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MARCH 2025

Is American Imperial Overstretch Worsening?

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Is American Imperial Overstretch Worsening?

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The United Stated is now forced to transfer munitions from its secret stockpiles in Israel and South Korea to the Kiev regime, now increasingly reliant on Western weapons.

Written by Drago Bosnic, independent geopolitical and military analyst

In recent decades, the world has gone through a dramatic shift, with the dismantling of the bipolar world order and America’s ascendance to “sole superpower” status. Lately, this process has taken another turn, with the unipolar world giving way to the rise of multipolarity. Although this reshaping isn’t complete, it’s certainly an ongoing process that can only be stopped by a disaster of cataclysmic proportions. Expectedly, the unipolar world isn’t giving up and the United States, the primary bearer of this system, ever so euphemistically dubbed “the rules-based world order“, is trying its best to stop the advent of multipolarity.

However, the belligerent thalassocracy is falling into the same trap as many other empires before it – imperial overstretch. This term, coined by historian Paul Kennedy, first appeared in his 1987 book “The Rise and Fall of the Great Powers”. Kennedy used it to describe what happens to great powers when their ambitions become unsustainable, requiring greater resources than they could muster. Interestingly, he argued that the US, which at the time was in the middle of a major ascent under the Reagan administration, was already experiencing the early stages of this phenomenon.

Although this notion could be challenged by the fact that America was just about to reach the peak of its global power, later culminating with the almost parallel invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq, Kennedy’s forward-thinking arguments are reinforced by present events. He warned about the great powers’ unrelenting ambition of global dominance, insisting this inevitably leads to the depletion of their resources. Precisely this is happening to the US-led political West. Kennedy’s ability to accurately predict this outcome, despite the massive show of force the US displayed during the 1990s and 2000s, is a testament to his vast knowledge and insight.

While the US was busy destroying dozens of countries across the world, the global economy was slowly pivoting toward Asia, with China playing the central role in this process. The colossal squandering of America’s seemingly endless resources led the world into multiple economic crises in little over a decade, resulting in a massive rise in debt, fiscal deficits and an overall decline in actual Western economic power. With the general outsourcing of its production capacity, a process the political West hoped would be secured through its monetary dominance, the belligerent power pole tried setting up a system that would ensure its perpetual global supremacy.

This scheme, although functioning for decades, started failing after the political West escalated its encroachment on Russia. Moscow, a dormant superpower since the early 1990s, became increasingly frustrated as its cooperation initiatives were not only rejected, but met with crawling or even open hostility. This forced the Eurasian giant to rethink its approach, finally culminating with the February 24 counteroffensive. Ever since, the political West has been trying to mobilize its resources against Russia. It was precisely at this point that the US was exposed as being in an imperial overstretch, trying to tackle multiple global and regional adversaries simultaneously.

On January 17, the New York Times reported America is now forced to transfer munitions from its secret stockpile in Israel to the Kiev regime, now increasingly reliant on Western weapons. As the Pentagon predicts Russia is in the late stages of preparations for a major offensive, the Neo-Nazi junta will need hundreds of thousands of artillery shells and other weapons. The report states that much of the previously secret stash had already been shipped to Europe and will soon be transferred to the Kiev regime. This isn’t the first time America is using overseas arms reserves, since a similar cache in South Korea is also being tapped into.

Both Israel and South Korea have officially denied sending so-called “lethal aid” to the Neo-Nazi junta, making this highly controversial, as Russia could see it as a hostile move. This could complicate the geopolitical situation in the Middle East and Asia-Pacific, as Israel is faced with Russian presence in Syria, while South Korea often relies on Moscow to ease tensions with its nuclear-armed northern neighbor. The involvement of both countries in Western aggression against Russia could lead to an uncontrollable escalation in these areas, as Russia is highly unlikely to help countries it views as hostile. In turn, this might further erode America’s power projection capabilities in both regions.

As the US faces mounting issues maintaining its global empire, it recently announced a revised strategy that is supposed to give its vassals a greater role in various geopolitical theaters, including a massive Japanese rearmament program aimed against American adversaries in Asia-Pacific. In other areas, such as the Middle East, Washington DC and Israel are trying to form a wider anti-Iranian coalition. However, with Moscow and Tehran establishing closer ties due to Western pressure, Israeli balancing with Russia is becoming more difficult, if not impossible, endangering its position in the region.

As America’s global power wanes, its reliance on regional allies and satellite states will inevitably lead to problems, as they will be less prone to blindly following Washington DC’s diktat. Israel, South Korea and others will try to avoid bad relations with Moscow and Beijing, while the European Union will always be too slow to reach a consensus on most key issues. Extremist regimes, such as the Neo-Nazi junta, and non-state actors (i.e. numerous NATO-backed terrorist groups) will be increasingly difficult to control and will need ever more resources, further exacerbating America’s imperial overstretch.


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Afanasy Nikitin - 1st European in India

Look at the guy on the photo. A Blaxican. Groups like Right Sektor or Azov Battalion considers him to be an Untermensch. He basically would be gassed in the hands of the Nazis. And now he is delivering weapons to those same Nazis who call him a primate.


Yesi ndeed,thats how warped and depraved these people are,they are in a panic because they know Russia will smash Nato in Ukraine and ground the criminals into the dirt where they belong.

Last edited 2 years ago by Cromwell

Russia cannot win a battle against Leopard and Challenger tanks backed up by Bradley IFVs, Strykers, and HIMARS in support. Russia’s old soviet tanks will be useless. Russia should surrender for favorable terms.


Derpy derp. The massacre of the unfortunate people in the armed forces of the failed Ukrainian CIA project will continue apace. If any of the NATO clunkers are still running a year from now I will be astounded. But I don’t think Krusty and the Kiev Klown Kabal will be around a year from now. OUN 2.0 is just not going to cut it in the long run.

Its the ...

the ukrop gov is already being purged, change of regime. that resignation and dropping of the AD information by Artichoke causing the civilian casualties was just a way to make the helicopter take down sound plausible and believable. 24 hours after he resigns this happens, as ukranians are not very attentive they did it so fast so they really hammer it home that it could have been a accident. their social engineering is childlike to fit the ukranian mind. any more complex manipulation and they would lose the plot.


It’s no different from all the scum non-black people. They are ALL nazis. And I hope they all kill each other and I love seeing it. I hope for nuclear war.


Well, it seems same old Golden Billion from WEF had their little satanic party. Every bit of their intention is right out in the open, with all their slithering arrogance. Lol, it’s really that. It’s just a matter of time before China has to enter with military in the this developing World War. I mean; when USA, Natostan out side of a couple European countries are all together fighting Russia. The edge of humanity’s security is being skirted by the psycho, self absorbed demigods, who are on board it seems to back nuclear.


The US is removing the uncertainty and risks of Russia taking NATO full on. How is it doing this – well it is providing training against their weapon systems, against their tactics, against their soldiers, to the point that Russia can move seamlessly from fighting in Ukraine to fighting across NATO. US needs remember it is far away with its bulk forces and that Europe is weal militarily, having depended on those US forces. So Europe can find itself very much on its own in a fight with Russia. US is far away and Russia has means to keep them there! Once Europe is rearchitected by Russia, Then US is very much contained. This is teh problem with coaxing Russia into a European war – It will win it and Europe will dance to Russians tune! This is the real risk that Europe is taking!

Edgar Zetar

Guess you didnt understand how Empires and the Masters thinks and works… they only provide basic training and weapons to their cannon fodder vassals and then send them to the front and when the enemy is tired and their ammo is exhausted then they enter the War… what happen in WW1? and then again, when USA entered WW2?… also UK wait a lot before entering WW2?


Infact, when their friend Adolf “failed” to stop at Dunkirk they waited another 4 years until the Red Army had done the work. And even then Adolf send the troops to Calais. Still US/British advances were fantastic with surprisingly low losses – without almost any experience in ground war – compared to the Red Army at the easterm front. Very strange ….

Last edited 2 years ago by Hypolit

Should they care? US never had a military victory in Urupp (it was all political victories). And they know they will never have. But they have a MIK and they have a backyard according to Monroe doctrine. They will have a fantastic life with the moneys they earn now burning and then leaving Urupp.


Won’t it be a great day when other countries stop using our money and expecting the US to provide perpetual foreign aid and provide defense and security and fight their wars for them, including Israel. And then they sit around all day and complain about the situation and try and find new ways to inculcate the US into their social and political crap also…if we made the ‘defense’ budget a lot smaller and required all our defense contractors to delist themselves off the stock market thus taking some of the energy out of the system maybe more foreign countires would start to take their problems an their business elsewhere and we wouldn’t have the political corruption problem we have today, or 31 trillion in debt. Amirite?


In the past, several countries attempted to stop using US Dollars just to see themselves under CIA sponsored coup d’etats. Today, more countries found out the WEF cabals and their masters are just coward and much weaker despite their fortune they got from stolen goods. Key points is to awake the people worldwide as the real battle is so-called elites vs the world.


It seems the globalists have stolen the wealth of America to build a global empire for themselves but through dumb ideas like Ukraine, corruption and poor planning they will not have enough left to complete the job. Failure will mean a loss of power for them and growing poverty for the west so we are at a particularly dangerous point in history.


IMHO this is kind of “Khasarian reconquista”. They give a shit about Auschwitz, they give a shit about Leningrad. They are plain nazis, but kind of smarter than germanic nazis whom they use like they use ukronazis. Ukros and germanics (in terms of mercenaries) get burned on the fields of Donbas, fertilizing the black soil once again. Ukrainian women have been transferred to the FRG, waiting for their Khasarian masters “after victory”. That’s what it looks like. I mean look at Nuland, Clinton, Selenska, Baerbock .. like invented from the same KI….Khasarian intelligence.

Last edited 2 years ago by Hypolit

The old European empires often grew more by the actions of explorers, traders, missionaries and teachers than conquest by force. For the most part the stated intention was to modernize and improve things for the inhabitants, and try to raise those nations up to be equal partners, obviously this didn’t always happen, but very often they did make some progress, although remember the European countries themselves were very primitive and brutal to their own citizens back then, as were the people they encountered. And they often stayed in those places themselves and lived there. This is very different to what we see recently with NATO going to places, blowing everything up then leaving again, not surprising the “natives” are not grateful for this sort of “help.” Current Western imperialism is as faulty as it’s recollection of the past.

Edgar Zetar

Buddy, you live in another world, in what world are you living? Ask the Africans about colonization and the slaves Europeans exported all over the world, Could ask all the civilizations Spaniards destroyed just to steal their gold… ask the Iroquos in North America what the Explorers and the new Illuminati State of USA born in XVIII did to them?… yes they build but only after killing everybody all the natives… in Africa still today some tribes refers to White Man as the Devil, as the Supreme Demon and they are true about this

Last edited 2 years ago by Edgar Zetar
Anglo Suckers

Brits and Americans took the world for a ride. They lied about everything. Now its all in the open. They are savages and pigs.

cosmic dwarf

This is one of the better opinion pieces I’ve read here.


The white people who complain about “cancel” culture can’t handle a few comments, hahaha. Pathetic.

Edgar Zetar

Its no possible to USA to win in Ukraine unless they deploy boots on the ground and this would lead to WWIII… so USA is very overstreching his domain and force the collapse of their whole Empire. USA believes his axis brothers of UK AU JAP SouthK TW ISARAEL GERMANY could help to sustain their Empire. It seems like they are doing all this just to preserve his US DOLAR as World Reserve Currency. When USA DOLLAR falls will be the end of the Empire and will be back to Americas, USA would keep his influence only in LATAM for a few others years before yield and become just another player in the world… PD: This will be slow, expect at least to happen very slowly in the 20 years ahead, so grab popcorn and watch The Last Empire to fall on earth and hope China would not want to become the New Hegemon.

Last edited 2 years ago by Edgar Zetar
Kev not Kiev

This is the inevitable outcome of the succession of the socially arrested. The meritocracy dies as the unrewarded and capable cohort of men either rebel or flee, and the idiotocracy becomes the sole remaining heir to an administration, so corrupt, so inepte, so dishonest, and totally delusional in its own depths of denial… That it collapses, not just because good men refused to support it, but because the collapsing system drove those men away in the first place, out of a perceived fear of their competence and integrity. Thus, fearing its own saviours, the idiotocracy dooms itself to failure. Just add feminism for extra crying and blaming…no selfish child ever held an empire together.


Sorry, where was this meritocracy to which you refer?

WT Baker

Hey let’s just call it for what it really is British Liberal Economic Theory; the sordid nature remains the same as it was hundreds of years ago. Liberal economics is responsible for what has happened to the US as there is nothing intrinsic about the US that fits the decline.


No, it’s called “imperialism”. First the US became a li’l empire that stole from the Indians and the Mexicans. Then it became a bigger empire that stole from the Spanish and the people that the Spanish had already stolen from in the Phillipines and Cuba. Then it became a real big empire, stealing from everybody, everywhere. Standard OIl, ATT, United Fruit, Anaconda, etc. A big ol’ predatory beast populated by the most batshit crazy people on earth. Half the country are “evangelicals”. Trapped in magical thinking, but always on guard for commies!

Chris Gr

Capitalism and communism, two sides of the same coin.


No mention of the part played by the pretend members of the minor religion that controls the US, and who want to rule the world by having the goys in the US and west do their dirty work for them. Oy vey

Afanasy Nikitin - 1st European in India

Stoltenbrg:-More weapons means more peace. Elensky:-Cum in the name of piss.


khaZar occupied Palestine will not be happy about giving back its “stuff” to the no longer “great Satan” that needs its stuff back to throw on the rump Ukrap dumpster fire in the hope it might smoke up Mr Bear’s back yard. How wonderful to see the angloZionaZi empire of shit running about like a headless buZZard trying to plug holes in the dykes (no transgendermutant retard pun intended) of its collapsing global Pentacon slum.


Gerry Bell

The stretch marks are showing

Joseph Day

Some interesting comments without all the trolls, thank you all.

Last edited 2 years ago by Joseph Day

Ak chce Čína ozajstnú zmenu svetového poriadku, tak by sa už konečne mohla rozhýbať a zapojiť sa!!! Inak myslieť si, že všetku ťarchu ponechá na bedrách Ruska, je tak trochu naivné. Rusko nikdy nedopustí taký stav, aby sa dostalo do stavu úplného vyčerpania!!! Tak, že Čína by sa mala poriadne zamyslieť. V prípade Ruska nech neráta s tým, že “Kde sa dvaja bijú, tretí víťazí.” Rusko totižto teraz na seba viaže darebácky štát USA, EU zároveň aj ich spoločnú zločineckú teroristickú organizáciu NATO. Čína by teraz mala poskytnúť vojenskú pomoc Sýrii a zároveň by mala začať proces návratu Taiwanu pod svoje krídla. To by oslabilo postavenie USA a zároveň tým aj celé NATO.

Wayne Gabler

NATO armed Iraq to the hilt when they were the proxy army used against Iran. When that didn’t work out Iraq was disarmed and then destroyed. Will Biden have a Saddam moment??

Buford T Justice

Overreaching? That’s an understatement. The Empire is dying a slow death , their desperation is showing .

Last edited 2 years ago by Buford T Justice
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