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Is the Gaza-Israel Fighting “A False Flag”? They Let it Happen? Their Objective Is “to Wipe Gaza Off the Map”?

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Is the Gaza-Israel Fighting “A False Flag”? They Let it Happen? Their Objective Is “to Wipe Gaza Off the Map”?

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Update on October 14, 2023

It’s Genocide, An Absolute Slaughter. They are “Wiping Gaza Off the Map”  

‘[Israel’s military] said it would soon begin launching a widespread offensive in northern Gaza – a warning that comes about a day after Israel ordered roughly a million civilians to flee the area.

The sealed-off territory ruled by Hamas was in turmoil on Saturday amid the sweeping evacuation order that covered about half of Gaza’s population. Gaza also faces a growing water crisis as Palestinians were struggling to evacuate northern Gaza by foot, car and donkey cart.

Humanitarian groups said the evacuees had nowhere to go. The other way of leaving Gaza, into Egypt, appeared to be sealed as well, amid confusion over whether the neighboring country would allow anyone to exit Gaza.

An offensive even more powerful than Israel’s previous shelling of Gaza appeared imminent. “We are going to attack Gaza City very broadly soon,” Israel’s chief military spokesman, Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari, said in a nationally broadcast address, without giving a timetable for the attack.” (AOL.com, October 14, 2023)

Video (click Watch on Youtube)  (Note: Google is preventing people from viewing?) 


Written by Prof Michel Chossudovsky. Originally published in GlobalResearch


Early Saturday October 7, 2023, Hamas launched “Operation Al-Aqsa Storm” led by Hamas’ Military Chief Mohammed Deif. On that same day, Netanyahu confirmed a so-called “State of Readiness For War”.  

Military operations are invariably planned well in advance (See Netanyahu’s January 2023 statement below). Was “Operation Al-Aqsa Storm” a “surprise attack” ?

U.S. intelligence say they weren’t aware of an impending Hamas attack.

“One would have to be almost hopelessly naïve to buy the corporate state media line that the Hamas invasion  was an Israeli “intelligence failure”. Mossad is one of, if not the, most powerful intelligence agencies on the planet.”

Did Netanyahu and his vast military and intelligence apparatus (Mossad et al) have foreknowledge of the Hamas attack which has resulted in countless deaths of Israelis and Palestinians.

Was a carefully formulated Israeli plan to wage an all out war against Palestinians envisaged prior to the launching by Hamas of  “Operation Al-Aqsa Storm”? This was not a failure of Israeli Intelligence, as conveyed by the media. Quite the opposite.

Evidence and testimonies suggest that the Netanyahu government had foreknowledge of the actions of Hamas which have resulted in hundreds of Israeli and Palestinian deaths. And “They Let it Happen”:

“Hamas fired between 2-5 thousand rockets at Israel and hundreds of Israeli are dead, while dozens of Israelis were captured as prisoners of war. In the ensuing air response by Israel, hundreds of Palestinians were killed in Gaza.” (Stephen Sahiounie)

Following the Al Aqsa Storm Operation on October 7, Israel‘s defence minister described Palestinians as “human animals” and vowed to “act accordingly,” as fighter jets unleashed a massive bombing of the Gaza Strip home of 2.3 million Palestinians…” (Middle East Eye). A complete blockade on the Gaza Strip was initiated on October 9, 2023 consisting in   blocking and obstructing the importation of food, water, fuel, and essential commodities to 2.3 Million Palestinians. It’s an outright crime against humanity. It’s genocide.

It is worth noting, that Netanyahu’s military actions are not targeting HAMAS, quite the opposite: he is targeting 2.3 million innocent Palestinian civilians, in blatant violation of the Four Basic Principles of  The Law of Armed Conflict (LOAC)

“….respect for and protection of the civilian population and civilian objects [schools, hospitals and residential areas], the Parties to the conflict shall at all times distinguish between the civilian population and combatants and between civilian objects and military objectives and accordingly shall direct their operations only against military objectives.” [Additional Protocol 1, Article 48]

Ironically, according to Scott Ritter, Hamas’ has acquired U.S. weapons in Ukraine.

This was not a “surprise attack”

Was the Hamas Attack a “False Flag”? 

“I served in the IDF 25 years ago, in the intelligence forces. There’s no way Israel did not know of what’s coming.

A cat moving alongside the fence is triggering all forces. So this??

What happened to the “strongest army in the world”?

How come border crossings were wide open?? Something is VERY WRONG HERE, something is very strange, this chain of events is very unusual and not typical for the Israeli defense system.

To me this surprise attack seems like a planned operation. On all fronts. 

If I was a conspiracy theorist I would say that this feels like the work of the Deep State.

It feels like the people of Israel and the people of Palestine have been sold, once again, to the higher powers that be. 

(Statement by Efrat Fenigson, former IDF intelligence,  October 7, 2023, emphasis added)

Ironically, the media (NBC) is now contending that the “Hamas attack bears hallmarks of Iranian involvement”

History: The Relationship between Mossad and Hamas

What is the relationship between Mossad and Hamas? Is Hamas an “intelligence asset”? There is a long history.

Hamas (Harakat al-Muqawama al-Islamiyya) (Islamic Resistance Movement), was founded in 1987 by Sheik Ahmed Yassin. It was supported at the outset by Israeli intelligence as a means to weaken the Palestinian Authority:

“Thanks to Mossad, (Israel’s “Institute for Intelligence and Special Tasks”), Hamas was allowed to reinforce its presence in the occupied territories. Meanwhile, Arafat’s Fatah Movement for National Liberation as well as the Palestinian Left were subjected to the most brutal form of repression and intimidation.

Let us not forget that it was Israel, which in fact created Hamas. According to Zeev Sternell, historian at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, “Israel thought that it was a smart ploy to push the Islamists against the Palestinian Liberation Organisation (PLO)”. (L’Humanité, translated from French)

The links of Hamas to Mossad and US intelligence have been acknowledged by Rep. Ron Paul in a statement to the U.S Congress: “Hamas Was Started by Israel”?

“You know Hamas, if you look at the history, you’ll find out that Hamas was encouraged and really started by Israel because they wanted Hamas to counteract Yasser Arafat… (Rep. Ron Paul, 2011)

What this statement entails is that Hamas is and remains “an intelligence asset”, namely “an “asset” to intelligence agencies”

See also the WSJ (January 24, 2009) “How Israel helped to Spawn Hamas”. 

Instead of trying to curb Gaza’s Islamists from the outset, says Mr. Cohen, Israel for years tolerated and, in some cases, encouraged them as a counterweight to the secular nationalists of the Palestine Liberation Organization and its dominant faction, Yasser Arafat’s Fatah. (WSJ, emphasis added)

“The Cat is Out of the Bag”

“Anyone who wants to thwart the establishment of a Palestinian state has to support bolstering Hamas and transferring money to Hamas,” he [Netanyahu] told a meeting of his Likud party’s Knesset members in March 2019. “This is part of our strategy – to isolate the Palestinians in Gaza from the Palestinians in the West Bank.” (Haaretz, October 9, 2023, emphasis added)

Does this statement not suggest that Netanyahu and his military-intelligence apparatus are responsible for the killings of innocent Israeli civilians? 

The Dangers of Military Escalation?

Let us be under no illusions, this “false flag” operation is a complex military-intelligence undertaking, carefully planned over several years, in liaison and  coordination with US intelligence, the Pentagon and NATO.

In turn, this action against Palestine is already conducive to a process of military escalation which potentially could engulf a large part of Middle East.

Israel is a de facto member NATO (with a special status) since 2004, involving active military and intelligence coordination as well as consultations pertaining to the occupied territories.

Military cooperation with both the Pentagon and NATO is viewed by Israel’s Defence Force (IDF) as a means to “enhance Israel’s deterrence capability regarding potential enemies threatening it, mainly Iran and Syria.”

The premise of NATO-Israel military cooperation is that “Israel is under attack”. Does Israel’s agreement with the Atlantic Alliance “obligate” NATO “to come to the rescue of Israel” under the doctrine of “collective security” (Article 5 of the Washington treaty)?

In recent developments, U.S. military deployments in the Middle East are ongoing allegedly to avoid escalation.

According to NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg:

There is always the risk that nations and/or organisations hostile to Israel will take try to take advantage. And that includes, for instance, organisations like Hezbollah or a country like Iran. So this is a message to countries and organisations hostile to Israel that they should not try to utilise the situation. And the United States have deployed, or has deployed more military forces in the region, not least to deter any escalation or prevent any escalation of the situation. (NATO Press Conference, Brussels, October 12, 2023, emphasis added)

Netanyahu’s “New Stage”

“The Long War” against Palestine

Netanyahu’s stated objective, which constitutes a new stage in the 75 year old war (since Nakba, 1948) against the people of Palestine is no longer predicated on “Apartheid” or “Separation”. This new stage –which is also directed against Israelis who want peace— consists in “total appropriation” as well as the outright exclusion of the Palestinian people from their homeland:

“These are the basic lines of the national government headed by me [Netanyahu]: The Jewish people have an exclusive and unquestionable right to all areas of the Land of Israel. The government will promote and develop settlement in all parts of the Land of Israel — in the Galilee, the Negev, the Golan, Judea and Samaria.” (Netanyahu January 2023. emphasis added)

We bring to the attention of our readers the incisive analysis of  Dr. Philip Giraldi pointing to the likelihood of a “False Flag’”. 

Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research, October 8, 2023, Above text updated on October 12, 2023

Is the Gaza-Israel Fighting “A False Flag”? They Let it Happen? Their Objective Is “to Wipe Gaza Off the Map”?

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Is the Gaza-Israel Fighting “A False Flag”?

They Let it Happen?

Their Objective Is “to Wipe Gaza Off the Map”?

Written by Dr. Philip Giraldi on October 8, 2023

Am I the only one who read about a speech given by Netanyahu or someone in his cabinet about a week ago in which he/they in passing referred to a “developing security situation” which rather suggests (to me) that they might have known about developments in Gaza and chose to let it happen so they can wipe Gaza off the map in retaliation and, possibly relying on the US pledge to have Israel’s “back,” then implicating Iran and attacking that country.

I cannot find a link to it, but have a fairly strong recollection of what I read as I thought at the time it would serve as a pretext for another massacre of Palestinians.

As a former intelligence officer, I find it impossible to believe that Israel did not have multiple informants inside Gaza as well as electronic listening devices all along the border wall which would have picked up movements of groups and vehicles.

In other words, the whole thing might be a tissue of lies as is often the case.

And as is also ALWAYS the case Joe Biden is preparing to send some billions of dollars to poor little Israel to pay for “defending” itself.

Philip M. Giraldi, Ph.D., is Executive Director of the Council for the National Interest, a 501(c)3 tax deductible educational foundation (Federal ID Number #52-1739023) that seeks a more interests-based U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East. Website is councilforthenationalinterest.org, address is P.O. Box 2157, Purcellville VA 20134 and its email is inform@cnionline.org.

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sounds like they dropped the ball. i don’t subscribe to the conspiracy theory. because they have failed in many other theaters militarily. including their failed isis proxy project. they’re not some kind of all powerful, all knowing, omni present entity like some people suggest.

G. Saviano

i agree. they also misrepresented the efficiency of the iron dome. they advertised something like 90% efficiency rate but it is no where near that. same with the patriot. mbs found out the hard way vs yemeni houthis that they oversell (& misrepresent) their military capabilities for the purposes of threat deterrence and procurement of military contracts, both.

Last edited 1 year ago by G. Saviano
Zionism Is Terrorism

most of it is propaganda.

if they had this much power, they would have already fully annexed gaza and the west bank.


>if they had this much power, they would have already fully annexed gaza and the west bank.

theyre doing it right now. theyve already captured the entire world, you think a small patch of land is going to stop them?

fact that in 2023 theres still people out there who cant recognize an obvious false flag is proof we are going in circles.


they tried to annex part of syria using isis, pkk/kurds and other syrian separatist militias hence the decade long war. in fact they are still trying but russia and iran put a stop to that. but they have still succeeded in ethnic cleaning when you think of all the idiots that we were forced to kill. the us is still there against international law, stealing 65k+ barres of oil p/d


really? then you don’t know much about how real military heros operate; after their allies die on the battle field, the poor victims emerge from the fake death camps and take over the world, or some version of it, ever since the birth of civilization.


f bune observatiile


nobody wants to live with those neanderthals. so funny.


i do, i do, i do

G. Saviano

the disproportionality is too great either way. if they were seeking to legitimize the ethnic cleansing of hundreds of thousands, the displacement of a million+, how do you reconcile the difference between the hamas attack and the idf response to wipe them off the map? you cant.


why cant you? ukraine killed 15x more civilians than israel did just now and yet the world is completely fine with it. israel could declare war on palestine as well as the entire middle east and africa and the west would cheer it on like they always do, so long as cnn says theyre the good guys ofc.


take a good look at the lead photo. used car salesman anyone?


“what happened to the “strongest army in the world”

simple, zionist pigs ran out of adult diapers, end game…


the idf social media popped up a fw days before the attack/ they knew something was going down after the police station fire in the sinai and acadmy attack in syria.

unkle eye for an eye

christian reinhard

at least that goa party story is complete hoax if u watch the few snippets closely


false flag or not, they’re committing mass ethnic cleansing on an epic scale. and the entire west is supporting it. they’re literally enabling it. all the bullshyt about human rights is all fake!


what else is new. the usa and its proxies have been at war non stop since its inception. centuries worth of carnage and not so much as a squeak from the population.

bert didddle

i beleice it was 100% false flag. too many convenient factors. you don’t prepare that well and no one finds out. the thing is, the palestinians are weaker than ever. seem sthat most palestinians are no in europe. what usually happens is the palestinians regrow, the children grow up and become militant, but now there are more options and going forward they will probably give up on the palestinian state and opt for easy living in europe.


the problem with your thniking is that you’re vastly underestimating them. you say “you dont prepare that well” which is kind of racist maybe on a subconscious level. they have pushed this people to the brink of extinction — they are hellbent on revenge. another example is the taliban and how they surprised cerntcom & socom at every turn, arabs and west asians are formidable fighters– never forget.


100% true. in sha allah this to wake up the muslims


the only thing they prepared for is to give israel a pretext to invade the strip. i am not going to try and explain to you why that is detrimental to the palestinians because if you cant figure out the basics then there is little to talk about.

Last edited 1 year ago by Sunny

my guess is that the usa will use gaza as a sort d-day invasion of the entire middle east, until they reach the border of china, and thence pull another defenseless ukrainian, “we were just minding are own business”, cry baby ploy. worked great to start our civil war.


interesting article on israelnationalnews right now on how incompetent and unprofessional their officials are when they call for genocide on tv broadcasts for the whole world to see:

its absolutely ironic in that they continue the same type of sociopathic rhetoric — without realizing it in a freudian slip.

Last edited 1 year ago by Verstappen

that said, these people are incompetent make no mistake about it. the idf does have strong capabilities but they suffer incompetence at the same time.

The tired old Ziological fable

sociopathy is baked right into the yiddish gene pool


the article is:

ben-dror yemini: ‘this is how israel should explain itself’

The tired old Ziological fable

iran is weeks away from a nuclear bomb i tells ya, we heard this since the 1990s lolololo


hello boys

azz viper

good. first wipe your jewish azzes with it and then wipe it off the mappo!

John Tosh

question i was asked: “why is russia a christian country lead by president putin a christian not support israel against palestine?”

answer: what you call israel now is not the biblical israel we all know. this new israel was created by britain the us and the use of arms. this is the israel that would cease to exist. after this israel is gone, one would be created by divine power which would show the power of god.

John Tosh

the change would occur after israel is almost wiped off the map. people will glorify god for bringing the real biblical israel back to life. the new israel will recognize jesus christ as the messiah…. this is the difference. this only occurs after this human created weapons supported power is gone and no more


jüdische religionserfindungen!


alles vom jordan her

Low Hung Testicle

this is true and also not so true. there is no such nation as israel until the messiah appears and the messiah has not come yet for the jews hence the nation israel has not been created in the jews mind.

however the jew is evil and knows they have executed the messiah so the nation of israel was created but since taken away.

the jew is now just a filthy diseased rat who has no home anymore. they are ferals that need to be destroyed


gleich 2 trägerverbände – das riecht nach einem syrienplot


there was a good article on japan times about how hamas penetrated israel. it made me even more sure that israel allowed it. then a few days ago on presstv it said israelites were trading info for dope. on top of that theyre trying to get usa to war with iran plus, didnt hamas say for each time they didnt warn them prior to bombing in residential homes a hostage would be killed? they bombed. didnt warn the woman and kiddies. israel phycopathic.


as in be killed. or was it i’ll kill


the arabs and west asians were tough and experienced warriors. moreover they have been fighting since 9/11, if all the islamic militant groups united they could conquer all of europe and israel.


yet another conspiracy theory. haha, when you sit at your safe cave, you can image everything; even you can eat by your ass, and defecate by your mouth.


do not listen to idiots. the back question is if this is a real false flag, what happens if some arabian powers like iran could have leveraged this attack?

Al Qassam

iran is not an arabian power and even they were caught surprised by the attck of al qassam


ask one question: how could the us manage to send more carrier strike groups into the mediterranean, without triggering a responsive reaction from russia? aha, we have israel!


wrong title on the article, they don’t want “to wipe the gaza of the map” what they want/wish to do is ” to wipe the palestinian of the gaza”


das nebenbei, aber es geht gegen russland


the limited hamas attack alone was useless and a mistake, because as we see now, the zios take the opportunity to kill and drive out hundrets of thousands palestinians and to grab more of theyr land. the attack would make much more sense and effect if much more than only 1000 hamas fighter would be involved and also supported by dual attacs from hisbolla, westbank fighters and shia militias direction golan.

Last edited 1 year ago by TomB.

alles so geplant!

WT Baker

netanyahou is the stooge here. he is being used by financial oligarchs as the pin of the grenade. they know he is crazy and will kill everyone, but why? to destroy not only gaza but the brics and it’s mission to end war with building major infrastructure projects. the bankrupt “democratic west” will never admit their system is over. even after this so called “israeli-hamas war” is however over expect another provocation somewhere else

Last edited 1 year ago by WT Baker
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