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Irresponsible US Official Wants Air-Launched Cruise Missiles For Ukraine

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Irresponsible US Official Wants Air-Launched Cruise Missiles For Ukraine

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Written by Lucas Leiroz, member of the BRICS Journalists Association, researcher at the Center for Geostrategic Studies, geopolitical consultant

Apparently, American military officials do not care about the possibility of the current conflict with Russia escalating into an all-out war. In a recent statement, a top American commander proposed sending cruise missiles to Ukraine, which shows how the American military is careless about the risks involved in the current tensions.

The US military chief for Europe, Christopher Cavoli, said that the Pentagon should allow the delivery of air-launched cruise missiles to Ukraine. The general is the head of the US European Command (EUCOM) and is directly involved in Washington’s decision-making on European affairs – which makes his position even more surprising, since, being directly involved in the topic, he should act more prudently.

Cavoli said that such a supply would bring great strategic benefits to Kiev – and consequently to NATO and the US. According to CNN, Cavoli expects the missiles to be used in operations that are part of a confidential plan to expand Ukraine’s military capabilities. The plan was reportedly recently presented by Cavoli to US President Joe Biden. The aim would be to create a new advanced war effort program to respond to Russia’s military successes in recent months.

Cruise missile systems are said to be just one item on a long list of new military equipment to be sent to Ukraine. According to anonymous sources familiar with the matter, that, in addition to the missiles, advanced communications systems are also on the list – indicating that the aim is to significantly increase Ukraine’s operational capabilities.

“The list included the Joint Air-to-Surface Standoff Missile, a type of air-launched cruise missile, and a communications system known as the Link 16 — a data sharing network used by the US and NATO that is supposed to enable more seamless communication between battle systems and is particularly useful for air and missile defense command and control. Ukraine has asked for both systems repeatedly, another source familiar with their requests said,” CNN reports.

The use of air-launched cruise missiles, such as the Joint Air-to-Surface Standoff Missile (JASSM), could have catastrophic consequences in the conflict. These weapons, if used in their full potential, could allow Ukraine to strike targets at long ranges, generating a greater impact than that caused by the entire current Ukrainian arsenal. In practice, the result would be similar to that of using long-range missile systems to strike targets “deeply” in the demilitarized and undisputed territory of the Russian Federation.

Moscow has repeatedly warned that such measures could be considered a kind of declaration of war by NATO, urging an appropriate response from the Russian armed forces. This response could even be nuclear, considering that Russia is currently updating its nuclear doctrine to include such attacks in the list of existential threats. Russia’s incisiveness is due to a very simple fact: these weapons are not operated by Ukrainian citizens, but by NATO personnel on Ukrainian soil – which in practice means that it would be the Atlantic alliance itself directly attacking Russian civilian cities.

The US and NATO are extremely cautious about preventing their military secrets from being leaked to Ukraine. This is why some advanced weapons, such as the JASSM system, have not yet been sent to Kiev. In this sense, if such equipment arrives in Ukraine, Washington will certainly be concerned about ensuring that they are operated by American officers, preventing the leak of strategic military and technological data.

Of course, all these issues are known to Cavoli, considering his important military position and the fact that he is directly involved in the American program of support for Ukraine. Cavoli is aware that the delivery of these weapons could lead to a dangerous escalation, creating the possibility of an open war between Russia and NATO. However, he does not seem to care about this, and is nevertheless an enthusiast for the end of any restrictions on military support for the Kiev regime.

This shows how rationality and strategic sense are no longer part of American decision-making. All forms of prudence are being abandoned, and sensitive issues are being discussed without due caution. With this recklessness, Washington could lead the world to the catastrophe of an open global conflict which has so far been avoided only due to Russia’s willingness to de-escalate and avoid the worst-case scenario. However, if certain escalatory steps are taken, it will become impossible to prevent Moscow from running out of patience.


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send oniks, moskits to the government of yemen.


putin’s failure. by the way, does he still talk about “western partners”, or has he already started talking about “fucking enemies”? i don’t have the nerve to watch that senile old idiot who somehow still rules the kremlin.

Last edited 1 day ago by SnowDen

yeah, putin should have just attacked the us empire head-on in 1999 after the complete destruction of soviet society after 1991. if he wasn’t so senile and dumb, he could have ended up like japan or germany in 1945.


putin is such asshole. he must know how it was about 9.11. everybody knows it was insider job. he must know how it was with kennedy. everybody knows it was insider job. but he is covering them. so he is complicit. fuck him. and i will never forgive him how he betrayed yugoslavs, iraq, syria, libya and now iran. is he jeewish ? or they bribed him ?

Last edited 1 day ago by SnowDen

putin needs china’s go ahead to do anything. most likely after taiwan job.


china, well, in china everything takes 1000 years. i think russia will run out of their allies in 10 years and in another 10 years they will run out of conscripts. i’m still optimist so i’m counting on the best scenario, that west will not use long range missiles to strike moscow, military bases and nuclear powerplants


“west”? wat dat is?

I Do Not Jest

well, there’s the pest of the west and then the sane rest.


it’s the wicked witch of the west and the good witch of the east according to that author of wizard of oz, course he gave dotty a happy ending by sending her back to the dust bowl drought stricken poverty life in kansas where she could own nothing and be happy somewhere over the rainbow. didn’t he.

Balkanized Ukraine

nuland was once the wicked witch of the west but druzilla dethroned her and assumed the goatskin.


grow up clode the west has always been the western roman empire catholicism versus the eastern roman empire, istanbul / constantinople, didnt you learn basic history? too busy being pedantic about your precious english grandma

Last edited 16 hours ago by Anonymous

the us is already running out of allies , the dollar will soon be history and the economy will collapse. not if but when.


because the wesf wants it that way silly they’re not allowed to get caught. they have to have scape goats.

gen crissy cavoki

in amerikuntistan we are china colony


again, you’re absolutely right that a russian state completely degraded from 1991-1999 should have confronted the us empire head-on in military conflict.


hmm. i’d not suggest to confront the u.s. militarilly. i think russia could use brain, target the source of their power. banks. and they should not throw cowardly all their allies to the meat grinder. and they should not throw to the meat grinder all the western dissent. putin is suspicious guy. i don’t rule out he is double agent.


i love that for you.


i think the us oversteps and underates. a cocktail for disaster. i think biden is the most senile old fk the world has seen and the west is full of men that either like other men, or dressing as women. call that progress?


kamala, biden, obama.. they are the same products from the same pr database . they are the same products as merkel, macron and zelensky. which leads to the question who is the puppet master and the admin of that database. rothschilds ? are they the people who killed kennedy and orchestrated 9.11. ? and if so, are they the same people who gave putin the power of tzar of russia ? it would explain a lot.

Last edited 20 hours ago by SnowDen3
Balkanized Ukraine

obama turned out to be just another two-bit black hustler shaking down construction projects for payoffs to get the workforce back to work.


don’t be so stupid.

Balkanized Ukraine

some challenged downvoter didn’t get the sarcasm. i nullified him.


yes he is – his mother is a jewess – so he is a jew. it’s that simple. that’s also why he hate national russians same as national germans and ukrainians. he is a jewish communist with best ties to chabad lubavitch , g. w. bush , d. trump, j kushner, bibi and all that scum. no coincidence he started his smo on kabbalistic 666 date resp. 24.f.2022.

Last edited 12 hours ago by Gurki

it’s the british empire rebranded as the commonwealth you fool. nice try though to shift the guilt to “america is our barracks” sir winston churchill.

Balkanized Ukraine

time to rebrand it the commonstealth, since the wealth will soon be invisible.


senile old idiot? look to the us biden shts himself, that’s senile,


that’s incontinence it isn’t senility silly they’re different

Balkanized Ukraine

not if it’s his brains he’s shitting out in small pieces.

Max Schmidt

american skinhead and former aryan brotherhood member “nick duckworth” nicknamed “a cuck worth it” by his brothers in arms was denazified by russian troops in the zaporizhzhyan front. his ukra wife already got the greencard anyway, so she does not give a lame fuck about a dead cuck of a hubbie. rest in bandera piss bro. wifey is in good hands now.


he died doing what he loved: getting killed by russians.


you’re paying too much attention to details, bro. his speech does not come from his head. it is soros/rothschild/rockefeller who plans to establish global hegemony. it started long before the first world war. politicians are only a tools. you can’t see the brain behind them. and russia has been a pain in the ass for rothschild and co. for centuries. now it is time to crush russia.

Last edited 1 day ago by SnowDen
I Do Not Jest

too bad brics will crush the rothschilds instead and still leave room for soros in the crusher..


are you handicapped intelectually or just a robot. the rothschilds don’t own the oil fields that control the petro dollar. they’re just bankers.

I Do Not Jest

i know… the pope owns everything.


you’re such a deceiving pos imo. you’ve no idea about reality. zero too immersed in your brainwashed propagandas.

I Do Not Jest

was he any relation to boneface?

what a screwed up nazi-wannabe country that ukraine is. skinheads worldwide flocking to it. maybe the ones who survive will receive honorary phd’s in advanced nazideology from bandera u., like david duke did.

Last edited 1 day ago by I Do Not Jest

stop pretebfibg that zelensky is ukraine they don’t have common law there they don’t even have elections. zelensky gets his orders from the english cardinal in the vatican where even the pope isn’t allowed vto be seen involved in their meetings.

I Do Not Jest

as soon as i read that, the twilight zone theme music started playing in my head.

The brown eyeye,

send those missiles for what? polls show trump in a better position than he was against hillary and biden. and since netanyahu has sworn to strike iran and teach them a lesson. there’s only one possible outcome. trump.vance win by a landslide with super majorities in the senate, the house and eventually in the supreme court. bye, bye ukraine and nato.


hahahaha hahahaha

James X

the best comment of the week


just another idiot that has wormed his way up the ladder and now’s the time to let all that bottled upminsanity out – ignore!

Душан Мирић

interesting general without a military academy


the more successful russia is the dirtier tricks nato and its pals will play. as macron said, we cannot afford to lose this war with russia. no trust with reason!


there’s only one hope for russia and that is they have to fulfill revelations by utterly destroying the city that is divided into 3.


isn’t this just poster child for the mic with the big smile. can’t make this stuff up while the mic keeps sending more bombs to ethnicly cleanse the middle east.


note the cowardly cavoli talking like this but you can bet he will be safely well protected very far from the frontline while others die for his decisions. how are these kinds of public statements made by cavoli not deemed international terrorist threats on behalf of the us.


“america is our barracks” winston churchill


he’s a good catholic no doubt. btw pope francis just announced tgat j6s6s is a liar and lucifer is the true saviour of the world according to reports at the peoples voice tv.


he’s a good catholic no doubt. btw pope francis just announced that jesus is a liar and lucifer is the true saviour of the world according to reports at the peoples voice tv.in line with pope benedict announcing that they in the vatican “hate jesus” andv”hate truth and beauty “. oh, and they” hate christians “too.

Balkanized Ukraine

that guy needs some hair on his head to reverse his brain freeze.

gen crissy cavoki

after taliban sodomy my lgbt therapist doubles my fentanyl

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