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ISIS Advances In Euphrates Valley: Over 70 SDF Members Killed, Multiple Positions Captured (Map, Photos)

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ISIS Advances In Euphrates Valley: Over 70 SDF Members Killed, Multiple Positions Captured (Map, Photos)

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The US-led coalition’s strategy to keep an ISIS safe haven in Syria’s Euhprates Valley in order to justify its military presence in the war-torn country has appeared to have some “unexpected” consequences.

ISIS units operating in the Hajin pocket have re-groupped, received fresh supples and kicked off a large-scale advance on positions of the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF). A lack of US-led coalition airstrikes on ISIS targets in the area has also played own role.

Since the last weekend, ISIS terrorists have re-entered the villages of Susah, Hawi Susah, Mozan, Shajlah and Baghuz Foqani almost reaching the border with Iraq. According to various sources, the SDF has lost up to 80 fighters and over 10 pieces of military equipment in these clashes. The SDF media wing denies these claims alleging that only about 14 of its members were killed and no positions were lost. However, photos released by ISIS’ Amaq news agency show that the SDF’s version of the events does not include all details.

ISIS Advances In Euphrates Valley: Over 70 SDF Members Killed, Multiple Positions Captured (Map, Photos)

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ISIS Advances In Euphrates Valley: Over 70 SDF Members Killed, Multiple Positions Captured (Map, Photos)

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ISIS Advances In Euphrates Valley: Over 70 SDF Members Killed, Multiple Positions Captured (Map, Photos)

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ISIS Advances In Euphrates Valley: Over 70 SDF Members Killed, Multiple Positions Captured (Map, Photos)

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ISIS Advances In Euphrates Valley: Over 70 SDF Members Killed, Multiple Positions Captured (Map, Photos)

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ISIS Advances In Euphrates Valley: Over 70 SDF Members Killed, Multiple Positions Captured (Map, Photos)

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ISIS Advances In Euphrates Valley: Over 70 SDF Members Killed, Multiple Positions Captured (Map, Photos)

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More Hellywood zionist BULLSHIT.


Do not always assume these are “unexpected consequences”. The anglozionist empire cares little for soldier losses, be they proxy or US nationals. The more Daesh makes the war on terror headlines the more the empire insists it’s illegal wars and occupations are justified. Iraq is the key player here, along with Turkish rejection of SDF to the north. Eventually the US will realise it has no strategic advantage remaining by occupying Syria east of the Euphrates and the final empirical straw will be when the local uprisings by Syrian Arabs – who also reject their plague – gain enough Syrian momentum to drive them out..


Do not forget that recently, the Americans bombed the villages in Deir ez Zor with white phosphorus to terrorize the Arabs and prevent their rebellion. They have killed 500,000 Syrians what you want to be slaughtered a few thousand more.




Gee, where is all the Coalition firepower?


Why, transferred quietly to ISIS of course. US aircrafts are also busy bombing their infantry SDF for their other infantry, ISIS.


The west side of the river is completely secured by the Syrian government coalition. While the east side is crawling with Isis terrorists. US air power can strike Syrian government coalition forces operating east of the river. But leaves the Isis sitting ducks unmolested. And who is resupplying Isis when they’re surrounded by enemies?

The US wants an Isis presence to justify it’s illegal occupation of Syria. Because once it’s gone, then the justification for neighboring states to allow US access to Syria is gone. The neighboring states should recognize that Isis is a fabrication used by the US for it’s regime change machinations, and that the Syrian government coalition is capable eliminating this threat without US involvement. And that denying US access to Syria will resolve both the Isis and the Kurdish problems threatening the region. Because the Syrian government coalition will resolve both the Isis and Kurdish problems for the benefit of both Syria and the region.

northerntruthseeker .

Great propaganda photos!!!!!


Those that fight under US umbrella will never succeed in their mission. Syrians different groups should learn from Afghanistan where Afghan forces fights against own nation and Afghan nation won the war from US.

SDF will loose this war soon in near future while Syrian nation will win this war from US and their sympathizers.


Syria to the east of the Euphrates will be like Afghanistan in a continuous war, that’s how the USA do.


The US and co. want to take control of 100% Syria and of Afghanistan in which they have failed. Now they want if they succeed in taking control of across Euphrate river. I am telling them that you are already failed in that mission too. Now watch US economy they cannot bear any more these costly wars. If they want to continue this war then US will break apart.


The ISIS should have the American flag, not the black one, since its protector and guide Allah resides in Washington.


Only reunification with the Government can save the SDF and kurds. USA is playing both sides SDF and ISIS – SDF is the only one who doesn’t get it.



That Guy

Holy shit !. Honestly, I salute them for such a comeback. It seems that their alliance with the sandstorm is giving its fruits.

That Guy

Holy shit. This pact with sandstorms is somewhat giving its fruits.

Ilya Grushevskiy

Oh no, not again – whoops!


So when ISIS fights America, ISIS wins, when ISIS fights Russia, Russia wins?

R Trojson

Russia-Syria-Iran just resupplied ISIS with many truckloads of food, water, drugs and ammunition. Now we know why. Suspect they also gave ISIS fighters secure passage to east side of Euphrates so they can fight Kurds and US.


Sometimes your wrong, but on this occasion your right, well done.

R Trojson

Appears even Turkey is in on it. They threatened invasion and slaughter of Kurds in the North and forced Kurds fighting ISIS in the south to move North and protect their people.


your getting smart


You can’t hide DaeshbugSux we can see right thru you


You are a Filthy Hasbara Liar… a Traitor spreading his Filthy Lies….get out Filthy Cockroach

R Trojson

You are ISIS propagandist. Every word from your mouth supports ISIS. How much are they paying you?


And your a Faggot…Sucking your ZioNazi Master SatanYahoo…go Get your $hekels…

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Is it any surprise the SDF aren’t doing very well here at Hajin, If you think the bulk of the SDF forces fighting Isis here are predominantly made up of Kurds think again. The US is using it’s more expendable troops here, the pro US Arab militias that also help make up the SDF army, they’re the ones being sent to Hajin to die first. There are confirmed reports that 14 or more SDF fighters actually defected to Isis yesterday, perhaps that’s why the US is bringing in only Kurdish fighters now to reinforce their positions, and not risking bringing in any more Arab SDF fighters that could possibly also defect to Isis. Abu Kamal across the river in SAA territory is the real Jewel that everybody covets, Isis wants to take it back from the SAA and the US want Isis to take it back from the SAA, stay tuned for more mayhem, I see a repeat of what happened in Dier ez-Zor coming soon to a theatre near you.

Mustafa Mehmet

How come this bastard not finished yet? time to send SAA in

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