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MARCH 2025

IRGC Deploys SAM To Defend Nuclear Sites Amid U.S. Strike Concerns: Reports

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IRGC Deploys SAM To Defend Nuclear Sites Amid U.S. Strike Concerns: Reports

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Iran is strengthening air defense systems located near its nuclear facilities as a precaution against possible US missile strikes, the Kuwaiti Al-Qabas newspaper reported on December 24th.

These reports come amid increased tensions, with many expecting US President Donald Trump to order a “farewell strike” on Iran, in his last few weeks in office.

Currently, the USS Georgia nuclear submarine, and two US guided-missile destroyers are in the Persian Gulf.

Previously, a missile barrage struck near the US Embassy in Baghdad, slightly damaging the building, and this was blamed on Iran.

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo blamed Tehran, and the US Central Command said the attack “was almost certainly conducted by an Iranian-backed rogue militia group.”

Iran’s foreign minister Javad Zarif dismissed U.S. President Donald Trump’s allegations that Tehran was behind the recent rocket attack on the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad.

“Putting your own citizens at risk abroad won’t divert attention from catastrophic failures at home,” Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif tweeted.

According to the Kuwaiti newspaper, Tehran has built up air defense systems and radar locators of the aerospace forces of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) to protect the facilities vital for Iran’s nuclear program from strikes aimed at disrupting the uranium enrichment process.

In particular, the precaution is taken in Isfahan province, where the Natanz uranium enrichment plant is located. The site in Fordo, also is under protection.

Sources told Al-Qabas that the Iranian Revolutionary Guard had deployed a ‘Power 737’ missile system as well as Russian ‘SAM’ air defence missiles in the vicinity of both sites.

In a tweet this morning, Iran’s foreign minister Mohammad Javad Zarif  said Trump will “bear full responsibility for any adventurism on his way out”.

He added: “Last time, the US ruined our region over WMD fabrications, wasting $7 trillion & causing 58,976 American casualties”.

Currently, there is no confirmation of the deployments of air defense systems, but tensions are at a boiling point, and the slightest misstep may have substantial consequences.


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Where the 59k American casualties come from?

viktor ziv

Most of them, friendly fire? Few years back, someone here made a joke when SAS was attacked by USAF in Iraq… When Germans fire, Brits duck. When Brits fire, Germans duck. When Americans fire, everybody duck.

Great Khan

hahahhahaa fat Amerikan stoopid…


William Barlow

QMS personel

Great Khan

hahahaha fat Amerikan personnel….very mamtu eater….hahahhahaaa too fat to fit in tank…lose war eating burgers….hahahaha

Jens Holm

If they wasnt qualified to the job, they wasnt there.


You mean like you are not qualified in basic grammar yet you continue to post here ? Anything is possible, America is the land of miracles, come on :) Shortages mean lower standards because no alternate choices, not because it’s alright, moron.

Jens Holm

I see Your hardly coment are limited and limited again and again by harams of religious and sekular kind.

Even by that You dont understand west and its very visble in Your writings, which also are highly propagandized. You not even know You history, because You only have nationalistic creations of the worst kind from after WW1 or later.

Next You translate in Your mind from a very simple language into a very advanced one. By that Your perfect English only is a corner or real english and by that mine.

You are the one which dont know Our extra casus and grammer as well as. Your great mistake is You dont know that. You might do it now.

English in text also are many versions. Some perfect tranlations in Lawyers and Doctors language is not what we speak here but only a corner and very very incomplete.

We also have sms and mms language.

So I write fast and advanced english and dont care half a rotten potato about my spelling.

I can add Danes has a very high score using english in street level as well as in the top here and in the rest of the world and I am one of those, which think real communication is much better then Your suggestions for limitations not even madé by You.

Tempting to write – as I see it for You – You cant handle Our advanced world and Your own as well if You as a start dont invent Your own primitive language.

I only know arabic well. Its a siple effective language easy to learn and Our children are high above that as children, before they reach 10.


You’re even more unintelligible when you rant so forcefully mate, drop the passion, it only worsens your limitations, I’m being honest with you.

As for me : stop trying complicated demonstration, as you lack basic evidence, knowledge and understanding on my persona and complexity, your post was more en embarrassment than anything real, trust me.

Anyway, there is ample evidence of the popularity of my views and the way they’re treated by the majority of people here of all opinions, left and right, only a fringe that you and your racist retard friend tzatz are part of choose to resort to ad hominem attacks all the time whenever they dislike a given comment, pretty much like a child arguing.

Indeed, unlike uneducated and brainwashed individuals such as you, I have absolutely nothing to prove to anyone on anything when I write down conjectures of my own, as I systematically make sure I research and master the topics I wish to produce an opinion on for all to see. That’s the basic principle that distinguishes me from a simpleton like you, and it shows in every exchange. You can then agree, or disagree, that’s part of the definition of a mature debate.

But claiming I’m a “liar” based on a single round figure and ignored every bit of my posts by pasting a Youtube video while disqualifying my page-long comment by a simple “this is bullshit” will never make you appear even remotely close to anything serious or worthy of consideration in any discussion, quite the complete opposite actually. I once took the time to answer your argument with well-worded bullet points, you never addressed even a single one. Not a single,one. I remember those days very well. You simply answered “this is wrong/not true/propaganda” without every producing a modicum of evidence to back that up. This is the day I understood you’re a fraud : A dumb agitator with issues at basic grammar, and certainly not a real person.

You are so extraordinarily immature that you take offense at people for merely disagreeing with you, and never take the care of building a structured argument to counter them, you simply call names and people cannot make anything solid of whatever you’re trying to reach, you go in every direction, quite often go off-track by pushing the topic towards your home country nobody ever gave a shit about when talking about the ME, and your pseudo “ideology” (if one can even call it that) revolves around a very simple and limited concept : “Israel should rule the ME, and nothing they do is wrong to accomplish that”.

Based on that assertion, history of ethnic cleansing doesn’t exist, present-day abuses don’t exist either, you dig your head into the sand like a dumb ostrich and pathologically ignore anything that tarnishes your idealistic view of this criminal country, that in turn you also dismiss as a myth because your little brain can’t handle the extra thinking necessary. You speak in utter disconnect from reality on every level every time you open your mouth, it’s sad actually. You should really get a life other than looking so ridiculous here with almost every participant you don’t even comprehend.

Anything that goes against your doctrine trigger your stupid wrath that goes nowhere and you get gradually ignored in these premises by a growing number of people. You’re merely left with an echo of yourself and people just move on past you. I did you the favor of staying one more time to explain your situation.

You can choose to either ignore it like the rest of the realities you don’t like, or take a hint. Your call. I’m done.

Harry Smith

Shouldn’t it be “An embarrassment” instead of “En”?

PS look how much of your time you spent for a reply which probably won’t be understood by the person you replied to.


This, and I also missed a couple “s” here and there both for plurals and the occasional third-person singular.

As for your question : Quite true. But having in mind that it was going to be my ultimate reply to anything he posts ever, I thought I could give a shot at conveying the largest possible spectrum of ideas, if you will. Now I’ll block him should he insert himself in threads I start or participate on in the future. This way he won’t be able to pollute my personal activity with his bullocks. Or me wasting a minute more of my time managing him.

Jens Holm

It show Your low level well.

No wonder You get many fans. We try to get rid of Your smell.


Is that real ? seriously ? Wow… is fo, Future Warfare is going to be advanced in Fat for sure…

Just Me

US military was geared to fight Russia with firepower, we are not suited for high casualty colonial wars. Should have learnt from Vietnam. Fighting over Arab oil for Israel is simply not worth American lives. We are past peak oil anyway and the future is alternate energy. Let the Arabs, Russians and Iranians drink their oil. No blood for oil or for Zionists. Americans have had enough.


You suggested:

“Fighting over Arab oil for Israel” Huh?

That’s BS … explain that American


It’s nice someone made such good joke he brought a shine of light in a ruskie gray life, for many years. Now it’s obvious why Russians have the highest suicide rate of all countries.

viktor ziv

Lithuania is sovereign country you know. The only thing what is obvious, mate, is your obssesion with Russia. Take it easy or you might find yourself possesed by it.


Russians need to search with the magnifying glass, countries with stats worse than theirs. Lithuania has a population 4 times smaller than Moscow. All Baltics combined don’t have as much as Moscow. Are you for real? %)

Lone Ranger

Americants need to search with the magnifying glass, countries with stats worse than theirs. Lithuania has a population 4 times smaller than Moscow. All Baltics combined don’t have as much as Moscow. Are you for real? %) Indeed. Balticnazis are dying out. Thanks to the U.S.


For nostalgist reading old soviet year-books, all countries are in deep famine, only lucky ppl of ussr have half of bread ration per day.

Lone Ranger

100million people are on food aid in the U.S. 27 tent cities across the U.S. Millions homeless, 14million facing eviction. We can only hope that the Free World lead by Russia will send helo.


100billion* the Occident is dying of hunger. Reds are winning.

Lone Ranger

Indeed, CCP run DNC won. But Im not happy about it. Still we should wait till January 20. Just in case…


Ignorant fool, US death toll is much higher in contractors, daily suicides, friendly fire and accidents is included. In the US at least 10 of these wretched loser commit suicide or die in the streets. Frankly, you are a uneducated moron from some third world shithole, desperate to kiss American ass.


Just Me

Veteran suicides and homelessness are a big blight on our country. Hopefully, Biden would put some more money into VA.


By that twisted logic all krokodil cinsumers in Russia are victims if Putin.


Trump took care of the VA more than any other president before him, if it was up to me I’d give back all the 3B$ we get annually to those guys. Our GDP is high enough as it is, we don’t need it and it can help other heroes like that guy. And regarding the numbers, compared to other wars American casualties in Iraq and Afghanistan is low, in Vietnam around 60K died. Most of them died from IED’s not even from combat, Shia terrorists can only hit and run. Don’t worry, we will come for them sooner or later and I personally intend to catch one of those fucker alive.

Jens Holm

True, You hs to add others, but it will never reach fx 58.000.

Jens Holm

Some behind. Its 7000 ince 2001.

Many countries there has a lot of inflation. They even has more and more rats and feed them better too:(


Probably mixed with Vietnam.


Iraqi Militias supported by Iran who have every right to defend their country from occupation.


I agree but where the Vietnam like number come frim?

Potato Man

Better be safe than sorry….Trump was better than fuking ape looking Hillary that said out loud she would start a war with Iran to “protect” Zion as they are the only ones having a key to her bedroom. Trump have still done a better job, but yet again the fat dogs and Zion including Wahhabi shithead singing in his ears.


Iran has acted wisely and also dispersed its forces over a large region. Most IRGC generals are in Iraq and Syria. Here is photo on General Ghaani in Damascus yesterday.


Quds Force, General Ismail Ghaani, visiting the shrine of Sayyida Zainab on the outskirts of the Syrian capital, Damascus yesterday as shown on Syrian State TV.

Just Me

Most realistic Americans know that we have no interest in Syria and shedding blood there is pointless. Let the Iranians have it, if they want to exert influence so bad. In any case Iran will not leave Syria for the foreseeable future as they are heavily invested there.

Jens Holm

Israel loves it as it is now. Iranians are in Syria close to them and they can kill them one by one – an do. They even save fuel. making Assad unhappy.

Furkan Sahin

I support Assad because Assad’s followers girls are lovely and delicious :D :D

Jens Holm

It mustbe because You are old and they are the only ones, You can catch.

Glasses might help You too. You and Your wife takes them off, and You both seemes Young again:). We sometimes add whiskey as well.

But good hunting.

Furkan Sahin

Yes I’m 28 and I’m old too come with me to Damascus and we make alcohol and party with girls and score them

Jens Holm

Im older then that. And old jpke of mine says I only need and extra one, if she has claeing as hobby.

Do You still grow dades there or is it houses all over?


There were no Iranians IN Syria before the US decided to wage a War of terror against the Country.

Jim Allen

When the invaders have been driven out of Syria, and the pretenders pose no threat, Iran will evaporate from Syria as quickly as it materialized to assist it’s long time ally. Militarily speaking. As will Russia, Hezbollah, and other forces allied with Syria. Is there something wrong with your head ? What do you mean by, “we” ? US Government has interests in the Middle East. Serving the criminal Banking Cabal at The City of London. In fact serving the Zionist Khazar pretenders are US Government’s only interests. We the people have no interest at all, beyond good trade relations.

Ashok Varma

Iranians and Russians were invited in Syria by the popular legitimate government of Dr. Bashar al Assad to fight US and Zionist supported Wahhabi terror emanating from Turkey. They both intend to stay of 99 years of more as they signed defence and training treaties.


I see a dead man walking, soon he will meet his 72 virgins like his ex.

Alejandro Bonifacio

nut-and-yahoo, surely

Concrete Mike

I see a barbarian flapping its lips again.

Cut it out.

Ishyrion Av

And when jews die, where they go?

Ashok Varma

Silly chit of a boy, still seeking some affirmation.

Ashok Varma

Zion is a teenager and just mummy gave him PS5 on Hanukah.

Ishyrion Av

Why is he wearing a mask?

Ashok Varma

Ever heard of Covid 19? Supposedly there is a virus afoot in the world, courtesy of CIA.

Ishyrion Av

I think the 99,7% covid 19 virus survival rate is not a problem for anyone, especially for someone prone to die much faster by an American drone.

Just Me

AIPAC and the Zionist lobby are pushing for a war, but Pentagon is not so gung ho on the idea, also US internal situation is unfolding violently as a bomb placed by the alt-right just went off in Nashville as a warning and ominous shape of things to come. Trump may even declare Martial Law and hang on to power as the pardoned General Flynn suggested at last week’s meeting at the White House.

Servet Köseoğlu

Hey VOX POPULİ AKA ZİONİSM EVİL …DELUSİONAL DUMB-ASS..CRY MORE …IRCG MY ASS… https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/33fe998410fc31896581f85930b04275e13ae762eddf84906b97d8f091cf3da7.jpg


Turkish girl is back lol. Frankly, for a Jew pretender you are quite stupid and paranoid.

Servet Köseoğlu

axaxaxa nice one dumbass changing his alias …are you his alt account?…what are you gonna do crying more again and again? now eat this d’artagnan..ı will block you, ı wasnt reading you anyways..useless dumb..xD


Frankly, my dear girl Servet :) I don’t give a flying fuck. Grow up, as if blocking someone in a childish manner makes any difference to the veracity or reality.

Servet Köseoğlu

HAHAH…butthurt still trying to reply me…frank:d!artagnan ..you are blocked..dont hold your breathe…..ha…let me repeat again ..YOU ARE BLOCKED…live with it…xD


Frankly LOL

Just Me

Sudan is very friendly to US. Your lack of knowledge is quite amusing with the Mexican prime beer ad.

Servet Köseoğlu

This post is intended to Vox populi aka zionism evil..ı love iranian people and ı dont have any problem with any country except Saudis and emirates..dont get offended..

Just Me

No offense taken. I am an impartial American and don’t want a war. We have been locked into endless wars that have devastated my country.

Servet Köseoğlu


Great Khan

Great Khan have much laugh too……..little girl Servet…. angry hahahhahhaah

Great Khan

hahahaha fat Amerikan put Servet girl in place …..Great Khan like…….

Servet Köseoğlu

lol…ernest..ı wasnt playing..random post for zionism evil …you are blocked as well..f.ck you all the way down…hahahah..thats better ı will block the other acoounts gradually..10-12 accounts which ı am reading for me..good bye registered troll…

Great Khan

hahahaha Great Khan make Servet girl paranoid mamtu,,,,kish mish hahahahahaha

Jim Allen

Oh, block everyone you bitchy little girl. That will put you out of our misery.

Jim Allen

Sudan is quite friendly with Russia, too.

Emad Irani

I know it is hard because Erdogan wanted to pray there back in 2011 and 2012. His Neo Ottoman dreams got destroyed in Syria and Iraq, u can have some mountains in Armenia. Beside that your definitions of terrorists is just bullshit for us

Servet Köseoğlu

Hard?…ı am not erdo fan and never supported his Syria policy classic islamist delusional he is nothing more…neo-ottoman is hoax no possibility to come true luckily for everyone..dont take my post personal..it was intended for that registered shame-less liar Voxpopuli aka zionism evil aka just me what so ever.

Jimmy Jim


Free man

Gas J.J. and save the world.

Concrete Mike

Give him mouth to mouth, it shall suffice!

Free man

I’ll leave it to you. After all, this is what racist homophobes like to do.

Concrete Mike

It was a polite way of saying it doesnt matter what end it comes from in your case, its ALL natural gas. I also assumed you were a woman, because your ridiculously spiteful.

Just Me

Well, they already are as the window for war is closing and US deployment in the region is at its lowest ebb since 2010. A war with Iran is a very big proposition, entailing millions of men mobilized during the worst pandemic in US history. It would be fool hardy for US military to destroy itself while China and Russia take advantage of a sapping war in the Persian Gulf. I would hope that more mature and saner heads at the Pentagon will prevail.

Free man

The mullahs regime is the most cowardly regime in the last decade in the world. losers..

Great Khan

hahahaha mullah make you sit on lap and play kishky pusky with little Jew man,,,,hahahahahaGreat Khan know these things ;)

Free man

Great Khan talk yak shit every day….hahahhahaa….mushi mushi…hahahhahaa.

Great Khan

hahahahaha mushi mushi Iran brother STRONK! fat Amerikan….running..hahahahahaha

Free man

hahahahhaha stooopid mamtu….talk yak shit every day….hahahhahaa

Great Khan

hahahahaha Great Khan have many fans now,,,,,,,mushi mushi….

Just Me

Finally, some one with a sense of humor.

Great Khan

Thanks Amerikan fat man…..Great Khan make many joke…hahahhahaa make Jew little man upset….mamtu…yekshimah…..

Free man

Great Khan talk yak shit every day….hahahhahaa….mushi mushi….

Ashok Varma

You are even a failure at flattery , which is the best form of hero worship. Quite pathetic character aren’t you.

Free man

The mullahs supporter from the Indian section barks again.

Free man

mushi mushi….


hhahahahah u fkn great khan of istanbul hahhaha u so funni

Ashok Varma

He is very smart, gets the message across and has a huge following on many blogs. He was on Press TV a few days ago and people in stitches. Very funny Great Khan.

Just Me

Going by Trump’s isolationist America First propensity it is doubtful that he will initiate a major war in the most flammable region at the twilight of his presidency in the middle of the devastating US pandemic and economic meltdown. The chances are virtually zero that Trump would start a war with Iran. He hasn’t started a war with any country. He’s continued Bush and Obama wars against countries he has inherited but he has not begun a new war on his own with any country.

So why on earth would he do it now and he is packing up and getting to leave Washington for good to an uncertain future and perhaps a myriad of legal entanglements. From the weak US force posture in the region and rising China It does not indicate in any way that Trump intends to start a war. And, again my dime is on the house that the chances of that happening are virtually zero.


He ran on ‘no war’

Jim Allen

Ever seen a US President that wasn’t a deliberate pathological liar ?


Trump wasn’t a politician … he just wanted even more fame and ???

Jim Allen

Trump is Illuminati blood lines. “Trump wasn’t a polititian.” The stupidest fucking thing I’ve ever heard. I said President, it’s not necessary to be a politician to be President. It is necessary to be Illuminati blood line. Now, just answer the damn question. Enough of your pitiful trollspeak.


‘Illuminati blood lines’ … that’s the stupidest f/king thing I’ve ever heard … hello?

President that wasn’t a pathological liar?

You answer your own rhetorical question … lol

YOU didn’t need an answer … hello? YOU set it up as a foregone conclusion?

Of course NOT ALL Presidents are pathological liars … politicians by their very nature must change course due to circumstances … hello?

Lying isn’t the point ….

YOU think like a russian … rigid dogmatic planning and then fudge the numbers … this isn’t the office of history remade as in Orwell’s ‘1984’ … lol

slavish thinking …


Jim Allen

You a US citizen then, are ya’ ? I’m not Russian, idiot. Your uneducated brainwashed ass backwards comments, ad hominem, and inane responses define you as the village idiot. Dumber than a fucking fence post. You don’t know what the Hell you’re braying about, then you want to argue that your pretense of knowledge is somehow factual. Just count the down votes of each of your comments. You’re an embarrassment to the entire human species, and we are all diminished by your continued presence on earth. You’re more dangerous than the Zionist Khazar criminal Banking Cabal that is determined to kill us all. Karen.


Votes? Leave the voting to the Illuminati

cechas vodobenikov

Amerika is a paper tiger Mao

Jens Holm

Funny propaganda again and very very strange if the has had no max defence there for many years.

If they actually mives missiles to there,who has no defence now.

If they really almost are boiling, I will send extra bathtubs and varming it. Maybee they then can produce soap and try to clean the rest of the population.

None will blame them for trying that. even there is no hope.

if You want to make Trump happy You should replace the boiled ones with Mexicans and grow plants for tequila. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/716d4c6ea7540ca888c74aec9611260e207b14f6d888d526a8f727d3c1a71454.jpg

J Ramirez

your a fuckin moran

Jens Holm

80 million Iranians forced to live and sometimes even behave and svarm as ants is a nothing or hillbillies for the world.

Emad Irani

you know the difference between short range and long range anti air systems moron? I guess not

Jens Holm

Well, do You know the difference for friends and enemies. Danish soldiers was asked in by the Shiits in Bagdad to help them making a real army as well as supporting against ISIS. ASKED FOR – INVITED AS NATO

Even so Iran threw ballistic on our teachers and a few hardheads of ours and damged seveal of them for life.

So YES. Before that I didnt care about Iran. I DO NOW.

West soon will build many short range missiles. Others dont respect the agrements which was between USA and USSR. They are easy to make and Danes probatly will make some of the most advanced parts.


Brilliant tactic …

Show the World where your ‘secret’ sites are?

Give up any secrecy … Yossi knows … eh?

The paper tiger is ‘frightened’ … eh?

Their SAM missiles are useless against the US arms / Israeli arms … lol

Squirm ya f/kn slugs … LMAO


cechas vodobenikov

crying under socialized culture less lumberjack projecting again

Concrete Mike

That peice of shit city.slicker has never held an axe in his life.

Arch Bungle

The location of those ‘secret’ sites has been public knowledge for decades.

Try keep up, Shlomo (Slo-mo …)


Ah … so the ‘stupid’ Iranians build ‘secret sites’ and put anti-missile systems there for emphasis … how clever


good that Iran is setting up a defense around the nuke-sites but the exceptional morons in the white house know fully well that an attack on Iran will be met with a hail of hardcore missiles on ras tanura and loading terminals in the uae to the extent that no oil will be transferred to ships for a long long time. the effect would be that the clown prince mohammed bin salman (known for having shelled out 450 million bucks for a fake leonardo da vince – have a laugh) would have no income and would be defenestrated by his cousins in no time and for uae, about the same.


and as usual the twat is out polluting these threads and the other pedo, iron zion, as well. don’t need them and should be ignored full stop.


The Future is About to Land …

Arch Bungle

On your head …

cechas vodobenikov

amerika and colonies afraid of civilized Persians. not to worry—Persians have no interest in your ugly obese shallow females

Simon Ndiritu

Americans are planning to deliver a painful strike on Iran and blame it on the defeated Trump. Iranians, if not careful will be lured into not responding in hope of normalizing ties with Biden Administration which will turn out to by nastier on Iran. Biden Administration is likely to seek for all excuses to not rejoin JCPOA, lift sanctions of restrict Zionist terrorism.

Harry Smith

December 24-25 is Christmas time, but USA increased aviation activity near Iran. It’s quite unusual.

Ashok Varma

And nothing happened or will. Indian diplomats who have very close ties and reading of Iran, don’t believe that the US military wants to escalate as Iranians will set the region on fire and US has very limited options against Iran, short of a nuclear war.

Harry Smith

USA didn’t really cares about the region, I think. We have to put USA internal situation in a priority when we are trying to forecast USA future actions. Many of high ranked USA military officers think that 2020 presidential was a treason. I won’t say that anything is impossible until Biden inauguration.


Somehow I don’t see the Pentagon simply nodding heads and accepting a war of potentially epic regional proportions coming out of the blue pushed by angry toddler on his way out of the command room. Most high-ranking officials both military and civilian know full well Trump has become erratic and irrational even by his own standards, and is now more a nuisance and a danger to their own stability than anything else. My personal view is that they will contain him until he is officially out the door. The only compelling act that would push the US into open confrontation with Iran at this point is the latter doing the folly of drawing first blood either on US forces around it or its most crucial allies in the Gulf or Israel, which it will never do, nor has it ever done. But of course, that’s in theory, I’m not at the discretion of internal dynamics high up in their circles of power, obviously.

Ashok Varma

I don’t think the US military is suicidal, Trump has expired shelf life. A war with Iran will accelerate China’s rise as even a idiot like Modi has warned them to tone it down. The Chinese are now every active in Afghanistan and want US to die by a thousand cuts and a war with Iran, a very large and powerful country will be a blessing for them.

King Cliff

The United States of America can’t or have the stomach at this time to go to war with Iran.if they had the willed or the opportunity they would’ve done longtime ago. The Iranian are a strong nation and if one missile fly ovethem that will only United them stronger and give them a greater determination to fight the United States of America and its allies. The only things left is negotiations left between the United States of America,China is the rise and the European nation need market to export they goods do they can grow,the Indian deep down can’t wait for sanctions to lift and they will take opportunity to oppose the United States of America. like I said the United States of America need to negotiating a means for United States of America to return to Iran and not to loose the market opportunity to China and who ever else.

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