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MARCH 2025

Is US About To Conduct Nuclear False Flag In Ukraine And Blame Russia For It?

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Is US About To Conduct Nuclear False Flag In Ukraine And Blame Russia For It?

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The mainstream propaganda machine usually claims that the Kiev regime doesn’t have the capacity to create dirty bombs. However, recent reports about “sensitive US nuclear technologies” in Ukrainian nuclear power plants (NPPs) show such claims are patently false.

Written by Drago Bosnic, independent geopolitical and military analyst

The United States is the only country in history to have used all three types of weapons of mass destruction (nuclear, biological, chemical), starting with the atomic bombings of Japan in the closing months of the Second World War to mass usage of chemical and biological weapons against numerous other countries it has attacked ever since (particularly Vietnam). And yet, the belligerent thalassocracy just adores chest-thumping about its supposed “morality” and even “warns” that its geopolitical adversaries are about to use such weapons (naturally, without ever providing any evidence). This is precisely what’s been happening in Ukraine in recent weeks.

On April 28, one of the most prominent neoliberal mouthpieces, the New York Times, ran a story about America setting up numerous radiation sensors across Ukraine in order to detect nuclear blasts. The NYT claims that “such sensors can detect‌‌ bursts of radiation from a nuclear weapon or a dirty bomb and can confirm the identity of the attacker”. It adds that “the goal is to make sure that if Russia detonates a radioactive weapon on Ukrainian soil, its atomic signature and Moscow’s culpability could be verified”, further claiming that “…experts have worried about whether President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia would use nuclear arms in combat for the first time since the American bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945″.

Firstly, it should be noted that Russia has a very clear doctrine about the usage of WMDs in an armed conflict, one that has even been updated recently and that states in what sort of situations Moscow would use such weapons. The Ukrainian conflict is still nowhere near a point where Russian WMDs could be used. Secondly, the Russian military dominates the battlefield, inflicting enormous losses on the Kiev regime forces. Even in the case of the much-touted offensive against newly integrated Russian regions in the Donbass and former southern Ukraine, Russia wouldn’t use nuclear weapons. However, the NYT claims precisely that is the case, supposedly because Russia is “desperate” to stop the attack.

Expectedly, “experts” the NYT allegedly spoke to are anonymous and they claim that the goal is to “prevent Russia from conducting a possible dirty bomb false flag in Ukraine”. The operation is officially run by the Nuclear Emergency Support Team (NEST), part of the Nation Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA). Interestingly, the NYT notes, citing a 2009 book “Defusing Armageddon” by Jeffrey T. Richelson, that “the NEST often teamed up with the Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC), an elite military unit so secretive that the Pentagon for years refused to acknowledge its existence”. It should be noted that JSOC is being used to conduct covert operations of all kinds across the world, including false flags.

So, according to these so-called “experts”, we are supposed to believe that US agencies and military units involved in actual false flag operations around the globe will prevent an alleged “Russian false flag” and not use the opportunity to conduct yet another covert op to fake such an event and then blame Russia for it? The NYT itself claims that “Moscow could falsely claim that Kyiv set off a nuclear blast on the battlefield to try to draw the West into deeper war assistance” and that “…in theory, with the sensor network in place, Washington would be able to point to its own nuclear attribution analyses to reveal that Moscow was in fact the attacker”.

The NYT then parrots the usual about Russia’s supposed “battlefield failures” that are “making Mr. Putin, if anything, more dependent on his nuclear arsenal” and how this “could increase his willingness to pull the nuclear trigger”. Even though such claims are laughable to anyone familiar with the actual situation on the battlefield, in the minds of rabid Russophobes this makes “perfect sense”. In addition, recent weeks have seen a dramatic surge in Kiev regime’s attacks on civilians not only in the Donbass and other newly integrated Russian regions, but also in areas such as Bryansk and Belgorod oblasts (regions), with dozens of civilian casualties.

All this would be used to push the narrative that Russia could indeed be the alleged culprit behind a dirty bomb false flag. On the other hand, back in October last year, when Moscow warned that the Kiev regime might use a dirty bomb and then blame Russia for it, the political West rejected it all as a “conspiracy theory”. According to their “logic”, it’s only Russia that could do such a thing, because the Neo-Nazi junta, as a “true beacon of freedom and democracy”, certainly has the “moral high ground”. Additionally, the mainstream propaganda machine usually claims that the Kiev regime doesn’t have the capacity to create dirty bombs, so it allegedly couldn’t do it even if it wanted to.

However, recent reports about “sensitive US nuclear technologies” in (former) Ukrainian nuclear power plants (NPPs) show such claims are patently false. Russia controls one of such NPPs, but still hasn’t disclosed what sort of covert US support the Neo-Nazi junta got. Washington DC itself has “demanded” Moscow to return these “sensitive US nuclear technologies”, meaning they are worried about what might be revealed to the world. It’s not unlikely Russia is keeping the evidence secret for the time being as a possible deterrent to US and Kiev regime’s plan on detonating such a device and then blaming Moscow, which could simply reveal the evidence in case a dirty bomb is used.


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WT Baker

The thing is if, IF, Russia were to be forced to use nuclear weapons it would not be against Ukraine nor Europe. The British hierarchy, the City of London should be extremely concerned where is.

Zelensky is Satan's chosen

Don’t you mean the Jewish hierarchy

WT Baker

Even in concert with Russia’s doctrine governing the use of nuclear weapons, it should be the concern of all NATO centers especially London and Wash.D.C. just where the targets would be. You would think right? Yet the Satanic NATO can’t be counted on to give a crap about that potential.


After 3 buildings 2 planes and all the most important leaders including China and India who aided and abetted that crime and didn’t “look back” with the criminal that did it to his own… Fast forwarding 21 years… I would say that is now a firm possibility given the deterioration of the unipolar Emperor that increasingly has “less clothes” – https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/st-just-hit-fan-across-markets-regional-banks-freefall and an ever https://southfront.org/horrific-slaughter-russia-finally-admits-to-destroying-natos-deep-underground-command-bunker-in-kiev/ shrinking “dick”!…

Last edited 1 year ago by Matt

RIP Graeme MacQueen


Last edited 1 year ago by DogFart

The globalist think they can start a war and then micro-manage it. What sort of people would even begin a war with a country that has over 6000 nukes.

John Kesich



If the West sets off a nuke in Ukraine, you can count on all the neocvnt war hawks retreating to their hardened bunkers and command centers even before that happens. Common folk left to fend for themselves. ’81 mill votes’ got us into this.

Madam Defarge

I have a book by Garrett M. Graff called “Raven Rock” about the US government’s plan to save itself. It may simply fiction, but certainly food for thought and not surprising if it turned out there was some sort of truth to it. He talks of huge “bunkers” in the US ready to receive the “powers-that-be” and leave the rest of us to die. Definitely food for thought, if just that.


people who have bunkers and would inevitably be hunted down based on the crimes they have already committed


People who are pretend members of a minor religion, and who consider themselves above all laws, that is the sort of people who would, as their ultimate plan was Khazaria restored, as their squat in the middle east won’t last much longer, and guess where Khazaria was, and guess which county put a stop to them, and then scattered them. Oy vey.


I don’t think U.S. dares to bring nuclear false flag in Ukraine blaming Russia for it, because this could trigger WWIII. If they would dare to do it, it would be small nuclear collateral sabotage on ukrainians. I still think nobody wants nuclear war because there is no place to run leaving Earth.

Last edited 1 year ago by Gordana

But we are dealing with unhinged individuals, they are capable of any act of madness.


I agree, but these psychopaths they have handlers. One wrong move can escalate to nuclear war. These psychopaths and their handlers know that and they know they have nowhere to hide if they start and/or trigger nuclear war.

Their main goal is to destroy Russia, China, Iran, North Korea and all countries who say NO to unipolar world as USA and UK did to Yugoslavia. If they manage to destroy Russia and China the scenario would be 1000x times worse, there would be no more Russia and China, it would be nazi torture camps for killings and/or brain washing.

Last edited 1 year ago by Gordana

The US would be turned in a radioactive landscape before Russia and China go down, and Israel would be reduced to a black smoking ruin. They know it, and they know the Russian’s Chinese know they know it.

Madam Defarge

Your comment is “right on target” so to speak. The US is the leader in all of this. Blinken, Neuland, Sullivan and “directors” of US “alphabet” agencies have, for a very long time, dropped in on just about every other country, except Russia and China, and have made threats and started political fires within. The US specialty is, of course, “regime change” through coups, from outside or within countries. The US has also destroyed its own population. Half of US citizens are “sheep” and happy with this even when they are the “target.”


When things go wrong there comes Russia with the usual fake news because the siege is tightening , they can not win the conventional war which was going to take Kiev in 3 days , as an army they are a real comedy , mockery of Westerners


Learn some English Khokal.

Madam Defarge

We shall see. Don’t put your money down quite yet.


Are they also preparing to use chemical weapons as they did in Syria? Or is it just nuclear? Well, NATO could enter Ukraine, the war would end soon, 2 weeks would arrive

John Kesich

As most, if not all, honest observers agree, NATO has been involved up to its eyeballs in Ukraine since before 2014. Slava Bandera?

Uncle Ho

Go eat more shit neonazi dirtbag. Gotta love all those overflowing ukraine graveyards 💥


Hello USA Zero, I see you have a new account.

John Kesich

Given what happened with Nordstream, it shouldn’t surprise anyone if a dirty bomb is used against Russian soldiers and the MSM accuses Putin of doing it.


We all hope the psycopaths won’t dare a nuclear false flag, but I wouldn’t bet on it. They have not much options now, like cornered rats.


The article “Carthage Must Be Destroyed” makes the case that the USA began planning a nuclear or radiological false flag for Ukraine by September of 2022. The most likely time to trigger it will be a major Russian victory, such as the Fall of Bakmut.



If the intent was to be truthful, they would ask the United Nations to place the nuclear monitors all over both Ukraine, Russia, etc. so no one could claim a false flag. Have UN inspectors/ or reactivate the inspectors from the former nuclear reduction treaties to check both sides in case of an accusation.


The Inspectors are compromised

John Kesich

Who withdrew from all but one of the nuclear treaties? And then cried crocodile tears about Putin suspending some of the provisions of the last one standing?

When the Zaporozhye NPP is shelled, the UN claims not to know who did it. Too bad they don’t have eyes to see where the shells came from, instruments to verify that or the common sense to know that Russians are no more likely to shell a plant they occupy than they are to destroy billions of dollars worth of their own infrastructure rather than close a few valves.


WHY on earth would RF use Nuks, huh, its the Yankikes whom have drooled about it all the time, while the Ukrainians are dying, and since their own idiot propaganda is their only tool left, they will make an FF, you bet on it, they will, and then what, bomb any house anywhere in the world and you will find traces of chorine, yeah, incl table salt, just as Western Chemical experts regarding he Syrian event, total cocked. Never forget this, we are not dealing with rational begins, the UssAs Gov is run by insane people, whom can go total retard, never underetstemate their evil.


the link to the article providing evidence of biowar is of course blocked ‘for my safety’


Zrejme niečo skúšajú, keď sviniari z VB dodali Banderovským fašistickým sviniam náboje z ochudobneným uránom. Čas ukáže. Inak čítal som správu, že Ruské vojská im zničili nejaký sklad z týmito nábojmi. To by bola ozaj dobrá práca. Ak sa im to nepodarí dostať na frontu.


Is this THE SCARE EVENT we have head about?

Uncle Ho

NYT is best used for toilet paper after a big giant shit. That’s all it’s good for: nothing but liars spewing lies from the Empire of Lies.


Would the filth running the dying angloZionaZi empire of shit blow the planet to “save” its filthy ass? Do rats doused in gasoline squeal when torched? Z

John Kesich

Do you often “torch rats doused in gasoline”? Do you enjoy doing it?

Madam Defarge

The United “False Flag” States.

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