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MARCH 2025

Is Russia’s Advance In Donbass Too Slow?

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Is Russia’s Advance In Donbass Too Slow?

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Written by Drago Bosnic, independent geopolitical and military analyst

In 2014/2015, the then-nascent Kiev regime suffered a humiliating debacle after it was defeated by a much smaller, undermanned and under-equipped Donbass force. The political West stepped in and forced the Neo-Nazi junta to sign the Minsk agreements and prevent the complete collapse of the regime, which, according to their own admission, used the agreements to buy time and never intended to honor them. NATO soon sent some of its best experts to not only train Kiev regime forces to fight the Donbass republics, but also Russia. Since NATO is aware that the Kiev regime would in no way be able to conduct any major offensive operations against Russia, it decided to transfer the vast Western military experience in building complex systems and networks of fortifications.

That experience, more than a century old, was gained during the bloody battles of the First World War. It was drastically expanded in the interwar period, after France invested enormous resources in the Maginot Line. Although this massive fortification system turned out to be a huge waste of money in the Second World War, the Maginot Line itself was never breached in battle, because the Germans simply decided to bypass it. It was a strategic decision, so we cannot exactly blame France’s failure on the Maginot Line. On the contrary, the fact the Germans had to bypass it is an indicator the fortifications served their purpose. The problem was that the French (over)relied on the Maginot Line, while leaving a gaping strategic void in the northeast of the country.

Ironically, the Germans themselves resorted to building vast fortification networks across the Eastern Front after “Barbarossa” failed. The fortifications stretched thousands of kilometers across the frontlines. The Red Army’s mobility was exceptional; still, the fortifications slowed the Russian advance and resulted in higher casualties for the Red Army. The solution was massive employment of artillery, as armored and mechanized units were preparing for a breakthrough. However, this significantly slowed down combat operations, buying more time for Nazi forces.

Unfortunately, we see something similar today in Donbass. For the second time in 80 years, Russian forces are fighting against the doctrine devised by their old enemies. Logically, the stationary nature of fortifications is the biggest problem for the Kiev regime; however, it had 8 years to build this massive and very complex network. This is forcing Russia’s artillery to operate almost non-stop. And despite that, it is nearly impossible to destroy all of the fortifications, as it is a truly monumental undertaking which would take even longer with the currently employed Russian forces.

What Russia did in the given circumstances was to employ its old WWII-era tactics, albeit significantly updated. Russian forces aren’t targeting the entire network, but the sections that are deemed suitable for breakthroughs, although this is subject to improvisation, particularly if it can help accomplish tactical surprise attacks. This is then followed by an armored breakthrough, where a large number of new forces are brought in to widen the breach and gradually destroy the forces in those fortifications, until the entire section collapses. All this is done with constant fire support provided by Russian Aerospace Forces and artillery units. This approach is successful for the most part, but just like during WWII, it does slow down the advancing forces.

Naturally, both aviation and artillery are far more advanced nowadays, and there is also a wide range of guided missiles, drones, and advanced detection systems (thermal imaging, high-resolution cameras, etc.) enabling pinpoint strikes. Another important factor affecting Russian forces is the order to preserve the lives of civilians and soldiers. This further slows down the whole process, but it absolutely makes sense, as Russia is in no hurry, unlike the opposing side. Fortifications are under near-constant shelling which has an extremely negative effect on the already collapsing morale of the Kiev regime forces. In addition, tactical aviation (primarily Su-25 close air support jets) is contributing significantly to this approach, while long-range missiles, launched by air, land and sea, hit command posts, logistics, warehouses, large troop formations, etc.

The advancing forces aspect we saw during the first days of the operation, with the deployment of mobile BTGs (battalion tactical groups) is missing at this point. Back then, the BTGs didn’t have massive artillery support, as the Russians expected a quick collapse of the Kiev regime (which would have most likely happened had the US not exerted extreme pressure to prevent it). This tactical approach is very different from the standard Russian military doctrine. It is also connected with Russia’s intention not just to prevent civilian casualties, but also to spare the lives of Ukrainian soldiers. What we can conclude from the current events is that the Russian military is demonstrating a virtually unrivaled ability to adapt.

Even though the destruction of the fortifications in Donbass dragged on precisely because of the initial lack of a decisive breakthrough, the goal of preventing civilian casualties and saving manpower has been accomplished. What’s more, a sort of “boiling frog” effect is also present as a result. Naturally, this is extremely unfavorable for the Kiev regime forces, because they are suffering massive losses in manpower and equipment, while their logistics are in an almost impossible situation. Thus, the apparently “slow advance” of Russian forces due to a supposed “Ukrainian military prowess” is nothing more than a persistent myth, primarily kept alive in the ever-increasingly comical Western state-run mass media.


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Last edited 2 years ago by Anglia
Jens' mom

Jens makes at least that much just using his fuckwhole.

jens holm

Mom I just shat myself. Iam verry sorry.

Please call hans raus to change my diapers.

jens holm

Injury gagagarin wrote this. Not me.

jens homosexual

why you impersonate me? I am not from limburger—I have 3 daddies—leroy shaquille, cletis


Stop denying your homosexual identity Jens, everybody here knows that you are a non binary gay man. And you also know that.

jens holm

Yur show Your low level well. Try to talk with Your mini worm again

Ashok Varma

Indian media is reporting that some pro-Russian Ukrainian officers sold out the exact location of Himars in the forested area on the southwest side of Sumy, the Russian artillery and Kalibr tookout 3 of the Himars with pinpoint accuracy. JAI RUS!

Peppe il Sicario

The Western media will never mention how compromised the Ukranian armed forces are. The Russians have more “assets” amongst its ranks than is imaginable, to make an intelligence chief have a wet dream!!!


Thats why their whole operation failed spectaculary and Kiev is the top destiny for all the eu and nato leaders 🤣

Last edited 2 years ago by Yuri
jens holm

Its difficult to admit things, which are not denied.

The rest is crap. They seemes more corrupt and therefore is better drssed or what. Its correct Ukras has a much more horisontal structure.

By that they communicate much better all the way down to the lowest ranks. They are WITH. Thats very god for the morale and by that initiative. By that they also can use oppertunitives. They mainly dont have to ask and communicateboth ways.

You I dont give a dam for if Your monkeys are dressed or know if Banderas was jailed by Gestapo in Sacsenhaussen.


Bollwood again ? They do also your reporting media I guess :D

jens holm

Something iseemes wrong in his in or outcomming. Maybee he has no antivirus.

Try AVIRA in the English version. It can save You from being an eaten worm in Your next life.

Porc halal vs flyin’ donkeys

Yes, you’re the real Jens I know… I’ve been a bit confused because of Jens Holm’s other fake posts here…you are unique!


India is where they gangrape their own women and daughters right? And everywhere stinks até human feeces and piss. Lovely country. But weak though. Thousand million people dominated by a couple Hundred foreigners from 10000km away for centuries. Shameful

jens holm

Thats highly incorrect.HIMARS are highly mobile.

Maybee You should try others sources or feed Your pigions better.


US has been killing million of innocent people in the Middle East lol.


The United States and Israel are smart that make Islamists kill other Islamists.

In this way, Israel and America save the lives of many valuable normal people.

jens holm

Very optimistic. You get a + from here

jens holm

Thats not enough. You also is copypaste. I hope You are a clone or has a twin.

ME has grown 10 times in population the last 100 years. Russia might help. We have not killed millions there but only assisted.

Bow, arrow and spears dont do it.

I heard from unreliable sourse many in Egypt, Syria and Iraq only will wash themself and partly every second friday.


Just some excuses on the behalf of the most incompetent military force of the world.

US Army

Nothing to do with USALGBT Army.


LGBT amerikans defeated by everybody—in your idaho trailer park 3 Taliban frequently sodomize you


To Idaho’s defense the state of Idaho is actually one of the most based, morally correct Christian states and one of the very best places to live in America with a booming economy and strict adherence to the US Constitution. Out of all the states you randomly chose the most based.


I may be moving to Idaho fyi


Looks like I may have to part with my 5,000 pound gun safe if I move…


Nobody fucking cares where you move you fat fuck.

jens holm

You are not even visible in my best microskope.


best microscope could not find 1 neuron in jens cranium


Itsthejews you are hanging by my nut sack and embarrassing yourself. Stop sweating me and gain some dignity and self respect. I don’t come here to interact with low I.Q. homosexuals. Nobody likes you and the other 5 SF trolls that you hang out with. And keep changing your name like a little bitch but you’re wasting your time because everyone already knows who you are by your subpar intellect.

jens holm

Its named after IDA, which still lives there and are happiyli married to Santa Claus.

Yuri told me.


“US constitution contains inherent contradictions that encourage dictatorship”. Kurt Godel


The U.S. Constitution has given me the freedom to acquire AK47’s from Serbia, Bulgaria and Romania along with thousands of rounds of 7N6 and M67 military grade ammunition for my beloved AKs. You will never know what it feels like to handle and own an Ak47 forged in the most historic military factories of the world because in your country your constitution does not give you the inherit right that every human being should have to own a firearm for self-defense and to protect those you love. I live in a part of the U.S. where gun culture is part of life which is why there is no crime here. You and a few others in here radiate that same judgemental and hateful rhetoric towards Ukrainians, Americans and other groups and nations when in reality you are demonstrating your own self-hate and frustrations. People like you and your little brother itsthejews are easy to see through.

jens holm

He was born in one of those states with no rights for abortion.

When the priest after being paid well baptized him mentioned Jeus loved childr children, he also said he was happy for Yuri was no twin.

Rick Jefferson

When I see videos of Uke nazis beating up civilians, torturing, destroying Gypsy settlements, etc. The only explanation that occurs to me is gun control. If every Uke could legally arm themselves, those nazis would disappear, voluntarily or otherwise.


The videos of that scumbag criminal beating up a Gypsy mother and her daughters then macing them in the face enraged me to the point where I wanted to break the screen I totally agree with you. Mind you I do not think most Ukrainians are that wicked but to see something like that in broad daylight was pretty shocking. We also have scum in our country, criminals that commit heinous crimes but where I live if anyone attacks a woman like that they might get shot on the spot.

Rick Jefferson

Thanks 7. My problem with the good Ukes is that they consent by their silence. I saw a video where a young looking female was partially disrobed and tied to a lamp post by some nazies in broad daylight for the purpose of public humiliation for being pro Russian. Many citizens walked by her and no one untied her or offered to assist. They probably do not want to be confronted by a gang of nazies. If you have it, I would like a URL of the video that you mentioned. I would love to find the URL’s of videos posted by Uke nazies. I have seen many of them that were linked on SF but did not collect the URL’s.

Miki Miric

Jebo te ustav USA


bafan culo. I decided to reply to your little comment in a different language as well.


Use those weapons to take out democrat trash is you please…danka


lol Brother I don’t want to shoot any of them I just want to live as far away from the radical liberals as I can. As a matter of fact the best thing that can happen to America since we have become such a divided nation is if the country splits up into 2 different nations. The liberal radical LGBTQ indoctrination and grooming has begun to creep into the educational school system starting in first grade in a lot of school districts and its getting worse. By the way if the country does split into 2 nations it will not be a violent break up rather it will be by choice. Lot’s of people are saying there will be a civil war in America which I completely disagree with. In order for a war to break out there have to be 2 willing participants ready and able to fight a war. Honestly I have nothing against anyone who chooses to be gay or live their life as a woman even though they are male and will never truly be a woman. The problem that is taking place here in parts of the U.S. is that the LGBTQ community has exposed its true motives which was never to be left alone and to be granted gay marriage which they already have achieved. The true motive behind this movement turned out to be a lot more sinister.


No crime in the USA? Why the fuck do you have more people in prison than any other nation on earth? And why are your schools getting shot up every week?

Here’s a shock for you. People own guns all over the world. I’ve owned guns and hunted since I was 12. All my neighbors own guns. The difference between my gun culture and your is you fetishize guns … maybe you have some ‘inadequacies” and can’t afford an F-350 … we see them as tools.

I have a 22 semi-auto for groundhogs and a 12 ga pump by the front door in case I have to scare away some noisy crows. I do go to the gun range and shoot handguns with my neighbor.

I don’t understand why Americans fetishize guns so much … they are just tools. I also learned to swing a hammer at 12 but I don’t get the urge to go and bash the brains out of little kids with a hammer like Americans want to do with assault rifles


HB I have a great idea, I’m going to give you as a gift a free pair of reading glasses. Give me your address I promise I will ship the glasses to you so you can properly read. WHen the Fu did I ever say there is no crime in America? There is a lot of crime in Amercia and the crime in concentrated in cities where Americans are not allowed to legally own guns. I clearly said WHERE I LIVE there is no crime because the law abiding citizens like myself are heavily armed. Criminals are lazy and cowardly of course they’re not going to try to break into our homes or car jack a woman here because over here females are packing heat as well. I have never shot anyone in my life and I pray that I never have to. All my neighbors are very responsible gun owners as are 99.9 percent of legal gun owners. The only people in America that are dying to shoot other people are those little gangsters you see in rap videos and on the urban streets where the kids are raised without a parent and sadly they come from broken families. The Constitutional right to have and bear arms was implemented to prevent a tyrannical government from enslaving its people. I don’t care if you hate every American and everything American, putting your biased views aside, the Constitution is one of if not the most competent and properly written documents to protect the citizens of any nation from losing their liberties. Here in America many of our Constitutional rights are completely gone, we are no longer a Constitutional Republic, we have been stripped of our rights in the same way that your country has stripped your rights, except for one thing, the second amendment still exists in many parts of America. For now.

Last edited 2 years ago by 7even-N-6
Rick Jefferson

Gun possession is not legal for millions of Americans. In fact, Americans are routinely murdered by the police just because they were suspected of possessing a gun. The killer cop only needs to utter the magic words, “I was in fear”. The cop gets a paid vacation while the victim’s loved ones get a corpse.

Last edited 2 years ago by Rick Jefferson
Putin bitches tears taste like heaven

Sure, is Russia a democracy Yuri? 🤣

jens holm

Its a contradiction to avoid dictatorship. Thats why You has the right to be armed.

jens holm

Some might add other things. Income is 39.100 dollar and for the country its 65.500. Income is 17.800 dolar only and thats number 41 of 50 states.

I hope they are happy vhristians. I think USA should having better structures then their churches.

Crimerates is more impressing. They seemes to be the thirf lowedt in USA.

If You are lost and menthaly ill, You can grab as taxi for free and tell where.You come from. Last time Yuri had his pling. they found him in Alabama. Somebody had joked him. He thought Alabama was a Muslm State and Cuba was a cigar.

The police sais it was some La Bamba Chaves from Venezuela.



You want incompetent? The combined forces of NATO had to escape out of Afghanistan in such hurry, they left all of their shit behind.

They were unable to leave their bases for more than few kilometers in heavily armoured convoys for 20 years. Now THAT is incompetent.

Got anything else there you dumb, brainwashed fuck?


You saw the video of the Taliban dancing to Drake? or the Taliban working out in a gym in Afghanistan? hahaaa youtube it.

azov bunch of emo rejects

I remember the Iwo Jima photo of the talibans raising the white taliban flag in complete tac gear.

>FJB !<


haha hilarious stuff, you gotta see the Taliban dancing Here is the link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VlusisuYCAw


lol Ukrainu Akhbar


How’s the Kharkiv offensive going? Are we in Moscow yet?


Steady and slow is getting it done. The destruction of America and NATO will come soon.

Empty store shelves, vaccine deaths, inflation, insane gas prices, race wars, pedophiles.

The west is being destroyed by Jews, we just need Russia to finish them off, thank you.

Crazy cnook the fruitcake

I like Jewish cock though

Zionism is Cancer

Zionist whores love cock!

jens holm

Its because You pay well.

jens holm

Very optimitic

jens holm

Before that Russia will collapse again. The Capitol will be Kiev and with Zelinsky as President.


What do you smoke?


This is a massive complex situation with a special operation having global ramifications. Indeed its a complex situation that’s outcome has as much to do with economic and political developments around the world as on the battlefield in Donbass. The west has made a huge mistake allowing what is a regional conflict to escalate and threaten the global trade and global financial model that benefitted them. It’s a mammoth miscalculation driven by a need to roll Russia over in order to continue and increase hegemony. They say greed ultimately destroys the capitalist system, and what we are seeing is the western system threatened existentially through their own greed. Germany learnt in the past that everything goes well until you take on RUSSIA!


Russia strategy from the beginning was big blunder. Russia military strategy was wrong in Syria and is wrong in Ukrainian and only Russia solders are paying the price. This would never happen, if Russia military command have more experience and strategic thinking Command. The war will prolong and more civilians will safer, because the Russia advances are very slow and this allow UA to rearm and reinforce and resupply with Western weapons’ . Which such tactics Russia has no chance against NATO


you pathetic cowards can try but u fail always—“that a nation like America is irresponsibly adolescent is revealed in the great fear in learning about the war they made in Vietnam”. Richard Sennet


Yes, Russia was terribly wrong in Syria. America was being defeated by armed tribesmen, told the world it was impossible to win in these circumstances. Russia git involved, Western media told them that they were getting involved in another Vietnam, they would be bled dry, and had no chance of giving any realistic aid to Damascus. Six months later, and a few dozen casualties later, and Damascus was secure, all enemies eliminated, peace restored. Major failure on the part of Russia. Ukraine, after a wildly optimistic start, has gone pretty much the same way. Apart from the unlimited amounts of NATO weapons, money, intelligence, other aid. Low Russian casualties, low civilian deaths, constant Russian victories, gaining of land and all objectives. Yes, I can see how that can be seen as a disaster, defeat and destruction of the Russian state. Obvious, really.

Florian Geyer

The initial days of the Russian Special Operation gained Russia the opportunity to collect the suspected data of US Biological warfare labs and the US sponsored development of a Ukie nuclear devise. This, in my opinion, was a massive Russian victory as well.

Slava Rossiya

Nato is laughing at you


jens holm

Strange version. Assads still get no oil frm there. Assads are reduced to nothing and is no threat to any anymore.

half of the population is not even in the country even 91,5% support his regime. Have this🎈


moron nazi jens again humiliating herself

NATO is laughing at you

Remember Also when soviet union was supposed to be so strong and then collapsed in a couple of years 🤣 Rússia now is not even 1% as powerful and are só dumb they are trying to confront the west again Alone. Oh sorry wait they have syrians and norte Korea support hahahahahahahahahahahahahahagahagahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha


Joe the situation in Ukraine is completely different. Russia is liberating Ukraine and every city they liberate gets absorbed into the Russian Federation. This is the problem most people of the west do not understand. its not a war of annihilation, rather Russia wants to liberate each city with minimal damage to infrastructure so the citizens can quickly be assimilated and return to their normal lives. This process takes much longer than carpet bombing an entire city and sending an entire nation back to the stone age which sadly is what our U.S. government has been doing to third world naions for the last 80 years.

jens holm

We dont see that. You must be worse then blind. Those towns are bombarded to stone or iron age in homes as well as all factories and pubælic building.

The population is hardly there.

Much as You only is able to see RT TV using an arm as antenna. This has nothig to do with what USA does.

This is YOU doing that.


What a joke “Which such tactics Russia has no chance against NATO” The U.S. & NATO are so far behind, it’s not years that they are behind, it’s generations. The GWOT (war on Terror) has made the U.S. and NATO so feckless & weak, They crawled out of Afghanistan like worms!!? Russia is at the top of the game, today & now.. They can sink the whole navy of the U.S. & NATO. Carrives and Battle ships have ZERO defences for their ships from Russian hypersonic missiles. Would the U.S. use nuclear missiles if their navy was sunk…??? I have no idea, but it would be a terrible warter shed moment in history.


Moskva russian flagship of black sea fleet was sunk by a country with no navy 😂 russian navy could not even gold a tiny island… Missiles in ukraine had no strategic impact, weapons supply continue at Will, russian drones are shit and too few, airforce could not even get air Supremacy after 6 months and don t dare to fly in disputed airspace… People quickly realizar russian army is a paper tiger, but now it has become a joke

jens holm

Thats how it is. The russians has lowered the number of soldiers but not the quality.

They just has added some missiles and a few drones.

You are right about the rest as well. But the next mont will be critical. Ukras need enough weapons and mpore training of the new soldiers of theirs.


moron nazi swallow too much sperm—ukies now conscripting convicts and females—-in trash mark, females more masculine that you senile feminized males

Alexander the Transnistrian

Again: Russia never wanted to end this war soon, cit different experts. Nothing is done “quickly and immediately”. Russia is advancing anyway inflicting heavy casualties to the enemy. Just relax and enjoy


popping popcorn—if the ukies do not surrender soon they will be reduced in size to Latvia

10% for the Big Guy

Kramatorsk will be the last big town to be liberated in the DPR. After that only small villages will remain under Nazi control, these can then be taken step by step.


But they will need a minimum of a 50-mile buffer zone in front of it to guarantee it is out of range of the HIMARS and 270’s.


“of all peoples in an advanced stage of economic civilization amerikans are least accessible to long views always and everywhere in a hurry to get rich they give no thought to remote consequences–they perceive only present advantages: amerikans do not feel, they do not remember—amerikans live in a materialist dream”. Moisede Ostrogorski


The Germans didn’t by-pass the Maginot Line, they were lured into the Belgian plain as the French intended. The French made the blunder of assuming victory against a despairing German offensive in the west and wasted their strategic reserve on the Breda variant, which meant that when the Germans crossed the Meuse at Sedan, the French were wrong-footed and never recovered.

Ed Theman

At least the French surrendered when they saw they had no chance to win, rather than fight an unwinnable war which destroys your country like Ukraine is doing right now.

Max Schmidt

Poltava also has been hit by Russian precision missiles. This is what BILD is saying. AND in the Odessa region a total of 3 strong explosions have been heard (most likely Russian missiles). BILD also speculates that the Russian side is changing its strategy by increasing missile attacks; if this is really the new strategy, then I agree very much with it. 100%! Slava Russia!

Last edited 2 years ago by Max Schmidt

It is emboldening the NATO/EU propaganda by not advancing faster. The HIMARS /270’s, various 155mm howitzers and other heavy weapons would never have been delivered if the Russians had advanced just twice the snail speed they currently are. The argument that this is saving lives of Russian and allied soldiers is a ” short term” result. Because the Ukrainians now had standoff weapons, the long-term result will be that “More” Russian and allied troops will die than would have with a faster paced offensive..

The Objective

These are not standoff weapons. Tochka-U is. Ukr. had hundreds, even thousands artillery pieces in February so why exactly a dozen or so US weapons are so incredibly important? They are not.


spot on. I’m tired of these idiots bullshitting how ukraine was defenseless (when they actually had more weapons than half of Nato combined) and now 10 american mlrs’ are going to change everything 😄😄😄


disinfant like all nazi amerikant morons—tiresome pathetic


Russian air defense can’t be beat,nowadays there are more reports of zero russian losses than not! Enjoy the show.

jens holm

I disagree a lot. In februar we can see the Ukras had a well equipped and well educated military force and well digged in good planes by local knowledge and preparations of the best for a defence force.

They would not do as You assume and very much because Russia has not been able to do as Yoú.

Ukras had by that no lack of Weapon for at shorter but more intence warfare. ou also seemes to ignore the terrain with it many wet areas, lakes and rivers.

You are as many here. You has learned the enemy is sitting ducks more stupid then You. And You have not learned yet.

You has been up to a well organized modern defensive Nato structure. Here You forget knowing the enemy is number one. Else You go in war blindfolded.

You also forget Russiand apart from missiles still lives in the old days but in a lausy version. WEll, they have added some missiles and a little more.

But the Ukras know them very well and play piano at their weak sides.

The Russians cant be fast. They are not build for that. Its a devastating hard but short range tool. When they have burned their gunpowder they get very exhausted and has to rest and regain.

Its very visible. They dont use many infanterist because everything is drive and shoot. The supply system also is rudimentary, so they have to stop .

They mainly are up against determinant and well armed infantery. Those very much are hide and seek and many parts are very mobile.

Those soldiers are very small targets easy to hide. Their targets are vehicles and other things big and difficult to hide. So that kind of infantery can tax big Russian units to stop or delay.

jens holm

And one more thing. lmost none Russians know much about Urban warfare. By that those checkens and spetznas are so important. Those are not enough.

Thats where the big losses are. Russian dont dare to show. Now the Russians has changet. They can only bombarde that kind of defnece away. They do.

Thats why it so important for the Ukras to eliminate the Russian artillery. Thats why Ukras so far can keep Kharkov.


moron senile wrong again—consuming Covid lgbt sperm cannot treat your mental illness….kharkov is entirely encircled; if idiot amerikans do not surrender soon it will also become Russian territory—nato loses in all warfare—Russians expert in urban warfare….hopefully turkey will colonize you morons and civilize lgbt dinkmark


Your words reflect your nickname in a correct way.


Hopefully Russians will liberate entire Donbass before October, without losing anything on other fronts. I only wish they keep pressure on at least one more line of advance, preferably on Nikolaev.

Last edited 2 years ago by Marius

You are missing one vital piece of FACT, Russia has only ever used at most between 130,000 to 190,000 troops at ANY ONE TIME they have NOT EVEN COMMITTED a tenth of their standing force of OVER 1.6 million soldiers that are combat ready and have steadily been rotated through the battlefield gaining experience and rest, so AT ANY MOMENT if Russia decided to finish this FAST and WITHOUT the restraint they are using those 3 armies LINED up along the border of Ukraine which is not even a 1/3rd of their strength the others are spread throughout Russia can ATTACK and their will be NO MORE UKRAINE within 3-4 days as they would sweep through ALL of Ukraine. So count your lucky stars you NAZIS in NATO and Ukraine that Russia is STILL being patient and trying to save as many lives of Ukraine people as possible otherwise they will be on your doorstep before breakfast tomorrow. =Z=

Last edited 2 years ago by kymsheba
Lesco Brandon



Russia is wearing NATO down. I really think that the weapons industries in the NATO nations need to be taken out, warehouses, factories, research facilities in universities and elsewhere, their HQ, their offices. Let the shares TUMBLE and see the support for the wars WANE.


Acts of war are NOT covered by any insurance.


Yeah sure bomb multiple countries that supply ukraine. You live in a fairy tale thinking that russia has the capability to destroy the whole of Nato defense industry. The moment russia attacks nato they will get bombed everywhere. This of course is the conventional case, in case it goes nuclear then everyone loses..

Karl Pomeroy

Disappointing. I spent time composing a very thoughtful comment about Putin’s approach in Donbass and the Minsk Agreements. Captcha would not let me post it. I have no idea why. It was truthful, I’m knowledgeable on Minsk, it was not overly critical of anyone. Why is there censorship of a very civil deeply thought out comment of more or less the same nature as the article? I’m a regular reader here. What is happening? Sincere question. I like SF. Best source of Donbass news today.


some words are censored, I guess because of bots. P*o*rn for example. If you still have your text on copy paste you can just write something, anything, then edit it and add copy-paste text.

Last edited 2 years ago by ...

a frequent random occurrence


SF is not an open forum. It is a Kremlin propaganda site. The present Russian Psyops calls for bombastic cheering for a Russian “victory” regardless of ground truth. Maps don’t lie. Propaganda sites do lie. Propaganda cannot tolerate a rational discussion where opposing views are openly aired and debated.


in your Oregon hillbilly trailer park you believe NYT when they told u morons WMD’s in Iraq

jens holm

Stalin made a pact with Hitler to delay the confrontation.

Its not strange France didnt protected in Ardennes. They are in Luxemburg and Belgium.

And the authors military knowledge seemes to be, so I as as enemy to Russia anytime would recommend him to Leader of their military forces – logitics included.

Vitals are ignored. Russia has done researh about the enemy but only talked them down. Thats of vital importans. The ukras also know their enemy well and its strong and weak sides.

Besides that they have met a modern defence which in weapons and very much in structure in the logistics too is a nato one.

By that it has not been a possibility to make that breaktrough and advance. Ukras has used very mobile deep defence with very well prepared strongpoint. Here they have used all the local knowledge they have.

So a hard attack with some breakthroug will get exhausted and stop for repair long time before The author think. In the beginning of the invasion they had capasity for succesfull counterattacs as well.

As I see it even a big thumbnail full of soldiers would be cut off. Most Russian troops are second class spendables. Now the main Ukras has been eroded down some. By that the soldiers might be equal.

Russia of course has more firepower. Ukraine get in quality.

Its also totally wrong to destroy infrastructure in large scale, when You need to use them Yourself. Ukraine is known for flat wet terrain and many rivers. Only a limited reduction which easy can be repaired makes sense.

It by the way was very well see at normandie. West came in well but they had no lines for their troops and their supply. That was a good reasons for Patton could not go through the Nazi Siegfried Line.

And the rest of their reserves was spended by Mon Gommery and Eisenhower in Operation Marketgarten. It showed well, that going around fortification is not just like that. If You try to be too smart and makes several faked assumptions, You can be punished very hard.

Last edited 2 years ago by jens holm

senile nazi always wrong—obviously never been to Ukraine……in trashmark it is wrong to be heterosexual—denmark only infrastructure—lgbt


Better late than never.


Good article

jens holm

The Drago Bosnic is full of incorrect shit and bad assumtions not connected to the real world unless You make it Yourself and believe in it.

I made a good correction for most of it. Its censured away.


turk invasion of Denmark too slow—genetics must be improved for incompetents in trashmark USA colony


It’s good the Russians are taking it slow, consolidating gains, using artillery to sheild their advancing troops much like Canadians did against the Germans in WWI. Being reckless like the Ukronazis destroys moral, the Russians have decided not to repeat these mistakes and let their troops rest between gains. This also allows time for the idiot NATO sanctions to develop into civial wars in NATO occupied bankster controlled G20 countries as their economies nose dive from lack of energy either from their idiot green policies or from being cut off from Russian supplies. The only reason for all thos insanity is because Rothschild lost his parasite bank in Rusdian and had a full on adult-child man tantrum and sent in his private army…er NATO. Russian should dagger the frikken UN building in NY and the NATO building in Brussels, but also the BIS in Switzerland to ‘hit at’ the “decision making centers”…


It could be a case of picking the battlefield to your favor – in the East there are short supply lines and the EU can’t hear gunfire over the horizon so won’t get so nervous.It doesn’t matter exactly where the AFU is defeated, once it is the whole of Ukraine will be defenceless.

Max Schmidt

Das Wort zum Samstag: Ok guys, 3 considerations to let you think.

#1-The US Embassy in the Nazi occupied Kiev is again urging US citizens to leave the country. This is an important benchmark that has been reached. Yes, symbolic only, but very important: Basically they are saying “We Yanks (spies, instructors, soldiers) can’t hide anywhere in Kiev anymore, Russian eyes are all over – from the sky and from the partisans on the ground, from everywhere. Bombs are flying daily (and nightly) above those who poked the bear, we must now run away. Or you we will be devoured.

#2-Seversk will be liberated this weekend, and I think this is important to mention, despite of being a small town: Zelensky recently said that “no more town will fall after Lisichansky”, so this will be one more symbolic victory for the Russian side. To put the comedian in his place.

#3-The AFU is having difficulties to recruit new conscripts. The 1 million men invasion will be rather a 1 hundred ‘kamikaze’ men invasion. I mean come on, the weather is nice, these “Feldjäger” go to the beaches of Odessa trying to recruit some more cannon fodder. Seriously?! “-Sir, can I interrupt your beach party with these nice ladies and invite you to join the Donetsk front in order to serve and protect your country?”, the answer you based boy should give: “You are not serving and protecting Ukraine, on the contrary, look at you, a proxytute, you are serving the interests of NATO and protecting the imperialistic aims of the US president. It has not to do with the legit interest of my country. So, I will not join the AFU. Goodbye!”

Last edited 2 years ago by Max Schmidt

So much Cope and hopium in this “article” 🤣


Excellent analysis. Russia might be intentionally using this opportunity to gain valuable combat experience for its’ troops and to assess and refine the plethora of new military equipment and technology it has recently introduced. This combined with learning from fighting against a NATO trained and partially equipped force may explain the methodical pace of the Russian advance. I expect the pace will accelerate now toward the final victory.


Shoigu is in Ukr. telling the RF to speed up attacking site where HIMARS, M270 & Co. are located. Very wise order. These should be the priority targets now. A necessary strategy to protect Donbass civilians.

Muhammad your Prophet

The Russian soldier’s brain is too slow to be capable to move at any other way. The fucking morons still think that the Russian army’s humiliating defeat at Kiev was a diversionary tactic. It the Russian soldier’s brain wasn’t so fucking slow then the moronic Russian propaganda wouldn’t be able to work to begin with. Any soldier with a brain would’ve already told it’s magical fiction. They’re too braindead.

Last edited 2 years ago by Muhammad your Prophet

The pace of advance is dictated by the effectiveness of the artillery, if you have accurate shells, hitting the target square on then you will advance faster, if you have to blanket an entire areas and still miss the target then you will advance slower.

Likewise because of the breach, and layers of lines, you can’t really burst out of a breach expanding in all directions and advancing quickly behind enemy lines into the baggage train and catch smaller units on the move off guard.

Russia’s biggest problem is they are not taking large prisoner numbers, instead opting for this Syrian approach where you allow a corridor of escape, in which units just get redeployed to another defensive line, literally destroying you capability to advance.

Is it too slow? i don’t think so, as long as momentum is sustained. This is not WW2 where armour is very hard to combat, tanks are nothing, missiles cut through them like butter, what we are seeing is more like WW1, with its massive causality rates of running at entrenched positions. That been said, if you see an opening to got for the throat of an army you take it, you don’t just let them escape to the next defensive line. When they are on the run you chase them down and destroy as many as you can before you hit resistance and reform your lines.

The movie Troy highlights this very well, after the first Greek attempt, the Trojans chase them, but only to the point where the Greeks form up a defensive line. The Mongols deployed similar tactics to great success where they would retreat, then ambush the chasing troops and slaughter them in the open. You have to know when to inflict causalities on a flee enemy and when to reform your lines to avoid over extension.


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