At the start of the U.S. invasion of Iraq in 2003, President George W. Bush ordered the U.S. military to conduct a devastating aerial assault on Baghdad, known as “shock and awe.”
Written by Eric Zuesse
America and UK invaded Iraq on 20 March 2003. Russia invaded Ukraine on 24 February 2022. Which was worse?
Let’s first examine the invasion of Iraq:
U.S. President George W. Bush seems to have been informed, in advance, about a New York Times article (which was the lead-story in the newspaper on Sunday, 8 September 2002), titled “U.S. SAYS HUSSEIN INTENSIFIES QUEST FOR A-BOMB PARTS”, in which the sources were anonymous “Administration officials.” The story concerned “aluminum tubes” that were “intended as casing for rotors in centrifuges, which are one means of producing highly enriched uranium … to make an atomic bomb, Bush administration officials said today.”
We just heard the Prime Minister talk about the new report. I would remind you that when the inspectors first went into Iraq and were denied — finally denied access, a report came out of the Atomic — the IAEA that they were six months away from developing a weapon. I don’t know what more evidence we need [in order for Congress to authorize an invasion of Iraq].
PRIME MINISTER BLAIR: Absolutely right.
Then, as soon as the weekend was over, on Monday 9 September 2002, was issued by the IAEA the following:
Related Coverage: Director General’s statement on Iraq to the IAEA Board of Governors on 9 September 2002 [this being a republication of their notice three days earlier, on 6 Sep.].
Vienna, 06 September, 2002 – With reference to an article published today in the New York Times [which, as usual, stenographically reported the Administration’s false allegations, which the IAEA was trying to correct in a way that would minimally offend the NYT and the U.S. President], the International Atomic Energy Agency would like to state that it has no new information on Iraq’s nuclear programme since December 1998 when its inspectors left Iraq [and verified that no WMD remained there at that time]. Only through a resumption of inspections in accordance with Security Council Resolution 687 and other relevant resolutions can the Agency draw any conclusion with regard to Iraq’s compliance with its obligations under the above resolutions relating to its nuclear activities.
Contact: Mark Gwozdecky, Tel: (+43 1) 2600-21270, e-mail: M.Gwozdecky@iaea.org.
It even linked to the following statement from the IAEA Director General amplifying it:
Since December 1998 when our inspectors left Iraq, we have no additional information that can be directly linked without inspection to Iraq’s nuclear activities. I should emphasize that it is only through resumption of inspections that the Agency can draw any conclusion or provide any assurance regarding Iraq’s compliance with its obligations under these resolutions.
So, this was proof of the falsehood of Bush’s and Blair’s reference, on September 7th, to the IAEA, in which Bush-Blair were saying that, upon the authority of the IAEA itself, there was “the new report … a report came out of the Atomic — the IAEA that they were six months away from developing a weapon. I don’t know what more evidence we need.”
Because of the news-media’s ignoring the IAEA’s denial of the President’s statement, the author of the IAEA’s denial, Mark Gwozdecky, spoke again nearly three weeks later, by phone, with the only journalist who was interested, Joseph Curl of the Washington Times, who headlined on 27 September 2002, “Agency Disavows Report on Iraq Arms” — perhaps that should instead have been “President Lied About ‘Saddam’s WMD'” — and Curl quoted Gwozdecky: “There’s never been a report like that [which Bush alleged] issued from this agency. … When we left in December ’98 we had concluded that we had neutralized their nuclear-weapons program. We had confiscated their fissile material. We had destroyed all their key buildings and equipment.” Other news-media failed to pick up Curl’s article. And, even in that article, there was no clear statement that the President had, in fact, lied — cooked up an IAEA ‘report’ that never actually existed. Actually, the IAEA hadn’t even so much as been mentioned in that New York Times article.
Bush had simply lied, and Blair seconded it, and the ‘news’-media stenographically accepted it, and broadcasted their lies to the public, and continued to do so, despite the IAEA’s having denied, as early as September 6th, that they had issued any such “new report” at all. (The IAEA had, apparently, somehow known in advance that someone would soon be saying that the IAEA had issued a report alleging that Iraq was resuming its nuclear program.) Virtually all of the alleged news-media (and not only the NYT) entirely ignored the IAEA’s denial (though it was not merely one bullet, but rapidly fired on four separate occasions, into the wilderness of America’s ‘news’-media) that it had issued any such “report.” All of them were actually only propaganda-media: they hid the fact that George W. Bush was simply lying. Both the U.S. Government and its media were frauds.
The day after that 7 September 2002 unquestioned lie by Bush, saying Iraq was only six months from having a nuclear weapon, and citing the IAEA as his source for that, the New York Times ran their article. It included such hair-raisers as “‘The jewel in the crown is nuclear,’ a senior administration official said. ‘The closer he gets to a nuclear capability, the more credible is his threat to use chemical or biological weapons. Nuclear weapons are his hole card.'” The fake ‘news’ — stenography from the lying Government and its chosen lying sources (in this case anonymous Administration-officials) — came in an incessant stream, from the U.S. Government and its ‘news’ media (such as happened also later, regarding Honduras 2009, Libya 2011, Yemen 2011-, Syria 2011-, Ukraine 2014, and Yemen 2015-). Do the American people never learn — ever — that their Presidents and ‘news’-media) now lie routinely?
Also on Sunday, September 8th, of 2002, the Bush Administration’s big guns were firing off against Iraq from the Sunday ‘news’ shows; and National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice delivered her famous “we don’t want the smoking gun to be a mushroom cloud” statement, which was clearly building upon the lying Bush allegation of the day before, that the International Atomic Energy Agency had just come up with this ominous “Atomic” “new report.”
Then, President Bush himself, on 12 September 2002, addressed the U.N. General Assembly, seeking authorization to invade:
We will work with the U.N. Security Council for the necessary resolutions. But the purposes of the United States should not be doubted. The Security Council resolutions will be enforced — the just demands of peace and security will be met — or action will be unavoidable. And a regime that has lost its legitimacy will also lose its power.
Events can turn in one of two ways: If we fail to act in the face of danger, the people of Iraq will continue to live in brutal submission. The regime will have new power to bully and dominate and conquer its neighbors, condemning the Middle East to more years of bloodshed and fear. The regime will remain unstable — the region will remain unstable, with little hope of freedom, and isolated from the progress of our times. With every step the Iraqi regime takes toward gaining and deploying the most terrible weapons, our own options to confront that regime will narrow. And if an emboldened regime were to supply these weapons to terrorist allies, then the attacks of September the 11th would be a prelude to far greater horrors.
Bush (and Blair) failed to win any authorization to invade, but did it anyway. They should be hung for it. They were atop a bi-national and entirely bipartisan (in each of the two countries) public-deception operation, like had occurred in Germany during Hitler’s time. (Hitler was a boon for the nation’s armaments-makers then, just as America’s Presidents now are for America’s armaments-firms.)
And both of America’s political Parties are controlled by their billionaires, who fund the political careers of the politicians whom those mega-donors want to become s’elected’ by the public to win public offices. For example, whereas George W. Bush lied America into invading and destroying Iraq, Barack Obama and Joe Biden lied America into believing that their coup overthrowing and replacing Ukraine’s democratically elected Government in February 2014 was instead a ‘democratic revolution’ there. It’s so bad that even the progressive Democratic Party site, David Sirota’s “The Daily Poster,” has NEVER exposed anything about that Obama coup and about those Obama-Clinton-Biden lies about Ukraine, and about the U.S. Government’s planned conquest of both Russia and China — the things that might actually produce WW III (in other words: are even more important than what they do report about). In fact, Sirota had the nerve, on 15 February 2022, to post to Vimeo an anti-Republican-Party propaganda video, “The Pundits Who Lied America Into A War”, against the Republican Party’s liars who deceived the American people into invading and destroying Iraq in 2003 — though almost all leading Democrats, including Joe Biden, and Hillary Clinton, had voted in the U.S. Senate for (not against) that lie-based invasion, and though all Democratic-Party ‘news’-media (and not ONLY the Republican-Party ones) unquestioningly transmitted the Bush-Administration’s lies to the American people, against Iraq, in order to fool Americans into supporting the then-upcoming U.S. invasion. That Sirota video entirely ignores the Democratic-Party “Pundits” — such as the Party’s think tank, the Brookings Institution, whose Michael O’Hanlon and Kenneth Pollack, propagandized on TV and elsewhere to invade Iraq (such as in Pollack’s Council on Foreign Relations article, “Invasion the Only Realistic Option to Head Off the Threat from Iraq, Argues Kenneth Pollack in The Threatening Storm” did). Whereas Democrats blame Republicans, and Republicans blame Democrats, it’s the billionaires of BOTH Parties who actually fund all of these lies and liars — and who continue to fund those liars’ careers, and to present them on their ‘news’-media as ‘experts’, to fool the public to okay the trillions of dollars that the U.S. Government pays to those billionaires’ corporations such as Lockheed Martin, to profit from those wars. It’s hypocrisy on top of lying, so as to convey an impression that neoconservatism — U.S. imperialism — is a ‘Republican’ (or else a ‘Democratic’) evil, when it’s ACTUALLY an evil by the billionaires who fund BOTH Parties AND who fund the ‘news’-media, both liberal and conservative, and who profit from those invasions. It’s not just the lies of America’s Presidents; it is the lies that are funded by America’s billionaires, who placed such people as that into Congress and the White House. This regime is an aristocracy, and imperialism is second nature to aristocrats. But an aristocracy is a dictatorship by the very rich — NOT any sort of democracy. This is the type of dictatorship that America now has — NOT a Republican dictatorship, or a Democratic dictatorship, but a dictatorship by the aristocracy, of BOTH Parties. They have made a mockery of their ‘democracy’. Practically everything they do is fake, except the vast harms that they produce.
That’s what led up to America’s invasion of Iraq. Here and here is what led up to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.
So: which is worse?
Were America and UK sanctioned for invading and destroying Iraq on the basis of lies? Should Russia be sanctioned for doing what the U.S. forced it to do in order to protect Russia’s national security?
Investigative historian Eric Zuesse’s new book, AMERICA’S EMPIRE OF EVIL: Hitler’s Posthumous Victory, and Why the Social Sciences Need to Change, is about how America took over the world after World War II in order to enslave it to U.S.-and-allied billionaires. Their cartels extract the world’s wealth by control of not only their ‘news’ media but the social ‘sciences’ — duping the public.
A country which dropped Agent Orange on kids, an atomic bomb on a civilian city, carpet bombed Serbia… that country can not teach others how to behave.
On 2 cities, 2 different nukes. Let’s not forget Libia, Siria, Egipt etc. Not only leveling flat cities in former Yugoslavia but also using uranium core ammunitions that still gives cancers to people around there.
Can’t forget that the Americans killed 20% of the population of North Korea with aerial bombing and the resulting destruction of infrastructure. They also overthrew the government of Indonesia, which resulted in a murder spree taking perhaps a million lives. They killed Lumumba and installed Mobutu, and the chaos in the resource basket of Africa has resulted in millions of violent deaths since. Where I live, we get to hear frequently about the “rules-based order” of the post-war, established by the Americans. The only rule I have seen is “do unto others, then split”.
Lumumba was murdered by belgians.
The USA was also involved, and the UN Secretary General. Read TO KATANGA AND BACK by Conor Ctuise O’Brien
It was a CIA program. The Canadians were in fact crucial to the apprehension and destruction of Lumumba. The Americans use them in Africa because significant numbers of the officers can speak French, useful in the former Belgian and French colonies. Canadians trained the soldiers who overthrew Nkrumah as well. The Canadian military-intelligence complex is owned outright by the Americans. https://yvesengler.com/2016/07/22/the-canadian-peacekeeping-mission-that-killed-an-african-independence-hero/
One and the same gang.
Carpet bombed Serbia? Oh really? And what Serbia if that is true did beforehand? Attacked three or four countries, and worked together with Americans. You serbs are sick!
your monkey brain is sick you terrorist scum owned by yanks – same shit as ukrops
Yes, of course it is. The US conquered iraq in a month. And Russia? Well, you see.
Is that “before” or “after” the 2014 Maidan coup orchestrated under the F-U.K.U.$. supervision that started a program of open genocide in the Eastern “ethnic” Russian half of this Country that lead to Russia’s involvement 8 years later?…
As for the invasion of Iraq and what it’s sponsors in the U.$. and it’s “other partners” http://www.china.org.cn/english/2002/Jan/25776.htm was based on – https://wikispooks.com/wiki/9-11 that had The POTUS and V.P. ultimately saying within 2 years of that Nation’s decimation that it’s leadership “had nothing to di with 9/11″… answers Dr. Suess’s fundamental question rather well!
On the latest news with Russia’s military taking out in the Western half of this Countryin what should have been taken out 8 years ago after The Nudleman “showed up with her cookies” – https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/massive-new-strike-leaves-15-million-ukrainians-without-power-phased-blackouts-kiev
It’s about F-ing time!…
+++KHERSON, October 23. /TASS/. Ukraine’s attacks in the Kherson direction were repelled, the situation is stable, the region’s deputy governor, Kirill Stremousov, said on Sunday. “As of the evening of October 23, 2022, the situation in the Kherson direction is stable. Despite the Nazis’ attempts at breaking through into the Kherson Region’s territory, our troops are rebuffing all attacks. Everything will be all right,” he said in a video address posted on his Telegram channel. +++ I love the fact that he actually always use the word NAZI when referring to the Ukrainian soldiers. A cool and brave governor.
Why is SF posting Zeusse’s articles? There is no eqiuvocating the two campaigns. The failed Ukrainian CIA project is openly acknowledged to be a device used by the US to weaken and potentially dismantle the Russian state. Iraq posed no threat of any kind to the United States. The Americans were bombing Iraq for twelve years, while the Ukrainians conducted and up-and-down ethnic cleansing operation against other Ukrainians who didn’t support the Kiev Klown Kabal, installed by the US. Russia is fighting against the US program to destroy the Russians state, the US was fighting in Iraq to further their efforts at hegemony. The death toll in the failed Ukrainian CIA project is entirely the result of the US and lackeys pumping billions worth of weapons and other military support into the conflict. No such foreing intrigue occurred in Iraq. Zeusse is pure garbage.
A google search for “Kakhovka dam” quickly provides video evidence of Ukraine actively promoting the fact that they were hitting the bridge area of the dam regularly from Aug 10th on. it will also provide evidence of Russia actively repairing the damages from a SAT photo video uploaded Sept 20th time period, by Ukrainan military shills. the video evidence is rapidly being destroyed so as not to implicate ukraine as it promotes its counter narrative to western media. But is still there as of right now.
it’s a ridiculous notion to even pose such a question. What’s the point? The British steered US invasion was the result of the wet dreams of generals and politicians that started wars for the sake of having war. Russia is defending her sovereignty against NATO/Nazi aggression as the same powers to be did in the 1930’s.
Boris Johnson is a wannabe Churchill for some reason, and as Churchill’s mother was a jewess, ergo, Churchill was a jew. Churchill had a fag boyfriend in London, and Churchill buggered little Arab boys on his frequent trips to Casablanca in WW2.
Churchill was a war criminal, mass murderer and a total psycho, no surprise these shitheads still worships him.
Russia tries to defend people from being BURNED ALIVE in mass genocides as March 2, 2014. Search for it. See what Ukraine army did against Russian villages.
May 2, 2014, if to be correct.
If you wanna smoke a big cigar you need a big lighter.
Oil and Gas Hegemony play a big part in both invasions. The Criminal theft of Iraqi and Syrian and Libyan oil and gas reserves is obvious. The Criminal acts of a Nazi Regime to create havoc between Ukraine and Russia are obvious. The sabotage of Nord Stream is obvious. Western greed is the problem. Rothschilds and Rockefellers believe they own all the worlds oil and gas. They will use any criminal means to try to get it. Look at who is just defending what they rightfully OWN.
The big difference is that Russia’s lies were even worse and that they stumbled when entering Ukraine and were beaten at Kiev. The winner writes history.
Why is SF posting Zeusse’s articles? There is no eqiuvocating the two campaigns. The failed Ukrainian CIA project is openly acknowledged to be a device used by the US to weaken and potentially dismantle the Russian state. Iraq posed no threat of any kind to the United States. The Americans were bombing Iraq for twelve years, while the Ukrainians conducted and up-and-down ethnic cleansing operation against other Ukrainians who didn’t support the Kiev Klown Kabal, installed by the US. Russia is fighting against the US program to destroy the Russians state, the US was fighting in Iraq to further their efforts at hegemony. The death toll in the failed Ukrainian CIA project is entirely the result of the US and lackeys pumping billions worth of weapons and other military support into the conflict. No such foreing intrigue occurred in Iraq. Zeusse is pure garbage.
Question the article opens is: Is Russia’s Invasion Of Ukraine Really Worse Than America’s & UK’s Invasion Of Iraq Was?
My answer is: No it isn t. But, if someone rapes 6 let’s say 4 year old kids, and then another one comes and rapes just 3 let’s say 7 year old kids, does that make the last guy become a good guy ? I say: NO ! Execute both of these evil doers !! And that’s also my position on jewish controlled JewSA as well as jew-controlled Russia.
Both countries are imperialist slimes who wish to control the will of their fellow humans!
The latest https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/massive-new-strike-leaves-15-million-ukrainians-without-power-phased-blackouts-kiev
For the sake of information this critical SF. Try harder not to remove 3/4 of the comment section or “other” “unwelcome guest(s)” with your “admin accounts” removing them for you!
Ummm. Not even comparable. There was never any legitimate pretense to invade Iraq, where as Russia has had 8+ years of NATO genocide on its door step. Sometimes I wonder, Putin hasn’t nuked us yet, so he is still giving us a chance to strangle our own puppets, but for how long will this window stay open?
Actually it’s vice versa.
“They should be Hung for it”. So I guess the author should mean that Putin should “be Hung as well.
My “velhos de guerra” comrades, the week started with good news: “🇷🇺🇺🇦⚡️An attempt by fascist Ukrainian troops to break through the defense line was repulsed in the area of the Ingulets River in the Kherson region, the situation is under control – the authorities of the region”. Uff.
They are doing it right there (near Ingulets) every week since the end of spring with almost the same result. Thousands are lost, sometimes whole battalion get destroyed for a day, but zombies keep sending their brainless “meat”.
Talking about US wars in middle east without saying the j word is like trying to explain physics in the univers excluding gravity.
The US & UK Govs are Pirates, marauders, Bandits, that steal kill & destroy like satan.
I posted a similar comment about Criminal Rothchilds and Rockefellers Oil and Gas Hegemony, and it was deleted. Go figure . . .
Now, to say something about some medium-long range murican’s strategy as I usual did under another nickname cause SF deleted my post in bulk only viewing the name and not reading the content and in disregard of my antifascist and anti ameriscum neo-imperialist position. Too bad. Till now I was more than 90% true with our military academy in almost all war aspects and thus let’s make this percentage higher. So let’s begin. 1. Shoigu yesterday spoke with the anglo-zionazi and transtlantic mother of lies and deceptions about the dirty nuclear bomb which the ukroshits want to get and arrange some scams as usual. There was not only intelligence stuff but also a strong threat directly for the kikejoos in Israel. Shoigu specifically told them if they somehow support the Kiev cocainomaniacs with that so will do Russia with the historical enemies of Israel, like Iran, Palestine, etc and the most important, they will provide full support to the IRGC to develop fully strategic working nukes in no more than 1 year from now. So, I think, after that message you will not see any Ze faggot nazi false flag operation like the banderist garbage might want. 2. Russia fully restored the initiative in terms of geo-military issues. And here I mention the joint belarus-russian operation north of Kiev. Not only there the mobilized troops are training alongside with the belarus but also are preparing for a second Kiev enveloping, now with much better plans. Now the target will be another fake Kiev goal but a real Lvov blitzkrieg, with the slogan ‘strike fast, destroy and retreat fast’. That would be a pincer movement and will plunge ukraps into total disarray because they will need to transfer fast troops from south to north. Anyway that is only a plan B situation aiming to fix fascist forces in the north when the russians will strike for real in the south, specifically Nikolaev. Also, there will be some 25.000-40.000 belarusian volunteers in the russian ranks, which will raise the total number to over 60.000 there. That’s the real reason of the screaming nazi dog of Kiev for another mobilization. They smell that and know they are fucked if another assault will take place there. 3. Russias don’t have Odessa as a target, and never was, but Nikolaev yes, it is.But only for negociations ‘era’ where they must have strong trump cards to play for the entire south. Nikolaev is one of them. And probably Odessa will be if Nikolaev will fall relative easily and more trump cards are needed, and somehow the decision center in MoD want to land lock entire south of banderistan. 4. JUSA scumbags aren’t fools. They know that and, as the all time murican pattern all over the world showed us, in case of the no.3 scenario, they must secure a buffer zone inside ukropizdan just like they done in Syria for wahhabies. So, they need to be 1 step more rapid than the russians and that’s possible in the south. So, they place the 101 airborne division as closest as possible to Odessa, in Romania. They’re light infantry tough but highly mobile, which is very desired. In any suspicion they will occupy Odessa and thus russians will be blocked. They will be not able to approach Odessa because they don’t want to attack JUSA pussies; do you remind this model in Syria ? Off course you do ! 5. More and more pronazi speakers in Pentashit are saying about Kukraine don’t have any further ‘technik’ aids because all eurotrash and ameriscum ‘import-transport’ ones are depleted and realignment of ukrotard army to NATO standards isn’t possible. The best prediction is that nazi Kukraine have only war materials for a max of 3-4 month to go so peace talkings will start soon.
I have just listened that 50.000 belarussian troops are going inside ukraine now. I wait for confirmation.
Now, to say something about some medium-long range murican’s strategy as I usual did under another nickname cause SF deleted my post in bulk only viewing the name and not reading the content and in disregard of my antifascist and anti ameriscum neo-imperialist ideas. Too bad. Till now I was more than 90% true with our military academy in almost all war aspects and thus let’s make this percentage higher. So let’s begin. 1. Shoigu yesterday spoke with the anglo-zionazi and transtlantic mother of lies and deceptions about the dirty nuclear bomb which the ukroshits want to get and arrange some scams as usual. There was not only intelligence stuff but also a strong threat directly for the kikejoos in Israel. Shoigu specifically told them if they somehow support the Kiev cocainomaniacs with that so will do Russia with the historical enemies of Israel, like Iran, Palestine, etc and the most important, they will provide full support to the IRGC to develop fully strategic working nukes in no more than 1 year from now. So, I think, after that message you will not see any Ze faggot nazi false flag operation like the banderist garbage might want. 2. Russia fully restored the initiative in terms of geo-military issues. And here I mention the joint belarus-russian operation north of Kiev. Not only there the mobilized troops are training alongside with the belarus but also are preparing for a second Kiev enveloping, now with much better plans. Now the target will be another fake Kiev goal but a real Lvov blitzkrieg, with the slogan ‘strike fast, destroy and retreat fast’. That would be a pincer movement and will plunge ukraps into total disarray because they will need to transfer fast troops from south to north. Anyway that is only a plan B situation aiming to fix fascist forces in the north when the russians will strike for real in the south, specifically Nikolaev. Also, there will be some 25.000-40.000 belarusian volunteers in the russian ranks, which will raise the total number to over 60.000 there. That’s the real reason of the screaming nazi dog of Kiev for another mobilization. They smell that and know they are fucked if another assault will take place there. 3. Russias don’t have Odessa as a target, and never was, but Nikolaev yes, it is.But only for negociations ‘era’ where they must have strong trump cards to play for the entire south. Nikolaev is one of them. And probably Odessa will be if Nikolaev will fall relative easily and more trump cards are needed, and somehow the decision center in MoD want to land lock entire south of banderistan. 4. JUSA scumbags aren’t fools. They know that and, as the all time murican pattern all over the world showed us, in case of the no.3 scenario, they must secure a buffer zone inside ukropizdan just like they done in Syria for wahhabies. So, they need to be 1 step more rapid than the russians and that’s possible in the south. So, they place the 101 airborne division as closest as possible to Odessa, in Romania. They light infantry tough but highly mobile, which is very desired. In any suspicion they will occupy Odessa and thus russians will be blocked. They will be not able to approach Odessa because they don’t want to attack JUSA pussies; do you remind this model in Syria ? Off course you do ! 5. More and more pronazi speakers in Pentashit are saying about Kukraine don’t have any further ‘technik’ aids because all eurotrash and ameriscum ones are depleted and realignment of ukrotard army to NATO standards isn’t possible. The best prediction is that nazi Kukraine have only war materials for a max of 3-4 month to go
Whataboutism and trolling. Russia is so full of blatant lies and propaganda.