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MARCH 2025

Is Russia Overtaking the US in the Realm of Strategic Bombers?

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The Russian Armed Forces put into action an ambitious program to modernize and expand the strategic bomber fleet.

In March 2018, Russia announced that it would completely overhaul its entire Tu-160 long-range strategic bomber fleet by 2030. According to Deputy Defense Minister Yuri Borisov, the entire fleet of Tu-160 bombers will be replaced with the newer Tu-160M2 version, in addition to heavy upgrades of all operational aircraft. All on-board radio-electronic equipment and engines will be replaced.

Serial production of the Tu-160M2 will begin in 2023 and the plan is for it to remain a state of the art warplane for the next 40 years. The Russian Aerospace Forces intend to purchase no less than 50 such aircraft.

The first such warplane is to be delivered in 2021, with 3 more in 2023. Afterwards serial production will continue with 3 Tu-160M2s being produced per year.

The Tupolev Tu-160 (NATO codename: Blackjack) is a long range, supersonic, variable geometry wing, strategic bomber -designed to penetrate sophisticated air defense systems at low altitude and supersonic speed. It is the Soviet counterpart to the US Air Force B-1B Lancer strategic bomber.

Armament (typically nuclear short range and long-range cruise missiles) is carried inside two weapons bays located at the middle of the fuselage.

The Tu-160M2 is a further development of the Tu-160 strategic bomber with state-of-the-art sensors and weapons.

In all, the Tu-160M2 is a highly upgraded version featuring detection reduction coatings, new more powerful and efficient engines giving it greater operational range, new avionics, electronics, glass cockpit, communications & control systems, a number of weapons, as well as improved thrust and unrefueled range. It will also be equipped with a new defensive system protecting it from missiles.

It will boast four new Kuznetsov NK-32 engines. The Kuznetsov NK-32 is an afterburning, three-spool, low bypass, turbofan jet engine, the largest and most powerful engine ever fitted on a combat aircraft. In maximum afterburner it produces 245 kN  of thrust (55,000 lbf).

It is expected that the Tu-160M2 will be armed with long-range standoff cruise missiles, including the Kh-101/Kh-102 (nuclear variant) air-launched cruise missile and the Kh-55 subsonic air-launched cruise missile.

The maiden flight of the first Tu-160M2 took place in January 2018.

The initial contract, signed on January 25, 2018, is for the production of 10 Tu-160M2s and the modernization of all other Tu-160s in the Russian Aerospace Forces by 2030.

The contract with United Aircraft Corporation’s Tupolev, for the first 10 warplanes, stands at 160 billion rubles (nearly $2.8 bn) and stipulates that the first Tu-160M2 should be delivered by 2023. Delivery of the final bomber in the first buy, according to the contract, is slated for 2027. Relaunching production itself required an investment of 37 billion rubles ($577 mil.).

The plan is for another 40 units of the Tu-160M2 to be delivered under future contracts yet to be signed.

In the meantime, the Russian Aerospace Forces operate 10 Soviet-era Tu-160s, and 7 modernized Tu-160M1s, commissioned in 2018. The Tu-160 was first introduced into service in 1987 and was the last supersonic strategic bomber to enter service with the Soviet military.

The Tu-95 is the oldest strategic bomber in service with the Russian Aerospace Forces. There are 48 of the Tu-95MSs and 12 of the modernized Tu-95MSMs.

The Russian Aerospace Forces also operate Tu-22M strategic bombers which are much smaller than the Tu-160 and Tu-95. All 63 Tu-22s in service underwent modernization. Sixty-one were modernized to the Tu-22M3 variant, 1 to the Tu-22M3M and the last one was turned into a Tu-22MR, which is currently being overhauled.

The current fleet of strategic bombers in the Russian Aerospace Forces numbers 140 warplanes. The Soviet strategic bomber fleet was much larger. As of 1982, the USSR had 110 Tu-95s, 140 Tu-22s, 70 Tu-22Ms, 75 M4s, and 425 Tu-16s.

Currently, the US operates three types of strategic bombers – the B-1B, the B-2, and the B-52. The US Air Force has 62 B-1Bs, out of which, according to data from August 2019, only 6 were fully operational, with the others being grounded or undergoing maintenance. They have been in service since 1985.

The longest serving bomber in the US Air Force is the B-52A which was commissioned back in 1955. The existing fleet was upgraded to the B-52H Stratofortress, commissioned in 1961. It is planned for this warplane to be operated until 2050. As of June 2019, there were 58 B-52 bombers in operation, with 18 more in reserve.

The B-2 is the only stealth bomber in operation anywhere in the world. It was commissioned in 1993. Thef US Air Force operates 20 such warplanes. There is also the B-21 Raider stealth bomber in development by Northrop Grumman. The first test aircraft is being built in Northrop Grumman’s Palmdale, California, facility and has yet to make its maiden flight. The optimistic forecast is that the first bomber should enter service by 2025.

As of the end of 2019, the US and Russia operate comparable fleets of strategic bombers, with the US being technically ahead of Russia if we focus only on dry figures and do not question the forecast of expected progress for the B-21 Raider program.

At the same time, a challenge for the US Air Force is that its assets are dispersed all around the world in preparation for possible conflicts with a wide range of possible adversaries, including Russia, China and Iran. In turn, strategic bombers  of the Russian Aerospace Forces’ are mainly needed to deter the United States. This factor negates the numerical advantage of the US strategic bomber fleet.

As of early 2013, Russia had only 16 Tu-160 strategic bombers. Now, it has 17. Seven of them underwent deep modernization. If the Tu-160M2 program succeeds, and if Russia procures 50 Tu-160M2 bombers by 2030, that will not only put Russia on par with the US, it might put it ahead. All this depends on progression of the US’s B-21 development and modernization of its strategic bombers.

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Wolfgang Wolf

US technically ahead? i dont see this, sorry)

????? ?????

The MIC playing both sides of the coin to increase budgets? Tell the U.S. Military this is the best weapon in the World, then seed fear that more needs to be spent, because our Enemies(?) are building more advanced weapons than our Military is equipped with… Then feed that story to the Taxpayers to scare them into line.


sure in the realm of the supersonic bombers but not in the realm of superior stupidity – a realm in which the unhinged states of A and washington dc reigns supreme.


Plus USAF way ahead in installation of LGTD lavatory facilities



Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

only thing US is ahead in is gay rights hahahahah

Gary Sellars

The article doesn’t even consider the PAK DA which will be a stealthy flying wing. One more arrow in Russias quiver.


Whilst it is reassuring to know that the criminals who devastated Korea, Indochina, killing many millions and who have also meddled destructively in a large number of other countries across the globe, no longer enjoy the technological superiority that made this possible, what guarantees are there that Russia’s recent technological advances can endure? – none

If war is to be prevented, then at some point those in the U.S. who have caused those past wars, or would have, had they been around at the time, and who are currently waging other equally terrible wars, will have to be removed from office and, preferably put behind bars.

Were this ever to happen, then it would no longer be neccessary for Russia, Iran, and other countries not currently under U.S. hegemony, to waste so much of the earth’s non-renewable resources building such exquisitely beautiful, but ultimately useless, artifacts as the Tu-160 bomber.

A century ago another group of Russian leaders (who are now, bizarrely and unjustly, demonised even by many who sincerely oppose U.S. war plans) attempted to facilitate just that and, unfortunately, failed. As a consequence humanity endured the Second World War and around 60 million dead and the other conflicts, referred to above.

Whilst the leaders of Russia are loathe to be accused of meddling in the affairs of the U.S. and its allies, they should seriously consider giving more effective assistance to those in those countries who also want to prevent the outbreak of war. One positive step that they have taken in that direction is the funding of that astonishingly good news service, RT America, most notably “The News with Rick Sanchez” (https://www.rt.com/shows/news-with-rick-sanchez/). It and other RT America shows, employ a number of well-respected journalists as well a number of newer and very capable younger American journalists. This is a good start.


“Whilst it is reassuring to know that the criminals who devastated Korea, Indochina, killing many millions and who have also meddled destructively in a large number of other countries across the globe”

Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, et cetera weren’t guilt free either. They were outright vicious.

Did you know that after the Vietnam war, the Vietnamese army invaded and occupied Cambodia, disposed of their despotic dictator Pol Pot and the Khmer Rogue. They were subsequently attacked by mainland China in 1979 that failed to prop up Pol Pot after fleeing to Thailand.

As for who controls America, that little tribe has caused plenty of trouble for humanity for thousands of years.


Hundreds of thousands of Chinese lost their lives fighting against the U.S. war of aggression against Korea of 1950-1953 (in reality, started by the U.S. occupiers in the South in September 1945). During that war, even U.S. Air Force General Curtis Le May acknowledged that 25% of North Korea’s population died mostly as a consequence the aerial bombardment of North Korea by his B29’s. The real figure was probably higher. The death of several millions of Chinese who, it is claimed, died as a consequence of Mao’s “Great Leap Forward” – a misguided attempt to rapidly industrialise China – should be judged in that historical context.

The death toll from Pol Pot’s radical social experiment on the ruined Cambodian landscape have, in all probability, been conflated with the massive death toll from the U.S. war against Cambodia, which also included massive aerial bombardment. Had the U.S. kept its bloody hands out of all of IndoChina (as JFK was attempting to do before the CIA finished him off on 22 November 1963) all of this would have been prevented. Two other U.S. political leaders, who also wanted to end the slaughter in Vietnam were Martin Luther King and JFK’s brother younger brother Robert. Both of them were also murdered in 1968.

Given the subsequent conduct of the U.S. in Latin America, Africa, the Middle East, IndoChina, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Afghanistan, Yemen, Ukraine and elsewhere it is clear to me which country remains a mortal threat to all of us.

Whilst the criminality of Stalin cannot be disputed, the whole global communist movement, which arose as consequence of the needless slaughter of 1914-1918, does not deserve to be smeared with the same brush. The following facts about Stalin are disregarded by establishment historians:

1. On 1923, the ailing Lenin asked that the Central Committee of the Communist Party of The Soviet Union (CPSU) to remove Stalin from the position of the General Secretary of the CPSU. (Whilst the document was suppressed by Stalin, Lenin’s widow Krupskaya has attested to the above content. See https://www.marxists.org/glossary/terms/l/e.htm#last-testament)

2. All but Stalin and two other members of the 21 members of the 1917 CPSU had, by 1938, been murdered, exiled or imprisoned by Stalin.

3. Most of the Red Army officer corps was murdered or imprisoned by Stalin in the purges of 1938. because he feared that they would have residual loyalty to their original commander-in-chief, Leon Trotsky. This would have greatly contributed to the Red Army’s terrible death toll in the subsequent war.

Now, more than 70 years later, I think it’s time that Russia’s leaders took the effort to properly understand Russia’s history, if they want to avoid further catastrophes.


Aside from subscribing to the typical biased pro-Communist and anti-White narrative, it seems you’re unaware that Lenin’s jewish dominated, genocidal regime that rose to power through jewish banker Max Warburg in Germany and $20,000,000 USD from jewish Wall Street Banker Jacob Schiff of Kuhn Loeb & Co.




Where’s the evidence for Pol Pot’s genocide having been “exaggerated”? Deliberately killing people and torturing them to death cannot in any possible way qualify as a “social experiment”, treating people like they’re mere toys in the cogs of a machine is a major problem with modern Capitalism and all forms of Marxism due to the materialistic nature of both.

Aside from gravitating to the pro-Communist and anti-White narrative, Lenin’s jewish dominated, genocidal regime was financed by jewish banker Max Warburg in Germany, and had also received $20,000,000 USD from jewish Wall Street Banker Jacob Schiff of Kuhn Loeb & Co.

Secret Facts About Jews & Communism: bitchute[]com/video/ZDO5FahQFI8F/

Diplomatic Cables Prove The Connection Between Jews And Bolshevism: archive[]org/details/diplomaticcablesprovetheconnectionjewsandbolshevismyoutube

WearsWar Review of Joseph W. Bendersky’s Book: The “Jewish Threat” & The Irony Of Declassified U.S. Intelligence Dossiers & Antisemitism In The Military: wearswar[]wordpress[]com/2018/05/29/wearswar-review-of-joseph-w-benderskys-book-the-jewish-threat-the-irony-of-declassified-u-s-intelligence-dossiers-antisemitism-in-the-military/




Do you have evidence for the number killed under Pol Pot having been inflated? I said nothing about the number killed, nor should I care about the South Koreans persecuting Communist sympathizers when the Communists themselves no matter what country they popped up in were especially brutal toward anyone deemed “counter-revolutionary”.

Deliberately killing people and torturing them to death cannot in any possible way qualify as a “social experiment”. Treating people like they’re mere toys in the cogs of a machine is a major problem with modern Capitalism and all forms of Marxism due to the materialist nature of both. Since Jewish supremacists have been in control of nations in both the western and eastern hemispheres since the end of the Second World War, it wouldn’t surprise me that we’re being treated like cattle since they’re raised to view gentiles as sub-humans whose life purpose is to be exploited by the “chosen” people.

Aside from gravitating to the pro-Communist and anti-White narrative, Lenin’s jewish dominated, genocidal regime was financed by jewish banker Max Warburg in Germany, and had also received $20,000,000 USD from jewish Wall Street Banker Jacob Schiff of Kuhn Loeb & Co.

Secret Facts About Jews & Communism: bitchute[]com/video/ZDO5FahQFI8F/

Diplomatic Cables Prove The Connection Between Jews And Bolshevism: archive[]org/details/diplomaticcablesprovetheconnectionjewsandbolshevismyoutube

WearsWar Review of Joseph W. Bendersky’s Book: The “Jewish Threat” & The Irony Of Declassified U.S. Intelligence Dossiers & Antisemitism In The Military: wearswar[]wordpress[]com/2018/05/29/wearswar-review-of-joseph-w-benderskys-book-the-jewish-threat-the-irony-of-declassified-u-s-intelligence-dossiers-antisemitism-in-the-military/




Zarathustra, your repetitive ad hominem posts remind me of my gmail spam folder and can only make this discussion harder for other site visitors to grasp. I won’t respond further until you address the content of my posts.


I deleted my previous post: https://prnt.sc/q8w82m

I see, I apologize for the repetitive posts. I was trying to edit what I said and it was removed as spam, so I tried sending it more than once. And yes it is a shame what the US military-industrial complex did to Korea and dozens of other countries over the years, which has all but accelerated since WW2 which saw massive destruction from the air.

The RAF and USAAF brought the greatest amount of destruction from the air against Japan, Italy, Germany, German-occupied France, and the Low Countries. However despite the destruction caused in the post-war era, I do not think that the 100 million deaths that occurred under Communism should be excused either.

As for the Global Communist movement, WWI did not manage to send the workers into a state of revolt against the bourgeoisie as Moses Mordecai Marx Levy, better known as Karl Marx predicted. Instead, the proletariat had overwhelmingly served each of their respective nations with exceptional enthusiasm. As for the Bolshevik uprising in Russia, the merciless persecution of Christians and counter-revolutionaries were ruthlessly genocidal in nature.

Aside from having been largely financed by figures such as Max Warburg and Jacob Schiff, it remains a fact that the bulk of the Communist apparatchiks who seized power in Russia, and briefly in Germany and Bulgaria with Laura Luxemburg and Bela Kun, were overwhelmingly Jewish. Leon Trotsky whose real name was Lev Bronstein, wasn’t innocent either.


Zarathustra wrote:

As for the Global Communist movement, WWI did not manage to send the workers into a state of revolt against the bourgeoisie as .. Karl Marx predicted.

As described in by “Hell-bent – Australia’s leap into the Great War” (2014) by Douglas Adams), which I referred to above, the criminal rulers of Europe, including Tsar Nicholas II, tried to start a European-wide war on 3 separate occasions, before the outbreak of the First World War in August 1914, including, during the Agadir Crisis of 1911. Another occasion was the Second Balkan war of 1913.

On each of these occasions, mass protests inside the different European powers prevented the outbreak of a European-wide war. Those protests were organised by the same people you have vilified – socialists, including including Lenin’s Bolhseviks, Rosa Luxemburg, Karl Liebknecht, Heinrich Brandler and Bela Kuhn who were later to help form communist parties . Another incident, not mentioned in “Hell-Bent”, was the attempt by Sweden to prevent Norway from seceding in 1905. War was prevented largely thanks to the leadership of Zeth Höglund who was later to become leader of the Swedish Communist Party.

Tragically, they failed to stop war breaking out in August 1914. Many of the leaders of the same socialist parties who had previously opposed each of their respective government’s war plans, on that occasion, supported war. In Russia, it was not until more than 3 years and 1,700,000 (or possibly as many 2,254,369) deaths later that Tsar Nicholas II was finally held to account for his part in helping to start that war.

As I showed above, Russian counter-revolutionaries and armed forces from Britain, France, the U.S., Japan, Italy, Poland, Australia and a number of other countries immediately tried to overthrow the new Soviet Republic. The attempt to overthrow the Soviet Union included several attempts on the life of Lenin. In one attempt, Lenin was seriously wounded by a pistol shot.

Repressive measures used by the Soviet Republic to ensure its survival (excluding claims made by you for which you haven’t cited sources) can only be fairly judged in this broader historical context.


Pretty good audio file. This one and “Anti-materialism” after ward.



Well I find it interesting that Fascist Italy and National Socialist Germany didn’t have to implement such oppressive measures to remain in power thanks to popular public support.

I assume you may be familiar with Alexander Solzhenitsyn?

Solzhenitsyn — The Marxist ‘Scholar’ [Excerpt from Gulag Archipelago]: https://www.bitchute.com/video/PAnTvDjRjwxs/

[“He is imperturbable. He speaks in a language that requires no effort of the mind, and arguing with him is like walking through a desert.”]

Alexander Solzhenitsyn: 200 Years Together – English Audiobook: https://www.bitchute.com/video/Hpp7Yq7g9JeN/

Drawings from the Gulag: https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=Brutal%21+Drawings+from+the+Gulag

Jews and the Left: https://archive.org/details/CultureOfCritiqueForNormiesPartIIIJewsAndTheLeft_201803

The American OSS Ensured that Mao Prevailed Over Chiang Kai-Shek and the Kuomintang Nationalists: http://www.bitchute.com/video/vzWjGmVMs2eB/

Learn how the Jews infiltrated China, Trained China’s Warlords, and Installed Mao Zedong: https://www.bitchute.com/embed/JXtuM9Jju9dI/

100th anniversary of October Revolution (posted 2 years ago) and the holocaust of anywhere between 100 million (the most conservative estimate) to 180 million people:


Secret Facts About Jews & Communism: https://www.bitchute.com/video/ZDO5FahQFI8F/

– From The Other Israel by Rev Ted Pike 1987: https://www.bitchute.com/video/4pdCmJccPRV4/

Historical Documents Prove The Connection Between Jews And Bolshevism: https://archive.org/details/HistoricalDocumentsProveTheConnectionBetweenJewsAndBolshevism_201906

Joseph W. Bendersky’s Book: The “Jewish Threat”: https://bit.ly/2Mf8u3S


Regarding Solzhenitsyn’s discussion with a Stalin apologist that you linked to above, whilst I don’t dismiss all that he says, Solzenitsyn bizarrely omitted a good deal of the historical context, in particular the terrible bloody war for survival that the Soviet Union had just endured where at least 20 million lives were lost. Should it be any surprise that there was material deprivation in the Soviet Union at that time?

Zarathustra, do you intend to ever address the substance of my last post and all that from my previous posts that you also not addressed? Until you do, I don’t see why I should feel obligated to further analyse any of the other second-rate and third-rate resources you have linked to above.


They aren’t second or third-rate sources, you’re just dissatisfied that I haven’t agreed with you.

I have directly addressed what you have already mentioned. Lenin and Trotsky aren’t innocent and their regime was terrible before Stalin assumed power; they also caused famine due to their collectivization policies, violently repressed religious practices, gave jews preferential treatment over gentiles, and were especially hostile towards Christians.

Religious was banned and atheism was promoted, not to mention that the Torah/Old Testament and some other jewish texts advocate the destruction of all non-jewish religions and cultures. The other two Abrahamic religions and all of their sects and denominations, despite being heretical versions of judaism adapted to suit the cultures and traditions of the peoples forcibly converted to these religions, put gentiles one step closer to following the Noahide Laws. Atheism serves the purpose of deracinating people and nations from their cultural and religious roots, opening them up to judaic values and system of belief that jews have admitted to have profoundly influenced the foundations of existing left-wing ideologies and are a further evolution of Abrahamism.

Why do you subscribe to a political system ironically constructed by two wealthy men, one an uncleanly alcoholic, the other a factory owner. Then there is the falsehood that all conflict is the result of class struggle, that competition is the source of all struggle and therefore bad. An ideology that abolishes private property, even the middle and lower classes are forbidden from owning property since everything is owned by the state. Shouldn’t the experiences of people who actually lived under Communism matter more than people who never lived under such a system? I mean for average, ordinary people; not the privileged political elite who have come to abuse their power in virtually every country that had ever been Communist. North Korea at the moment is no exception, nor are Vietnam’s living conditions much different than Thailand’s.

Do you believe that Mao’s cultural revolution involved no human suffering, not to mention the ban on religious practices and the destruction of priceless buildings and artifacts, many of which dated back centuries and even thousands of years? Look at what happened to Zambia, Rhodesia and Mozambique after they overwhelmed their colonial masters and reverted into third-world shitholes? It is naive to expect any Sub-Saharan African country to measure up to places like Europe or China, and most other 1st or 2nd world countries.

One of the links I linked to soundcloud mentions a number of different areas of science that were repressed under Communism, which is anti-nationalist and in favour of globalism, as that is consistent with judaic scripture of world domination that are also present in the Old Testament. The repression of racial science is not conclusively proven, but rather the misleading suppression that are intended to promote race mixing that rabbis have admitted to being one of their [self-fulfilling] “prophecies” in relation to the mythical story of the Tower of Babel. The original meaning of such a story has been subverted and the original symbolism present in ancient Mesopotamian religions of old to promote the deracination of non-judaic societies.



They aren’t second or third-rate sources, you’re just dissatisfied that I haven’t agreed with you. If you got multiple notifications, or if my comment was posted multiple times, it is because they were marked as “spam” when editing my comments.

I have directly addressed what you have already mentioned. Lenin and Trotsky aren’t innocent and their regime was terrible before Stalin assumed power; they also caused famine due to their collectivization policies, violently repressed religious practices, gave jews preferential treatment over gentiles, and were especially hostile towards Christians.

Religious was banned and atheism was promoted, not to mention that the Torah/Old Testament and some other jewish texts advocate the destruction of all non-jewish religions and cultures. The other two Abrahamic religions and all of their sects and denominations, despite being heretical versions of judaism adapted to suit the cultures and traditions of the peoples forcibly converted to these religions,

put gentiles one step closer to following the Noahide Laws. Atheism serves the purpose of deracinating people and nations from their cultural and religious roots, opening them up to judaic values and system of belief that jews have admitted to have profoundly influenced the foundations of existing left-wing ideologies and are a further evolution of Abrahamism.

Who in their right mind would want to subscribe to a political system that was ironically devised by two wealthy men, one was an uncleanly alcoholic, the other a factory owner. Neither worked a real job a day in their lives.

Then there is the falsehood that all conflict is the result of class struggle, that competition is the source of all struggle and therefore bad. An ideology that abolishes private property, even the middle and lower classes are forbidden from owning property since everything is owned by the state. Shouldn’t the experiences of people who actually lived under Communism matter more than people who never lived under such a system? I mean for average, ordinary people; not the privileged political elite who have come to abuse their power in virtually every country that had ever been Communist. North Korea at the moment is no exception, nor are Vietnam’s living conditions much different than Thailand’s.

Do you believe that Mao’s cultural revolution involved no human suffering, not to

mention the ban on religious practices and the destruction of priceless buildings and artifacts, many of which dated back centuries and even thousands of years? Look at what happened to Zambia, Rhodesia and Mozambique after they overwhelmed their colonial masters and reverted into third-world shitholes? It is naive to expect any Sub-Saharan African country to measure up to places like Europe or China, and most other 1st or 2nd world countries.

One of the links I linked to soundcloud mentions a number of different areas of science that were repressed under Communism, which is anti-nationalist and in favour of globalism, as that is consistent with judaic scripture of world domination that are also present in the Old Testament. The repression of racial science based on the misconception that it is “disproven” as scientific fact excludes the fact that it was never scientifically disproven in the first place. The misleading suppression of this admitted to involve one of their [self-fulfilling] “prophecies” in relation to the mythical story of the Tower of Babel. The original meaning of such a story has been subverted and the original symbolism present in ancient Mesopotamian religions of old to promote the deracination of non-judaic societies.

More on the subject: archive[]org/details/CultureOfCritiqueForNormiesPartIIIJewsAndTheLeft_201803

A channel covering some of the testimonies from jewish rabbis: bitchute[]com/channel/XRCpRFdwbGp0/

Why People Hate Jews?:





Rabbi David Bar-Hayim: “Forbidden to Save Non-Jews From Death”: archive[]org/details/ForbiddenToSaveNonJewFromDeath

Mimir’s Guide to Political Literature (Introduction): yout[]be/sSopKb5h9qk?t=590


Love the links. Thank you for posting.


Pretty good audio file. This one and “Anti-materialism” after ward.




“The following facts about Stalin are disregarded by establishment historians:”

I learned about those facts in social studies class back in high school and on television years before I graduated. Russian state media now claims that their archives reveal that Stalin’s purges killed far fewer than we were initially led to believe. In fact they still actively try to white wash Stalin to some extent, and especially the actions of the Red Army between 1941-1945, whilst expanding upon the lies spread about the losing sides of the Second World War that have mostly been disproven by prominent revisionists like David Irving, Mark Weber, Ernst Zundel, and many others.

Unfortunately no government out there today wants to allow open discussion on the issue in the public domain and would rather continue to have the lies against them persist rather, than adequately addressing the evidence brought forth by the revisionists.

“Whilst the criminality of Stalin cannot be disputed, the whole global communist movement, which arose as consequence of the needless slaughter of 1914-1918, does not deserve to be smeared with the same brush.”

Lenin, Trotsky, Mao, Pol Pot, and many others were also guilty of committing enormous crimes themselves. Mao’s Cultural Revolution is but one example. 100 million deaths at the hands of Communism is a testiment to how oppressive they were in any nation they took over.


There’s a lot for me to respond to, Zarathustra. But, for now, I would be interested to know what crimes you attribute to Lenin and Trotsky (as opposed to Stalin, Pol Pot and Mao’s “Great Leap Forward” escapades).

In November 1917, Lenin and Trotsky threw out the corrupt Provisional government that was trying to prolong the pointless bloody war that the Tsar (and the Australian government amongst others – see Hell-bent (2014) by Douglas Adams) had helped start in 1914. The new government subsequently had to face a counter-revolution, an invasion by the armies of Britain, France, the U.S., Italy, Australia, Poland and others and the White Terror. The leaders of the new Soviet Republic saw no alternative but to respond with their own harsh measures of their own including their Red Terror if their government was to survive.

Compared to the terrible Russian death toll of the First World War, the death toll from the subsequent invasion during the civil war and the White Terror, Lenin’s and Trotsky’s Red Terror was hardly the unprecedented bloodbath that it is often implied that it is.


Either way, the Bolsheviks who founded the Soviet Union were far bloodier and more oppressive than the Tsar, whose monarchy had made significant strides in the late nineteenth century to early twentieth century towards industrialization, modernization, and the education of their populace. Imperial Russia had very little debt, unlike the most industrialized nations at the time.

Despite their ideological stance against the bourgeoisie, the Soviet Union was by comparison conducted a lot of business with the richest bankers throughout Europe and America, the enormous sums of money they borrowed to finance the industrialization of Russia and modernization of the Red Army, Russia was left with an exorbitant amount of debt to pay off following the collapse of the Soviet Union.

Here is footage of some of the gruesome executions conducted by the Cheka:


From the ‘Culture of Critique’: https://archive.org/details/CultureOfCritiqueForNormiesPartIIIJewsAndTheLeft_201803/Culture+of+Critique+for+Normies+-+Part+III+-+Jews+and+the+Left!.mp4

The Bolsheviks with their globalist character brutally suppressed public descent, and had even done so they went as far as banning free speech and making “antisemitism” punishable by death as revenge for the fact that the jews had been punished throughout history for the harm they had inflicted upon Russia and the boundaries of the Pale of Settlement (most of modern day Crimea, Ukraine, Moldova, Belarus, the Baltic states, and eastern Poland), and for the fact that anywhere between 85 to more than 90% of the Bolshevik leadership were jewish.

The gruesome persecution of “counter-revolutionaries” under Lenin (Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov) and Leon Trotsky had also included cutting off the hands of nuns and priest who made the sign of the cross. Trotsky, whose real name was Lev Davidovich Bronstein, had even ordered the Red Army to march westwards into the heart of Europe as the Russian Civil War was drawing to a close, only to be defeated by the forces of Rumania (who invaded and annexed a large portion of Hungarian territory from Austro-Hungary) and the newly independent nations of Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, and Finland.


the pointless bloody war that the Tsar (and the Australian government amongst others – see Hell-bent (2014) by Douglas Adams) had helped start in 1914. T

I did not know this. Do you have links please.


Links please. Very interested in reading (right or wrong, I’d like to peruse them).


The history of Stalin is tarnished with convoluted and inaccurate facts. I don’t dispute what you say because it appears you have done a LOT more research than I have. But Stalin, and his supporters, were responsible for ‘muddying the facts’ in order to improve his image of legitimacy in the eyes of Russia and the world. And, as you have attested, he was a blatant dictator responsible for the murder of millions of Russians. Something not mentioned in the history books unless you dig deep and INFER many facts, is that Stalin was in cahoots with Hitler all the way up to the beginning of WW2. That is one of the reasons for the ‘purges’ of the Red Army etc. What Stalin was not expecting was Hitler, and by extension, ‘The West’ to stab him in the back with violation of the Ripenove ??? (sorry hasty spelling) pact. When Stalin realised that he had been duped that is what led to the panic and disorganisation evident in the Red Army at the beginning of the 2nd World War. The Red Army got duped. Stalin was tricked, and between 1920 – 1946 a hundred million ethnic Russians died as a result. This is not clarified in the history books but was highlighted by my grandfather (a (Australian) historian and school teacher). It is a convoluted and despicable chapter of Russian history but many world events are resultant of such manipulation and lies. Russia was no exception. Stalin was no hero. He was no saviour. The horror Russia experienced during the first half of last century is predominantly a result of Stalin and his decisions.


Stalin WASN’T Russian. He was Georgian. And he wasn’t Christian. He was Ashkenazim Jewish. That is the reason sixty million Russian Christians died as a result of his policies.

Vic Pittman

I hope so.

cechas vodobenikov

http://www.sott.net/article/425194 apparently the CIA no longer funds their silly prostitute trolls–wohl, tonto, etc….in a collapsing empire debt balloons to such an extent that they cannot pay their spies


good to see you being back on wagon, chechas.

Do try to make it last this time ..


“Serial production of the Tu-160M2 will begin in 2023 and the plan is for it to remain a state of the art warplane for the next 40 years. The Russian Aerospace Forces intend to purchase no less than 50 such aircraft.

The first such warplane is to be delivered in 2021, with 3 more in 2023. Afterwards serial production will continue with 3 Tu-160M2s being produced per year.”

In other words, the Tu-160 strategic bomber will be 72 years old by the time it is phased out of service….

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