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IRGC’s Basij Force Carries Out Drill With 1,000+ Light And Semi-Heavy Combat Vessels

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IRGC's Basij Force Carries Out Drill With 1,000+ Light And Semi-Heavy Combat Vessels

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On November 26th, Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Navy’s volunteer forces, known as Basij, carried out a massive drill along the Persian Gulf coastline and Strait of Hormuz.

Rear Admiral Alireza Tangsiri, commander of the IRGC Navy was in attendance.

According to Tangsiri, the exercise is a “show of the power that is at the disposal of the Islamic Republic’s popular establishment.”

It seeks to send across a message off “peace, friendship, fraternity, and establishment of sustainable security” in the Persian Gulf and the Sea of Oman littoral area,” he added.

IRGC's Basij Force Carries Out Drill With 1,000+ Light And Semi-Heavy Combat Vessels

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The event saw sailors, enlisted with the popular volunteer Basij force, taking to the waters aboard more than 1,000 light and semi-heavy-lift vessels.

The drills were staged to mark the final day of the National Basij Week to display the naval power that is possessed by the popular force.

IRGC's Basij Force Carries Out Drill With 1,000+ Light And Semi-Heavy Combat Vessels

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The Basij force was formed after the victory of Iran’s Islamic Revolution in 1979 on the order of the late founder of the Islamic Republic, Imam Khomeini. The force owes its strength to integrity and solidarity among the grassroots in the country, and has been playing a major role in backing responsible authorities in defending the Revolution’s ideals.

No mentions have been made regarding the US or Israel in the reports.

IRGC's Basij Force Carries Out Drill With 1,000+ Light And Semi-Heavy Combat Vessels

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On November 27th, a statement issued to mark Navy Day “declared its full readiness to establish stability, security and hoist Iran’s flag in the distant oceans and international waters, as well as spare no effort to sacrifice its life in this glorious path.”

Additional it “further noted that the day each year is a reminder of the bravery and sacrifices of the men who with empty hands and big hearts and firm faith struck at the heart of the Ba’athist regime’s navy, and although they immortalized themselves forever as the guardians of the Persian Gulf, they cut off Saddam’s regime’s hands from the sea forever.

“Today, if this force has the title of a strategic force on its forehead, it is the fruit of the blood of the young people and their silent struggles, who defend all the valuable interests and assets of this land thousands of kilometers away from the country’s water borders,” the statement concluded.

This show of force is coming amid rumors that outgoing US President Donald Trump could potentially order a sort of “farewell strike” on Iran.

IRGC's Basij Force Carries Out Drill With 1,000+ Light And Semi-Heavy Combat Vessels

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And Israel Defense Forces (IDF) appear to be preparing for such a scenario.

“The Israel Defense Forces have in recent weeks been instructed to prepare for the possibility that the U.S. will conduct a military strike against Iran before President Trump leaves office.”

Middle East expert Elijah Magnier reported the following regarding the situation:

“In an unprecedentedly high level of military readiness, the “Axis of the Resistance” led by Iran has declared a maximum alert on all fronts, as a preparation for a possible battle or war breaking out in the Middle East prior to the arrival in office of President-elect Joe Biden.

Sources within the “Axis of the Resistance” say that “the US may not be planning for a war against Iran with President Donald Trump leaving office soon. However, it is not excluded that the “bully of the neighborhood”, Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu, would like to carry out a swift hit on the Iranian nuclear facilities in order to sabotage the nuclear deal ready for when Biden takes over. In the case of an Israeli bombing followed by an Iranian retaliation, the Trump administration can then intervene with the pretext of “defending” Israel.”

IRGC's Basij Force Carries Out Drill With 1,000+ Light And Semi-Heavy Combat Vessels

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The New York Times reported that Trump’s advisers talked him out of ordering a strike, which they argued would certainly spiral into a larger war.

The significant showing by Iran is more than likely related to the recent rumors, with the Middle East being on high alert to see what possibly could the Trump administration undertake in its last days in office.


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Lone Ranger

I bet every one of them has a unmanned drone kamikaze mode packed with goodies. CIA trolls and hasbarats will cry and rage ? PS. the naval autopilot was invented and designed by Nikola Tesla before WWI, the guy was way ahead of its time.

Jihadi Colin

Swarms are really the tactic of the future. I’m about 75% certain that in an actual war the majority of these vessels will be autonomous drones.

Fog of War

Yes, and they will also be susceptible to jamming and electronic warfare.

Alekai Mordechai

Jamming and EW will only achieve 30 to 40% success.

Fog of War

Maybe, maybe not. We’ll see I guess.

Alekai Mordechai

Yes, even the percentage point would decline with counter EW systems.

Fog of War

” Iranian nuclear scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh has been assassinated in Damavand, east of Tehran ”

It seems that Iranians are crying and raging at this moment.

Lone Ranger

You will too in a few days dont worry Shlomo…

Free man

No, they will just threaten as usual. And then get another slap.

Fog of War

You have a short memory dont you ? I guess you forgot who I support in this whole fiasco.

Lone Ranger

Sorry you did sound like a hasbarat, no offense…

Fog of War

Its OK my Hungarian brother, just remember this name ” Fog of War “.

Lone Ranger

I made a sticky note ?

Lone Ranger

Terror state usisisrael…

Free man

They certainly do : https://twitter.com/JZarif/status/1332345633425022976

Alekai Mordechai

Congrats you guys finally killed an old Iranian man.

Finally Iranian nuclear program came to stand still just for that. WOW ….. what an achievement!

Mazel Tov.

Free man

He was the most important scientist in the Iranian military nuclear program.

Alekai Mordechai

He’s retired.

Fog of War

You’re attacking the wrong side. However, how would you like to be a Iranian scientist knowing you could be killed at any moment while your government seems impotent to stop or do anything about it ?

Alekai Mordechai

Same like dying for your country …….. but old.

Attacking anything and anyone can be fun.

Again took you decades to identify target and neutralizing them even took years.

You mean like US, who lost CIA officer in somalia and countless others operatives all around the globe??

Fog of War

CIA officers are useful idiots and a dime a dozen. An intelligent scientist is a national asset and treasure.

Alekai Mordechai

So? are we expecting Iran’s nuclear program to come to a grinding halt now.

Seems hurried and rushed.

Killing generals, his position can be taken by another general. Scientists?? not only national treasure but for world’s too. Could’ve bought him to your fold.

Fog of War

Tesla: a Slavic genius who makes Einstein look like a preschool child.

Lone Ranger


Tommy Jensen

If Iran do this with 1000 light boats, we will carry out a drill with 10 000 semi-heavy combat vessels in a show of force out from a position of strength.

Alekai Mordechai

Squeezing in 10,000 semi-heavy ( lets say 250 tonne) vessels into narrow strait of Hormuz will be a stupid undertaking

FYI, showing of force itself means you’ve the inherent strength. Which btw, US lacks, lets alone much of Gulf NATO states. (mostly in terms of quantity)

A squadron (9 to 12) of MQ-9Bs with 24 hell fire missiles each is a good deterrent.

I bet your brain didn’t think of the asymmetric/symmetric combo in’nt?

Potato Man

Stop playing Minecraft COD edition buddy.

cechas vodobenikov

too much LSD tammy—Iran will destroy fake CIA LGBT amerikan girl scout military—u lose all wars…so cowardly and feminized that after u murderd 4 million in Korea, Chinese/Koreans pushed you incompetent cowards from Yalu river to 38th parallel where u obsequiously surrenderd—1 of many defeats…so incompetent u are afraid of Venezuela…..

Porc Halal

Lol, 10,000 semi-heavy battleships ?! … Not even the entire Israeli coastal waters would be able to host half of the number you mentioned …

Free man



Got what he deserved.

Free man

You’ve not been here recently. I have been writing for several days that something is cooking, and the Israeli attacks in Syria are preparations. Apparently it started.


I know some stuff I can’t say here Free Man, let’s just say that we have our own plans too for every scenario.

Free man

The Iranian opposition to the mullahs regime is also taking part in what is happening. So one can expect more surprises from multiple directions.


All the stars are aligned for the final show my dear friend, you shall have your old Iran back I just hope that there will be something left to save after the war. The Mullahs will fall down.

Alekai Mordechai

Again big ominous words.

Trump is desperate for all out hits. Lacking substance.

Even you aren’t sure what will be left to save.

Again, choice was hit buried nuke facilities or take out scientists, military and political figures. I guess they came down to latter.


It’s true, atleast for now..

Alekai Mordechai

I am afraid you gonna make Mullahs more entrenched and popular in Iran.

Alekai Mordechai

Sorry to say the old Iran is dead.

You can’t bring a dead element back and expect to look for something to salvage.

Joe Kerr

Yeah, get ready for your alignment… and your next life as a rotifer.

Alekai Mordechai

They (opposition) aren’t much of a factor.

Free man

Who do you think do the explosions and killings inside Iran ?

Alekai Mordechai

Then their factor level will go down much lower.

Alekai Mordechai

What’s up with the big prophesies??

Free man

What has been happening in recent weeks fits the pattern.

Alekai Mordechai

Patterns has already been predicted.

Nothing to be too gleeful about.

You seem content with a pinch.

Jihadi Colin

My Iranian friend was a Baseej volunteer in the Iran Iraq War.

Porc Halal

Not that I want to offend anyone here, but the IRGC Basij force looks more like a motorboat race of enthusiastic owners …

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