Speedboats of Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) are seen during major drills in the Strait of Hormuz in the Persian Gulf code-named the Great Prophet 9 on February 25, 2015.
The chief commander of the Iranian Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) has warned the US leadership that Iran will target US ships if they threaten the safety of the country’s vessels or warships.
“We declare to them that we are absolutely determined and serious in defending our national security, water borders and maritime interests, and that any move [against us] will be effectively and swiftly met with a decisive, effective response,” Major General Hossein Salami said on April 23.
He emphasized that Iranian naval forces have been ordered “to target any flotilla or military unit of the US Navy’s terrorist forces if they were to put at risk the safety of our vessels or warships.”
“We resolutely, effectively and confidently stand up against the threats that jeopardize our national security and territorial integrity; this is not a path that we will walk away from and will keep treading it by God’s grace.”
Sleepy Joe thought this was OK. Not me! https://t.co/VgIlA4fJKF
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) April 22, 2020
The statement of the IRGC chief came in response to a statement by US President Donald Trump that he had ordered the US Navy to “shoot down and destroy” Iranian gunboats that “harass” US ships.
I have instructed the United States Navy to shoot down and destroy any and all Iranian gunboats if they harass our ships at sea.
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) April 22, 2020
Earlier in April, the US military said that 11 IRGC Navy fast attack craft came close to U.S. Navy and coast guard ships in the Persian Gulf, calling the moves “dangerous and provocative”.
Believe me Iran means business and will give the dying coronavirus afflicted Americunts more than a bloody nose and all the Americunt and Jew stooges from Bahrain to Saudis will go down in flames too.
I hope Trump keeps his promise to punish them for their provocations, Iran is nothing more than a paper tiger.
Well he wimped out with the global Hawk incident and wimped out when they bombed two US bases in Iraq. No reason to think he won’t wimp out now, especially since the US is on weaker footing now than before. I’d be surprised if all US ships in the Persian Gulf are not infected with corona by now, the only thing they’re like to be ‘shooting down’ is copious amounts of hydroxycholorquine.
You also forgot the US marines incident that got captured and also the RQ-170 “stealth” drone and still US did nothing. Not to mention of course the US accusations against Iran that they were the ones that hit the Aramco in Saudi Arabia or the oil tankers in persian gulf and that US will punish them but still did nothing lol. US only big words and no action, they are toughs only against someone that cant hit them back like Syria, Libya etc…
Loudmouth lardass cowardly cunts, they know that Iran can hit back and it did and will.
LOL, here comes the PUNK JEW wanker :)
Trump’s tweet order to “shoot down” iranian boats was already countermanded by the pentagon.
The USA are not going to start a costly war with Iran until their relationship with the Saudi’s is sorted out. Right now the Saudi’s have 40 m bbl of oil in tankers headed to US shores while domestic oil futures for May are at _$50/bbl. That’s an attack on the US oil industry that could cause bond markets to collapse.
Even if Trump order an all out invasion of Iran it’s going to be the real power in the USA that the pentagon listens to. if it’s not in their economic interests the USA won’t start anything. The last thing the USA needs right now is more economic uncertainty …. although if they wanted a patsy to start a war Trumps expendable.
Wait a sec, here… The Pentagon is filled with butt-hurt generals that blame Iran for EVERYTHING (including their most recent failures in the Middle East). None of them are strategic thinkers (except for the ‘invade Iran’ part). ALL of them are oblivious to what is glaringly obvious to the rest of the entire world: the Pentagon’s slobbering, butt-kissing support for Israeli and Saudi interests over U.S. interests. The Pentagon is staffed exactly how treasonous Israeli-firster neocons in the U.S. Congress and U.S. Intel community wanted it staffed. That includes influencing both Obama’s AND Trump’s administration to purge the Pentagon of anyone not fully onboard with the Destroy Evil Iran for Israel (or the al Saud clan) party line. EVERY LAST GENERAL in the Pentagon will wipe his ass with the US Constitution and eagerly attack Iran without a second thought. They wouldn’t be there today if they didn’t think like this.
“Even if Trump order an all out invasion of Iran it’s going to be the real power in the USA that the pentagon listens to.” Do you mean the Israeli lobby or the Saudi lobby?
“if it’s not in their economic interests the USA won’t start anything.” That’s anti-Semitic! The US government will pay ANY price necessary to protect Israeli or Saudi interests. Cash, technology, blood, war, worldwide scorn and condemnation of the US… ANY price, ANY time. Are we even talking about the same USA, here?
The last thing the USA needs right now is more economic uncertainty …. although if they wanted a patsy to start a war Trumps expendable. +1 for redeeming your response with this observation. War – justified or not – always distracts the little people from economic collapse and stringing up the leaders responsible. I have no idea what Israel has on Trump, but he’s entirely compromised and a push-over for starting a war with Iran.
And Bibi’s man Pompeo is there to make sure that Trump is properly groomed to bumble into an Iranian war when the time comes. History will blame Trump forever for starting such a disastrous, unwinnable war. Israel and Saudi Arabia’s role in screaming for Iran’s destruction will be discounted or ignored when they re-write history. All Trump’s fault. I’m neither pro- nor anti- Trump – he’s our elected president and I’m responsible for anything he does. But it’s pretty clear he’s being set up regarding Iran.
My impression is that Pentagon is not as bad as the political establishment, which I’d agree your description fits perfectly. I do believe there are still many truly patriotic staffers and generals in Pentagon, but with the neocons in power it is hard on them.
Zionist rabid dogs are not barking much lately, Iran is about to launch an even more capable satellite next week that will cover a wider region. The Iranians deserve applause for their technological achievement-based entirely on their own resources and ingenuity of their scientists and vast engineering capable of producing every thing from nuclear technology to satellite and jet fighters despite 41 years of counter-productive western sanctions.
The pathetic US pandemic death toll is this week heading above 55,000 compared with Iran’s figure of mere 5,300. Considering the respective population numbers of 350 and 82 million that suggests Iran is doing a much better job at containing the virus and keeping its insular economy on track. On a per-capita basis, according to publicly available data, Iran’s mortality rate is less than half that ofthe US.
They’re tough now because the US has not unleashed hell on them. Once Trump gives the order, every one of these gunboats will be at the bottom of the Persian Gulf.
Do you need Trump’s order to make good on your promise and delete your account? Be a man once and do what you told us you’ll do.
Wasnt that Schwartz? lol
Get lost. He already deleted his account I’m pretty sure. Stop harassing anyone whose Jewish on here. That’s all you antisemites do.
Whaaat. lol I havent harassed anyone here. Maybe i should start?
This feller is a fraud and a professional troll.
just another vietnam waiting to happen for the disintegrating states of A (and the best tidbit is that the jews in palestine will be minced for cat fodder in the process).
Dumb Jew fuck, here is the real news:
Russia has officially rejected US propaganda that Iran violated any UN resolutions with the successful launch of its Noor satellite. A Kremlin spokesman said that Iran needs to be congratulated for its scientific achievements.
Millennium Challenge 2002:
Ok, boomer. :)
Exactly! However, it should be called the ARABIAN Gulf since the Mullah’s don’t own or represent that area of the world.
Arabs are Semites.
Palestinians are facing the real Antisemitic occupation of their land by alien Khazars.
I fully agree general
English translation: The Iranian harassment will stop.
Yes, I guess you can say something that never existed is now stopped. That part of the Persian Gulf is either Iran’s territorial water or Iran’s exclusive economic zone. If they don’t want to see Iranian vessels they shouldn’t be there in the first place.
Maybe they will also stop with the “Death to America” demonstrations. What do you think ? Anyway neither side is an angel.
Woohoo!!! US is stopping Iranian harassment and leaving the Persian Gulf.
Well, Pentagon says they did not receive any new instructions or orders from the Orange utan, which strengthens the opinion that his tweet meant to increase oil price for his financial backers and also keep the MAGAts happy by playing tough.
The situation today is very different compared to a few months ago. His insane response to Covid-19 illness crisis and the subsequent results are cornering him, so his best bet to distract Americans would be a conflict, better if limited so they are able to cover their causalities and bold those of their adversaries, here Iran. We’ll know more in a few days.
Trump’s COVID response was fine. I certainly don’t like the rhetoric of war though.
First he helped the rest of the mass media in trying to make the outbreak as bad as they could by pretending the flu was worse. Then within a week that was changed into a state of emergency, exploiting the crisis to give cover for his friends at the central bank (FED). The financial market crashed on March 9th, so they needed a distraction as the FED started to buy up the world. Corona-virus won’t be enough in the end, but it is a good start for them. The meat of the coping mechanism for the central bank and cronies (which includes Trump and Obama and other such terrorist monsters of the USA), will be World War III, with the artificially generated enemies Russia & China, plus dependent / allied states.
There is one thing above all that is important about Trump: he supports torture. Nothing else is even interesting about this individual. He should be arrested, put on trial, and be put in prison for life if found guilty for the USA torture industry. I guess the trial will be short. Don’t kill him though, never kill any one of these evil people when you capture them. They must be milked for names, and adequately punished for the remainder of their lives. Don’t ever kill any one of them ! We need to pull this out by the roots.
Trump also wants Americans to inject disinfectants like bleach into their blood stream.
Washington’s presumed global empire is all washed up. Its disgraceful dereliction towards American public health is abundantly clear. Its bullying of China, Russia, Venezuela, and others is futile. Its navy is impotent from COVID-19 sick sailors aboard billion-dollar warships. And Iran, hammered by US sanctions, is able to make a landmark satellite achievement while beating the US in terms of managing a pandemic. No wonder the Americans are livid.
I think the USA still has a greatly powerful Army, it should not be underestimated. Otherwise — as you point out — we live in the Great Western Idiocracy. I suggest to invest in dry rice and portable tents.
But it loses every war mate!
What is loosing ? They sure know how to turn a place to chaos. It isn’t Iran or Lybia which is rampaging through Tennessee or Kentucky. It is USA mass murdering people left and right around the world.
This is just noise – the Iranian boats are irritating as hell to the US Navy, but are hardly a ‘collision threat’ to a f’king frigate or missile cruiser. Either of which could easily cut the Iranian boats in half if they got in the way. Both sides know that.
ZATO is pissing in its pants because Iran ‘unexpectedly’ (we didn’t have enough warning to sabotage it) and successfully launched a NOUR satellite into orbit. The few western MSM articles that even mentioned the Iranian success did so in a few sentences, and then went on for several paragraph crying about the Iranian boat harassment. Now I see Tyler on ZeroHedge has jumped in with:
Iran Hails First ‘Successful’ Military Satellite Launch, But US Intelligence Says ‘Failure’ To Orbit [link by Tyler Durden Thu, 04/23/2020 – 01:00
Fox News claimed ‘unnamed defense sources’ or ‘unnamed officials’ said US Intelligence has not detected any new satellites in orbit.
Israel has always claimed any efforts to launch satellites by Iran are really a cover for a nuclear ballistic missile program. Unlike Israel’s satellite program which is only used to spy on everyone and would never be used for nuclear weapons.
Despite the Fox News claim, several credible international astronomy observatories say that they can see object 45529 in the proper polar orbit. This site tracks satellites live: https://www.n2yo.com/?s=45529
As military satellites go, this is small with limited recon and communication capabilities vs. the hundreds of advanced, truck-sized ones used by the west. Still, enough of a ‘threat’ to paranoid psychopaths that I expect the US and Israel to destroy it as soon as humanly possible and start killing all Iranian scientists in the program. I’m sure Iran expects that as well.
Thank you. Would you please fix the url tag after the first (ZH) link? Its not closed properly and the whole comment from there to the end is now a big link. The link to n2yo is also not working because of that.
Sorry, Garga. Links fixed.
ZH covered the news retraction that the satellite failed and that it is in orbit.
I had already mentioned that Iran is launching four satellites after the first successful launch, the second and larger one is about to be launched and will cover the Indian Ocean, Yemen and parts of Africa. The first one is functioning just fine and has settled in orbit.
BEIRUT, LEBANON (10:45 P.M.) – Iran announced its plan to launch a second military satellite into orbit after successfully launching their ‘Noor’ satellite into space via their ‘Qasad’ rocket.
The commander of the space unit of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), Ali Jaafar Abadi, said on Thursday that the “Noor 2” satellite is ready and that their next step is to take it into orbit around the Earth.
He said that the Revolutionary Guards are also planning to launch satellites of a larger size than Noor 1.
Abadi continued that the “Noor 1 is our first military satellite and we will make larger satellites in the future that will settle into higher orbits.”
Regarding the Noor 1, which was launched yesterday, Abadi explained that it orbits 16 times a day around the globe, 430 km from the surface of the earth, stressing that the satellite sensors will start operating within ten days.
Trump is very stupid instead of concentrating on his useless Pompeo USA betrayal coronavirus. He is still naive by following Pompeo reckless and blind coaching to sink his own weapon carriers in Persian gulf.The answer is the Persians mean business and will hit last spike in USA coffin.
They are stupid and arrogant and that is a fatal combination. As I said many times, the Americunts are cowards and thugs and have been barking for 41 years against Iran and have achieved the opposite results. Iran means more than business as even a CIA report this week confirmed that Iran can inflict severe losses to the lardsasses:
Pentagon and CIA urge Trump to exercise caution
However, invading Iran would not be the same as the Iraq War—it would be worse by every measure. The risk isn’t that Tehran could defeat the U.S. in a conventional military conquest but that it could bleed us dry with our largest, costliest forever war yet. Iran will fight US on home ground in a asymmetrical war which the US simply can not win or is prepared to win at a time of domestic chaos fanned by COVID-19.
After nearly two decades of region-wide sapping conflict in which we have lost much and gained little, the time has come to end these generational wars instead of expanding them to include Iran, the most powerful actor in the region and capable of causing fatal blows to US interests regionally and globally.
Do you mean in that same article I linked, MikeH, or another ZH article? I can’t find any other ZH article that seems related to the launch. The one I linked describes Iranian reports of a successful launch/orbit and FOX News reports that US Intel doubts the satellite made it to orbit. The article ends with this sentence leaving the question open: “Meanwhile, the real question remains whether the satellite is actually now orbiting the earth, which early US intelligence statements appear to dispute.”
The Pentagon let the Fox News story spread, then backtracked a few hours later Wednesday morning from the supposed intel assessment. Joint Chiefs vice chairman General John Hyten: “Iran’s rocket went a very long way” but wouldn’t confirm that it made it to orbit (patent bullshit, they track everything… but whatever).
Then, Wednesday afternoon at around 4 P.M., the US 18th SPCS tweeted this:
Tyler’s article is dated Thursday at 1 A.M. – plenty of time to have seen the many reports (USAF and civilian astronomical observers) confirmation of the Iranian satellite in the correct orbit. This isn’t a broad condemnation of Tyler’s reporting. He just got this one wrong and (as far as I can tell) never dismissed the fake Fox News report or the bogus ‘unnamed insider’ reports that the satellite didn’t make it into orbit.
IIRC, it was an update in your link. I read that before coming to SF, which is my habit.
I don’t doubt you. I just think it’s weird if they added and update and then removed it. Tyler isn’t a big fan of Iran, so the way the story was initially reported on ZH isn’t surprising.
No wonder the US reacted with fury this week when Iran launched a satellite 465 kilometers into space. In baseball terms, the Iranians just hit the US ball out of the park.
Russian praises Iran and condemns US for spreading lies
Russia has dismissed as “baseless” claims by the United States that the recent launch of Iran’s first-ever military satellite by the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) violates a United Nations Security Council resolution endorsing the 2015 nuclear deal between Tehran and world powers.
On Wednesday, the IRGC Aerospace Force launched the Nour (Light) satellite via the Qassed (Carrier) carrier, a move US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo was quick to condemn as a violation of United Nations Security Council Resolution 2231.
“This would not be the first time that the United States, a nation that has flagrantly breached the norms of international law and violated UNSC resolution 2231 is trying to deflect international condemnation by baselessly accusing Iran of noncompliance with the requirements of the Security Council,” Russia’s Sputnik news agency quoted Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova as saying at a briefing on Thursday. Earlier, President Putin and FM Lavrov had both congratulated Iran on the successful launch of its Nour satellite.
more amerikan fake news—trump’s job is to lie to a nation of liars. the US military planners r fully aware that their obese, death fearing feminized soldiers cannot challenge Iran….like all bullies, amerikans r cowards….Adorno described all American conversations as “shallow, bombastic and fatuous”….”amerikans have been liars and braggarts for 3 centuries”. Daniel Boorstin “amerikan parents lie to their children; amerikan children lie to their parents–it’s expected”. G. Gorer Obama’s job is to lie to a nation of liars”. Kiese Laymon “we lied, cheated and stole”. M Pompeo only an idiot believes an amerikan—-fake people/robots…..”the cult of sincerity—amerikans aren’t sincere–it’s a performance”. David Riesman….”the cult of friendliness—amerikans r only friendly when they want something from you”. Christopher Lasch…..”in amerika sincerity has been transformed into authenticity” Calvin Trilling. (MORE FAKE)…more than 60% of US females ADMIT to faking –moping and sulking in order to manipulate their parents and lovers”. Arlie Hochschild fake people—fake president- fake news
That seals it. The complete destruction of the IRGC Navy is IMMINENT. Mullah Regime is going down!
Aren’t you a convicted fraud?
BREAKING NEWS: IDF promises to SHOOT DOWN Iran’s recent military satellite using Arrow 3 interceptor! Also, the US Navy will also be shooting it down using AEGIS!
lol fraudster fake news
when an amerikans lips r moving they r lying—tell this to the prosecutor in Arizona—your community service punishment is posting CIA disinformation …obviously a sexually repressed feminized murikan
obviously amerikans will do nothing, nor will Israel—Iranian missiles can destroy Israeli cities w little effort —their pitiful iron dome cannot even intercept katushas sent by Islamic jihad—although it is marginally better than the fake amerikan patriot system….the amerikans r so stupid they undermine their own NATO allies—in opposition to the Danish govt, they r now meddling in Greenland, positioning a consulate there—-perhaps after they invade they will invade the Faroe Islands also
Interestingly Israel is keeping very quiet and knows that Iran can wipe it out.
Zionist cunts simply don’t know what to do and are shit scared of Iran’s growing capabilities.