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MARCH 2025

IRGC Commander Threatens U.S. Assets In Europe, Says Syria Will Take Part In Revenge

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IRGC Commander Threatens U.S. Assets In Europe, Says Syria Will Take Part In Revenge

An Iranian indigenously-built radar in the south-eastern Iranian city of Zaheda. IMAGE: IRNA

The U.S. should be awaiting attacks on its assets in European states in response to the assassination of Iran’s Quds Force Commander Maj. Gen. Qassim Soleimani, head of the political bureau of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) said on January 5.

In an interview with the Tehran-based al-Alam TV, Brig. Gen. Yadollah Javani also revealed that Syria, a key ally of Iran, will play a role in the response to the killing of Solimani.

“The response to the assassination of General Soleimani and revenge against America will be strong in the right time and place,” the commander said, adding “Iran is serious about responding but it is not rush.”

Solimani and many other Iranian and Iraqi commanders, including Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, Deputy Commander of the Popular Mobilization Units (PMU), were killed earlier this week in the Iraqi capital, Baghdad.

Two days ago, Iran’s Supreme National Security Council held the U.S. responsible for the assassination of the Iranian commander, revealing that it has adopted measures in response to the incident.

Facing mounting threats from Iran, U.S. President Donald Trump warned that his country will attack 52 targets in Iran, including sites significant for the Islamic country’s culture, if Americans or American assets are attacked.

While the U.S. and Iran are heading towards a serious confrontation, the scale and nature of this confrontation are still hard to predict.

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Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

iran is gonna take down this fucked up empire


Iran lost its empire a very long time ago. There’s no other empire you could be referring to that Iran can do much of anything about.


are all juice that illiterate and ignorant? I bet they are…

Brian Michael Bo Pedersen

They, US, do a better job of it themselves. As former Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said: “The war in Syria would be the downfall of the US empire.”

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

True, trump just gave Iran every right to kick the US out of the region forever. If it didnt before, it sure as hell does and will now


Enforcing what you might consider a right is always the hard part.


Oh wow, Syria will help Iran attack the US. And Iran will attack the US in Europe. This guy is a clown who will not be long for this world if he gets his way…nor will Iran’s nuke facilities, Airforce, Navy, oil industry and a lot of his Murdering Mullah friends.


I wanna see Iran dares to attack a U.S aircraft carrier, mullahs will then beg for a ceasefire.


Just idea GOYIM DYING FOR IsraHELL while killing Iranians makes you have a ZIONIST orgasm .


Nahhhhhhhhh…but less Islamists in the world is not a bad thing and does have a good feel to it.

Brian Michael Bo Pedersen

Iran aint that stupid, but the US is. The US will do anything to anyone to make money.

A false flag operation against a US carrier have been rumored for months now, nothing new there.


Go tune your tinfoil hat.

Brian Michael Bo Pedersen

I did, and i tuned into history, and history told me that the US loves false flags and the average citizen in the west is stupid enough to believe them again and again.


SouthFront this article sounds wrong!


This is how TehranTimes describe it is the same interview. https://www.tehrantimes.com/news/440822/IRGC-General-Iran-has-turned-from-a-deterrent-power-to-a-retaliatory


Attacking assets in Europe would be a bad move as this would just encourage NATO to get involved against Iran, US would use this for PR to build up a coalition like they did in Iraq.


but..but..mullahs put up a red flag! Iran stronk, IRGC stronk. BTW we have a joke here, how do you drive a Persian mad? you put him in a round room and tell him there is a dime in the corner ;-) They never find it though.


Oh, just shut up you ZIONIST VERMIN! Maybe you are in mood for fun and celebration but your happiness will not last long.


How many Zionists does it take to replace a light bulb? Four: One to stay home and convince others to do it, a second to donate the bulb, a third to screw it in and a fourth to proclaim that the entire Jewish people stands behind their actions.


I liked that one, voted up.

Jens Holm

Its taken from a big book. I can take one and change too.

How can we give skinny hairy Iranians a job. Well if more smoked pipes, they could be used as pipecleaners.

Americans might import many of them too. Its meant so they eat a lot and americans by that will become less fat.

J Ramirez

Why did the Jews wander the desert for 40 years? Did they ever find that quarter?

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

It may just be a lure for now


what idea do you have of NATO? NATO does and will always do what the USsraheel commands. € U is a colony


Yes and no. Many if not huge majority NATO countries (is asked) will refuse directly to help US in aggression on Iran since it is US who is aggressor now. So there are limits to “obedience”


n every US war from Iraq 1, Iraq 2, Afghanistan, Yugoslavia, Syria, Libya, Ukraine … there have always been NATO members in the coalition to support the USA. sure, not with the NATO flag and never all the members, only those who serve. and so it will be, unfortunately. ciao.


Iraq -NOT TRUE Iraq2-NOT TRUE Libya-3 NATO countries only other-NOT TRUE

So bottom line Yugoslavia and Afghanistan NATO interventions ONLY Yugoslavia -LABELED for “WAR CRIME” they did not commit (so called NATO “humanitarian intervention” of bombing aggression against Yugoslavia) Afghanistan- AFTER the US intervention they have asked for NATO “peace keeping” and justified NATO assistance with 9/11 “attack” on US.

OK now kindly name the justification for NATO aggression against Iran and if you have none don’t bother me please. THANK YOU !


The Iraq war coalition of 37 nations. of NATO: USA-GB-FR-IT-PL-ES-BL-NG-HU-DN-HOL all died

Iraqi War II coalition of 13 nations. of NATO: US-GB-IT-PL-ES-PR-HOL-DEN-RUM-BUL and all died. in Libya in addition to USA -GB-FR, ger. for communications and it. for air and missile bases and patrols To date, Italy has soldiers in Iraq, Afghanistan, Lebanon, Ukraine. ciao


OK lets say you are right because I have lost interest

But only to show you that I checked; You are trafficking the numbers because we were talking about NATO From NATO US-UK did Iraq2 invasion ! ( there was 149 Pole soldiers only)in invasion of Iraq 2 and NOBODY ELSE !

All others came later to help in occupation of Iraq ….still not making even half of the NATO members so logically that was not NATO operation Afghanistan and Yugoslavia were only true NATO interventions All others are not.

Jens Holm

Of course there has been Nato Members in those conflicts. It was strange, if there was not.

We are affiliated, related and in the same western economyand mainly by that doing much better if we bend in those relations as much as we can.

United Nations was made by us. HUman Right were made by us too – mainly.

So what are friends united for: 1967 and 1973 in ME?

But You have to add others too. Just being a member is nothing. And I also recall the Iraqi Coalision has memebers, which certainly are not Nato.


Especially as the US us Hindering North Stream 2 because it wants Germany to buy more expensive gas from the US.

Jens Holm

I think You bias that buying expensive gas too much. Its more like USA for safety matters CAN deliever most of the gas, if Russia make a stop.

Jens Holm

WE dont. Nordstream 2 is a big and good example. We also are the only one having plans for making us indepnedent from fossils. And we do day by day even its slower then the plans.

Trump and most of USA is not for that at all.

Fossils is not of importance? I am kind of proud. Danes last year covered 50% of electricity by wind, bur we are building out for more things as well as the cars.

You also ignore we have USA sanctions against us and we have santions against them too.


“attacks on its assets in European states ”

This “article” is WRITTEN BY ISRAHELL PSY-OPS specialists it seams. They want to stage false flag in EUrope and label it on Iran… to get EUropeans on their & US side ! Since EUrope is totally distanced from another US insane adventure that can sky rocket oil prices to the sky not to mention refugees!

Free man

You start to sound stupid like the mullahs regime. The article is about a commander of the Revolutionary Guards who threaten to hit American targets in Europe. Isn’t this a terrorist act? Like the Iranian terrorists seized in Denmark, Albania, France, Germany and elsewhere. Wake up, sleepy head. There are no good jihadists, all jihadists are bad.


You can’tread maybe??!? IRAN DOES NOT DO TERRORISM BUT YOUR TERRORIST ISIS & AL QAEDA FRIENDS ! Iran does not have any interest to antagonize EUrope specially now when EUrope is NEUTRAL in this conflict !! There are already 10 people here who think the same. I know what is “article about” you insolent twat I can read! And I claim it is FALSE and many people will agree with that or at least not categorically reject that, like you are trying to do you HYPOCRITE!

Free man

“IRAN DOES NOT DO TERRORISM” – LOL. What were the Iranian terrorist groups captured in France, Albania, Denmark and Germany recently? Healing tourists. What are Hamas and Islamic Jihad, which are supported by the mullahs regime? Don’t you understand that you support terrorists, but blame others for the same thing? Are you a stupid or a hypocrite?


remember when the juice blew up the US army barracks in beirut? Yea thats right.. It was not the shia or the sunni who did it.. just like the 66 who were killed on the liberty.. and the 3011 on 911.. all done by the juice…


where did you read it, on the jerusalem post?


You think that if you buy NATO bollocks propaganda that I have to do the same?!? OK What “terrorist” acts were committed with those groups? Something staged for their friends from Pentagon?! They can come to my house and stick against me that I am jihad terrorist even though I am NOT Muslim! And if you think that they do not set up people like that than you are NAIVE IDIOT !

Do not waste my time please!!

Free man

Google: Iranian diplomat faces extradition from Germany over ‘bomb plot’. But apparently the facts don’t really interest you.


No I will not if you don’t tell me what was about.. To “bomb” what? It is YOUR CLAIM so give me the link If it is NATO propaganda nonsense I couldn’t be bothered to even look at that. The name of the source and what was “bomb” about or don’t bother me.

Free man

a BBC article.


Ha ha ha ha nothing like “CREDIBLE SOURCE” ! New “Weapons of Mass Destruction” or new Assad’s attack with “CHLORINE gas”maybe?! They are mother of all LIARS in MSM business and outpost of MI-6 !!! You stupid twat !

Free man

So you’re stupid. I thought.


you taught wrongly as usual


You always think wrong you stupid Azeri twat


There is none so deaf as those who will not hear. Or if ratio would exist in islam they might be reasonable beings, no wars, a civilisation, equality for women , prosperity and much other good things , but know they must live in a fantasy world where they think they are the centre of the universe, the earth is flat, and all muslims ( aslong as they believing exactly the same stuff as you ) are human, women are brainless or have maximum 1/4 of the brains of a men, allah makes you winning all wars, is saving the Turkish lira from devaluating, , makes you de richest f the world, let you live in paradise, IF YOU PEOPLE TRULY BELIEVE. The proof non of you ever did BELIEVE or THAT ALLAH does not excist. OR MAYBE YOU CAN GIVE ME THE PROOF HE DOES EXCIST, A credible source please and yes if the BBC wrote they met Allah that Could be a credible source.


You can’t com up with a link ? There are endless BBC articles.

Free man



But they terrorise their own people, look last month. Women are terrorised because they ket their hair flee free, freedom of religion, free speech, critic all of this is terrorised and far more. And look at the true answer of free man


“Free man” is ZIONIST pig just like you are! How the fuck is that your problem even if true ?!? Since when Islam must observe Western LGBTQ and perversions and feminist rights?

TILL WHEN YOU U.S. SONS OF BITCHES WILL DECIDE OUR LIVES AND ROB OUR RESOURCES by using anything for an excuse?!? US needs only another US puppet regime in Iran who will again slaughter them maybe and take all their oil? All you US BITCHES want is Iranian oil and dominate planet by making everybody else loser! “F**K YOU” is the ready made answer that you will get everywhere!


Every thing I claim is true. And I give a damm about what you muslims do if you do it where you belong, behind secure borders, but the moment you muslims are able to walk you start trying the get in the west. You can not live without the perverse western civilisation. So stop whining and build a civilisation worthy to staying in. And those resources keep them, but you want to sell them and your leaders want ti use the money for their own or start working and not killing each other.


I am not Muslim but Christian. And I hate your imperialist Western bulls**t propaganda that justifies Western terrorism around the world. You belong to the BANKRUPTED would be empire that is about to collapse. Your terrorism will soon be over!


every single one of that was by the half filled juice just like 911.. Every single one..


msr Freeman, Iranian terrorists arrested in Europe? wake up! it’s just a Zionist dream.

Friend of Russia

Now according to trump Iran is the only terrorist in the whole world and ISIS, Taliban, Al-Qaeda and Pakistan are good guys. According to him terror attacks in mumbai and Delhi too were conducted by soleimani.


Are you from India?! Be little fair to Pakistan’since they are not at the moment in the US sphere of influence.(I’m not saying they can’t become again, I don’t know that) True that US is trying to win them over…. again. But Pakistan is still China’s strategic allay.


Pakistan is controlled by the Wahhabi Saudi’s, who are possibly the instigators of this attack on Soleimani, and Iran. Saudi Arabia wold love to claim to be “the true home of Islam”. Not claiming to know, but I do know the bs has just started to fly.


I knew that Saudis had some influence. But I didn’t know that Saudi’s had so much influence in Pakistan since Pakistan is still strategic Chinese partner. At list I think they are. One can’t have to Masters. If Pakistan is loyal to China partnership than it is impossible that Saudi’s are in charge and “control” Pakistan. Iran today has no other option but to react, despite everything US is saying and despite their threats.

Jens Holm

I divide Pakistani 3. Saudis has influence in one.

Blaming Iran is a toal lie as well.

Tommy Jensen

Also those terror attacks in Spain, Britain, Paris, Norway, Germany, Belgium were also conducted by Soleimany. Soleimany also did the bombing in Bologna in 1980 which killed 180 people, and that’s not the only thing he did. Soleimany was also behind 9/11.


Well, not quite. They with their lap puppy, Hezbollah, blew up the Jewish Center in Argentina. And their lap puppy has committed many terrorist attacks around the world that they would not do without Islamist Iranian direction.


I do hope that IRAN really did that ! If Israel was killing so many Iranians scientists in the middle of the Tehran that Iranians can kill few Jews as well !

Brian Michael Bo Pedersen

Wonna bet that it would happen after 1. february in Denmark? I would bet you 50USD donated to Southfront, that if anything at all happens, its either in or extremely close to Denmark (Directly bordering).

Jean de Valette


Brian Michael Bo Pedersen

Just a feeling i got, since some Royal Danish Army units are on a 12 hour alert/standby to react to anything within Danish borders, from 1. february.

Free man

I know I sound like a broken record, but the amount of warm air that the mullahs regime releases will cause global warming. The problem is that they release the hot air with increasing stupidity. Do they want to cause complete destruction of Syria? Do they want the Europeans to take part in the war against them too?


buckley sure would not say it is all warm air having a hot poker up his ass…


Trump is going to be screaming on the lvl of a child soon. They have his number and know exactly the sequence of his buttons. Imagine the Presidents’ level of insanity after 10 months of daily psy ops against him. Pompeo will right right behind him in line for treatment. My take.

Abramo Putra

Iran has ballistic missiles that easily reach 2000 km. From Syria, Sigonella in Italy, where the drone started from, is within their reach.


Sure, but it would be an attack on a NATO country.


For some reason some people can’t make 2+2 calculation.


Great idea if the Murdering Mullahs want to commit suicide.


go eat some fecal matters and anthrax to end the msery that obviously is your life!


How can the USA be attacked in Europe without involving NATO?


This Islamist Iranian clown was puffing on some strong sh*t.


go eat fecal matters till you drown in your own crap!


That was your hero Adolf’s thing, Adolf. So it is likely you as a loyal follower already are feasting away.


nato is disintegrating due to its inability to have common targets acceptable to the group. if the us is attacked in europe, as it well should be, it has nothing to do with nato, but the local police or the european police. so don’t worry and plan away – israeli and american embassies are fair targets.


Which makes ALL of Iran a fair target. Top on that target list will be all its nuke facilities after its air defenses and airforce are wiped out.


Giving NATO a reason to “re-unite” is just as dumb as killing Soleimani.

Mehmet Aslanak

I would be pleased to see oil stealers in Syria were attacked by Iranian militia. Also to free my Kurdish brothers from the wrath of Kurdish Kommunist Party (PKK/YPG/SDF), so Kurdish brothers might join the peaceful Kurdish ENKS parties coalition.


Iranian militias left years ago.. They only spent like 6 months training and lost a few thousand members as well. In fact even in syria there are no militias now, they have been disbanded or placed in SAA groups just like in Iraq..


The Kurds did NOT vote for US troops to leave Iraq. Guess they don’t much like Islamists whether Sunni or Shi’a. And they would like to at some point unite with the Kurds in Iran, Syria and Turkey. An upheaval in the region gives them new hope for a united Kurdish state.


joke123, the kurds will have to watch it or they might suffer what the armenians allegedly (most doubtful) suffered about a hundred years ago. one group that will suffer exactly that is the hymies in palestine, but, they have a more recent experience, so not to worry.


You always talk such a tough line. And one, you just sit on your fat azz and do nothing about it. Get that suicide vest and help your Islamist butt buddies fight Israel. And two, you forget about Israel’s couple of hundred mostly thermonuclear missiles.


all I say to you – eat more fecal matters and die a gruesome death.


And as I noted, that was your hero Adolf’s thing and as a loyal follower you are likely already feasting. But you have called for Israel’s elimination many times ignoring the fact that if any such attempt was seriously made, whoever tried would not be long for this world and could easily end up as pretty glow in the dark dust and vapor. Still, big mouth, besides your Adolf dinner, your suicide vest awaits. Since you are so incompetent, do practice a lot.

Mehmet Aslanak

Uncle Adolf was right about the jews. Kindly read his book. German jews were controlling German media & industry before nazis elected in 1932. Jewish mind control didn’t work well on German minds. Nazis used those technics for their own war propaganda in WW2. While jewish media bosses have fled to Hollywood as you today know as “Metro Goldwyn Mayer” or “Universal Studios” companies. US citizens are still sleeping with those semitic mind control technics, not as clever as German citizens. Entire US media is under control of a bunch of jews & no one cares about it.

Mehmet Aslanak

Armenians at east Anatolia had hit the Ottoman army behind & they were deported to Syria, Lebanon where they still live to this day. Many died on the way by starving since Ottoman empire was poor & army was angry at their betrayal. But west Anatolian Armenians are spared since they didn’t hit the army from behind. Today still many Armenians lives in Istanbul & Izmir, since thousand years. So it’s hard to call as a genocide. Kindly read the British court rulings in Malta after WW1, judging Ottoman officials about the deportations. They all cleared of massacre accusations.


interesting thank you – but I suppose you might say the kurds have sided with the enemy of either turkey or syria, that is israel and trusting these scumbags to keep them safe. a remarkably stupid idea since israel is all for themselves and not one iota for anyone else. so the kurds either go back as tenants in the borderland and make up with turkey and syria since neither of the two will accept in any way a kurdish semi-independent kurdish statelet.


The Kurds & Sunni blocks refused to vote but you cant complain about the result if you dont take part.

Arch Bungle

The Kurds are Cucks. They get cucked regularly by the US. Cucks are irrelevant and their votes mean nothing.


offer a bounty of say 1$ on any american ambassador in europe or ditto on any israeli ambassador in europe and you will see some interesting action, 1m bucks for a dead ambassador would interest large groups of enemies of the unhinged states of A or israel. keep you eyes peeled.


If the Murdering Mullahs are as stupid as you to do such a stupid thing, they won’t have eyes to peel for long.


there are no murdering mullahs, just murdering yanks and thieving and murdering hymies. and if the bounty is offered to the specific groups viewing the unhinged states of A and/or israel as an enemy, hard to defend themselves against. it’s called tit for ttat.

go away, eat more fecal matters and die a gruesome death.


You are really into that sh*t eating, Adolf.


An interesting idea, even criminal underworld types would be tempted – it would be like that bounty on John Wick

Xoli Xoli

Whenever something happens in NATO countries none NATO puppets reacts first to please Washington.Iranian great fighter,instructor and advisor has been assisnated by the impeach crap Trump.I knows powerful Iranian missiles the smoke out all Yankees in Middle East and insure the unsafely of USA warmongers.

Jacob "Wraith" Wohl

Can’t wait for the USAF/IDF F-35’s to demolish all Mullah missile launchers!

Arch Bungle

Can’t wait for the US 7th fleet to go up in smoke in Bahrain.


Bloody assassin in the WH


Ok do it and experience a civil revolution in Iran. You know how fragile your governement is. Easy to import “manpads” in Iran and weapons to overturn the islamic tyrany.


Can’t wait till I can get my hand on the Cheney, Biden, Soros types!

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