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IRGC Says It Jammed MQ-9 Drones During Missile Attack On US Base In Iraq

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IRGC Says It Jammed MQ-9 Drones During Missile Attack On US Base In Iraq


The Iranian Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) jammed MQ-9 combat drones during the January 8 missile strikc on US military targets in Iraq, Brigadier General Amir Ali Hajizadeh says.

FARS News reports (source):

Islamic Revolution Guards Corps Aerospace Force Commander Brigadier General Amir Ali Hajizadeh disclosed that the communication and dispatch of images by US MQ-9 drones were cut as IRGC’s missile attack was underway on Ain al-Assad military base.

“An operation that we did not disclose anything about it after the IRGC’s missile attacks and was conducted by using special equipment we had prepared in advance was an important electronic warfare operation that started about 15 minutes after missile attack; we brought all drones flying over Ain al-Assad military base out of US troops’ control for some moments and cut their communication and image links which terrified the Americans,” General Hajizadeh said on Thursday, addressing a press conference to elaborate on IRGC missile attacks on the US military base.

He noted that following the IRGC’s missile attacks, the most important need of the Americans was to understand the extent of the losses which were instantly monitored by the cameras of eight MQ-9 drones, and said, “When the aircraft were out of US control their morale was much more lowered than the missile attacks.”

General Hajizadeh said Iran’s missile strikes on two US bases in Iraq in retaliation for assassination of IRGC Qods Force Commander Lieutenant General Qassem Soleimani triggered vast operations to expel American troops from the region.

“The missile strikes on one of the United States’ most important bases within the framework of martyr Soleimani operation was the start of big operations which will continue in the entire region,” General Hajizadeh told reporters in Tehran.

“We were not after killing anyone although tens of US troops have likely been killed and wounded and were transferred to Israel and Jordan on 9 sorties of C-130 flights,” he added, noting that had Iran intended to kill the American forces, it could have planned high casualty operations to kill 500 US military men in the first step and 4,000 to 5,000 others in the second and third phases within 48 hours.

General Hajizadeh said that 13 missiles were fired at the US bases on Tuesday, adding that Iran was ready to fire hundreds of missiles in the first hours and had prepared thousands of missiles for possible 3-day to week-long clashes between the two sides.

The FARS News report adde that “it was the first direct attack on the US army ever since WWII.”

The lack of the US military response to the Iranian missile strike already caused a negative response among the US formal allies. On January 12, British Defense Secretary Ben Wallace said that it’s important for Britain’s armed forces to ‘diversify’ in the Trump era and prepare for fights without the United States.


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The US’s lack of reaction to the Iranian missile attack shows up the US for the cowardly paper tiger it really is, preferring only to wage war agaainst small nations that cannot fight them back. A nation launches a direct attack against american forces, arguably the first such attack since the Korean war and despite all the previous dire threats and bluster from the orange paedophile in the whitehouse we have zero reaction from the americans who are still licking their wounds and trying desperately to cover up their losses from the attack. Iran was ready for them and Iran was ready for war and thousands of US troops would have perished had they made the mistake of attacking Iran not to mention that Tel aviv and the port of Haifa would have been wiped off the map. Well done Iran. Now kick the bastards out of the middle east for good.


It is now time for the Iraqi government to withdraw all their forces from US occupied bases and to expel US forces from all Iraqi military bases.

Let the IED campaign to ‘ask the US visitors to leave begin’. :)

John Wallace

Didn’t the American CIC ask Iraq for time too organise the American withdrawal but now they will lose to much face if they leave so have to get dozens more killed before they leave licking their wounds. If the leave Iraq they also lose access too Syria or would have to be Turkey for that. They are really getting into a no win situation. Of course many will be proud to be buried in a box draped in a new flag.


I would think that the US has nothing more to offer Erdogan except threats.

Putin has actually built the TurkStream gas pipeline so that Turkey has access to more Russian gas .

John Wallace

Yes they have strained their relationship which can be added to the ‘winning , You will get sick of winning all the time , pile . Angela is another who has had enough of Trump telling her and Europe what they can and can’t do. Probably beginning to think living in the East wasn’t so bad after all. At least the KGB could be trusted to maintain their positions and you knew where you stood. The Stazi were honorable in comparison. The only one that doesn’t seem to be upset is Boris but he is having too much of his own fun to worry about what else is going on in the world. If anyone thinks much will change with the election they will only end up with more of the same in a different candy bar as those that would make a change are moved to the side and even if they by a miracle won how long would it take until the screws were tight enough..


Yes, with a brand new “stars and stripes…… “Made In China”.

Mehmet Aslanak

Chinese technicals had captured an US drone intact over Iran in 2012. Then China & Iran produced very identical armed drones for themself from the US tech behind it.

Daily Beatings

Because China can’t independently develop anything on their own, even though they have more patents and industrial designs filed then the entire world combine.


….Which was then hacked into by the ingenious Americans who then used it to liquidate the senior revolutionary bloke!!!

Haha,I’ve got ya!

Wayne Nicholson

Are your referring to the RQ-170 incident?


Iran did indeed bring down an RQ-170 in 2011. The USA reported it crashed but according to the Iranians they spoofed the GPS and landed it in the desert intact.

The USA neither denies or confirms this happened but the Israeli’s shot down an Iranian drone that was a copy of an RQ-170 last year and Russia and China both have clones of their own.

At the time it was top secret and called the “beast of Kandahar” by those that got a glimpse of it on the ground in Afghanistan.

Anyone remember that video of the US drones that Iran hacked over Iraq that had to be destroyed by air strike? Apparently the operators lost control but still had the video feed. Iran published a video of the first drone on the ground in the desert then used a second hacked drone to video the air strike. You can find it on youtube.

Wayne Nicholson

Found the video here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lm8ccsp4RY0

Damien C

Thx Wayne

משה גודמן (Moshe 75)

Wow that was just one time. Big deal. The drone was destroyed by the USAF afterwards anyways. HA!

Wayne Nicholson

“The drone was destroyed by the USAF afterwards anyways”

They crash landed it and videoed it’s destruction so their intention was to embarrass the USA not to steal a drone. As far as I can see the USAF played their part perfectly.

They managed to take down that RQ-170 way back in 2011 so they could be hacking these thigs whenever

Wayne Nicholson

“Wow that was just one time.”

The drone was landed in the desert and they videoed it’s destruction so it’s pretty obvious that the intention was to embarrass the USA not to steal the drone. The USAF played along pretty nicely too I might add.

They hacked the RQ-170 back in 2011 so this was not one time and they still had the capability this year so the exploit isn’t patched. Who knows how many times they’ve done this and I doubt the pentagon would issue a news release if they did.

I wonder if Israel uses the same drone technology as the USA?

John Wallace

The first one wasn’t destroyed . They took it away and took it apart piece by piece and then made their own ones.. so yes that was … WoW .. thanks America..

Zionism = EVIL

Another ugly Zionist parasite :) Moshe lol

משה גודמן (Moshe 75)


משה גודמן (Moshe 75)

You’re just upset that the IDF is the most effective fighting force on the planet!

John Wallace

Every country tells their forces that to boost morale and self belief so they fight better. I bet if they are taking casualties and crying like babies then we will find they shit their pants like everyone else.. Why are you even here when you obviously haven’t a clue about anything. Not even enough to make up bullshit .

Zionism = EVIL

I am hardly upset, but laugh at you blood sucking catamites :)


Yeah, most effective at killing unarmed men women and children. In 2006, 60 000 mobilised IDF couldnt defeat 2000 Hezbollah to invade South lebanon. You really need to retake your hasbara tests. Your updated manual will prevent you from being humiliated like this

Zionism = EVIL

It is Hollywood myth these Zionist scum have created and perhaps works on the Arab puppet regimes, but most rational people understand the evil nature of Zionists and their propensity to hide behind the west and live off western taxpayers. The so-called IDF is basically a child killers force.


No, that would be jacob wohl, persona nr. 7 or 8. Lost count long time ago…

Zionism = EVIL

I know these Jew arseholes think they are fooling everyone, but the ultimate joke is on them as the whole world hates now again.


Again? I think the world has never stopped hating the jew’s since biblical times. There always seems to be somebody angry with them.


One time is all thats needed Hasbara Moshe75. Thereafter, reverse engineering allows them to leapfrog their drone tech. similar to Israel stealing all its hitech military stuff from the US, except, its not stealing. No shekels for you one this post, but keep it up. I guess you need to pay your rent in your stolen settlement apartment.


Iran DID major damage (casualties). British foreign secretary Dominic Raab made a TV announcement that they were “concerned about the casualties”.

John Wallace

Went to youtube so I could see bigger version. Interesting point re those missiles fired by Iran. It was said they had Chinese technology to make them invisible which it appears to have been the case. I see there were two that didn’t explode which supposedly would destroy that technology so would that technology now be in the hands of the Yanks.

John Wallace

There were pictures of Iranians and the captured drone intact at the time which was proof they did in fact have it . Made the US reports it has confidentially crashed a joke and proof they were lying. Didn’t Iran say they hacked into it and took over control ?.

Wayne Nicholson

I read an Iranian engineer who claimed they jammed the signal then spoofed the GPS of the RQ-170.

The drones that they hacked this year may have been done differently. Apparently the US pilot still had the video feed but the Iranians took control, flew it around a bit taking video then crashed it in the desert and filmed the USAF hitting it with an air strike while they videoed it with another drone. That’s the video I posted below.

John Wallace

It was the first one they captured when they said they hacked into it and landed it,. I thought at the time now that is clever thinking . Since then I would have thought the Yanks would have installed anti hacking hardware . Vague recollections of the Yanks bombing another drone but not sure. The video doesn’t appear on my feed ??.

John Wallace

Now I have it . Ta..


That’s not how it works. There’s no magic bullet that’s as simple as upgrading to “anti-hacking” hardware. If there was, why wasn’t the US using it from the start? They certainly have the budget for it…

The drones are controlled remotely. If they are operating closer to Iranian borders or military hardware, Iran has a better chance of overpowering the signal/data that the drone is receiving from US forces and perhaps jam or hack the drone and give it different instructions, such as landing. Also they can attempt to send the drone spoofed GPS coordinates, fooling the drone to fly wherever they command it to. Military drones usually have security and self destruct features but nothing fool-proof.

John Wallace

Thanks for that. That makes more sense. All I knew was as Iran claimed that someone with a computer took control of the drone and landed it.. I saw the picture of a large number of Iranians celebrating around the drone and made assumptions.. Thanks


The first drone hack was done by Hizbollah with an Israeli drone, back in 2006 when Hariri was assassinated.

Hezbollah had israeli drone video. These drones had been following Hariri for weeks. Nasrallah surprised the world when he revealed hacked video of Israeli drones following Hariri’s car.

Zionism = EVIL

My sincere advise to the Iranian military is not to issue too many meaningless propaganda statements and focus on 360 degree review of all the operational and technical issues that went wrong, including warning the Americunts, not using enough missiles and the glaring IFF and radar communication interface failures. Iran is it does and honest review can really learn and improve its technical and operational capabilities. This is a time for some serious contemplation.

Assad must stay

agreed, do you think iran has nukes already?

Zionism = EVIL

I would hope so. Nuclear technology is almost 80 years old and even basketcase shitholes like India and Pakistan were able to go both the uranium and plutonium routes and test nukes. Iran is a rich country and has some capable scientists including Ali Akbar Salehi, so I would assume that it has the turn key option, but political leadership and will is another matter. Moving from 20% enrichment to 90% (what you need for bomb grade) is not that difficult and could be done in a very short time.

Assad must stay

Why has Iran been singled out all time while those countries got nukes no problem? Also do you think Iran will attack again?

Zionism = EVIL

Iran under the puppet shah signed the NPT, while India, Pakistan, DPRK and even the Zionist parasites did not. Also Iran stands up to the Zionists and did not follow Americunt dictates since the revolution. The Americunt, NATO and even USSR prodded armed and instigated the idiot Saddam to attack Iran and when that failed they have been sanctioning Iran, promoting terrorism and trying to undermine Iran. The mullahs have made a large number of mistakes, including corruption, prolonging the Iran-Iraq war, not creating strong alliances and not rearming after the war. Iran is perhaps the only country in the world that really does face an existential threat and should have tested a nuke by now. Instead it has suffered from the worst sanctions in human history and for no reason. Any sensible government must take steps to protect its people and the only cost effective way is to have nukes as Russia and China will not sell weapons and in any case have too much economic interests with the west. Iran has limited options, and having nukes, like DPRK and Pakistan is the only logical one. I believe the Americunts have been emboldened by the mess after the assassination of Soleimani and will now go full steam with anti-Iran actions. If you heard Sayyed Nasrallah’s speech today he indirectly criticized Iran’s response as weak and wants more concrete action. I have said the same since the start that the Americunts only understand force and the best way is a regional asymmetrical war with plausible deniability. Iran should reach out to the wider Muslim world’s resistance forces and shun sectarianism. All Muslims in the street whether Sunni or Shia hate the Americunts and Zionists.

Assad must stay

Who do you think would best lead Iran today?

Zionism = EVIL

I have said that before if you read my comments since the beginning, Iran needs a technocratic government, like in Syria, I like Assad as he may not be a military tactician like Maher or even the late Basil, but is an educated, moderate and decent man. Iran has many smart moderate educated people, like Ahmadinejad but they run foul of the clergy. I like Bani Sadr and met him once, he was the best for Iran and highly intelligent. So believe there has to be some transition from the mullahs domination, as silly things like chadors for women. When I was a young second lieutenant, I had the opportunity to travel through most of the Arab world and that was time of hope and then the Saudi scum pushed the Wahhabi evil and the Iranian mullahs fanned their own version and the west and Zionist fucks exploited both. It went to Syria right after the 1973 war and found a very decent progressive country that had fought well despite being double crossed by Sadat.Syrians and Lebanese Shia are perhaps the best in the Arab world objectively, they are same people divided by Sykes-Picot. Hafez al Assad was a very good and decent man and did the best with all the handicaps.Bashar has shown a lot of guts and class too. So I think Iran needs an educated inclusive government or there will be an explosion soon.

Assad must stay

yea and the JCPOA seems like it was just a humongous waste of time, what did iran get out of it? i heard just some money they got back that was frozen. what a scam.

Zionism = EVIL

Less than $150 million in all. The Americunts still hold over $175 BILLION in today’s frozen assets. Even the fucking Indians ripped off the mullahs and owe Iran $22 billion for oil they never paid and got at a discount. That is why I adamantly say that Iran needs an educated government. Ahmadinejad was incorruptible and was a brave man and had fought as a commando in the war so he knew the strategic implications. There are many even in the Iranian establishment that are quite smart but the mullahs keep them back and that won’t work anymore.

Assad must stay

jesus why would iran agree to such a scam like that?

Zionism = EVIL

You probably also know about the mullahs and Erdogan’s family stealing $18 billion of gold via Turkey. The level of corruption and mismanagement is quite appalling. If you go to North Tehran you see $200,000 Lamborgini’s, Ferraris, Benz, BMW while the average Iranian is feeling the full brunt of sanctions. A few months ago a mullah’s son in a Porshe killed a young woman and nothing happened. There is new class of nouveau riche called Akhoondzahed (sons of mullahs) who are stealing the people blind, so there is naturally pent up anger and the west will exploit it. The problem as I see, like the USSR is that the system has not created an alternative for transition or even a social safety valve, so a major social implosion can happen and the CIA and MI6 are spending millions on funding dissidents and media. Can you imagine the British ambassador openly supporting an anti-government demonstration openly? in any other country he would have been shot.

Assad must stay

yea thats why im afraid any new government the CIA and mossad will jump on it to infiltrate it and make it another puppet of theirs


Racism. European nations were too late to exclude China, India Pakista, NK.


Russian said they manipulated the GPS signals to help Iranian brought down US drones. Not Chinese.

China commercial available Drones are better than US, now world No.1. Even USM used Chinese drones against Pentagon banned, as they said, you need better ones to defeat enemies. So Trumps put Chinese drones in entity list to ban totally.

Damien C

If the IRGC had control of 8 MQ-9s even for a few moments why did they not nose dive them into the ground. It would have been twenty times the story than the actual missile strikes

Daily Beatings

It appears they only cut the communications link between the drones and their pilots. As with anything remotely operated the drones will go into auto-pilot until communication is re-established. The fact that they were able to essential “blind” US forces is a feat onto itself.

Rhodium 10

Ayn Assad is a base which have deployed MQ drones…so its possible that Drones operators fled from there while MQs where flying searching launchers in Iraq/Iran border…


Because it’s more BS from a desperate bunch of idiots

John Wallace

Thank you for your erudite observations.

משה גודמן (Moshe 75)

Because it’s fake news and Mullah Propaganda! Iran never had control of our mighty drones! NEVER!


Your drones? They belong to the US. So tell me, what do you know loose lips?

Zionist Internet Warrior

lol at first i thought he was sticking out his tongue like a moron

John Wallace

That was because Pavlov was ringing the bell.


Yeah, I couldn’t believe what the noob was posting. :P It was funny.

Bobby Twoshoes

I think he’s claiming the US is another Israeli occupied territory and the facts certainly don’t discount that. I did think they were supposed to deny it in public though, clearly he’s new at this. Maybe jakey boy couldn’t deal with the cognitive dissonance and topped himself so this guy was a rushed replacement hire, I imagine there is a lot of suicide in Hasbara ranks.

John Wallace

Was that a Freudian slip letting the truth out by mistake.

John Wallace

So you never saw the video footage of them landing the first drone and taking it away intact. So now that just shows how ignorant you are of the facts … or you just came here to bullshit but bullshit doesn’t work here.. Your credibility is at present hovering just above .. level.. fuck all.


“OUR” Drones? Dual citizen Zio Traitor then? better stay in Brooklyn incase Iran flattens Israel this evening for fun


yep u right! Lets not forget that Iran also said they didnt shoot down that plane either! lol, SouthFront was proposing the US stole a TOR vehicle and shot it down lol! These monkeys on SF eat this shit up like its free candy!


US lied for 7 MONTHS after it shot down Iranian Airbus – and that was in a non-war situation.


if we are going to go through the history books and not talk about current events under new US leadership then lets begin! ill go first!

Iran used to accompany US U2 spy missions from Iranian airbases over Russia! Iran was Russias number 1 enemy during these years!

OK now your turn!


It would have been the worst case scenario for US, if IRGC would have been able to take control over some drones and fly them to Iran.

משה גודמן (Moshe 75)

Never happened. What’s next? That Iran took control of our USS Lincoln aircraft carrier forcing it to dock in Tehran?

John Wallace

At least Moshe could see more than you even though he was one eyed.

Zionist Internet Warrior

Hey Moshe-Tard, Tehran doesn’t have an ocean, it’s land locked

Zionism = EVIL

Hasbara is hiring retards now as times are tough :)

John Wallace

I think he would be very proud if he could attain the level of “retard” which is quite a way above him at the moment.

משה גודמן (Moshe 75)

The ocean is only 10 miles away from Tehran City, DUFUS!

John Wallace

So pray tell how the Yanks are going to get an aircraft carrier into the Caspian Sea which is a LAKE not an ocean . Ask Russia if they can truck it overland for them . That is IF they could get it into the Black Sea first.. So who is the naive DUFUS now.. Do you even know where Tehran is .. Obviously not .


Are u us educated and have no idea of geography?


Possible, but one thing’s for sure, IRGC can never take control of your lying motor mouth, Hasbara Moshe.

Rhodium 10

there no casualties among US forces in Iraq base…but 2 days after…USA told that 2 US soldiers have die in Afganistan…


2 LIES here.

1. There were US and British casualties in Iran attack- The british foreign secretary

admitted it on TV. 2. Actual Afghan casualties were “entire vehicle (APC?) destroyed by Taliban. 8 US

invader terrorists dead.


Iran is few countries outside US, China & Russia that have technical knowhow in electronics warfare, precision missiles, layered air defense with low freq phase array radar(can detect stealth F22/35/117), etc. 80M Iranians patent filings rank world No.9, above 1380M boasting Indians, even its under extreme USNato sanction.

Russia & China are their suppliers, but US blocked Russia S300 & China HQ9 SAM sales, also their nuclear research plant sales. French nuclear plant project engr was killed by Israel IAF bombing, China also withdrawn. But Russian & Chinese probably give Iranian the know how blueprint.


Wait is this real “We were not after killing anyone although tens of US troops have likely been killed and wounded and were transferred to Israel and Jordan on 9 sorties of C-130 flights,” what the general said, well I believe it’s possible, but someone would have spoken if some americans were killed, like the families of the dead ones or smt.


Gag order in the name of national security. Noone will talk.

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