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IRGC Showcases Downed and Captured Western Drones (Video, Photographs)

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IRGC Showcases Downed and Captured Western Drones (Video, Photographs)

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On September 21st, the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) organized a showcase of downed and destroyed or captured Western unmanned aerial vehicles.

The exhibition is called “Hunting Vultures.”

It presented the US RQ-4 Global Hawk, which was downed on June 21st, 2019 after violating Iranian airspace.

The IRGC also displayed the Aerosonde HQ vertical take-off and landing drone belonging to the US Army used for multi-intelligence payloads such as electronic warfare and communications relay in a single flight.

Desert Hawk was another American drone showcased in the exhibition. It has a length of 0.86 meters with a weight of 3.2 kg. It has an endurance of about an hour with an electric motor driving a quiet pusher propeller.

A British drone was also presented, the Phoenix. It is an all-weather, day or night, real-time combat surveillance drone. The twin-boom UAV provides surveillance through its surveillance pod, from which the imagery is data linked to a ground control station (GCS) that also controls the aircraft in flight.

Back in 2015, Iran also downed a US RQ-170 Sentinel stealth aircraft with minimal damage. It wasn’t part of the exhibition this time round.

Iran has a collection of various US, Israeli and British drones, some of which were also presented at the “exhibition” include US’ MQ1, MQ9, Shadow, ScanEagle, RQ-170 and BAMS-D as well as the Israeli Hermes. Photographs can be seen below.

During the exhibition, IRGC Commander Hossein Salami made the statement that it would never allow any aggression on its soil and has the capability to take down any aerial vehicles, unmanned or otherwise.

Which is clearly backed up by evidence.

Salami further said that any “limited aggression” against Iran would result in a full retaliation by the Islamic Republic, which would be devastating in his words.

“We will hit anyone who violates our borders,” he said, adding Iran has so far demonstrated only part of its military capability.

The showcase takes place during Sacred Defense Week in Iran. On September 22nd, there was a ceremony at the mausoleum of Founder of the late Imam Khomeini.

There were other showcases of Iranian equipment, and not only of downed Western drones.

The IRGC also showed a self-propelled gun mount of the Iranian 3rd Khordad air defense system at the exhibition, the one which shot down the RQ-4 Global Hawk.

Following are photographs of the self-propelled gun mount, and the downed UAVs.

IRGC Showcases Downed and Captured Western Drones (Video, Photographs)

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IRGC Showcases Downed and Captured Western Drones (Video, Photographs)

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IRGC Showcases Downed and Captured Western Drones (Video, Photographs)

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IRGC Showcases Downed and Captured Western Drones (Video, Photographs)

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Following are images of the various captured UAV:

IRGC Showcases Downed and Captured Western Drones (Video, Photographs)

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IRGC Showcases Downed and Captured Western Drones (Video, Photographs)

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IRGC Showcases Downed and Captured Western Drones (Video, Photographs)

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IRGC Showcases Downed and Captured Western Drones (Video, Photographs)

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IRGC Showcases Downed and Captured Western Drones (Video, Photographs)

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IRGC Showcases Downed and Captured Western Drones (Video, Photographs)

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IRGC Showcases Downed and Captured Western Drones (Video, Photographs)

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IRGC Showcases Downed and Captured Western Drones (Video, Photographs)

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IRGC Showcases Downed and Captured Western Drones (Video, Photographs)

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IRGC Showcases Downed and Captured Western Drones (Video, Photographs)

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IRGC Showcases Downed and Captured Western Drones (Video, Photographs)

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IRGC Showcases Downed and Captured Western Drones (Video, Photographs)

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IRGC Showcases Downed and Captured Western Drones (Video, Photographs)

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IRGC Showcases Downed and Captured Western Drones (Video, Photographs)

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IRGC Showcases Downed and Captured Western Drones (Video, Photographs)

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IRGC Showcases Downed and Captured Western Drones (Video, Photographs)

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IRGC Showcases Downed and Captured Western Drones (Video, Photographs)

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IRGC Showcases Downed and Captured Western Drones (Video, Photographs)

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IRGC Showcases Downed and Captured Western Drones (Video, Photographs)

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IRGC Showcases Downed and Captured Western Drones (Video, Photographs)

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IRGC Showcases Downed and Captured Western Drones (Video, Photographs)

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IRGC Showcases Downed and Captured Western Drones (Video, Photographs)

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IRGC Showcases Downed and Captured Western Drones (Video, Photographs)

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IRGC Showcases Downed and Captured Western Drones (Video, Photographs)

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IRGC Showcases Downed and Captured Western Drones (Video, Photographs)

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IRGC Showcases Downed and Captured Western Drones (Video, Photographs)

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IRGC Showcases Downed and Captured Western Drones (Video, Photographs)

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IRGC Showcases Downed and Captured Western Drones (Video, Photographs)

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IRGC Showcases Downed and Captured Western Drones (Video, Photographs)

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IRGC Showcases Downed and Captured Western Drones (Video, Photographs)

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IRGC Showcases Downed and Captured Western Drones (Video, Photographs)

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IRGC Showcases Downed and Captured Western Drones (Video, Photographs)

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IRGC Showcases Downed and Captured Western Drones (Video, Photographs)

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IRGC Showcases Downed and Captured Western Drones (Video, Photographs)

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IRGC Showcases Downed and Captured Western Drones (Video, Photographs)

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IRGC Showcases Downed and Captured Western Drones (Video, Photographs)

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Tiresia Branding

what impress me are the large drones captured practically intact :-O

China, Russia, Iran ‘plan joint naval drill in international waters’ https://www.scmp.com/news/china/diplomacy/article/3029819/china-russia-iran-plan-joint-naval-drill-international-waters


The article stated the RQ 170 would not be displayed, but that large delta wing,’ practically intact’ sure does look like it. Maybe a larger version ?


What should impress u even more is that Iran captured 6 Davy Crockets that were in the hands of ISIS that Obama sent via Libya (but were meant for Al-Quieda) ISIS used 1 of these to kill 20 Russian Military contractors! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/de8d6759b7795c06fe2322761f92b53f96257ae02fd326f3223837b75894a3e9.png

Iran cant show this off though! But Russia and America knows they have them! Trump and Putin changing this! Remember this got into Syria via Obama!

Zionism = EVIL

Let’s hope even the downed drones visit the Saudi shitheads via Yemen :)


poor friggin jews, hated across the world,for a reason. and the fruitless campaign against Iran will be their undoing- hopefully!

Real Anti-Racist Action

It is just like when the Jew’s of the world started and declared international war on Germany on March 24th 1933: 1) This newspaper proves the predates of the allies lies about the start of war by over 6 years. 2) Actions targeted at a nations finances by an individual or group and not necessarily other nations have historically been considered an act of war. https://www.nationalists.org/library/hitler/daily-express/judea-declares-war-on-germany.png


What if we find out that Iran has 6 nukes? What if we find out that it was given to them by Hillary and Obama? What if the Benghazi incident was about these 6 nukes and 1970’s US nuclear tech? What if the Uranium 1 scandal was about giving Iran ENRICHED Uranium via Russia? Why was there no rescue mission for Christopher Stevens (US ambassador to Libya)? Do you KNOW what u are talking about? Do u know what i see when i read your comments? I see a person who has no idea what they are talking about! We all hate Israel! Everyone hates them including me, but if u think Iran is good, then u are sorely mistaken! But dont worry, one day u will find out! This information is out there, but u dont seem to know anything about it! i bet u didnt know that Syria had a nuclear reactor until it was released this year on Southfront! I bet u didnt know that Iran was building MRBM’s in Syria until Southfront released this! I bet u dont know that Iran was enriching Uranium to nuclear weapons grade levels in Syria (not released on South Front yet but u will find out soon)

Everyone on this website is a fucking NOOB! Newbie, wanna be, geopolitical hacks! None of u know whats going on! None of u can understand the puzzle of Vallerie Jarret (an iranian Shiite), Bin talal alaweed (a sunni wahabbi prince) and Soros (a Zionist Jew) working together with Obama who gave Iran a new agreement on uranium enrichment and 150 billion dollars (with 1.8 billion in cash flown into Iran on US aircraft which landed IN IRAN) Does ur little brain understand what is going on??

How can a Jew, Sunni and Shiite be working with Obama and rewarding Iran?? THINK!

But u cant! Cause uve been trained to think like a cave man, like a person barracking for a fucking football team!


blabla – try cnn or daily caller’s commentsfield – will suit you better.

and for your information – iran has no nukes whereas israel has an estimated 100 to 150 nukes threatening the entire middle east with – that is one reason why it has to go and then you have the ususal tripe – murder of palestinians or anyone else perceived as an enemy of israel, the ethnical cleansing program designed to reduce the palestinians to zero, the lebensraum-program which is theft of palestinian land on a grand scale and then you have concentration camp gaza which is a middle eastern theresienstadt without the zyclon b (as far as we know) and where 2 million palestinians are locked up and humiliated and starved and killed (when expedient) and then you have the theft of palestine’s natural resources and whih israel is trying to bring to the market.

enough reason to close down israel for god I think!


i know about Israels nukes! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/de8d6759b7795c06fe2322761f92b53f96257ae02fd326f3223837b75894a3e9.png

i am saying to you that Iran has 6 Davy Crocketts (M-29’s with M-388 nuclear warheads) which were meant for Al-Queida via the FSA to be used upon the Syrian Army! I will tell you how these weapons came into Syria at the end of tyhis write up!

These weapons ended up being transferred all the way to ISIS and were in fact the weapon used to kill the many Russian (Wagner Military Contractors) in DeZ! General Mattis ended up taking the blame for it so that news would not get out the ISIS had 7 (1 used) AMERICAN tactical nuclear launchers! These are small tactical warheads (nukes) that can be fired with a 3km Range!

These Davy Crocketts ended up in the hands of Iran after Iran’s forces (and Russian and Syrian) defeated ISIS within these regions!

Why Did General Mattis take the blame by saying “i gave the order to take out the Russian MC’s”? Because if he didnt Russia would inform the world what really happened! Notice Russia did not respond!! Since when can US forces kill Russian forces? NEVER! Russia KNEW about the Nuclear mortars and were doing their best to take them out / recover or destroy them! ISIS fired and killed many Russians on this special mission!

Now…. how in the hell did ISIS get 7 Davy Crocketts?!?!

Hillary fucking Clinton! Thats how! WAIT, Dont laugh! Remember Libya? Remember Benghazi? Remember Christopher Stevens the US ambassador? Well, Hillary was not only giving arms to “Rebels” but also selling US top secret Tech (pay to play) when she was the Sec of State! The big news about Benghazi is that Hillary was selling 1970’s US nuclear tech to the Bin Laden family via a Server Christopher Stevens had on him (without his knowledge what was on the server) Clinton then allowed the Ambassadors HQ to be attacked (leaking its location to the Bin Laden family) and they had the base attacked! Hillary ordered the military to “Stand down”! What she didnt now is that a secret CIA base was very close to the Amassadors HQ and they moved in to try and rescue him! She ordered them to stand down, they refused! They made it but the Ambassadors HQ was burned down but they rescued a few secret service guys and a few other staff! But they also got the SERVER!

After examining the server back at the CIA base, tech guys broke protocol and backed the server up to a secure server so they had a copy! Hillary then told the Bin Laden family to attack the CIA base and she also ordered the military again to stand down and not rescue them!

When she thought the server was destroyed she panicked and started EMAILING the nuclear docs via her back up server she kept in her bathroom at home! Idiot ended up sending to her own staff by accident too!

Hence why u have people within her own party against her! Seth Rich was murdered for forwarding emails to Julian Assange on the DNC server! Good guys within the US also sent copies of emails and docs to Assange knowing that Obama was also corrupt!

Stevens thought he was in Benghazi to recover man held anti aircraft Stingers which were supposed to go to Libya (to fend off Gaddaffi’s airforce) but they ended up in Afghanistan! (thats another story)

So stevens thought he was there to fix up Obama’s fuck up (with the CIA helping close by) when Hillary decided this was a perfect opportunity to sell Special Access material (she shouldnt have had anyway) to the wealthy Bin Laden family!

This is why u hear about Benghazi and Hillary’s emails!! Even Google was blocking this search term as an auto suggest search term!

OK about the davy Crockets! That was Obama! Ambassador stevens a few more gifts he didnt know anything about! Obama had the weapons declassified and transferred to the FSA/ Al-Queida through a group in Benghazi!

Ultimately one of these were used to kill 20 Russian Military Contractors! Thats right, American nukes killing Russian troops! REMEMBER WHEN PUTIN ORDERED 40 MILLION RUSSIAN CITIZENS to perform a nuclear evacuation?? That was his response to send a message to Hillary what he was preparing for if she got in (elected)!

NOW we know that the 6 remaining Davy Crocketts are in the hands on Iran! We also know that Obama had lifted the nuclear sanctions on Iran. We also know that Obama gave Iran $150 Billion!

(Trump changing this)

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