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Is Second Battle For Greater Idlib Near?

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Is Second Battle For Greater Idlib Near?

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On December 4 and 5, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) deployed fresh reinforcements around the northwestern region of Greater Idlib where several terrorist groups roam free right under the eyes of Turkish forces.

The reinforcements, which included personnel and equipment, were deployed in the al-Ghab Plains in the northwestern Hama countryside, according the London-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights and other sources.

“Military vehicles carrying large military and logistical supplies and soldier were seen arriving in al-Amaqiyyah and Tanjarah in al-Ghab Plains,” the monitoring group said in report.

The deployment of the reinforcements coincided with intense SAA artillery strikes on militant positions near the towns of Kansafra, Al-Bara, Al-Fterah, Sfuhen, Fulayfel and Bayanin, all located in the al-Zawiyah Mount in Idlib’s southern countryside.

Greater Idlib is currently dominated by a coalition of al-Qaeda-linked factions and Turkish-backed groups led by Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham.

Two days ago, the Turkish Armed Forces deployed large reinforcements in Greater Idlib, where they maintain more than 60 military positions.

The military buildup in Greater Idlib may be a sign of a near battle in the region. Exactly nine months ago, a fierce battle in the region ended with a Russian-Turkish de-escalation agreement. Ankara has not honored its commitments under the agreement, thus far.


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What’s taking so long ?

Smash the turkeys so their feathers are plucked clean …. hello?

Make My Day!

Jens Holm

You will remain in dark for some time or forever. You dont see how weak Assads are. PropaGandalf put sand in Your eyes too.


Russia will be more assertive in having SAA push the Turks out from idlib.


No they will assert to rid the pro lgbt deep state fraternity of cia/franfurt aka isis why? Because they are worthless fascist shills of incests,where as heterosexuals can respect prosperity,to all you wannabe debted units on the hato narrative,eat sht,gulan teorrists to go!

Jens Holm

never heard before. contact fox and cnn

Kenny Jones ™

If Russia just closes the air, everything will be possible, even further than the border..


I tend to believe when there are enemies its best to help one rid the others or else=quagmire!

Servet Köseoğlu

When Syria will be dissolved and new states emerge in the former Syria,Ebu Muhammed Colani a fierce warrior, skilled in battle, unrelenting in combat also true diplomat and good-looking man with perfect proportions will be the Ultimate king of Aleppo reloaded..xD https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/f6963a271de24a0f6d97f1af318d026d7c9afac04d109bda3a5c7221c67199fb.jpg

Servet Köseoğlu

Antep and Aleppo are twin cities of former Ottoman territory… After bloody 1916 Sykes-Picot agreement,these two beatiful cities were seperated..A Turkish pasha returning from campaign against Brits and frenchs told to a 10 year Turkish boy:.Antep is Gazi(Veteran) now it gained its independence but Aleppo(şehit) martyred..Thats why Turks calls Gaziantep -ŞehitHalep..


And this is why so many countries hate Turkey, you want everyone else’s territory. No one in Aleppo wants to be ruled by Ankara.

Servet Köseoğlu

is it too hard to understand that ı was trolling,mocking..please…

Jens Holm

Its very difficult for normal people in the Region. So many also dot want Assads.

I many times has asked forproposals for something else. There never is an answer.

I mainly has proposed to regain 3 small states named as Aleppo, Raqqa and Diabykir being kind of own emirates and taken from both sides of the Turkish and Syria/Ira borders.

…And the of course share the oil money by inhabitats giving childre half for education.

I haveproposed about the same for Libya. Here everything seemes to be about oilmoney. They should be 2 Syúltanates again and maybee an third one in south as well.

Lone Ranger

It will never happen. Not as long Russia and Iran is around.

Servet Köseoğlu


Lone Ranger



Get off the acid clown.

Jens Holm

Its a classic for many and me too.


Time to wake up to reality. :0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pUdhaDCvPWY


Great band in the day.

Jens Holm

I allow me to add this:



And a happy new year. :) https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/b92d711587883317d49f481113f7a8929ef9f6f945d5b36b21f170db3987c30a.jpg

Jens Holm


Jens Holm

No way. Men in Syria has had their chances for centuries and has not done well.

Some YPG vomen will take over and probatly one from Ain Isa.

The first will be to give the vomen and children all weapons and let them shoot anyone they want.

Next only men with peacefull genetics wil be kept alive as donators for a better future. And any future is better, then it is now.

Jens Holm

Haha Hesbollah is no Lebanon and are no able to take anything i´n Syria for real.

There are no reasond for anything like Uran/Irak apart from one. Thats opening the pipeline, but if they do, they sell oil and fuel to their enemies – haha.

Hesbollah supporting west. Well, most people there already use dollars because lira is not meoney anymore. Maybee Turkish lira can be for Syria.

Well its alright to make hopes for the future ut not all come through at the same time or ever:)

Jens Holm

You trust Trump more then the rest of the world, so why dont You elect him as a President. We hardly rely in anything he does makes no sense.

More believe in father Christmas.

Jens Holm

I dont write to You. This is no dating site. I write so others can see not all are barking mad.

You have readers besides me…

Jens Holm

Those are not my words at all.

Jens Holm

It seemes to be part of Your cultureor lack of same..

Lone Ranger

Hope CIA and Mossadisis brought their own bodybags…


Bag and tag the scum.


Many of us said what would happen when the SAA offensive was halted months ago,more terror more dead Syrian soldiers and more Turkish and terrorist bunkers and weapons,now it will be harder to smash them,but smashed they must be.

John Brown

Every day Turkey’s military and economy get weaker. They just used up a lot of their equipment in Armenia.

Soon there will be new USSA and EU sanctions to further cripple the Turkish economy and military. Why attack now?

Soon Turkey will be begging for Russian and Chinese economic and military support. Did you see Erdogan beg and roll over for China in his last visit there a few months ago?

As Sun Su says:

He will win who knows when to fight and when not to fight.

He will win who knows how to handle both superior and inferior forces.

He will win whose army is animated by the same spirit throughout all its ranks.

He will win who, prepared himself, waits to take the enemy unprepared


lots of movement and prep lately.

Assad must stay

If it is i hope putin does not keep allowing for ceasefires and bullshit just let SAA roll thru!


Idlib now belongs to Turkey, this is the sad truth, the war in Syria is over

Jens Holm

Many things can happen.

Bill Wilson

Seems to me that Damascus wants to eliminate that SW salient to recapture some prime agricultural land and full grain silos. That offensive will give them an opportunity to see where the extremists transfer resources to that sector which may provide the SAA to advance in other areas.

klove and light

Sorry SF , but one of the most stupidiest aricles………

1. as you yourself have pointed out in a GREAT article concearning the Karabah war…the new modern warfare with drones as seen in dozens of SF posted videos………TURKEY…..turkey, sadly to write, is one of the nationes with a very sofisticated drone warfare program…tested now twice with great success……idlib 1.0 and the recent karabah war. Any direct open conflict NOW (they had a window of opportunity SAA before turkey invaded afrin and pushed into idlib) between SAA and TAF, will lead to the fall of the assad regime.period.I hate the turks but lets say it as it is. War..turkey against syria..and assad will fall.period.

THIS sentence explains it all. Plain and simple, straight forward.

2. ONly a madman who has lost all his senses or a treacherous zionist pig, could come up with the idea that an turkish invasion of syria would benefit the current assad regime.

PUTIN is a treachrous zionist pig! period.

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