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Is This Germany’s Way To Repeat Hitler’s ‘Operation Barbarossa’?

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Is This Germany's Way To Repeat Hitler's 'Operation Barbarossa'?

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Written by Eric Zuesse.

A report from Carl J. Burckhardt, High Commissioner of the League of Nations, on his meeting with Adolf Hitler on August 11, 1939, quoted Hitler as saying to him, “Everything I undertake is directed against Russia. … I need the Ukraine, and with that no one can starve us out.”

Hitler’s 1925 book Mein Kampf said that “If land was desired in Europe, it could be obtained by and large only at the expense of Russia, and this meant that the new Reich must again set itself on the march along the road of the Teutonic Knights of old, to obtain by the German sword sod for the German plow and daily bread for the nation.” In the light of what he later said to Burckhardt, a large portion of that “daily bread for the nation” was to be coming from Ukraine. He was determined to conquer both countries.

Hitler’s 1928 Second Book said:

“If the importance of the American Union thus lay in the size of the population alone, or else in the size of the territory, or in the relation in which this territory stands to the size of the population, then Russia would be at least as dangerous for Europe. … It would never occur to anybody to fear a Russian hegemony over the world for this reason. No such inner value is attached to the number of the Russian people, so that this number could become a danger for the freedom of the world. At least never in the sense of an economic and power political rule of the other parts of the globe, but at best in the sense of an inundation of disease bacilli which at the moment have their focus in Russia.”

So: he regarded “the Russian people” as a threat only because of their “disease bacilli.”

To him, Russians were an inferior people, who deserved to be slaves of Germans, if not to be killed and replaced by Germans (and he did have that in mind for his “Lebensraum”). In some ways, he placed Russians even inferior to Jews:

“Presentday Russia or, better said, presentday Slavdom of Russian nationality, has received as master the Jew, who first eliminated the former upper stratum, and now must prove his own Stateforming power. In view of the endowment of Jewry, which after all is only destructive, it will operate even here only as the historical ferment of decomposition.” And this: “It is a quite understandable process if Jewry has taken over the leadership of all areas of Russian life with the Bolshevik revolution, since by itself and out of itself Slavdom is altogether lacking in any organising ability and thereby also in any Stateforming and Statepreserving power. Take away all the elements which are not purely Slavic from Slavdom, and it will immediately succumb to disintegration as a State.”

So: his contempt for Russians was extreme, even apart from his contempt for Jews. But who defeated Hitler? Was it the Americans (whom he considered to be the strongest Folk and his biggest fear)? No. Was it the Jews (whom he considered the most toxic and (as indicated in his private notes in September 1919 when he decided to enter politics) possessed by — descended from — Satan himself? No. It was instead the Russians, who defeated Hitler. That defeat added insult to injury, and he then, right before he killed himself, wrote out a final note to the German people, which closed by saying that “before everything else I call upon the leadership of the nation and those who follow it to observe the racial laws most carefully, to fight mercilessly against the poisoners of all the peoples of the world, international Jewry.” By “racial laws” and “international Jewry” he was obliquely referring to the extermination-program, which was against “Jews” in all countries. So, that was his top target, even more than Russians.

He made it clear in his Second Book, that he considered Americans the most formidable, other than his own pureblooded “Aryans” (supposedly descended 100% from Adam and Eve in Paradise but then became poisoned by Satan and his descendants, the Jews, as he viewed this in 1919).

His “Operation Barbarossa” against Russia failed and produced Germany’s defeat in WW II.

Today, Germany’s Foreign Minister, Annalena Baerbock, said when addressing the Council of Europe in Strasburg France on 24 January 2023: “We are fighting a war against Russia.” Today’s Germany wants to succeed at conquering Russia — to succeed at this intention, which had been big enough for Hitler to have risked his entire War in order to achieve it, but then lost that war. Baerbock, whose Germany now has 231 U.S. military bases, is passionate to win it this time.

Back on 25 April 2021, Deutsche Welle headlined “Germany: Greens’ Annalena Baerbock urges hard line on Russia, China”, and reported that “The Greens chancellor candidate for the upcoming federal elections has said she wants a tougher stance from Germany to address Russian aggression in Ukraine and China’s global ambitions.” That was said even before Russia, on 17 December 2021, issued to both the U.S. and NATO, a demand that Ukraine, which has the nearest border to The Kremlin that any nation does, must be excluded from having any possibility to post U.S. missiles there, just five minutes of missile-flying time away from blitz-decapitating Russia’s central command. America and its NATO contemptuously said no to that reasonable demand, but DW calls Russia’s response to that”no,” which response to it was the invasion of Ukraine, “aggression,” instead of “defense.” (And they were calling it “aggression” even before Russia even invaded.)

It was and is defense, against the planned U.S.-German repeat of Operation Barbarossa. Baerbock is a spearhead of today’s America having taken up Hitler’s goal of world-conquest. The difference this time is that America instead of Germany is leading it. And, unlike Hitler, who hated Jews even more than he hated Russians, America’s regime isn’t targeting Jews at all. America’s regime just wants to control the entire world.


Investigative historian Eric Zuesse’s new book, AMERICA’S EMPIRE OF EVIL: Hitler’s Posthumous Victory, and Why the Social Sciences Need to Change, is about how America took over the world after World War II in order to enslave it to U.S.-and-allied billionaires. Their cartels extract the world’s wealth by control of not only their ‘news’ media but the social ‘sciences’ — duping the public.


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look up h’s relations with russian orthodox church and russian emigres.

with his books he unlocked investors. it’s geopolitics. he wanted grain after the uk starved/ killed with blockade. and germany only had synthetic fuel. the uk had destroyed baghdad railway plans.

control of russia gave hope. but germany lost, so it has nothing. bareback would love resource power, if only to turn it off to deindustrialize the world.

Last edited 1 year ago by Hmmm
Jenny Homo

i’m here again jenny homo and i must confess that changing so many times the vpn to inverse and reverse the overwhelming positive thumbs up for russia sucked my natal low energy and my solo nazi damaged neuron. so, i pass on weed and coca more especially after seeing so many banderist humiliation in ukropizdan shithole jumerican colony.

Last edited 1 year ago by Jenny Homo

the anglozionazi hallucination of lebensraum aka monroe doctrine is leading, finally to the destruction of the eussr and its ussan albatross. mother russia is determined to end its great patriotic war, albeit almost 80 years too late, but this time it will be done conclusively and on russia’s terms and that guarantees the end of the filth in washing town. the europeons will rip off their foul ussan albatross or be buried with pox amerikana in the cloaca maxima of the anglozionazi sewer.


totally true and confirmed

Gerd Trunschka

your “anglozionazi”-bullshit is result of sick minded fanatism pro russia zealots have spred since putin took power in late 1990s. the result will be as sad to russia as was that to nazi germany. people like you have to eat shame and humiliation. it tastes bitter as you will realize.


two big mistakes in this report. 1. there are not 231, but 16 us military bases in germany and some 8 more under nato, british or german/france posession. 2. of course the us regime didnt target the jews, because the jews controll them latest since ww1 and the alomost all of the us financial, media and movie industry.


we call it zog


as for the germanistan “greens” i.e. soros bought bolshevik whores, the dim witted pudgy faced al ciaduh owned trampoline circus jumper, anal barebutt, that brainless fatty is the biggest joke in germanistan. everyone sees it for what it is. one day all these warmongering scum will swing and not bounce ….”hey anal ena…..”


“and, unlike hitler, who hated jews even more than he hated russians….”

yaaaaaaaaaaaaaawn. onkel adolf´”schickelgruber” was an austrian and of the pointy noses, and financed by same pointy noses.


oy vey. hitler couldnt have been a jew because he was a nazi, and zelensky can’t be a nazi because he is a jew. also we don’t finance anyone, that’s antisemetic. and now, look over there, there’s an important football game coming up that you need to pay attention to.

Last edited 1 year ago by Shekelstein

onkel adolf was askhenazi son of jewish father who never recognized him. zelenski is not nazi, his troops are, he is just another typical international jew, without any true allegiance to any country or nation. cabal puppet. these international jews are the most staunch antisemites, those who organized mass executions of european jews for the sake of establishing eretzkaballa israel. chosen people of criminal “god”, yhvh. by their “god” you will know them.


soros jew and his unjcle dubbed in other jews to the nazis.


our history teacher at an elite school informed us that hitler’s mother was a jew. does he look remotely aryan?


part1: the russian government and general staff unfortunately still don’t understand that the ukraine war was a trap to provoke russia for so long to grope in and then to weaken and destroy russia as much as possible economically, militarily and politically. the usa, nato and eu will pump weapons and financial aid into ukraine for so long, down to the last ukrainian. unfortunately, many ukrainians still don’t understand that either, otherwise they would overthrow the zio-khazarian clown.


the russian government perfectly understands the trap. that’s why their goal is to demilitarize all of ukraine, with all nato equipment sent included. they’re disarming the trap and have the means to do so. this is what the us and the eu fails to see.

even dumber was the decision of the eu to do a natural gas blockade. india and china will be, scratch that, *are* laughing all the way to the bank.

Last edited 1 year ago by MParaplu

maybe, but i don’t see any of weaking of russia. on the contrary, i see constant weakening of the european countries, cracks in nato, internal confusion and confrontation in us. there is absolutely no unity of nations in eu, only unity of trecherous politicians appointed to govern these people by wef gangsters..


part2: that’s why there is no way around convening all around 2 million russian resrevists and rolling up everything east of the dnieper and whole southwestcoast with odessa, including the capture of kiev in order to overthrow the clown and his surroundings. otherwise this war will go on for years and ukraine, like russia, will bleed out.


was der herr ingenieur nicht alles weiss …


putin’s gang is spreading nonsense. only fools are still believing in great patriotic war fantasy factory bullshit. young russians need something else than this 80 years old boring soap. but that is all putin can offer.

Johannes Ekhman

what russia needs is a capitulation, a true humiliation, so that most russians will understand that they must rethink and denounce putin. an aggressive war criminal such as putin must not be left in place. this man cannot remain in power. his place is in prison.


mad dreamers


i disagree with this article writer. his article is far far too nice towards the us. the us doesn’t just want to control the world, they, like hitler, target other civilazations as inferiors to kill, but unlike the nazis, they target everyone. in that aspect they are far worse than nazi germany. it just hasn’t built it’s concentration camps yet as it has yet to either fall apart on it’s own or fall apart trying to take everyone out with it.


ah shit that was ukranians who said that 😆😆😆

Markus Kallio 🇫🇮👍🇺🇦

russia is weak, much weaker than most of kremlin “experts” were thinking. green energy transition, energy wende, is in revolutionary way shrinking russian global weight. state of russia is too much dependent on fossile fuels. now it has to sell them with very cheap rise to asia and africa.

Bjarne Granlund

are we witnessing historial change where intellectual capacity, ability to innovate is winning and rawmaterial and energy like oil, gas and coal will be replaced by renewables? west will produce even fertilizers with hydrogen-wind-solar. gasolin using vehicles replaced by electricity using vehicles. the final death of soviet era idea.


my like bot is working well 😆😆😆


obviously this site has changed as to the commenters and their approval numbers. it has changed from pro russian to pro usa and pro khazirian. cia has switched tactics from posting disgusting profanity to anti-russian. jmho


ahah someone noticed

WT Baker

important to recall that british intelligence and their assets had much to do with what was done to specific germans and the weimar republic. along with this, nazi-like thinkers of the us eastern establishment financed the very conditions created by those british operations.

Miki Miric

dovoljno je pogledati film i vidjeti kako opisuju ruse i rusiju,nikada nema sunca,zgrade su sumorne i sive, ljudi očajnog i izgubljenog pogleda.pijanice, siledžije,mafijaši,ubice e tako oni zamišljaju ruse.na zapadu nikada nije bilo mjesta za rusiju,za mnoge zemlje rusija je krvarila.zapadni psi žele da mijenjaju svijest građana i da na ruse gledaju sa mržnjom,to su opasne namjere i rusija mora biti spremna


today’s russia has at its disposal the means to shut germany off permanently. no fourth reich, sorry. also, russia did not defeat germany by themselves. the allies, western allies, plus russia, went ‘all in’ together against the axis war machine.

they wanted to take over the world, instead, germany was put in ruins and hitlers officers were put against a wall. or in prison, or at the end of a rope, depending. ”never again.”

Jenny Homo

i’m here again jenny homo and i must confess that changing so many times the vpn to inverse and reverse the overwhelming positive thumbs up for russia sucked my natal low energy and my solo nazi damaged neuron. so, i pass on weed and coca more especially after seeing so many banderist humiliation in ukropizdan shithole.

Last edited 1 year ago by Jenny Homo

germans are determined to repeat the mistakes of ww2. they will never learn their lesson.

John Kesich

those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.


germany’s begging to get nuked. no other explanation.


this time germany is against nazis.


the longer time goes on the less evil hitler seems to be


u r right ps iam from germany – we will see us in moscow / moskau

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