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MARCH 2025

Is US Edging A Step Closer To WW3 Over Combat Drone Deliveries To Kiev?

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Is US Edging A Step Closer To WW3 Over Combat Drone Deliveries To Kiev?

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Moscow has “strongly advised” against sending additional US weapons to Ukraine.

Written by Drago Bosnic, independent geopolitical and military analyst

The United States’ and NATO’s so-called “lethal aid” to the post-Maidan regime in Kiev is in no way breaking news. It has been going on for nearly a decade now and has directly contributed to the mass murder of around 15,000 people in Donbass. In addition to weapons, the Armed Forces of Ukraine have received top-level training by the US, UK and other NATO militaries. In recent months, these arms deliveries have skyrocketed to unprecedented levels. In addition to thousands, even tens of thousands of antitank guided missiles (ATGMs) and man-portable air defense systems (MANPADS), the “Javelin” and “Stinger” missiles being the most prominent examples, Ukraine also received thousands of drones and loitering munitions.

Apart from weapons, the North Atlantic Alliance has also mobilized its vast ISR (intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance) capabilities and is relaying battlefield information to the Kiev regime. It remains to be seen how effective this is, given the collapse of Kiev’s joint military command and control structure, but it definitely shows the West’s commitment to their favorite regime. In other words, the US has been involved in every conceivable way, except for a direct shooting war with Russia. However, even that may change in the coming days and weeks.

The Kiev regime recently passed a law officially allowing foreign citizens to serve in its intelligence and higher echelons of military hierarchy. Of course, this doesn’t seem like news flash to most people, especially given that US intelligence has been heavily involved in Ukraine for decades. However, coupled with the recent Kiev’s request for the MQ-9 “Reaper” unmanned combat aerial vehicles (UCAV), this may be much bigger news than what the mainstream media is reporting. These US MQ-9 “Reaper” drones are infamous for sowing death and destruction across the world, with former US President Obama authorizing at least 6,000 documented drone strikes around the world (the actual number may be orders of magnitude greater), which would make it approximately 2 drone strikes per day during Obama’s 8 years of presidency.

And this is when we get to the connection between Kiev’s new law and the drones. The transfer of the MQ-9 “Reaper” is useless without the necessary training for the drone operators. This alone takes over two months, which is the time the Kiev regime simply doesn’t have. In order to make any possible difference, these drones would need to be used as soon as humanly possible. So, which other options does this leave for the regime? Well, it’s rather simple, but also very dangerous. Here’s why.

With the transfer of US combat drones, we may see American operators directly involved in their usage in combat. And the dangerous part is that these operators don’t even need to be stationed in Ukraine. The “Reaper” drones can be controlled via satellite links. The operator may be located somewhere in Germany, Italy or even the US mainland. And the legally gray area comes with the possible transfer of jurisdiction over these operators to the official Ukrainian military command. Strictly speaking, even though this would still mean that the US and NATO wouldn’t be directly involved, in case that the Kremlin finds about it (which it most certainly would), they would hardly see it as non-involvement. And if Moscow is to see it that way, we are talking about what would basically be direct US intervention. And we all know what kind of danger that poses to the world.

The obvious question arises – what should Russia do in that case? Decades of diplomatic efforts by the Kremlin have fallen on deaf ears. Why would the ever increasingly belligerent West listen to reason now, after doing everything in their power to push Ukraine into this bloodbath and after investing trillions to encircle Russia and weaken its position in Europe and the post-Soviet near abroad? Russia’s massive advantage, both qualitative and quantitative, in developing and deploying hypersonic weapons doesn’t seem to deter the US. Not even the recent combat usage of the “Kinzhal”, a highly maneuverable air-launched hypersonic weapon, in service with the Russian Aerospace Forces since 2017, doesn’t seem to deter the US. One way or the other, Russia will simply not allow the US to kill Russian soldiers with impunity. Is Washington DC so out of touch with reality, that they’re ready to raise the stakes so high?

And if anyone is to think this is plain paranoia and that it is based on circumstantial evidence, Russia’s reaction in recent days most certainly isn’t. The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs has recently “strongly advised” against sending additional US weapons to Ukraine. While Russia has protested NATO arming of the Kiev regime for years, this is the first time it has issued a stark warning to the United States. Now, Russia may not need to strike targets in the US mainland, but since these combat drones need to fly from somewhere, this may well be NATO airports in Germany, Italy, Poland, Romania or any other NATO member state, all of which are in the striking distance of Russian ballistic, cruise or hypersonic missiles. The question remains, what’s next?


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hans raus

MQ9 reapers are monsters, russobots will cry and they should run just like from kiev if they want to stay alive :(. BTW russian military industry facing serious problems. They lack of tank parts that comes from western country.


Last edited 2 years ago by hans raus
Peter The Ungrateful

“Ukraine claims…”

Russia never needed parts from outside its territory to build tanks. Remember that all tanks we’ve seen so far were developed and built in the soviet era.

Nice try, though. But maybe you should dial back on the copium, just a bit.


Přesně, už zítra udatná Ukrajinská armáda, bude v Moskvě a zoufalá ruská rádoby armáda se rozpráší. Ukrajinci vítězí na všech frontách. Už zabili 100 000 000 ruských vojáků. Celé NATO každý den jezdí na Ukrajinu, aby se učilo od těchto udatných a hrdinných vojáků.

Last edited 2 years ago by Slayko
Michigan Man

Yes when several hundred fully armed MQ-9 Reapers and more Bayraktars appear on the battlefield the cards get mixed again. I think Ukraine should specialize on guerilla style warfare mainly. No big tanks, aircraft jets etc. Just simple but effective stuff. Yes, some attack helicopters ok, lots of missiles anti-air, anti-tank etc. Yes. 15.000 Sniper-rifles Barret cal 50, EFP IEDS and lots lots of drones from Reapers to Bayraktar.

Also a clever thing would be to start, and re-arm, repair etc. them from Poland or Slovakia territory. Let them land 2 min in Ukraine and then go on. Bomb the russian convoys, military installations, personal etc. and fly back to Poland but before – do a 2 min stop on Ukraine territory. This way – according to international law, it is not forbidden. No NATO attack. As Start and Landing before and after mission was done in Ukraine. But this way, it is saver to operate up to 500 drones every day, without any risk of them being destroyed by russian missile or drone strikes while on the ground. Think about it !

Last edited 2 years ago by Michigan Man

Reapers have proven very effective over the uncontested skies of developing world – for last decades over Pakistan, central Africa etc. But even heavily sanctioned Iran now has developed means to shoot them down. Over Ukraine’s contested skies there will be FAR more hazards for Reapers than have ever been seen before. Reapers can fly high, at max ceiling of 25000ft, but are relatively slow, their full speed is 480kmh, but that is rarely maintained for any long period, as most of their airtime is in far slower cruise mode. The Reaper’s full speed is less than half of any basic interceptor, or fighter bomber, let alone the air to air missiles they fire. Reaper’s may be an unwelcome threat for Russian Special Operation, and for DRP and LPR civilians, but the RuAF is more than capable of producing counter strategies using very high altitude interception.

Last edited 2 years ago by SaharaWinds

MQ9 are just children and wedding killers. Dream on.

Karl Wolfe

Interestingly, Russia did NOT arm the enemies of the United States at any time in the past 30 years, but yet somehow the NeoCon (Communists) are able to lead the American military around by the nose to do their bidding, no matter how much the cost is to the entire world. I guess the Jeffrey Epstein-Gates “special operation” REALLY paid off incredibly MORE than they anticipated. Compromised. All of them. It means that they’re wide open for Treason as well ( hear that NSA?).


This was an USSR failure not sending weapons to USA enemies during Cold War. If USSR were more aggressive think USSR would exist today. USSR cannot manage the internal population pressure the external USA pressure and Russia didn’t want to continue sustain all the USSR structures in Warsaw Pact so thats why USSR collapsed.


Ten čas přijde. Jednoho dne USA zase bude někde útočit a vraždit a Rusko bude tu armádu zásobovat.

Last edited 2 years ago by Slayko

Well apart from Iran, Cuba, Venezuela and Syria. The taliban and Iraqi insurgent seems to get Soviet arms from somewhere. Then there was the “alleged” bounty on us soldiers in Afghanistan.

Let’s pull the tinfoil hat from over your eyes and use some of the sceptical media screen that you use on the msm toward some of the conspiracy theorists and propaganda as well.


Michigan Man

Very true what you state. USA, EU, RU, CN/China they are all controlled by the same jewish-communist masterminds. Call them marxist, bolshewic or simply satanic jews. Or to simplify.. J-E-W-S. That is why all this shit is happening, and why Germany needed to be crushed. Because germany had openly exposed all these connections and openely accused the Jews of being the living-pest of mankind, world-terrorists and satanic anti-christian devilish brute. And guess what !? The germans spoke the truth. Same as Jesus did. And both, because of speaking out the truth, were killed afterwards. By whom ? Of course by the jews and their poodle henchman. US JFK went that way too. It is always the same ! And until whole mankind wakes up to these facts, nothing will ever change.

Read what the german famous cleric Martin Luther has written in 1543 already. It is called “On the Jews and their Lies” https://archive.org/details/VonDenJudenUndIhrenLgen

You can find it in english too. Very interesting.

Last edited 2 years ago by Michigan Man

You are 100% correct.


I’m sure the Jews in the CIA and the justice department will get right on in and make the mass arrest of those Jews.


The big mistake the USSR did was at the end of WWII, they should have continued the momentum after having won the war, to throw the Yanks and the British into the Channel. Russians defeated the most awesome war machine the world have ever witnessed, the original nazis. They are soundly defeating these hillbilly nazis as well.


I doubt US will give that Drone to Ukraine just to prove a point, first of all it’s easy to shoot it down 2nd it’s highly expensive


It’s actually worse, US are providing drones and they are operating them with US personnel. So as we have it today, US military personnel are directly targeting and killing Russians.


They will give that drone to Ukraine. Both republicans and democrats will approve. America loves wars, and loves to instigate them because it is Zionist ruled.


Putin and Russia made big mistakes in Syria by pleasing the west and Turkey at the expense of Syria and allowing bomb Syria at will by West. Therefore, West is not taking Russia or Putin very serious. Russia weak leadership has put Russia and Russian in danger.


No Putin is completely responsible for Russias current terrible predicament. Europe bent over backwards to welcome the east into the European family, they had some standard on freedoms and corruption that were tough.

Nobody is taking Russian militarily serious because of their humiliating performance in Ukraine. We saw An early indication of Russian soldiers ability with a previous humiliating defeat of the Wagner groups attack in Syria now known as the Battle of Khasham — a roughly four-hour battle in which the mighty Russian bear (with its Syrian allies) was reduced to a whimpering pup by a much smaller force of American commandos, albeit overwhelming air power. 2-300 Russians and Syrians were killed vs 1 wounded Arab.

The west wanted a peaceful trading relationship with Russia. A militant china will be adversary enough.

Michigan Man

Jewish leadership has taken over Russia since 1917. That is why russians are in constant danger since then.

Muhammad your Prophet

The US wasn’t the one doing phony military exercises. Now that Russia is being soundly defeated everywhere Vladimir Putin now wants to embrace being a full blown terrorist cockroach.

Last edited 2 years ago by Muhammad your Prophet
Muhammad was a child molester

Words from a retard, nothing more.


No WW3 but just WSO1 (World Special Operation 1). I think it’s important to stick to the Russian hilarious narrative. By the way and sadly, at the end the result will exactly be the same…

Michigan Man

The First World Civil War can be what this all will lead to. Let’s hope it will not.


Russia is on the defensive mode against USA and the west. After losing the cold war Russia is in a bad sittuation right now. Would see what Russia decide if USA sends its Reapers Drones to kill Russians in Ukraine. USA will move forward because its losing the Big Race against China and Ukraine is a distraction to the Big Game.

Michigan Man

UDSSR didn t lose the cold war”. You need better education man. Ever heard about the COMMUNIST LONG-TERM STRATEGY ??? I guess not. Better google it quick ! The whole fall of UDSSR was nothing but a gigantic hoax. They planned it long ago in order to let the dumb US government go into that trap of thinking their enemy is defeated. That way they were able to infiltrate into nearly every position in US and EU politics and military and economy. That is how they managed to arrange that COVID-Fake and by it get 60-70 % of the western population, including the military to accept being injected with deadly mRNA rat-poison.

So if the real war breaks lose most of the western military is eighter dead, deadly illor at least fully visible to the enemy, with positions and everything. Even the NATo commanders Stoltenberg, EU von der Leyen, WEF Schwab now in EU and also Merkel, Austria Mückstein, France’s Macron, Canada Trudeau etc. they are all traitors, collaborateur and often even themselves communist-jews. That is what communism and judaism is best in – infiltrating the enemy and destroy everything from within. Therefore as long as USA doesn t kick out the jews – it has not chance to survive, same goes for Europe. There were even KGB agents that switced sides and fled to USA in 1990 -2000 and they all warned the US that the UDSSR isn t dead, and that it is all part of a big aggressive plan to fully infiltrate all western structures to the very top. But they weren t take serious by the US intelligence leaders, and now – therefore – the world is in deep shit.

And already in 1953 they planned to use “climate change” and “green policies” in order to camouflage these infiltration operation in a way that the western populations would grasp nothing and instead even be supportive to this whole thing, because “who can say anything against saving nature and green earth policies”. Yes, the communist planned 50- to 100 years in before, and by this tricked the western governments into believing they (the west) had won the war, when in fact it hadn t even started.

Last edited 2 years ago by Michigan Man
Bernard Davis

Your name is fake. You are not American; I would bet German Nazi. Calling the USSR “UDSSR” is the giveaway. No American would do that.


Za prvé, jak tu psal kolega, je to velmi nákladné a dron je náchylný ke sestřelení. ZA druhé, odkud bude startovat? Většina letišť je zničených. POkud bude startovat ze země NATO, tak je hotovo a už nebudeme dlouho žít.

Peter The Ungrateful

The “Reaper” is only effective against defenseless third world countries. Russia has formidable air defenses and even claims to have electronic warfare systems that can disrupt sat links. So, either they will get shot down or their control links be severed. Maybe Russia could even attempt to capture one for dissection.

That would outrage the US even more, because it’d show that they are not prepared for war against Russia only against far weaker adversaries. And even then they lose. But neocons don’t care about winning. Sowing chaos is sufficient.

There has got to be a point when the west realizes that they are literally just burning money by sending weapons only to have them destroyed on the way, as happened near Odessa the other day, or captured later on.

By sending weapons they can do nothing to sway the odds in Ukraine’s favor. At least not the weapons that make sense. They could, of course, (try to) send tanks like the German Leopard. But nobody in Ukraine could operate them, for it takes months to train a crew. And then we have not yet even spoken about maintenance, or the fact that Germany talks about sending Leopard I (not II) which they have phased out around the year 2000 – I know, for I was one of the last to be trained on this old model. A Leopard I would be easy pray for and could not inflict damage on Russian tanks with reactive armor, which it itself lacks.

So, the west can try and throw money at Ukraine all they want, won’t change the inevitable outcome, maybe delay it a tad. But it will make arms manufacturers very happy, for sure. And then look who of the political elite in Washington bought shares of those just before the start of the Russian SMO. ;)

Last edited 2 years ago by Peter The Ungrateful

The big mistake the USSR made was not just let the moment they had at the end of WW II continue and roll all over the US and British armies, just push them into the sea.

Peter The Ungrateful

Hindsight is always 20/20. But I believe the USSR couldn’t have done it, anyway. WW II was very costly already and they relied on monetary support from the US, otherwise they couldn’t have afforded to build that strong an army. Stalin had been waiting for the promised aid, and it came almost too late, hence the devastating loss of life on the Soviet side.


This American aid is vastly over-rated. The Russians won the war on their own, against the greatest war machine the history has known.


That’s not a bad idea. We could just go the Ukrainian border to Europe and then all of us together could grab a firm hold of the ground, we should then be able to lift the entire western side of Europe after which it would be quite easy, if my calculations are correct, which they normally are, to shake off all the people on the other side (the side we are lifting) into the sea. Job done. Perfect ending to the war.


Let’s do it!


Great I’ll head to the border right now. Bring all your friends, the more the merrier. And it won’t take long to dump all that rubbish in the sea.


I’m on my way! Have a long way to go, though, but wait for me!


I will. Its not far left now. Oh, there it is, I think I can see the border. Yes, I’m nearly there. There’s a tree right in front of me, an Oak tree, I’m gonna wait there. you need to hurry.


if the United States was accomplice in the attack of Moskva cruiser, than any US target is legitimate. Not Polish, Romanian , German or Italian, but American.

tony danza

If a drone takes off in Germany, I see no grey area. I don’t think Russia does either. A drone taking off in Germany is NATO intervention plain and simple, just as if it were an F-35, regardless of where the operator is. Grey area might be where the operator is located if the asset is deployed within Ukraine.


A barking dog seldom bites.


Bears give a verbal warning, and if you ignore it they attack.

basement in US embassy in poland

with drones or no drones, war is pretty much over. it is a matter of when not if. “ukraine” is just a flat land. question is whether russia will go all the way to the polish border to get rid of all the nazies and dump them in the west.


Reaper Drones will be shot down just like anything else the US/NATO/Ukrainian axis puts into the sky. Reaper Drones are deadly against 3rd world armies with no air defense. For Russia, these drones will be shot out of the sky 30 seconds after entering Ukrainian airspace.


Will ukraine exist after this war? 1) yes 2) no


Not like before February 24.




Not as it existed before the special operation. And that’s a good thing


The more pertinent question is: Will the world as we know it exist after this war? The answer to that question is NO


We’re slowly sleep-walking into a nuclear conflict. We keep saying this and nobody seems to notice

Neo Galt

Yeah, and if the common people had any real sense, their targets should be to assassinate all the rulers, i.e. political leaders, and not fight and die for their wars.

Michigan Man

Exactly that’s the thing that needs to be done ! Assassinate them before they lead us all into World War and genocide !

Neo Galt

Russia should just rock a US base in Europe with a few ballistic missiles like Iran did to the US base in Iraq.

Gorgeous George

Russia may think about going symmetric. Arming Houthis with missiles und drones to level Saudi infrastructure, perhaps?


Russia will shoot down the satellites needed for the drone’s communication, the next step will be that the command control centers in NATO countries will be hit as well…

There is nothing that NATO can do against the hypersonic missiles…


Extremely interesting article above by SF which also asks many important questions. Well done.

Nato is, of course, something everybody sane (not trolls) here understands, the bad boy of this on-going saga. Where do we draw the line? That is the main question of the article. If you don’t understand what I’m talking about read it.

As far as I’m concerned, Russia is fully aware of everything that is going-on in Ukraine, including what happened to the Moskva, fine ship as it was. It was just unfortunate to have idiots planning its daily routines. Now look at it, undeservingly lying at the bottom of the Black Sea.

I’m hopefully confident that there now has been a major shake-up in the higher echelons of the Kremlin, and they are certainly not going let this attack go unpunished, even if further attacks on the Motherland officially are done from abroad.

Things will now without doubt soon escalate to a level we haven’t seen since the good old days of the eighties and the lovely Cold War. American ships will be sunk sooner or later, not a difficult thing to do really as they all basically are nothing but gigantic floating coffins.

Exactly how far down the drain this new level of war will take us, nobody knows. Things somehow turned the right way during the Cuba crisis all those years ago, not because of the hot headed Kennedy but because the Russians saw sense before it was too late, but can we really expect that we will be fortunate enough to be graced by the same, what many believe, Divine intervention a second time? Not sure. But hey, when have at least had some fun along the way.


“…not because of the hot headed Kennedy but because the Russians saw sense”: Actually the Soviet Union and the USA struck a deal: no missiles on Cuba, no missiles in Turkey, plus the Yanks promised not trying to invade Cuba again, ever.


Interesting that the Yanks actually managed to keep that promise about not invading Cuba for many years, well technically they still haven’t invaded. Today their promises, or course, are nothing but lies. I still maintain, though, that JFK was a hothead.


What a dumb article total BS- no the US wont be giving the MQ-9 “Reaper”, heres why:-

1. Its Hugely expensive $32 million each, the F35 costs $78 million for comparison, so just loosing 3 is more than an F35. Ukraine has lost about 200 drones so far

2. Its Big 20m wingspan ( F16 is just under 10m wingspan ) so not easy to bring in or hide it if it ever got there

3. Its not meant to operate in unsafe airspace, was built for the war on terror to operate in undefended shit holes like afgan & yemen. Its not stealthy, is big & slow and shows up easily on radar meaning it will be blown out of the sky before it gets even near to the target.

4. Theres no no safe airfields in Ukraine to operate out of they have all been hit & will be immediately hit if it’s known these things are operating out of there.

5. They can operate out of Poland but your planes taking off on your airfields and bombing somewhere – that’s declaration of war in everyone`s book, no excuses or get out clauses on that one so they won’t do it, or even if they wanted to declare war they would send air superiority planes first like F22 & F35 controlled by US pilots. But then your already in WW3 by then.

Michigan Man

Quote: ” that’s declaration of war in everyone`s book”.

No it is not. As long as the Reapers don t go into Russian airspace it is far far away from declaration of war. And also be clear about that the Drones will of course be painted in Ukrainian colours/with Ukr insignias. So how will the russians prove they are NATO and not Ukraine controlled ? Never forget Russia is illegally in Ukraine. There was no russian declaration of war.

Ukraine is known to be supported by the US, same as Syria is now known to be supported by Russia. Russia is giving weapons to Syria, and Israel is attacking Syria and the russian weapons, still Russia is not declaring war on Israel, or does it? Or is that Israeli bombing behaviour a “declaration of war against Russia” ??? If we take what you stated as base then – yes, but I say – no ! So you see, if we apply your thinking to other conflicts, then it becomes clear that your logic is flawed.

And same thing goes for the Reaper drone US vs. Russia thing. If drones flying under ukrainian flag attack illegal russian military armoured vehicles and personal inside Ukraine, that is fully ok with everything, including international law. Don t forget, Putin himself said that it is not war but just “military operation” so we cannot apply laws of normal war to this (according to Putin), meaning that Reaper attacks on illegal russian troops in Ukraine is like bombing terrorists and are ok not only by law of war BUT EVEN MORE in a situation where law of war isn t to be applied, which is what is the actual Ukraine conflict – according to Putin himself.

Putin himself made his troops little mercenary terrorists, which have no right on geneva conventions as long as on Ukraine territory. So ar10 now it’s your turn. Can you proof what I said resp., these facts to be wrong ? I guess no !

Last edited 2 years ago by Michigan Man

You fool. Putin has every right to protect his people and save them from Ukrainian Genocide, We are talking about around seven million people here. To try and save the oppressed and innocent is just and noble, no matter what. Who cares about breaking some silly rules to do so, if millions of peoples lives are at stake? Did the Kiev-junta follow the rules of the Minsk agreement?

Last edited 2 years ago by Hjalmar
WT Baker

The knuckle draggers being deployed by the bankrupt British System (London-Wall Street) do not have the moral fitness to survive; the main characteristic of their master’s nature. Unless this is realized by European members of NATO, the potential for thermal nuclear WW III increases. One must come to grips with the flight forward nature of the Zeusians; remember what they did to Prometheus?


I hope Russia starts knocking out satellites. Quietly of course, and never admitting it.


Is it possible to launch them from Ukraine, with controllers in Germany or Poland?

Hostage (Raptar) Driver

Always hit the sources. The United States and its lap dogs have gone full retard. Only it’s complete destruction will solve this problem.

Peter The Ungrateful

Nah, bleed THEM. All those weapons going up in smoke or getting captured, it is hilarious. I wonder how much the cargo of the plane that got shot down near Odessa was worth or that stuff that got blown up last night in Lvov. Or that S300 from Slovakia – they gotta be pissed; and they only get that measly Patriot system as compensation.

Lesco Brandon

Reaper drones were shot down by the dozen over Syria. Useless against established SAM systems. Only good for blowing up Afghani wedding parties

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