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MARCH 2025

Is Cryptocurrency The Future Of Online Spending?

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Is Cryptocurrency The Future Of Online Spending?


The media’s interest and concentration were always drawn to the highs and puddles of cryptocurrency values. We’re curious about how citizens in foreign nations feel about cryptocurrencies and just how they predict it would do in the field. In a recent ING International poll, citizens from 13 separate countries, such As Europe and Australia, and New Zealand, were questioned what they thought about cryptocurrencies.

The Current State of Affairs:

If we polled 100 people around Europe, we found that 66 had learned about bitcoin, nine had already purchased digital currencies, and 25 expected to do this shortly. Males are more prone to wish to own, and they are more probable to be always banking on the move – on their phone, handheld computer, or smart device. Cryptocurrency possession is projected to rise in all of the countries listed. In Europe, the total percentage rise is 16 points. Will bitcoin, on the other hand, become a more common currency in the potential, or will it stay a niche speculation commodity for the time being?

Are You Looking for The Mainstream or Something More Niche?

Our recent mobile payment surveys have shown that cashless transactions are becoming increasingly common, but a sizable portion of the European population is uninterested in reforming their existing payment methods. This isn’t shocking, considering our penchant for keeping the status quo nor our resistance to change.

What’s odd is that considering its media iniquitousness due to its uncertainty, the number of citizens who think cryptocurrency is the prospect of internet shopping has risen by 7% since 2015. Furthermore, bitcoin owners are required to claim they will not use cryptocurrencies for sales because of the danger involved.

We believe that economists were already learning regarding cryptocurrency demand functions. When seen alongside price fluctuations, our survey results refute the notion that cryptocurrency is a “safe” currency. They also support the idea that developing markets and those with fewer liquid coins or perhaps more unpredictable market prices have greater crypto ownership. And some apps help you invest, and one of them is Green Profit System which is aimed and designed to analyse and respond to trend in the market, for more information you can go through this page quantum ai website

It’s possible that the reason that younger citizens and nations with lower per-capita wages, including such Poland, Romania, Spain, Turkey, including Italy, are more likely to be using bitcoin or another is attributed to the reason that conventional finance services are less effective or costly to use in certain regions. Despite this, 35% of citizens think cryptocurrency transactions are the future of internet banking, and a comparable percentage (32%) say it is the future of investment. However, most people believe it is an increasing force than currency, gold, real estate, treasury securities, starting their own company, or related to the stock sector.

According to behavioural psychology, this is how the typical person’s risk assessment is influenced by an average preference for visible and common properties like gold and real estate rather than the right degree of risk posed by a single asset type.

Willing to Take the Chance?

Given that perhaps the currency price fell from $13,860 to $6,926 throughout December 2017 through March 2018, it’s no surprise that many people consider Bitcoin to become a high-risk investment. According to our findings, cryptocurrency is a comparatively complicated investment that necessitates professional expertise to participate in. If they were making investments, more people do look to experts or specialized blogs rather than friends or family for information. And 30% claim they won’t spend because it’s too risky.

We believe that economists were also thinking about cryptocurrencies’ demand functions. When our survey results are combined with the uncertainty of bitcoin’s price, it disproves the notion that bitcoin is a “safe” commodity. It also aligns with the idea that developing economies and those with fewer stable currency or more unpredictable exchange rates have such a larger crypto ownership percentage.

It Is Impossible to Predict the Future:

Different perspectives on cryptocurrencies can be influenced by various influences, including tradition, experience, technological adoption, risk perceptions, and media attention, to mention a few. Its potential adoption is also unknown due to the lack of consistent patterns around these variables.

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johnny rotten

With the decay of current infrastructures throughout the West, it is doubtful that in the future electrical networks and therefore the Internet will always function and anyway, for this reason digital coins could easily disappear at any time in the future that awaits us. You hope for the best but stay prepared for the worst.

Supreme Blyat

And in your scenario, in which West is left without electricity, what kind of money do you recomend, other than silver and lead?


Ability for one. If his scenario happened then what would their be to buy in the first place?

But you are right. No matter what you have you will need plenty of lead to protect it.

Supreme Blyat

And all the bitcoins will be in Russia since they will be the only to have electricity. Since that infrastructure is top notch :))


Well, if the above scenario happened it would more than likely not be limited to the U.S. For a complete lose there would need to be a cosmic occurrence or war. Although I would not rule out the implosion of the U.S. under the weight of our ungodly socialist path.

Supreme Blyat

Everything is possible, not everything is probable. If you think Russian infrastructure is any better than what the West has, it means you don’t know how to use the Internet.


I never said anything about Russia’s infrastructure and had never even considered it to be any better or worse. It didn’t enter into my comment at all. I believe it is you who brought it up.

Supreme Blyat

I replied to someone who was betting the Western electricity infrastructure will collapse and I suposed he trusts the Russian one.


I never bet the western electricity infrastructure would collapse. I only commented on the repercussions of what would happen if it did.

People keep thinking big is going to happen to change things but it’s not. We will just continue to degenerate because that is what most people want.

Supreme Blyat

I think most commenters here are emo teenagers who pray for doomsday and hate themselves because they are to cowars to slit their veins. Only people who hate themselves hope for big wars or zombie apocalypses.


Backed by NOTHING…not even on paper….practically doesn’t exist.

Supreme Blyat

Electricity exists without any paper. Paper is a thing from the past.


money is “thing of the past”…. your silly comment is “thing of the past”…. Electricity exists but your stupid digital money without internet – servers or electricity can’t survive second. If forbidden access to internet it will be WIPED OUT for good like it never existed !!

Supreme Blyat

I would bet I will have iternet the rest of my life :) 9G


That’s because electricity is real. Cryptos are not.

Supreme Blyat

Watts and Byts are not real either.

Oliver Eitel

that is not correct, the saved data …information is also stored electro magnetically…this means it exists in from electrons that change the place or in same cases its already stored with photons…the problem is just they can be easier created and destroyed….than real money….the elits love it as they will have total control over their citizens, the bankers will love it too, as they steal you anytime with new fees etc. or a specail bail in aka manager special bonus for gambling nd losing on the stockmarket……haha

Peter Jennings

The banking elite or those who end up running the show will love digital currency because they will be charging for every transaction no matter how small and no matter the reason for the transfer. There will be no hiding place. Family and friends will be charged for loaning to each other and for paying bills, etc.


Uh, Watts are real. If you don’t believe me then go stick some tweezers in the closes outlet.

Supreme Blyat

And Byts are not real?


I don’t know what a Byts are. Do you mean Bytes?

Supreme Blyat



Why would I go through the trouble and risk of buying cryptocurrency to make online purchases? It makes no sense. Besides, Bitcoin and other cryptos are nothing represented by ones and zeros on a computer and there is absolutely no good reason to move to cryptos anyway. That is unless you are a government who is looking to take absolute control of peoples finances.

Bitcoin is a scam designed to get people interested in cryptocurrency.

Also, “cashless transactions” and crypto transactions are not the same thing.

Cindy Myer

I have Bitcoin, ethereum and various other crypto. I will NEVER EVER sell my btc. Today it pumped to almost 60,000 USD, breakout predicted next 2 weeks to 70,000+ USD. PayPal, Visa, Tesla, Michael Saylor and large investor institutions are getting into Bitcoin. All you naysayers will look upon us crypto holders in years to come with much envy.


The bitcoin system is not capable of true currency status since the system cannot handle the every day transaction demand.

Those who bought Bitcoin when it was a dollar made out like bandits, which they were, but those who bought at 6, 8, 10 thousand will be totally screwed.

But to the point. WHY WOULD I BUY BITCOIN JUST TO MAKE AN ONLINE PURCHASE? As the article title suggests????

Cindy Myer

Keep HODLING gold like Peter Schiff. Bitcoin has already surpassed gold. Bitcoin is the new gold. Digital gold. Go and read and research about Bitcoin before you comment because you obviously know zilch about it from your comments.


I’ve never heard the word “hodling” before.

Bitcoin will return to it’s real value which is zero.

Cindy Myer

Bitcoin is dencentralized. No one company or person can control Bitcoin. You need to go and do some research.


It doesn’t matter if it’s “decentralized”. The reason bitcoin was created was to evade taxes and to make anonymous transactions, for mostly nefarious reasons . Both of those “benefits” are negated now. Bitcoin is totally traceable and it is now considered an investment so it is taxable. The artificial rise in popularity, between the two mule traders, will end.

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