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MARCH 2025

Iron Dome System Could Be Deployed At US Base In Syria’s Al-Tanf: Israel Media

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Iron Dome System Could Be Deployed At US Base In Syria's Al-Tanf: Israel Media


In early February, the Pentagon revealed that it was planning to obtain a limited number of Iron Dome missile defense systems “to fill its short-term need for an interim Indirect Fire Protection Capability”. According to Department of Defense spokesman Eric Pahon, the US Army would “assess and experiment” with the system to protect its troops from a “variety of indirect fire threats and aerial threats”.

Neither Pahon, nor the Iron Dome manufacturer specified the exact number of systems that the US is planning to buy, or the value of the future contract. No details regarind how the US was going to use the obtained short-range system were also revaled.

However, recently, Israeli media outlets have started spreading speculations that the US may use the obtained system in Syria. According to nziv.net, the US is going to deploy the obtained system at its military base in the southeastern Syrian area of al-Tanf. This base was set up to control one of the key highways linking Syria, Iraq and Iran and will not likely be removed even despite the formal withdrawal of US troops. Even if US forces are withdrawn from this part of Syria, they will still be deployed on the Iraqi side of the border.

Iron Dome System Could Be Deployed At US Base In Syria's Al-Tanf: Israel Media

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It’s time to remove these non permited illegal troops, especially as IS is now , wether evacuated to other theathers by the US or 99 % eliminated ! The only mission the US troops have are to STALKING the Syrian Army ” !

Jacob Wohl

what happened the last time Syria/Iran tried to remove US troops at Conoco Gas plant? Hundreds were pulverized within mere hours. Silly, no military force on the planet can go head to head with the US. Apache helicopters, AC-130s have hundreds of confirmed kills in Syria against Syrian Army and its mercenary allies.


That’s about the silliest post of an ignorant. The Russians were not prepared for the air attack and expected ground level conflicts. If there is a real fight , SAA would ready their air defences and come on those planes stand no chance in SYRIA..as even now the Israeli planes have to Attack Syria from Lebanon and run for their lives

On the ground tell me how the Americans can last , how to reinforce? Look at Yemen, such forces are easily eliminated IN SPITE OF TOP grade Americans weaponry advised by US experts.

Just a small contingent can easily take care of the inexperienced US soldiers vs battle hardened Hez, SAA etc

Jacob Wohl

That’s the whole point, during the battle at Khusham, SAA/PMC expected the US special forces and its Kurdish allies to just pack up and retreat immediately. The closer SAA approached the gas plant, the more they thought Americans would just get up and leave – they didn’t expect a fight let alone airstrikes against them. They were very under-prepared for the response US delivered against them. Point being, do NOT test the US military. Otherwise expect a massive aerial response involving fighter jets, attack helicopters, gunships, bombers, strike drones, and intense artillery shelling. They made a HUGE mistake attacking the US military at night. US military is highly skilled in night warfare and has all the gear/optics necessary for it.

Any small infantry force would not be able to hold out against a large force of 600 infantry plus 4 tanks and 30 technicals/BTRs. So your argument is ridiculous. Air support was vital in that battle to help repel the Syrian Army and its iranian allies.

US will protect and hold on its territorial gains in Syria and protect its kurdish allies from anyone.


You confirmed my take the Russians were not expecting .

Now the question is can US forces able to survive with just air power INSIDE SYRIA and able to protect the puny few US forces in there.

Just tell and explain how as it has been proven beyond any shadow of doubt …no. Proven in Yemen now, in Lebanon 2006

Stop thinking Syria will allow US to occupy their land when SAA is having the upper hand and forces need to evict US forces when needed.

In fact , US forces are impotent in there and have not to dated able to defeat any opponents thenselves relying on SDF to do the dirty jobs.

SAA can be well protected by their air defences and even without that use techniques used in Yemen will still defeat the US as there is no way US can reinforce. Remember, Iran is there and can field any number of fighters.

Keep to the argument that no country in the world allows another to illegally occupy their country and worse still put SAM system in their country . Stop thinking no one dare to take on America in their own land and especially can easily evict without losses. Assad must be the biggest fool to allow that


Stop thinking US Soldiers are super soldiers and untouchable… Remember how US soldiers were captured by Iranian Navy and US planes tried to stop Iran?

All missiles were locked on to the aircraft carrier …US planes backed off.


Not true at all – 15-30 PMC kia and 20-50 SAA kia. No such thing as 200-300 pro western bullshit mouthpiece. If SAA/allies had MANPADS and short range SAM outcome would have been much different, all your lovely little apaches would have been swatted and Conoco would be painted red :)

Zionism = EVIL

Q: What is a Jews biggest dilemma?

A: Free Pork.

Jacob Wohl's Nose

no use talking to someone who thinks with their nose instead of their brain. and trust me, i am his nose, and he uses it too much to think sometimes.

Jacob Wohl

Last time 600 Syrian Army troops, mercenaries, and Iranian proxies tried to overrun and capture the Conoco Gas Plant, half of them were completely annihilated within 4 hours by 4 Apache Helicopters, 1 AC-130 gunship, 1 b-52 bomber, and 3 F-15 fighter jets. And all their 30 vehicles, BTRs, tanks, and transport vehicles were completely destroyed by pinpoint US strikes. Total losses – 30 vehicles, 300 men, artillery positions, 4 t-72 tanks. US/Kurdish losses – ZERO


This has never been confirmed, nice try though. What has been confirmed by SOHR is that 15-30 pmc were KIA and up to 50 SAA were killed. But talk of 200-300 is pure propaganda bullcrap. That fake video on youtube of pmc talking about the battle is 100% fake by the way, made up by ukrainians. All together in the battle at conoco plant, SAA/allies took 60-90 casualties and the rest retreated. Stop the pro-western disinformation to make it look better for you. Facts say otherwise.

Jacob Wohl's Nose

This time SAA will have MANPADS and S300 :) Maybe they’ll clean out our nose with a MANPAD.

Jacob Wohl

Don’t worry, 15 AH-64 Apache gunships and 4 AC-130 gunships stationed in Syria are waiting for any SAA attack against the US special forces or its Kurdish allies :)


Complete bullshit. SOHR confirmed only 15-30 PMC were KIA during the fight. And 50-70 SAA were KIA. Talks of 200-300 is a complete lie and exaggeration for western propaganda. The SAA/PMC did not even DIRECTLY attack the US forces at the plant. They were simply shelling the outside perimeter in an attempt to scare away the US/SDF and force them to pack up and leave. That’s why no casualties were inflicted upon the US/SDF forces there. They had absolutely no MANPADs, air defense, anti-aircraft canons, or night vision and were completely ill-prepared.

Jacob Wohl's Nose

Jacob, We need an AC-130 gunship just to clean out the nostrils!

Zionism = EVIL

Why do Jews watch porn backwards? Because their favorite part is when the hooker gives the money back.

Zionism = EVIL

What do call call a bloodthirsty ugly Jew on rampage?





Obviously you have conveniently forgot those missiles from Russian subs that destroyed caves where US/NATO and israeli agents occupied. Yanks and their chicken shit cronies. Believe the death toll was horrendous. Happened just after your misguided quoted episode.


Big question , will Russia , Iran or Syria allow this?

It is an insult to all three. … a threat to Russian and Syrian planes sure will never be allowed.

Let’s see


Well sadly Russia been too soft and joined the arena in 2015 when all fake stories started in 2011 and got heated in 2013 with all the evidence showing the main troublemakers, Syria is the only decision maker, they will take back thier country one way or another. I like Russia but as a superpower way too soft, don’t know what they waiting for!! Just finish the rats in Idlib quickly and send them to where they came from, you then deal with the rest. US is in shambles as they don’t have the money or any authority to be there or any idea of a new plan as they only had one plan, lost again


you’re wrong – doing the obstacle run russia’s been doing over the last 3 or years is not something many countries can do without stumbling badly – and russia keeps doing just that, in a pragmatic and still effective way and before long you will see that syria is back within its original borders, turkey as well and iran enjoying a fruitful cooperation with syria whilst strengthening its military prowess with the set goal to kick the land-thieving squatters all the way to kingdom come – what more can you ask for. yeah, that’s right, sdf will mke peace with assad and sfa demilitarized and the kurds back being tenants under turkey, syria, iraq and iran – just like it was say 5 6 years ago – and the best part is a) that the moronistan (aka usa) has spent trillions in the middle east and gotten nothing in return and b) the squatters are closer than ever of being kicked right off this world, or at least out of the land they were allowed to steal from the palestinians. so cheerful prospects and the day the squatters are on the run, diaspora 2.0, the entire world will cheer their demise.


Well what you are saying is what I’ve said so don’t know how I was wrong. All I said Russia is not looking for trouble and look away on many things. What I’m saying is when you have a air defence system why not use it and let a country you protecting not to be attacked for childish reasons. I hope it don’t get repeated but knowing those blood suckers they will do it again and my wish is for a proper response even if it’s like eye for an eye. Hince let’s get these rats asap so country can get to normality. The only reason SAA has not attacked the rats is because of Russia . Tigers are waiting and hungry, waiting for what??


War is obviously not a video game, although the US and NATO thinks it is.

The conflict in Syria is the most complex we have seen for a long time. Possibly since the ‘100 Years War in Europe ‘.

With ever changing allegiances on the US side, where the adage, ‘ My enemies enemy is my friend ‘ , is holding sway.

The Syrian alliance has to factor in this aggressive fluidity into all of their operations and to some extent, bend with the wind.

The US coalition of terror is desperate to assert its hegemony in the Middle East and the world, for without that the US will either collapse, or fade away as the British Empire did.

Negotiating a path through the US minefield takes great patience, and along the route ‘locals’ such as Turkey are encouraged to change sides when the US hegemon stumbles in its own minefield of lies.

Tommy Jensen

Too complex for Assad, Putin and Rouhani. We Americans are too sophisticated for clumsy bears and bankrupt third nations dependent on our usury loans………LOL.


Indeed , and President Trump is displaying the US ‘sophistication’ every day. He is actually doing a good job as the strips the mask of US refinement that exposes an ugly face.



As verner said: Sustainable and patient progress is the key to the Russian success. The neoliberal system can´t follow that principle. They have overstrechted this system so badly and are in desperate need of a reset – and Russia just doesn´t give them their possibility for a reset with a next global war. And time is the one thing right now this system doesn´t have too much of anymore. With so much “worthless money” floating around – the flaws of this system can be barely covered anymore. That means plan B, the forged construction of a justification for war and not looking like the aggressor. Due to the flaws and the hurry this can´t be concealed as good as in the past, which makes it easier as ever to spot these blatant lies and narratives – but the other side is in total control of the media and has taken decisive steps to control any other source of information.

Tommy Jensen

Wishful thinking. Syria still have measles and the green and yellow ones are still America´s = 50% of Syria still occupied by US. After 3-5 years fooling around with supply of S-300 to please Israel. We Americans always win……………………………….LOL.


Always win ? Gracious me, you Americans are losing and the only weapons used ate sanctions that’s all.

On down to real fight in Syria with Iran or SAA in, you really think US will win? How?

Jacob Wohl

That’s because Russia knows it’s incomparable to the US on a military superpower level. US has thousands of more fighter planes and 10 more aircraft carriers, plus millions of more available manpower in case of a draft. US also has the best air defense systems (Patriot PAC-3/PAC-4) and the best ICBM (Trident, Minuteman)

H Eccles

And yet goatherders with second-hand Kalashnikovs have mangaed to hand the US its ass in Afghanistan..


Rice farmers defeated you, goatherders are defeating you, and now Russia has just prevented your dreams of conquering the middle east. Take the L and go home.


I have already mentioned that ISIS and US mean Israel operating in Syria and Iraq against Syrians, Iraqis and their allies, wake up Israel working for Washington’s regime to survive.

Manuel Flores Escobar

Iron dome is a fake air defense..useful vs few homemade rockets..but not vs massive Grad rockets!…in the last palestine massive rockets attack ( 100) Iron Dome only intercepted 60….during the last Irani/SAA response to revenge T4 airstrike… only intercepted 4 of 55 Grad rockets….

Jacob Wohl

Haha all it would take is 1 USAF AC-130 to completely decimate the entire Syrian Army.


It would take only 1 MANPAD to completely decimate 1 AC-130 :) And Syria has lots of them

Zionism = EVIL

Actually, the Vietnamese brought them down with ZSU-23mm twins and the more effective Shikla mobile quads. So far the Americunts have not faced real AAA since their Vietnam defeat.


Even you can do better than that Jacob. Are you ill ? What you need is another ‘pound of flesh’ to devour.


wasn’t the idea that the morons shall quit syria, remain in iraq. israel seems to be spreading lies that soon will prove to come to nothing – the squatters just can’t help themselves, lies and thievery and murders is just in their genes. get rid of the squatters and kick them to kingdom come/eternity.

mohammed bin salman should start with jared kushner, give him a khasoggi treatment, for trying to fool him to lead the way against iran, while the squatters hang back and see how things go, before taking part in the melee. typical squatters tactics, now that not even donny is keen to start something in the middle east, thinking about the second term, leaving jared kushner high and dry. nothing much going the ways of moronistan (aka usa) today.


Hmm and use it for what, against whom? Nasty Zionism

Jacob Wohl

Zionism is not just a movement but a philosophy – a philosophy of protecting the Jewish homeland and preserving peace and showing love to its enemies even though they hate you.


Yes exactly the same philosophy as Nazism, you even raved about your master race status.

“they’re the most successful and powerful people in any profession and field within every country in the world.”

Obviously you can’t have 2 master races, which is why Zionists and Nazis hate each other, even though you are both cut from the same cloth.


spoken like a true white jewish supremacist

Tommy Jensen

It reminds me of a joke: An Airplane was about to leave from NYC to San Francisco. In the last minute a little fat Joo arrived and entered the plane. He went down to first row where 2 arabs were sitting and sat down at the aisle and fastened the seat belt saying hello to the two Arabs who greeted him as well. The plane went in the air and when the sign to unlock the seat belt, the Joo loosened his seatbelt and took off his shoes. Then the Arab at the window approached the Joo and asked him to raise up because the Arab wanted to buy a coca-cola. The Joo said he was about to go up there and offered to collect the coke also. The Arab thanked the Joo many times for his favor and the Joo went up to the steward. While the Joo was away, the first Arab took one of the Joo´s shoes, spat in it and placed it back. The Joo came back, gave the Cola can back to the first Arab who thanked him many times for his friendly gesture. The Joo said back that he was from an area in Israel where they always have had a friendly relationship with all cultures, and sat down again in the aisle seat. Then the second Arab approached the Joo and asked him in a friendly way to stand up because the second Arab also got thirsty and wanted to buy a coca cola. The Joo said to him that he by accident had forgotten something at the Stewards place, and offered the second Arab to also collect his coke while he was there. The second Arab confirmed and thanked the Joo for his friendly attitude and said he was from an Arab area, where Joo´s and Arabs always have lived peaceful together. The Joo went up to the Steward and the second Arab then took the Joo´s second shoe, spat in it and placed it back. The Joo came back and gave the second Arab his coke, and the Arab thanked the Joo many times for his favor. The Joo sat down at his seat and the rest of the travel went on peacefully. At the end of the travel, the pilot announced all to fasten seatbelts before arrival. The Joo sat both feet in his shoes and understood immediately what had happened. “Argggghhh”, cried the Joo bitterly. “How long time must this eternal fight between our nations continue. This perpetual spitting in shoes and pissing in cokes”.


zionism is a nationalistic jewish extremist ideology just like nazism is a white nationalist ideology and jihadism is a radical islamic ideology


Zionism is a predatory cult.


lololol and again and again and again

the longer >SAA with ist allied Forces wait…the more Problems will occur…. and i wrote that way back before this bs idlib Agreement etc……

one seriously now has to question assads mental health………..maybe nobody told him that his Nation is at WAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

and if assad continues to believe or think that the invading Forces will someday just leaveeeeeeee syria….well assad …. u got better Chance seeing santa Claus on the 24th december in the sky, riding his deers with loads and loads of Christmas presents for all folkks..

sarcasm out


another general who told us the untold !!!! fssssss


Just remember that Russia is topping any SAA offensive in SYria land. That is the main problem, and Russia is doing this mainly to please Turkey and its terrorists.

Lena Jones

Stupid jewish propaganda.

John Whitehot


“The US is buying Iron Domes so is not getting out of the Tanf”.

Jacob Wohl

Stupid Jews, they’re so stupid they’re the most successful and powerful people in any profession and field within every country in the world. But hey, they’re so stupid!

Joao Alfaiate

Yeah and if the Nobel Committee gave a prize for networking the Tribe would win every one.

Lena Jones

Jewish nepotism, jewish cronyism, jewish blackmail and jewish coercion and corruption on steroids is what put psycho moron jews in power. For now, that is. The jew jig is up.


Well said.

Lena Jones

Yeah they’re so smart they got the oven.


No Fly zone by the US….


The same iron dome the Palestinians shoot their rockets past? Boy, US troops will be safe now. At least it shows that the Patriot that the US continues to try to sell is even less useful than the Israeli fraud. The US will even pay for these things, on top of the billion$ we already lavish on that little leech state.


The US will be able to blame the Israeli’s for her defeat then. Like all infantile mindsets, the US top brass always blame someone else for failure.


This is a very very bad news for Syria people and their hope for freedom of invaders and terrorists. It is unlikely that Russia can have an answer to this (israel is the boss).

Jacob Wohl

USA has a right to deploy air defense anywhere on Syrian territory for the sake of protecting Israel, Kurds, and the Free Syrian Army. I say US should deploy iron dome, patriot missiles all across Tanf and Northern Syria/Eastern Euphrates.

H Eccles

“USA has a right to….”

Randomly plucking ‘rights’ out of your orifice doesn’t count for anything here..


It’s a dank and dark ‘orifice’ where Zionist Khazars feel most at home.


China has the right to deploy air defense anywhere on American territory for the sake of protecting Mexico, African Americans, and the Free American Army. I say Mongolia should deploy S-400, BUK missiles all across Southern and Northern United States.


fuck off schmuck – you, like your brethren, smell to hell and beyond.


hey, I know this is a bit late but you should be aware that the squatters need to be squashed to pulp -they are no better than hitler’s cohorts and the world will be a better place once the squatters are gone – if they can find lebensraum with moronistan (aka usa) that is fine but that’s about the only place where they should be able to flee to. no one needs the squatters so basically the world will be better off once they are gone.

join the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement now and make it work!


anti-semitism is on the rise in europe (and in moronistan as well) and there is some outcry from the various governments.

but and in my mind anti-semitism is a corollary as long as it is allowed for jewish organisations from outside israel, for synagogue-congregations and for various interest-groups (jewish or non-jewish) to send financial support to israel,

these jewish persons/congregations/interest-groups are

complicit in the ongoing ethnic cleansing,

complicit in the operation of the concentration camp a la bergen belsen,

complicit in the murder of stone throwing kids and

complicit in the ongoing theft of palestinian land,

and thus subject themselves to the same kind of treatment the israelis bestow on the palestinians alive and not yet killed by the israelis with the ethnic cleansing program.

so tit for tat – antisemitism in unequal measures for the much more severe and deadly depalestination.

so antisemitism is a corollary as long as subsidies from abroad keeps the squatters going.

prohibit financial support of israel from abroad.

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