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MARCH 2025

ISIS Advances South Of Damascus, Carries Out VBIED Attack Against Jaish al-Islam

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On January 12, ISIS fighters launched an attack from their positions in the Yarmouk refugee camp south of the Syrian capital, Damascus and captured several buildings and the al-Khatib gas station in al-Zain neighborhood in Yalda district from Jaysh al-Islam and Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), according to the ISIS-linked news agency Amaq.

ISIS Advances South Of Damascus, Carries Out VBIED Attack Against Jaish al-Islam

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The ISIS-linked news agency revealed that ISIS fighters began their advance with a VBIED attack that targeted a key position of Jaysh al-Islam and HTS in al-Zain neighborhood. During their attack, ISIS killed five fighters of Jaysh al-Islam and HTS, injured 15 others and captured one, according to Amaq.

From its side, Jaysh al-Islam claimed that its fighters repelled the ISIS attack west of Yalda district. However, Syrian opposition sources confirmed the ISIS advance in the district.

On October 20, 2017 ISIS fighters launched a similar attack and managed to capture new positions in the eastern part of the Yarmouk camp. Observers believe that the new ISIS attack is aimed at expanding the influence of the terrorist group outside the camp in order to threaten Damascus city.

ISIS Advances South Of Damascus, Carries Out VBIED Attack Against Jaish al-Islam

Click to see the full-size map

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Al-Qaeda network is collapsing in Syria.


Lets hope so Rob.

Astar Roth

It’s fact, actually. All, Wahabie projects are colapsing. They even fight in between them selves.


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Toni Liu

Not just syria but in that area including iraq, lebanon, even it helps other country like china and russia cause many terrorist in their country run to syria, but somehow europe invite them back in number, guess who more fucked up later


Kindly asking, where is this map from South Front? In the description of the map, the red portion is described as “Iranian Militia”. Also according to the map, the blue portion is HTS. Just pointing it out, thank you.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

The logo is on the bottom believe it’s NORS studies a Western backed pro Islamists jihadi supporter and map makers, sorry for the short description. They can’t make a map without the claim of “Iranian Militia” they can lose their funding otherwise.

Pave Way IV

“…Observers believe that the new ISIS attack is aimed at expanding the influence of the terrorist group outside the camp in order to threaten Damascus city…”

Tit for tat. Maybe Syria should think about ‘influencing’ Ras Tanura and Yanbu as a kind of “Your welcome, assholes!” to the Saudis. (Ask the Houthis for the proper coordinates – they seem to have them dialed in pretty accurately)

Solomon Krupacek

merging of 2 project groups

Astar Roth

Why don’t you shut your fuckking mouths, for start?

Solomon Krupacek


Astar Roth

Just shut the fucck up, you mute def dumb faggot! Your Zionistic mumbling isn’t even funny.

Solomon Krupacek


Solomon Krupacek

lick the ass of hippopotamus

Toni Liu

He jihadist supporter same with dutchnational and man dagang, so he will attack everyone that hate jihadist

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

How can these groups have support there when these Islamist Extremist Gunmen have been asked to leave the region by the locals?!?

Toni Liu

Guns over your head always be answer for this local, and bullet in their brain as answer who dare to play hard against them

Astar Roth

Just go ahead and kill each others. We will spare some bullets. You are same wahabiya shiit. Thank you.

Toni Liu

Still need thermobaric explosive to clean what left from them cause they are so toxic even after death

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