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IRGC Shares Footage Of Its Personnel Boarding Oil Tanker Meters Always From US Warships

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IRGC Shares Footage Of Its Personnel Boarding Oil Tanker Meters Always From US Warships

Speedboats of Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) are seen during major drills in the Strait of Hormuz in the Persian Gulf code-named the Great Prophet 9 on February 25, 2015.

The Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) has shared footage showing its personnel boarding an oil tanker in the Sea of Oman a few hundred meters away from US Navy warships.

In a statement released on November 3 morning, the revolutionary guards claimed that its Navy Force thwarted an attempt by the US Navy to steal an Iranian oil shipment.

According to the statement, the US confiscated a tanker carrying Iranian oil in the Sea of Oman and unloaded the oil to another tanker and direct it to an unknown destination. The IRGC Navy reacted quickly and managed to land special forces aboard the tanker, the Vietnamese-flagged tanker Sothys, which was moved to Iranian waters.

The footage released by the IRGC shows Iranian personnel boarding the oil tanker right in front of two US Navy destroyers, USS Michael Murphy and USS Michael Murphy.

A US defense official confirmed to Newsweek that Iran seized an oil tanker in the Sea of Oman last week. However, he dismissed the IRGC’s story.

“We’re refuting the Iranian claims that they prevented us from taking back this vessel,” the official said. “Here’s the bottom line: This occurred last week. U.S. naval forces in the Gulf of Oman observed Iranian naval forces seize this oil tanker.”

“There were over 10 Iranian fast boats that swarmed this thing,” the official said. “There was a helicopter seen flying around, and, bottom line, our forces responded to monitor the situation.”

According to the official, the US Navy didn’t intervene and take action against the IRGC’s naval forces “due to a number of sensitivities.”

The incident demonstrates Iran’s growing influence in the Persian Gulf and the Sea of Oman. It also raises some serious questions about US Navy operations in the region.

Despite Washington’s decision to ignore the incident, the upcoming talks on Tehran’s nuclear program in Vienna will likely be affected by it.


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Arch Bungle

“due to a number of sensitivities.”

… i.e The Americans shat their pants and were sensitive around the rectal area …

Arch Bungle

Whoredom is no way to earn a living. Get a real job.

corporal homer simpson

our brave obese transgender military can effectively defeat hillbilly crackheads in arkansas

Lone Ranger

Americant pirates are crying and raging 🤗



Chris Gr

I am here, you told me to answer you in the latest comment.

Your perception of civil war is different from the one of separatism. In my opinion separatism is part of civil wars almost every time.

In this case of Saudi Arabia, if you read history you will see that those states that border it had problems with them.

Some time ago the conflict was ideological but now it is mostly ethnic because most of the countries in the region, except for Syria, profess moderate Islam. Nasserism/Ba’athism and Salafi jihadism are mostly gone.

The Cold War was the only war in human history that wasn’t ethnic but purely ideological.

The next battle will be ethnic/cultural in origin.


If you write that americans are terrorists and pirates, zionist Youtube has a special algorithm that deletes your comment (within 30 seconds) no matter whose video it is! FU#K YOUTUBE! Luckily we can avoid their pro-imperialist censorship by using https://lingojam.com/FancyTextGenerator (:

Last edited 3 years ago by Ivanus59

Don’t you mean jewtube? https://odysee.com/@DanTheOracle:d/A-Speech-by-Benjamin-H-Freedman-1961:3

Last edited 3 years ago by Frisian


george hans gadamer

poky tubular brain controlled by pygmys and transgenders for 20 years in arkansas prison

Chris Gr

Liberals are not all Jews!


But if Yankee terrorists managed to steal the oil then they were successful.. sure the Iranians got their ship back but the terrorist scum made off with the oil.


Yanky ball suckers tried to steal Iranian oil, but ended up getting their asses handed to them. To avoid the humiliation of what happed, Yanky ball suckers put out the statement.. “our forces responded to monitor the situation.”


Tommy Jensen

Iran pretended to invade their own ship to not loose face to the entire world, because we demanded them to sail their sanctioned bs oil back to their own sewage waters.

Peter Wallace

Yeah , whatever. Keep trying as you might get one right one day which will be a fluke at best.

Peppe il Sicario

Nimwit Tommy, Jens Jizz Hole Holm’s Danish-american boyfriend. Man, are Danes dumb as f*ck!!! All you have to do is see and listen to that Nato goofus, Stoltenberg and its pretty obvious.

george hans gadamer

amerikans pretend to be empire–taliban shred transgender military…now need better nail polish

jeb in arkansas

we refute that heroin exists yet CDC claims 4.5 million amerikans use heroin…in my trailer park we use meth and crack


Can anyone get this story straight and clarified? The Americans boarded Tanker A and transferred its contents to the Vietnamese flagged Tanker Sothys (Where?) then the IRGC boarded the Sothys (Where?) and sailed it to Iran and took back the contents?

What was Tanker A and where was it loaded and does anybody know where it was bound?

Im surprised that these tankers leaving Iran are not guarded by security, equipped to repel even helicopters?

Christian J. Chuba

Iranian oil was transferred to the Vietnamese tanker, a common practice by Iran to evade illegal U.S. sanctions. Iran’s account: ‘The U.S. took this tanker into custody, probably by converging on it with ships and radio contact. The IRGC got boots on the ground and convinced the captn that he would be better off ignoring the USN. The IRGC beefed up their naval presence w/speedboats’.

USN account: ‘The IRGC boarded the Vietnamese tanker and piloted it into their waters for some unknown reason’

There were no U.S. military on the tanker. There was no gunfight or POWs.




“According to the official, the US Navy didn’t intervene and take action against the IRGC’s naval forces “due to a number of sensitivities.”

Oh sure, of course, gutless cowards and scumbags are only good for killing Afghani children from afar with drone strikes, pathetic as*holes.

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