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ISIS Allegedly Captured Another Key Village From Syrian Army In Euphrates Valley

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On December 13, ISIS fighters recaptured the village of Kashma from the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) south of the city of Mayadin, on the western bank of the Euphrates river, according to the ISIS-linked news agency Amaq.

In the last 48 hours ISIS claimed that it fighters recaptured the villages of al-Jalaa, Saiyal, Salihiyah, Mujawdah and Abbas and al-Harsa on the western bank of the Euphrates in a wide-scale counter attack. However, so far these claims have not been confirmed.

Amaq also reported on December 13 that ISIS fighters damaged a BMP-1 vehicle of the SAA with a rocket-propelled grenade in Salihiyah and destroyed a tank of the SAA with an ATGM near al-Duwayr couth of Mayadin.

Moreover, ISIS fighters captured a tank and a BMP-1 vehicle of the SAA in al-Harsa and Abbas, according to Amaq.

ISIS managed to launch such a successful attack likely because the SAA and its allies rushed again and withdrew the Tiger Forces before puring the ISIS pocket in the east Homs desert.

The same mistake was made in September when ISIS launched a successful counter-attack and recaptured several positions on the al-Sukhnah–Deir Ezzor highway because the Tiger Forces had been redeployed to another front before fully securing the highway.

ISIS Allegedly Captured Another Key Village From Syrian Army In Euphrates Valley

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ISIS Allegedly Captured Another Key Village From Syrian Army In Euphrates Valley

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ISIS Allegedly Captured Another Key Village From Syrian Army In Euphrates Valley

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ISIS Allegedly Captured Another Key Village From Syrian Army In Euphrates Valley

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ISIS Allegedly Captured Another Key Village From Syrian Army In Euphrates Valley

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ISIS Allegedly Captured Another Key Village From Syrian Army In Euphrates Valley

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No one else is reporting this beside Amaq. We need some other source to confirm.

John Whitehot

it’s rather unsurprising that isis launches desperate attacks the day after Putin and Trump did their announcements. They were probably even keeping some kind of reserve only for this reason.

Of course their focus is solely against the Syrian army, it wouldn’t be unreasonable to think that ISIS numbers may actually have been reinforced by some of the so-called “arab units” of the SDF.


Looks like the Arab portion of the SDF is defecting to the SAA. Some are just surrendering and quitting altogether. I am not too worried about the SDF they have access to a lot of human, material and monetary resources. They can survive if no one is attacking them seriously.


The SF reported arab defector has stated himself he has not defected.

On the other hand, unreported by SF, the last three weeks hundreds of Euphrates Shield fighters went over to Manbij Military Council, part of SDF.


This just shows how poorly informed the Rusians are. They had a mere week left to complete the job, and decided to prematurely announce victory. This is likely to take momentum and dash will soon have control of Bukamal and Mayadin. Many, many more lives will be lost, all because of a superbly poorly planned announcement. I guess potn did not have to wait even more than two days before terrorists showed their heads…. This calls for immediate action and response; let’s see how long RF waits. I wonder if this is a repeat of September debacle when dash nearly took Sukhnah.

Manuel Flores Escobar

ISIS dont have military assets there as the most part was hide in Deir Ezzor and have been capture by SAA!…small groups with guerrilla tactics attack checkpoint bad defended..nothing new and surely Russian forces know that ISIS is defeated!..for other side ISIS dont claim that the road Mayadeen to Al Bukamal is closed…because they cannot do!


Claims but nothing to show. Hitler’s army in April 1945.

jason sixx

Never learn

Deo Cass

One has to clearly understand that ISIS and their SDF Kurdish allies swap names constantly. This is another of those many cases. The US is giving logistical support and cover to these terrorists who willingly give up their positions to the US colonial imperialist illegal invader and occupiers of Syria on the Eastern banks of the Euphrates river to be redeployed to the Western shores of the Euphrates to attack the Syrian government forces.

John Brown

Yes ISIS gets to attack the SAA from SDF territory, proving yet again the SDF is ISIS.



John Brown

Where else did they come from? Will you admit the Talmud, Torah and Kabala are all wrong and in sin, a great sin against god, when they say that god did not create Jews and non Jews as equals in the eyes of god and that Goyims are equal to Jews in the eyes of god and Jews are not superior genetically, spiritually, not chosen and not better then Goyims in any way in gods eyes? and that all men are brothers in the eyes of god??

Terence Silvestre Jr.

Since my beloved Russia got involved in the war in Syria, Putin has committed error after strategic error. And here are the results of his last one in declaring premature victory over ISIS and warn them about a almost total also premature withdrawal from the battlefield before consolidating the achievements obtained with so much effort and sacrifice in human lives, while encouraging ISIS and its sponsors to take the initiative in trying to undo everything that Syria and allies have achieved, taking advantage of the absence of Russia’s powerful military aid. Just left to wait and see what else will bring that last decision wrongly calculated according to my humble opinion, as always.


Putin is preparing for elections. This is just for show. The russians are going nowhere. Heck they are not even trying to win against ISIS. They can send real troops and obliterate them quickly.

They are playing a different game, and it’s a smart one. Just not short term.

Floyd Hazzard

I’m glad someoneelse sees it as it is. Normally you will stay until a situation is stabilized. It’s the second time they have ordered troop draw downs in the middle of active war. That’s embarassing for anyone claiming to be allies and protectors.


have you become the mouthpiece of isis, i thought they have their own media.


As I understand the long and small in depth SAA held stretch along the river is now cut in two places, creating a pocket in which SAA are now encircled and completely cut off.

Not only SAA made the repeated mistake of deploying elite holding forces elsewhere, but forgot to deploy new holding forces of sufficient strength to fence of expected counterattacks. Rushing them back could mean a collapse in SAA offensives to the north west.

Likely this is a combination of bad command decisions and an overstretched military, once again exposing basic weaknesses in SAA.


Tiger forces is like SAA PR-team. Deployment and movement are regularly reported like no other unit. Besides of that, its a small special forces unit for offensive operation and their job in deir ez-zor was probably done. These tanks have better use then going into partisan warfare.

As far as i know there are enough other pro gov. forces fighting isis, in that region. Its just a large area and only recently liberated. In guerrilla war, “consolidating achievements” doesnt exclude partial setbacks.

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