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MARCH 2025

Is Russia Really Losing In Ukraine?

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Is Russia Really Losing In Ukraine?

By Drago Bosnic, independent geopolitical and military analyst.

After Russia launched its counteroffensive against NATO aggression, the state and corporate-run mainstream media of the political West started spreading multiple false narratives about it. One of the most common themes was that the Russian military supposedly “failed” because the Kiev regime didn’t collapse in a matter of days.

In the following months, especially after the Russian forces withdrew from northern areas of Ukraine, this was used to further reinforce the narrative that the Russian military was somehow “defeated”. However, the truth lies in the Russian military and geopolitical nomenclature regarding the events in Ukraine. While the political West is unanimous in calling it “an unprovoked, brutal invasion”, the Russian side calls it a special military operation.

Although the wording may seem irrelevant, it does have serious implications. The whole operation has been limited from the start. As Russian President Vladimir Putin himself stated, Moscow didn’t really show more than a fraction of its capabilities. And indeed, given the number of Russian troops initially engaged in the special military operation, which was approximately 100-150 thousand, versus more than 200,000 troops of the Kiev regime, it’s clear that Moscow never expected to take control of the entire territory of Ukraine. In addition, the Kiev regime forces exponentially grew in size after the forced mobilization of hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian men. And although Western media are trying to downplay it, multiple estimates put the number of conscripted personnel anywhere between several hundred thousand and nearly a million soldiers.

For its part, Russia decided not to increase the number of troops engaged in the special military operation. What’s more, with troop rotation, the true number of Russian soldiers actively engaged in combat operations was much lower, most likely standing between 50 and 100 thousand, stretching for well over a thousand kilometers from the northern areas of the Kharkov, through Donbass, Zaporozhye and Kherson regions all the way to the Black Sea coast. These forces have consistently been outnumbered by the Kiev regime troops for over 7 months now and have stood their ground.

And although this could be attributed to the Russian military’s vast technological and numerical superiority, especially in terms of artillery and air dominance, it can only be considered a remarkable achievement from a purely military standpoint. This also explains the Kiev regime’s reaction to Moscow’s recent low-level mobilization announcement, which will increase the number of Russian troops engaged in the special military operation by 300,000, pushing the total to well over 400,000 soldiers.

As per usual, the mainstream media in the United States and other countries of the political West have been trying to portray this as a sign of Russia’s supposed “weakness”. However, the Pentagon’s and NATO’s reaction speaks volumes of how the political West really feels about the mobilization. With Western Military Industrial Complexes already working at maximum capacity to supply the Kiev regime forces with additional weapons, having a twofold or threefold increase in the number of Russian troops is the last thing they needed (at least in the short term). If the Russian military was able to conduct successful offensive operations for months, while being outnumbered, what could one expect when Moscow decides to exponentially increase the size of its forces engaged in the special military operation?

In the meantime, the Western press and other media are constructing the narrative that millions of Russian men are supposedly trying to flee the country in order to avoid mobilization. Naturally, they are ignoring the fact that the Russian Ministry of Defense registered nearly 900,000 requests for joining the armed forces, with many regions and federal subjects in the country providing several times more troops than they’re required to. The most prominent example of this is Chechnya, which overshot its mobilization quota by over 250%. And yet, the Western media keep insisting that there’s supposed “widespread opposition to Putin’s war”. In reality, the fact that the Russian police arrested several hundred protesters in a country of approximately 150 million shows just how truly “widespread” the opposition to mobilization is.

Expectedly, the propaganda war isn’t only limited to the supposed “failures” of the Russian military, but also its leadership. Recent speculation that Vladimir Putin is ill, on the verge of death or losing power, while ignoring the rapidly deteriorating mental and physical health of Joe Biden serves as a testament to that. To make matters worse, the attempts by the so-called “fact-checkers” to whitewash Biden’s string of dementia-induced gaffes can only be described as comical. And while the political West’s propaganda machine works round the clock to create an alternate reality that doesn’t exist past a TV or smartphone screen, the economic and social unraveling resulting from the failed economic siege of Russia has been affecting hundreds of millions around the world and is only bound to get worse.


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Natalie Biden was 13

Natalie Biden was 13 confirms that the RF is wining – by now at least. But if she does not react IN KIND to the US terrorist act on NS1 and NS2, then it may lose face, power and respect. She will also lose the support among those who admire her braveness. So dont be a cuck Russia and react in kind asap! Otherwise Natalie Biden was 13 will think that you dont deserve his support.

Last edited 2 years ago by Natalie Biden was 13

General mobilization is underway in the United Snakes. Most employment agencies are hiring security staff for $ 1000/day. The mission is Ukraine (same as they did in Iraq) . I have the impression there will be no more Ukrainian soldiers left but only mercenaries, in a very short time.


US and UK have been killing and genocide 6 million of innocent peoples in the Middle East.

Drago Bosnic

My name is Drago Bosnic. I keep dreaming about a nuclear dick. That is why I wrote this long poetic BS vomit that will nobody read. I love nuclear dick. It makes my sissy pussy wet. I want it shoved up my ass.

Last edited 2 years ago by Drago Bosnic
just saying

Low quality troll like this would look bad even on Twitter.


Whatever your shit name is you are a dumb shit troll and the gayest imbecile alive.


The mercenaries would do better by taking out $500K in life insurance. They’ll enjoy their pieces of eight as they toil in Hell.

John Tosh

People need to know the difference between the USA and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). The CIA killed the president of the USA late John F Kennedy, in the only successful coup in the USA. Since then the CIA has run sham elections to entertain the American people so they believe they are a democracy not a dictatorship of the CIA

The CIA is a criminal network just like in Chicago many years ago when Al Capone and his gang ran Chicago killing everyone in their path. Al Capone had Chicago police and judges under his thumb. Same thing here with the CIA.

Unfortunately American democracy may not survive the complete removal of the CIA from American Democracy. They are too strong hence World War 3

Johny cash

Why fight or capture if putin will just give it away after


Donbas chooses to joint Russia.

Jens holm

Rusted Kalashnikovs, tampons that’s what Russian reservists are getting


You should watch less ukranian fakes


The Western media are part of the nato propaganda arm they will use disinformation as a tool to confuse and mislead ignore it. We are hearing on western independent media outlets this morning that the US deep state were responsible for the attacks on the pipelines it is being suggested that Germany and other West European countries were about to reverse their sanctions made against Russia and that the US deep state acted to insure that this could not happen! Western MSM media continues to peddle the Anglo American narrative but even the people in West Europe now know this to be lies

Drago Bosnic

My name is Drago Bosnic. I keep dreaming about a nuclear dick. That is why I wrote this long poetic BS vomit that will nobody read. I love nuclear dick. It makes my sissy pussy wet. I want it shoved up my ass.

Last edited 2 years ago by Drago Bosnic
Michel LeBlanc

Pitiful troll likes his own comment.


All Western Europeans are grifters. Like Chinese. Or fake Arabs. Or fake Latins. We are born this way.

Of course, we like blaming our government. We never take responsibility. It is the problem for others.

We used to blame God for everything. But that went out of fashion eons ago.


Also a lot of Americans know this is all a lie and total BS too. The deep state here are freaking out the truth is spreading everywhere and soon they will be history. All of them. WWG1WGA


the US should consider withdrawing from Europe. There are more Americans and NATO citizens than Russians, so mutual suicide in a nuclear war with Russia is supremely imbecilic of them because the loss is actually greater on their side materially and in human lives in such a war. In addition, China will shelter any Russian survivors and hang anyone from the West after such a war. Westerners will receive all blame for a nuclear war and what is left of their flesh will be tortured

Last edited 2 years ago by Clubofinfo
Gerry Bell

They keep saying there are these vast queues of Russians at various borders and airports. We need to see more pictures.

Lesco Brandon

Who is Jackie?

Pedo Peter aka Big Guy

“-Where is Jackie? Send Jackie over here.”

North Koreans won against the US back in the 50ies

that man is really senile

just saying

He will join Jackie soon enough.

Joe Bidens Dementia

Jackie changed his diapers. Now he soiled himself and Kamala Harris is in Japan…

Let's go Brandon

“Where is Franklin Roosevelt? Send Frankie over here.”


She (dead Jackie) and Camel are working on our long standing great relationship with our allies in the republic of NORTH KOREA!

Last edited 2 years ago by maharaja

Hurricane Yang is a heavenly punishment north flow 1.2.

Icarus Tanović

Ana ana ana ana Ana voli milovana.


I do think that it was a mistake for Russia to invade Ukrain. Because this war is not a 5 day war but a minimum of 10 to 20 years… a prolonged war.

Pamfil Military Academy

When I spoke about 700.000-800.000 2 weeks ago for mobilization requests, what do you think about ? I’m very accurate on prediction, isn’t it ? So, stay put and mark my words ahead !

Vlad from Romania

For every Ukrainian conscript there were at least 3, 4 NATO professionals and nazy demented freaks like Azov.

Ziological Warefare

As some describe, the “Anglo American” empire, this is nothing but a swarm of lies, perfidy, fraud, thievery, murder and rape. They hid well behind technological progress to pass it off as a “civilization”. But these days the mask has well and truly fallen. They are beasts. I mean the governments, as there are good people in the West we must not forget about. Its these people that the hope rests on their shoulders to bring down this rank evil in their nations, the CIA, MI6 and Deep State. They will have the support of the world 100%

Remember Bucha!

Yes, russia has already lost…time to avenge Bucha…

Barba Papa

You can call it what you will, Russia failed to overthrew Zelensky in the opening days of the war and it failed in fighting a limited war with limited forces and firepower, while Zelensky threw everything but the kitchen sink in this fight. Normally considering the outdated state of the AFU that would not have been a game changer, but NATO funneling everything but the kitchensink in arms to the Ukraine has meant that Russia’s technical superiority lessened. And I keep saying, where the hell is the Russian Air Force? How come that every US and EU politician wanting to make a selfie with Zelensky was able to travel to Kiev? How come that all those NATO weapons weren’t interdicted the moment they crossed the border into the Ukraine? Now Putin has to do the unthinkable and mobilize parts of the Russian army to beef up the Russian Army to stem the tide of war. And hope that they arrive in time. Because now Zelensky knows that he must press on and regain as much territory as possible before those reinforcements arrive.

Michel LeBlanc

If you study russian military doctrine a little, it will become quite apparent that the red army has no problem retreating and letting its opponents take land.

This goes back to at least the napoleon wars.

Russia has lots.of room to trade land to make its ennemies supply line strech out. Then they drop the hammer again.

I have no problem lettong afu come out of its hiding and smashing them in the open. Let them waste supplies and men taking land that they know damn well they cant hold longterm.

For the short term, germany must be liberated from the NATO axis.

Its sad it had to come to this. Stupid anglos.


good job

Putin is a genius.

If you start an operation with 200.000 men and after 7 months you need to mobilize another 300.000 men something has gone wrong. But keep the faith brother, keep the faith!

Pamfil Military Academy

True. It’s not the fault of the russian army but of the russian intel services who failed hard to anticipate almost anything. There was either incompetence or treason.


Hitlers general sad: to invade Ukraine I need one million soldiers.


This article speaks volumes

Bigg Chungus

Chechens have proven themselves to be the new warrior class of the Russian Federation. Meanwhile Muscovites flee to Tblisi.

Zа победу

Putin #1 Fan in USSA of SHITHOLE!

I see so many CUNTS here in the USSA of communist shithole who have Ukrainian flags hanging from their houses it makes me want to puke. Fucking non-thinking, msm propaganda-loving cocksuckers all snug and comfortable behind their walls and windows not knowing how to think critically and separate fact from fiction who pray at the altar of the presstitutes shoveling lies and bullshit up their asses. USSA needs to eat a fucking nuke!


Get a Russian flag and cheer yourself up then, with some grass roots activism! I always wear my Russian flag and George Ribbon when I go out, I was a bit nervous about what reaction I might get but after months it’s been fine, the most reaction ever was a some goodnatured banter from some military looking types a couple of times, to which I responded in a similarly goodnatured fashion. It’s a small thing but something nonetheless. I work in a public facing role sometimes so meet quite a lot of people too. (I should add I’m quite tall and can talk and run fast though so am not taking that much of a risk!)


So we learned that this is just Putins elaborate trap. Getting his best troop killed, retreating and mobilizing cannonen fodder. Ingenious.


You can say whatever you want. Each and every day you come up with lame excuses.

Yes, it’s was somewhat limited operation, but it did hurt Russia hard. Russia’s own troops was caught of guard. There wasn’t enough preparation for the war. You can see the results.

Other countries like Finland and Sweden have already joined NATO. The incompetence of the Russian military encouraged them to do so. If the operation were a success, they would not have dared to join NATO.

The president has a big mouth. He says we haven’t started anything yet. All day, he reminds everyone of his nukes. Then he calls reserves. WTF? Even if Russia has lost a 100 thousands of soldiers, it should have more 600-700 thousands more. Why the military could not complete the task? You don’t call your reserves to wage war on another country (please don’t tell me that Donbass joined Russia so it’s now Russia).

As a result, Russians are fleeing their motherland. Russian populations were already on decline. Now, the president and the worthless military are depopulating Russia faster than anyone could have imagined even in their wildest dreams.

And yes, this comment will be deleted by the moderators shortly.

Last edited 2 years ago by Sephiroth
joe 9211 dead brain cells

much shit in septic mouth—desperation as always—me not desperate due to payment by CIA


There are two completely different wars — the propaganda war, and the war in reality. Ukraine/NATO is dominating the propaganda war, spewing unprecedented amounts of fabrication and tall tales. Back in reality, Russia is winning, and the Globalist American Empire is reeling from its sanctions and their blowback. This article is a refreshing dose of reality. This winter should be interesting!


Has Russia given up Sumy, Kiew region? And was Russia forced to retreat from Charkiw? I would say this looks not like winning the war. Putin now has to mobilize the full stack and has to hit harder on Ukraine. Nukes on Kiew, water and electric infrastructure. Russia has to destroy the telecommunication structures as well as the ukrian airfirce and rails. But how to do if your rocket storage is already almost empty?

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