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MARCH 2025

IRGC Revealed New Naval Ballistic Missile Equipped With Electro-Optical Seeker (Photos)

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On September 27, the Iranian Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) unveiled a new naval ballistic missile, dubbed “Zolfaqar Basir.”

The new missile was put on display at a permanent exhibition of the achievements of the IRGC Aerospace Force. The exhibition was inaugurated in the morning to celebrate the “Sacred Defence Week,” an annual commemoration of the Iran-Iraq war.

Zolfaqar Basir is the most advanced of Iran’s naval ballistic missiles, which were designed to engage large warships such as aircraft carriers. The two older missiles Persian Gulf and Hormuz, have a range of 300 and 250 km. The new missile’s range is up to 700 km.

The missile, which is derivative from the ground-to-ground Zolfaqar, is equipped with an optical seeker, likely used for target identification and tracking.

Zolfaqar Basir will further boost the offensive capabilities of the IRGC. The missile’s large range allows it to engage any naval target in the Persian Gulf, Gulf of Omar or in the Arabian sea.

Despite the increasing pressure from the U.S, Iran managed to make several breakthroughs in weapons development in the last two years. The Islamic country upgraded its missile arsenal, developed air-defense systems and built advanced drones.


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We are going to deal with the Persians and their Hezbollah rats the way we know best, and no rocket or missile will save them. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GKceJPKLej4


Slow down you will scare everybody here……you are famous children molesters and no unarmed child can resist to mighty IDF ever. Tanks against sling shots. Missiles against Palestinian kite’s…. You are so effing “invincible” that you are too scared to see yourself in the mirror.


Lying and then believing the own lies is part of your nature?

Jens Holm

Thats mainly not lies but stretching …


Only when I know I’m right.

Furkan Sahin

Houthis is better soldiers than yours

Jens Holm

Haha. Hard to see they are winners.

Furkan Sahin

lets see


Hard to imagine Israelis resisting few hours with Houthi’s fire power.


Are you trolling? it took only 10K IDF troops to break all of Hezbollah’s defenses and reach the Litani river in just 10 days. Rethink about your comment or delete it, so you won’t make a fool out of yourself.


With far superior fire power and technology. I have seen doccumentaries about 2006 war. It was no victory for IDF. It was mostly a trap. Israel took revenge on all bridges from Liban for that :)


We’ve bombed alot of areas, with only 5% of our firepower and 10K of our troops so I don’t even consider it a big operation. Our mistake was that we didn’t give 100% on the first day, but you know what they say – you learn from your mistakes. I wanna see Hezbollah dares to do anything against our forces, I for one would be happy to give them a proper lesson.


Who are you kidding? You had south of Lebanon up to Litani river under occupation since the ’80s. So it took your brave 10k soldiers just 10 days to pass 3 kilometers of land already in your hands against the mighty army of < 3k Hezbollah fighters? And you lost dozens of tanks and a ship for that?

The correct sentence would be it took 3k Hezbollah only 33 days to break the back of IDF 10k + 30k at the border + airforce + navy and kick them from Litani river to the separation line.

Hezbollah must be very, very careful not to lose its foot in IDF's bottom.


Maybe if they’re brave enough they can travel all the way to our borders so we find out, but for now we’ll just focus on the Hezbollah terrorists in Syria and Lebanon. Waiting for them to respond 2 months already, I might need another shooting practice now but I prefer to do it live on their heads.

Furkan Sahin

How can you win with 8 million against 30 million Houthis if they have their own country? it does not make sense means Houthier has more soldiers than you and you know that Israel will lose if both go to direct war without planes and helicopters

Kenny Jones ™

How many days left till October 18? Tick tock…

Furkan Sahin

lool :D

Kenny Jones ™

What do you think about Caucasus conflict? Just a Zionist plot?

Furkan Sahin

I do not support any of them i do not like erdogan and azerbaijan president and i do not like armenia people

Kenny Jones ™

Disappointed in the last thing you said, you know the resistance supports them too right, like Assad himself

Furkan Sahin

but I support Assad against Erdogan and Turkey because his brother is Gaddafi I love them




It returned back to service after few weeks of repairs, as it was mostly intact. Failed again mullah bitch.


The question is not if it returned to service or not, but why something like this should happen? Was your tank drunk and fell in the gutter?


Mistakes happen Garga it’s a war, you know it as well as I do.


This is good news indeed. The US has particularly large targets for the Iranian missile forces to practice on :)

Perhaps the US will respond with its military propaganda outfit, ‘Bullshit Force’.


I think USA sent an aircraft carrier to Persian gulf due to all the recent arm deals they have been making with UAE, Bahrain and potentially others. Like in the good ol’ days the autocrats used to sent the largest and modern battle cruisers and battleships to their colonies for prestige. Still I wonder how fast the Iranian missiles can accelerate, they would probably need to be something like Mach 2.5 at least to make it through in numbers.

Laurent Parodi

They deployed the Nimitz in the Persian gulf the oldest aircraft carrier in active service in the US navy. It entered service in 1975. Something came to my mind. We know that the US wants to activate the snapback or to hit Iran harder. Pompeo said that clearly last week at the UN. To do that they need something big like a big false flag. The Nimitz is old it has only a few more years in the tank. But it is still a US nuclear powered aircraft carrier. That ship would be a nice target for a false flag. A Gulf of Tonkin 2.0 if you know what I mean. Just an idea.


Newest Ford class aircraft carrier is not ready yet

They need at least another 2 years for repairs of all problems, all in all 4 year delay. They could do that …a false flag against major target with hundreds of wounded and tens of dead….activating NATO “article five” (the problem is this is not 1960) People are much more aware of the situation around them, propaganda , manipulation and all the rest I am not so sure that they can pull that so easily…I might be wrong though

Laurent Parodi

It s just an idea. I wondered why they deployed their oldest aircraft carrier near Iran. I thought there are two possibilities: 1) It s the only carrier available 2) There is something else. If the neocons want to trigger war against Iran under trump presidency they need to act fast because they do not know if Trump will be reelected or what will happen after the election. And they need to do something big enough to make sure trump can not say no. An attack against an aircraft carrier is ideal. And the Nimitz is the perfect target because the US navy plans to retire the ship in 2022 so the loss would be minimal.


neocons…PNAC…. catalyzing event like Pearl Harbor to galvanize US the way it was in 1941….. thus 9/11

Still those guys are totally delusional and totally wrong about literally EVERYTHING to the point that they might be considered retarded like George W.

Laurent Parodi

Yes they are delusional and insane. That is why they may consider blowing up the Nimitz to get what they want since 1979. After 9/11 they said they would attack 7 countries. Iran was one of them. Those same people rule the Trump presidency. If there is a chance to finally get what they want they would definitely go for it.


Calm down Laurent I have never said it is not “highly likely” them being such loonies and all…. If something like that happens this time there will be no retarded amateurs

( as intermediaries ) from Saudi Arabia, only organizers = CIA & IsraHell. A “Liberty” moment will be repeated with few missiles, torpedoes launched from IsraHelli subs. It will be complete flop totally debunked eventually

Laurent Parodi

I am just saying there is a possibility that s all :)

Jens Holm

Things wont happen like that at all.

Jens Holm

I partly agree.


You might be right of course but I think Trump will already win the election. Hope they got a lot of missile defenses in place. Another thing for sure is these protests or whatever you wanna call them won’t be dying down anytime soon even after election

Laurent Parodi

With radars anybody will know where the missiles came from. Naval mines are the right tool. Who will be able to say it was not Iran with 100% credible evidence? Nobody.


Ya I see what you mean, I meant hopefully Iran has got those defense in place since times have never been more dangerous.

Laurent Parodi

Last year they used mines to damage oil tankers and blame Iran for it. It s not like it would be the first time. The false flag thing is just an idea I wanted to share.

Jens Holm

We all know that. Not all lost their bad temper by that, but they might give a response midgets like You dont see. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/757650b05397cf2d4fa366e5979f36b1a96a3627a4c5dddbcb03843fed1bdce0.jpg

Laurent Parodi

Iran has recently used a fake Nimitz class ship during military drills. Iranian forces used the fake ship as target practice. I remember a US navy official said these drills were clearly hostile acts towards the US navy. So the US could use those drills against Iran. They damage the Nimitz they blame Iran saying Iran did what they have been practicing on their fake ship. And pompeo gets what he wants.

Jens Holm

Thats nrmal and a very good propaganda trick and threat.

Take a Youtube with wargames….

cechas vodobenikov

Iran also has well armed submarines, fast boats…

Jens Holm

Barking mad madness again.

Besides that there also are many vessels guarding the gulf and expecially the Hormiz Strait. They are there there to protect even themselves.

Jens Holm

They do have many.


Do not talk nonsense. This new one is 2nd in “Ford’ class.

Jens Holm

You are barking mad

cechas vodobenikov

this is always the amerikan pretext—the sinking of the Maine


Yes, except “target practice” is what the banker gangsters want. A Project for a New American Century “new Pearl Harbor” is easier to sell when the attack is not a false flag. And yes, the original attack on Pearl Harbor was also because the Federal Reserve forces hit Japan with sanctions and aggressive military maneuvers, much like Iran is getting hit now.

Blue In Green

I don’t disagree you, obviously certain malignant elements that control America relentlessly seek to initiate conflict with Iran, but Iran as it stands in 2020, is a different beast compared to what it was 10 or even 15 years ago. Even without taking into consideration their massive, battle-proven missile force. Iran’s proxy power and influence in the region can prove to be quite the challenge, even for a country like the United States.

Militarily speaking the American war-machine works best when the opposition cannot viably oppose its ability to operate within the theatre of war. This time around Iran has the ability to deny America a “safe-space” from which to operate from reliably. This would be Iran’s A2/D2 (Area Access/ Area Denial) capability that would push larger big-ticket American assets (Air-craft carriers and ships) further away from Iran (reducing sortie rates) whilst Iranian precisions munitions decimate any and all American assets and bases nearest Iran. Naturally this would include the biggest base in Qatar, medium to larger bases in Kuwait and any other base Iran deems fit for obliteration. Then, presumably, Iran would give the green light to any and all proxies (or allies, depending on your stance) to attack based on their own discretion, any American asset they can get to. All of this will be accompanied by hourly drone strikes, missile attacks, ATGM hits, etc; from Iran proper as well as proxy forces using Iranian technology to continuously harass American forces wherever they may be.

What you end up with is a zone of conflict spanning from Syria, into Iraq and the Persian Gulf as well as Iran itself. That would essentially be the size of continental United States if not more in terms of sheer land size. Such a colossal undertaking has already been war-gamed by the Pentagon and deemed to be not worth it. Although what I do surmise will happen soon is a large exchange of fire between Iran and America (Israel and Hezbollah might also play into it).

Not so much a war but a brief, high intensity missile showdown.


All fair points, and I remember the results from the Millennium Challenge war game. However, is the US, or rather, the banker gangsters running the US, among other countries, completely married to the “1984”-style of continuous warfare where “efficiency, even military efficiency, is no longer needed”?

We know that the banksters are capable of more efficient warfare; after all, they won the previous world wars. WW2, in particular, was a matter of restoring industry via policies like FDR’s New Deal and the Soviets’ Five-Year Plans, then absorbing around twice the number of military casualties.

This might not work now, with how modern warfare and information warfare have evolved against cannon fodder strategies, but aren’t the banksters in a position to try, anyway? I mean, what do you think would happen if they do not try?

In regards to the banksters’ “idiotic system” of “the Federal Government borrowing the use of its own money,” US Congressman Wright Patman said, “I believe the time will come when people will demand that this be changed.” About one month later, the attack on Pearl Harbor, which again, the banksters provoked, ended those demands. But now, the people’s demands against the banksters’ idiotic system are back.

Blue In Green

I think a possible answer to your questions lies within how the kinetic side of the war pans out. If we take these globalist bankers to be the shrewd money hungry despots that we think that they are (and they are). Then their investments will be tied to certain resource and economic ventures they’ve poured copious amounts of money into within the Middle East. These prospects include UAE economic development, Saudi Oil/Gas infrastructure and Pipelines, Oil Refineries, Israeli Gas/Oil in the Mediterranean and Golan Heights, Qatari Gas Field (also shared with Iran), security and freedom of movement in the Persian Gulf (emphasis on the Straits of Hormuz). Such assets would be subject to destruction if the conflict gets bad enough.

In the case of a potential Iran war. All the Iranians would need to do is start going after the physical manifestations of their investments which would be the aforementioned assets in the first paragraph. This on its own would serve as a viable deterrent to an attack on Iran given the massive amounts of potential financial loss that could occur if they were destroyed. If they give a shit about their money then they would pull the strings a different way. But all this is just postulations on my part. The actual reality could be entirely different.

In my opinion the real powers that be that control the West have their eggs in so many different baskets that their “portfolio”, so to speak, is inherently diverse. Meaning if some of their assets get destroyed, they can comfortably fall back on others that have remained untouched by the tentacles of war.

The country that is being attacked must find a way to severely hurt the elites ruling the country attacking them. In the case of America, Iran will be targeting Israel, and Persian Gulf Arab Nation’s oil/gas infrastructure.

At least this is my take on it.


Back to “1984,” you know how Orwell wrote, “The Party seeks power”? “Not wealth or luxury or long life or happiness: only power”?

In “War is a Racket,” Major General Smedley Butler said something similar: “We can all make more money out of peace… the constructive job of building greater prosperity for all peoples… than we can out of war – even the munitions makers.”

You see, BIG, while the banker gangsters’ rich-get-richer conflicts are “good” for amassing power and expanding market control for themselves, it is really bad for making money overall. Sanctioning and blowing up potential customers, dumbing down and weakening one’s own workers, crashing economies, etc. create “massive amounts of potential financial loss” already, so won’t the banksters risk more loss for a chance at more power?

I absolutely agree that Iran and whoever else is involved will try to target down the bankster elites and their systems of control first; we can see this in Iranians using the Internet and alternative media to expose the banksters.

But as Napoleon said, “Money has no motherland.” The banksters definitely will fall back on assets they control in other places like NATO countries, the Five Eyes nations, the EU, etc., and revamp their war machines there, probably using immediate losses to galvanize support for themselves (e.g. “another Shoah” in “Israel” if Iran is not stopped).

Will it work? I don’t know. What do you think…?

Blue In Green

Brilliant post Poppadop!

The answer to your question in the third paragraph lies within the question itself. You postulated (correctly) that — “While banker gangsters’ rich-get-richer conflicts are “good” for amassing power and expanding market control or themselves, it is really bad for making money overall.”

The logical deduction from this line of logic is that these bankers want the entirety of the system and all the bells and whistles it comes with, to themselves and ONLY themselves. Such a reality where separate unique banking institutions whose aim is to conduct trade and commerce for their own benefit (and respective motives) cannot exist as that means they don’t have total control over the whole system. Whatever the cost of going to war is would be negligible when the goal is global domination. It should also be said and taken into account here is that such actors, although it might not seem so, do indeed plan ahead for decades at a time. I wouldn’t put it past them to have ‘war-gamed’ all possible scenarios for the next 100 years. Really sobering when you look at it that way I’m afraid.

The incessant propaganda spewed about Iran over the last 40 or so years could prove instrumental in drumming up support for an all-out military offensive in the near future against Iran and its allies sure enough. Unfortunately these ‘people’ love to pull-out and use the Jew Card wherever and whenever they can as it’s extremely effective in getting Western nations (especially white evangelicals) to think irrationally and throw unconditional support toward their cause. We have decades of entertainment and educational indoctrination to thank for that one. Jews apparently will always be the victims who can do no wrong. Very stupid way of viewing the world lol.

All-in-all Poppadop, I guess I can’t really say whether or not Zionist (or Banker if you will) controlled America with launch an ill-fated campaign against Iran. We do now they’ve been wanting to do this ever since 2004 but the simple fact is that Iran of 2020 just isn’t even nearly the same as the Iran of 2004. The potential financial losses and destruction of physical assets this time around is immense, we’re talking about profit losses in the 100’s of billions of dollars if not trillions. What’s worse is that the infrastructure that’s being destroyed isn’t easily fixed. It will take years to bring them back up the level they were pre-conflict. But as with many things, I also assume they’ve taken this into account and have adjusted their plans accordingly.

Iran could be operating under a different mindset though. The Iranians might not even be thinking along the lines of what you and me are talking about. For them this could really just be another conflict concerning opposing ideologies and influence within the region, and that’s it.

But hey, I guess just like everything else. We just have to wait and see……


Your posting is no slouch itself, BIG. Thank you for giving us more to ponder.

For starters, Iran’s officials are definitely thinking like we are thinking. For example, Trump and his handlers murdered General Soleimani, something even worse than the murder of Archduke Ferdinand since Soleimani was a war hero, not just to Iranians, but also Iraqis, Syrians, and even Russians. When Turkey shot down that Russian Su-24 in 2015, one of the pilots was captured by “moderate” extremists, and the Russians failed to rescue him, it was Soleimani who led the successful operation to get the pilot to safety. Yet what did Iran do in response? Demonstrating the country’s advances in guided missiles by giving a few dozen American soldiers headaches, and maybe killing “Ayatollah Mike”? Wouldn’t you call that purposefully denying the banksters a “new Pearl Harbor,” like what we’re talking about?

The thing about the banksters’ gaming “all possible scenarios for the next 100 years” is that people and events keep betraying their plans. For example, World War 1, the “War to End All Wars” probably was planned to be the end. That time period had the US chained to the Federal Reserve, Germany chained to the Weimar Republic, and Russia chained to the Bolshevik Communists (see: Sutton’s “Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution”) which would eventually lead to the Soviet Union. Those conditions would have gone on indefinitely if Germany did not kick away Weimar, so the banksters needed another world war.

The banksters’ Bolshevik-brand revolution in China worked to their favor when Americans escalated their protests and officer fragging over the Vietnam War; the banksters just started outsourcing American production to China, probably believing China would better remain under control than the US. They were way off the mark, though. Turns out, like Germany and Weimar, Russia kicked away the Soviets and post-Soviet oligarchs, China allied with Russia, and now the banskters need another world war.

Some of the banksters and their people will see “the 100’s of billions of dollars if not trillions” in losses you mentioned, see how this prison planet plot has only gotten flimsier with time, and try to back out, but what about the diehard dystopians? Those whom, even if they were offered amnesty and a reasonable part of their wealth, would keep trying to be, in George Soros’s words, “some kind of god, the creator of everything”? “Banker gangsters” is not an exaggeration partly because they make it difficult to leave the gang. It’s blood in, blood out — New World Order for life. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/2810ab1b6a49fe5da9e42fcb836b4ff6001e5a7b24bae17a6f864a1109a11248.jpg

The gang will, of course, keep having upsets, but yes, we shall see…

Blue In Green

Nice Grunt Avatar btw lol.

Big Halo fan myself!


I agree with you 100%.

Blue In Green

It really is a good overview of what’s been going down!

Zionism = EVIL

Iran has made remarkable progress in defence field, with new warships, a helicopter carrier, BVR radars and many new projects coming on line. I will post a more comprehensive summary when I find the time. Meanwhile, the Zionist parasites can keep on ranting like impotent snails :)


Those weapons are fake like Shia fantasy stories lol

Zionism = EVIL

Still attention seeking dot head kid :)


Rumor is IRGC office in the parade is kicking the bowl till this day.

chris chuba

‘electro-optical’ I hear this targeting mechanism mentioned quite a bit. It’s not a camera which requires remote guidance, so does this mean that it has embedded image processing? The image processing doesn’t have to be that complex, it could be something designed just to differentiate between a large metal mass on the water vs empty water.

Blue In Green


An EO system embedded within a drone, jet or missile would be used to identify a target and home in on it.

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