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Is U.S. News-Media’s ‘Russia Could Seize Kyiv In Days’ Just The Latest Version Of America’s ‘Saddam’s WMD’ Lying?

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Is U.S. News-Media’s ‘Russia Could Seize Kyiv In Days’ Just The Latest Version Of America's ‘Saddam’s WMD’ Lying?

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Written by Eric Zuesse

On Saturday, February 5th, the Washington Post headlined “Russia could seize Kyiv in days and cause 50,000 civilian casualties in Ukraine, U.S. assessments find”, and opened:

Russia is close to completing preparations for what appears to be a large-scale invasion of Ukraine that could leave up to 50,000 civilians killed or wounded, decapitate the government in Kyiv within two days, and launch a humanitarian crisis with up to 5 million refugees fleeing the resulting chaos, according to updated U.S. military and intelligence assessments briefed to lawmakers and European partners over the past several days. …

The size of the buildup makes it clear it’s more than a bluff, but some European officials are still not sure, a Western security official said.

By the time of Sunday morning, there were 4,600 reader-comments, and the most-liked or “Best” one (reflecting the views of the largest percentage of readers up till that point) was:

The Templar

Germany has been the cause of immense disappointment in Europe as a whole. It’s voice is important and it basically sits there like a nervous dithering mess trying to play everyone off while it racks itself with indecision. The Russians have spent years undermining the German position and the left and right wings have for years leant towards a romantic notion that somehow Germany and Russia are best friends if only nobody misbehaves. Preventing allies from flying arms to Ukraine over German territory was frankly pointless and a disgraceful way to treat those allies who will act while Germany sits there quivering with worry. Perhaps half the problem is that the German military – for years ignored and underfunded because the country lacks any will power to make a decision, is run down, in poor condition and verging on ineffective. Germany may make and export some excellent weapons but it doesn’t buy them for its own use. Germany get a grip and get with the program! You’re not helping anyone acting like this!

That was a response actually to the original version of that article, which had been titled “U.S. warns China risks embarrassment if it backs Russia on Ukraine,” and it had included extensive propaganda against Germany’s Government, starting with: “As the United States deploys some 3,000 U.S. troops to Europe as a sign of reassurance for NATO allies, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz is walking a tightrope between standing unified with Washington and navigating Berlin’s close economic ties with Moscow. …”

The newspaper’s subscribers were actually responding there more to that anti-German propaganda than to anything else in the original version of the article.

A popular Democrats-only news-commentary site, which was founded by a ‘former’ CIA agent who was part of El Salvador’s aristocracy but now lives in America, the “Daily Kos,” headlined “Putin Setting the Scene for a Complete Invasion of Ukraine: Both the Washington Post and the New York Times have grim reports of Biden administration briefings to Congress on Putin’s buildup on the borders of Ukraine.”

The reader-comments there were likewise drenched in Democratic Party lies.

Neoconservatism is bipartisan in the U.S. Congress, and also in the U.S. White House, and ‘news’-media; it’s not ONLY what produced the lies that made the U.S. and UK Governments rape Iraq in 2003. The only significant difference between the situation in 2002 and now is that, whereas, then, the U.S./UK regime were targeting only countries that had friendly relations with Russia and with China, nowadays the global-imperialist regime is going for blood against what has been, ever since 1945, its two main targets to conquer. The U.S. and UK Governments are (or else are pretending to be) ready now to go for World War 3, in order to attain their dream (since 1877 in UK) of world-conquest.

Investigative historian Eric Zuesse is the author of  They’re Not Even Close: The Democratic vs. Republican Economic Records, 1910-2010, and of  CHRIST’S VENTRILOQUISTS: The Event that Created Christianity.


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Bezos’ brainWashington Post is worse than toilet papers. They are the dirtiest propaganda in the world.

btw it’s Kiev not Kyiv. No one called it “Kyiv” in English until Maidanterrorist coup, then immediately all western media overnight switched to this name preferred by NATO terrorist regime in KIEV, because it’s more ‘ukrainian’. No reason for you to follow their narrative.

Last edited 3 years ago by Z
Capt. Steven Hiller, USMC

Dude i know, its so annoying the kyiv name, i cant wait for russia to take it and rename it

the end

You mean take it from US occupation, aint gonna happen – you can deal with this financial mega black hole by your self… hahahhaha… the whole world is laughing.

Jens holm

Thats the official local name and most likely has been used since it grew up. Russian is a language groups with accents just as Im in the german language group.

Ivan Freely

WaPo the dirtiest? Hmmm…I’d say it’s the BBC.

Jens holm

The namechanging unfortunatly is in many parts of the world driven by hard insisting nationalisme.

As I recall it the Capitol of Kasakstan has been named as their russian despotic president. We have to learn names or use the old ones.

So far I will use Kiev.

Those names are not prefared by Nato terrorists at all. Many names in west has been the colonial names. Many are renamed.

Jens holm

Kijev [ki·æf] eller Kiev (ukrainsk: Київ, tr. Kyjiv (Speaker Icon.svg hør); russisk: Киев, tr. Kijev; polsk: Kijów; litauisk: Kijevas)

Мстительная Матрешка

I do not know of this Kyiv. It has always been Kiev and always will be.

jens holm

I somtimes laugh. It was the Russian landgrabbers by Stalin, which moved Ukraine West:)

Ivan Freely

Short answer: Yes.

Jens holm

There we go again. 1) The Washinton post anytime is allowed to make a miliatry or political oppinion. 2) Here we has reæative free medias and this dont represent the Goverment or it parlament.

Mr Eric Zuesse just take random medias, which fit to his oppinion and tell they represent the whole USA.

Where is NBC, ABC, FOX, New York Times – they are not there. What Russia does is not there at all. Maybee they are in Budapest, where Russia signed Krimera and the 2 oblst was signed as Ukraine.

the end


jens holm

You should comment AFTER some servicedog has explained the article for You.

Мстительная Матрешка

I do not doubt that it COULD happen (ie: completely dismantle Nazi Ukraine), but there are MANY factors that prove that US/UK/NATO are the aggressor, and the fact that Russia does not want/need Ukraine.

Why would Russia harm themselves by absorbing a country that is ripe with corruption, Nazis, and destitute financially? It is not logical whatsoever, they would gain a populace that wants Russians dead.

So why the aggression by the West? I do not know exactly, but my assumption is that the US tried to go to war with China, and China neutralized that submarine which immediately put the breaks on trying to conquer China.

Now it is back to attacking Russia and unfortunately, Russia cannot do anything without being seen as the bad guy regardless of ANY action or non-action they do. The non-talks proved to be fruitless, and we are no better off than we were in 2020.

The ONLY thing that can (and will) happen now, is targeted strikes on all military infrastructure in Ukraine and make the West bleed money.

Ma Laoshi

Well, yeah, we’re clearly in Downing Street Memo territory now: the Dark Throne has decided that it needs to see action in Donbass, and “facts and intelligence will be fixed around the policy”. Problem for now is that Ze won’t play ball, apparently having been explained by Moscow how that’d end for him personally. But that just makes, say, Novichoking him an attracative casus belli for Washington.

Same it’s always been, but still amusing to see how Washington isn’t so hot on German sovereignty when they don’t get with the program.

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