq wants Iran stealing its oil in its Kurdish region?
Iraq will go to war with Iran again! And this war will be funded by the Rich Arab nations! Ontop of that, do u think Israel wont be doing some Devious move to fuck Iran also? U betcha! So now u have Iraq vs Iran Shiia vs sunni Iran economy already dead! Saudi, Qatar and UAE funding the Iraqi’s! Then u got USA supplying intelligence (but doing fuck all) Then u got israel running stealth attacks upon Iran’s oil refineries! Then u got Iran’s own population revolting within iran as we speak!
Oil prices will go up! USA Russia and Canada will enjoy triple profits! Venezuela is embargoed! China’s economy being based on manufacturing is now paying Russia triple the price for oil and gas! Screwing China’s economy! All while in the middle of a trade war with the USA giving the USA even more leverage! [ALL OF THIS WAS PLANNED]
Lets not forget the Rules of NATO either! So its iran vs Saudi money, UAE money and Qatar Money! Iran vs Iraq! Iran vs Sunni Iran vs NATO Iran vs Israel! Russia to triple profits! China to get fucked!
This is reality! Where in this scenario does Iran win?
None of this would have happened if Iran really had nuclear weapons. May Iran find a way to avenge the general’s death. Someone must give a lesson to Usrael. War should be avoided as much as possible but up to this point, Iran must take action, of course Iran will be gang-banged in an all-out counterattack, but if it happens most likely then this war will expand and take a long time and will attract its Iranian allies to participate in the defense of Iran. This is a real criminal act in any law. If this event happened to Russia, then rest assured all US military bases in the middle east and several cities in Israel have now turned to ash.
Don’t threaten us Ruski, you are the reason Iran has become so aggressive after you helped them so much.
You shut up you low IQ, ugly piece of shit Yid fuck.
I doubt on that low IQ thing, since i did pretty well on tests. What about you? ape boy.
“Ape boy”, well now that is a first; well a Chemical Engineering degree , travelled the World and own a Company. Wasn’t Zion the mechanical city that Neo beat in “The Matrix films” ?.
Actually I could live with – https://townsquare.media/site/442/files/2019/12/planet-of-the-apes.png?w=980&q=75
The apartheid fake state will be destroyed and Palestine will take its place, as it should. Death to the Oded Yinon Plan.
Get out of your mother’s basement kid, stop playing warfare in the real war. You are nobody, do you think you have been in a real battle? I mean not fighting with children, women and old people, but genuine battles with enemies that are balanced or stronger than you. Among all the Zionist parasites here you are the only one who is dreaming in broad daylight, as if you can destroy a division of the enemy forces alone, you think you are tough, the other parasitic Zionists here clearly look stupid and you are assigned to pretend to be seen toughness. You know, true tough soldiers will not show their toughness, and you talk too much. Those who talk a lot are those who act a little. You are a loser in the real world and you want to look strong on the internet to cover up your weaknesses. We’ve dealt a lot with people like you before.
lol, like you even know me. I dont have to prove anything to you nor anyone else here, think whatever you want about me, I’d still be there when I get the call. And if you think fighting against Jihadists is not a real battle, you’re deluded.
If this event happened to Russia, Putin would offer S 400s to US. If war breaks out between Iran and US, Iran should never expect any help from Russia.
I agree with most of what you are saying, but attack Israel right now would be stupid. Because that would unite Europe and Nato against Iran. The best thing hey can do is to keep their head cold, and maybe block the strait of Hormuz.
Iran is not alone….they are with many…USraHell is done…
Everybody seems to be forgetting the history. Soleimani has always been terrorist just as much as the whole Iranian “post-revolutionary” government led by mullahs. 30 years ago they left a trail of blood in Yugoslavia (Bosnia) mostly by cutting Serbian heads. At that and other times they were American and Saudi allies. They never had any moral issues with such cooperation.They never stopped with their world-wide islamic revolution as they are obliged to do by the Iranian constitution. As recently as just a few days ago they kept expressing their support to muslim terrorists in Myanmar, India and elsewhere. What goes around, comes around.
Haha you talk so much nonsens, Iran allies with US and Saudi Arabië, Iran in Myanmar, cuttong serbian heads. You have mixed up a lot of info and concocted a whole new reality for yourself?
Its high time you went around to your dealer and gots some more crack ,Jasmin.
Everybody seems to forget what I have been thinking. Therefore my advise to Iran is, don talk so much!
the one problem in the middle east that needs to be taken care of and that is the illegal state israel – once israel and the squatters are removed from this earth, peace and tranquility will come to the middle east. that is the answer not only to the continuous wars in the middle east but to the wars everywhere else – neutralize the jews and the world will have peace. and the world can jointly decide that israel and the squatters can’t be allowed to continue its existence as an illegal statelet – thieves and murderers as they are, forfeited any and all rights to continue its existence.
And who will do that? You?
The mullahs regime is a world power in threats, talk and hot air. Don’t they realize that their threats are just ridiculous? If you want to shoot, shoot don’t talk.
Get the Yanker scum out of the ME and then blow Israel the fuck up. Enough of this war-mongering duo.
Can I call you a sack of shit too instead of Al? I mean, what’s the difference right?
Sorry mate, the answer is no, however cow shit is OK, because for some strange reason I love the smell; you can call me the c*nt word, wanker, bastard and anything like that. OK – deal ?.
The US “intelligence” and “Leadership” apparently have forgotten, or never learned that Iran is a Extreme Zealot and Religious country… There are about 40 to 50 thousand US troops in Middle East now…A Total War against they waged by Iranian larger Army, and it´s proxies will lead to the death of thousands of Americans, in a way not seen since the Korean War, when US Army where crushed by the Chinese PLA. This could be the Phase One. A Total attack in all American assets in ME. Boots on Ground are a Nightmare for an Army with 300 thousand soldiers with PTSD…Boots on ground in a Mountain and Desert Country? And let´s not forget the Iranian Missile capabilities and their ability to strike OIL ASSETS in the region… I don´t have any doubt that US is capable of invading Iran, with 500 thousand or maybe 800 thousand troops…but the cost will be enormous, and Iraq and Afghanistan already humiliating defeats will be a cakewalk comparing to the Shia country… After the Initial confront, Shia militias will wage a guerrilla warfare that has US soldiers shit on their pants in Iraq, with the final capitulation in 2011…A Guerrilla Warfare in a geographically extreme easy to do it… US Leadership is either Gone or Mad. Good for the World. The Empire will never recover for this murderous adventure. In 2027, 2030 maybe, they will exit Iran after thousand or hundreds of soldiers dead, and a bankrupt economy… The American Empire will declare it´s extinction if it invades Iran, Period
Yes and I will add that Israel and the House of Saud (cards) will be destroyed right at the beginning.
Israel i don´t think so. They have nukes.
Damn, you’re not as delusional as you seemed. But you should note that if Islamist Iran attacks Israel in an existential way, Israel will use those nukes. Now tell me which country will be no more.
USA and Israel do not care about the north-american deaths, don’t you remember VIet-Nam ? The important point for Israel now is the destrction of Iran (as Syria as destroyed). Israel can make the sacrifice of having thousand of north-american death.
Geography Wins and Looses Wars… Especially assymetrical ones. Iran´s Geography is a nightmare for any invader. Just Like the much less resourced Houthis don´t loose their homeland…Persia will become the deathbed of many american + nato soldiers if they invade…Either in Phase One or Phase Two (Resistance) Arrogance have no space in War…Since the Roman times, when an arrogant roman general leads 3 legions to death in Teutoberg Wald, and changed the World. A War against Shiite Persia will probably change the world in numerous ways…
You assume a ground war. Bad assumption. But you are correct. Iran might just be Persia again, much smaller when all the other nationalities leave and their level of existence reverts to that of the old Persian days.
In 2001, everyone believes in “victory” over Taliban in Afghanistan…see today In 2003, everyone believes in US “victory” in Iraq… see 2006,2007 and the capitulation in 2011 In 2020, will we see a US “victory” in the sacred Shia Country? Maybe a Trump victory in the elections? Joy from the corrupt Netanyahu, but what happens next? Anyone who marginally know the Shia faith, knows this is a too dangerous move… and it will let West exposed to Sunni terrorism, as their forces and “Intelligence” will be concentrated in Iran… The Israel-Lebanon War of 2006 was a preview of this possible confront… And what happened there? The mighty IDF was unable to defeat Hezbollah…
That was a different time, a different place, a different situation with different US and Israeli leaders. If the Islamist Iranians and their lap puppy Hezbollah feel really lucky, they should go for it. And you should please join them to get your Darwin Award.
I believe the Iranian government are wise and they are not power hungry and lustful driver. The are very people who take all aspect into consideration and I believe the strike will come and when it come it will be an all out war cause every preparation will be done. I believe the Russian will he told ahead and they will reinforce the troops on the Goland heighth to keep Israel at bay,the Hezbollah will be ready to strike and I believe this time the Lebanon army will help Hezbollah If Israel try to strike Hezbollah. I’d the war lead to a full scale in could see a lot of people from l afganistan,Pakistan,Indian and all over heading to aid thel Iranian cause and the Russian will move some of the military close to Iran border and equipment and aid will be flow in ,then Chinese will do the same aswell. the question is how long it take the Iranian to make all preparation for a full scale conflict before launching all they revenge answer.
You have such funny, delusional wet dreams. If you missed it, Iran’s assumed great allies, Russia and China, have really come to Iran’s side with the earth shattering statements that the attack was illegal and calling on all sides for claim. Damn, most of the Democratic candidates have made stronger statements.
Any massive counter attack and Islamist Iran will be no more. Heck, about any direct attack from Iran on Tel Aviv and bye bye Iran.
The antisemitism on this site is appalling. Can’t wait to see all your tears when the USAF and IDF destroy all your beloved Mullah IRGC proxies! :-]
We are pro-Semite on this site: we support the liberation of Palestine from European colonial occupation. Palestinians are a true semitic people, unlike the fake hebrews currently occupying Tel Aviv.
USraHell are chickenshit Cowards…send thousands of Bodybags back to the U.S….Let’s see how long they will like their little Iranian adventure…Exterminate All AngloZioNazi-Terrorists…war is comin’
Just remember that Pear Harbord has just a tramp for Japan to attack them and to have a real justification for USA to enter into a war with Japan. There was not way Japan could defeat USA at all. In the same way, USA is just waiting for any small mistake to attack Iran (following orders of Israel), and there is not way at all that Iran, without a direct help of Russia or China, can survive.