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MARCH 2025

ISIS Ambushes Unit Of Syrian Army Southeast Of Palmyra, Several Soldiers Killed And Injured

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ISIS Ambushes Unit Of Syrian Army Southeast Of Palmyra, Several Soldiers Killed And Injured

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On May 18, ISIS fighters ambushed and destroyed two vehicles of the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and the Nation Defense Forces (NDF) near the Saad al-Awarid area, southeast of the city of Palmyra, in the Homs desert, according to Syrian pro-government sources.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) said that ISIS fighters had targeted the two vehicles with IEDs and laimed that five soldiers of the SAA had been killed and twelve others were injured in the ambush.

The ISIS-linked news agency Amaq didn’t release any report regarding the ambush near Saad al-Awarid yet. According to local observers this confirms that the terrorist group is suffering from significant difficulties in communications.

The besieged fighters of ISIS in the Homs desert destroyed a battle tank, a vehicle and a bulldozer of the SAA in a similar ambush near al-Mayadin city in the southern Deri Ezzor countryside on April 21.

Syrian pro-government sources believe that the SAA backed by the Russian Aerospace Force will soon launch a large scale military operation to eliminate the ISIS pocket in the Homs desert in order to put an end to these hit and run attacks.

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You can call me Al

Not good, not unacceptable.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Possibly a just morale building fake story US was notorious for that in Vietnam and since.


Finish these satanists already !


As I have mentioned two days ago that ISIS is a threat in the ISIS pocket of homs/Deir Ezzor. This is very important to liberate this pocket first before to begin operation in Idlib and Daraa. Surrender them all and put them in prison cells.

Promitheas Apollonious

put them in prison……… you not thinking straight. Think again.


ISIS are Israeli migrants. ISIS and Israel both are terrorists. Peshmarga and SDF are also terrorists.

Promitheas Apollonious

common knowledge, what you saying. What I did not understand is why put subhumans in prison and not plant them in the ground. Prisoners cost money and man power to watch over them. Killing them all is much simpler and is problem solved permanently and for sure will not come to bite you on the ass.


syria.liveuamap go to this site trolls these guys have real arguments go there and talk to them if you think you are right.


Syria.liveuamap will infect your devices with viruses. Go at your your own risk.


lies its just a competitive site to this one that talks about the syrian civil war with more commentators and generally more active people than this one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oZLdA2WVhaM


The liveuamap does not show any images after posting and a lot of Trojans and male ware viruses waiting for guests.


Israeli welfare leech.


Alex Black will say, this made Solomon Krupacek. :DDD

But seriously. I had bever problems with this site.


Fuck off solom kupec.




Syria.liveuamap.com is a hacking website. The liveuamap site is completely rubbish. I have gone to that website but that have damaged my computer.


lol why are you spreading lies are you buthurt because its a better site than this one?


Hey do you Israeli do anything but troll sites, I guess when the U.S. sugar daddy keeps sending billions a year to your worthless ass, you have the welfare checks and time to be spamming garbage here, along with solomon kupec ie velociraptor.


get a life worthless r4tatd.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Liked your Jewish name better “Elephant toe kisser waffle banger cannot be”, need new material and better ability at typing skills.

Baron Von MuleBanger wannabe

i am not israeli i troll are you so mentally unstable ?

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

You still commit the same typo errors so you are a troll!

Baron Von MuleBanger wannabe

dont make me call backup the original baron von mulebanger…..

Baron Von MuleBanger wannabe

@Baron Von MuleBanger save me daddy

Dr. Pro Liv

That place will infect your device with JEWISH viruses….wait…… our friend here is immune on Jewish virus…..Actually he is Jewish virus himself….


Israeli parasite.


how much does iran pay you ?


Very good news are coming for Palestinians and Yemenis and very bad news are coming for Israel.

Dr. Pro Liv



You just wait one week.

Dr. Pro Liv

OK Rob I hope something positive to happen there finally..

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Erdogan proposed an International Peace Force for the region.

Dr. Pro Liv

with Turkey as only participant :-))))

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Actually an mix of Arab forces.

Dr. Pro Liv

I know that. I was joking.


The ISIS locations. ISIS have not gone to anywhere. ISIS are still there in Syria: Al-Tanf, Deir Ezzor, Hasaka, Raqqa, Aleppo and in Iraq: Peshmarga areas. They are in direct command of US, UK, French commands like Israel.


This is a more likely target for the SAA to pursue because it doesn’t involve complicated politics. Basing their attacks out of Palmyra and Deir ez-Zor the SAA could keep ISIS guessing as to where the next blow will land.


Still haven’t joined your ISIS buddies, I guess your to chicken shit to die for them.

Bill Wilson

It would be good theater for inexperienced SAA units to get accustomed to battlefield tactics and actual combat.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

now regroup and make the daeshbags feel sorry they were ever even born!!!

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Venezuela re-elected Maduro Winning with 5.8 million votes should upset the WH and warmongers. The US/CIA knew he would win and why they are prepping against him right now.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

I hope to see the US/CIA fail miserably at that and every future plot lol


The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, that’s all you need to know from a group of western supported jihadis masquerading as an human rights NGO, making up fake stories..

Tomas Sinclair

These jerkies want to command you to follow them to this isolated hellhole part of the world leaving Al Mayadin vulnerable, as it were, to attack by them. If they get so far as actually invading Al Mayadin in mass, they will be defeated. They would otherwise contact theirs on the other side who are still present perhaps.

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