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MARCH 2025

ISIS Captured Russian-Made T-90 Battle Tank From Government Forces Near Al-Mayadin

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ISIS Captured Russian-Made T-90 Battle Tank From Government Forces Near Al-Mayadin

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ISIS terrorists have captured a Russian-made T-90 battle tank from pro-government forces during the recent counter-attack near al-Mayadin city in the province of Deir Ezzor, according to a photo released by the ISIS-linked news agency Amaq.

Amaq said that ISIS members captured a T-72 battle tank. However, it’s clear that the photo shows the T-90.

During the Syria conflict, Russia has supplied some T-90 battle tanks to government forces. The main operations of these modern battle tanks are the 4th Armoured Division, the Tiger Forces and some well-trained units of Iiranian-backed pro-government militias.

ISIS Captured Russian-Made T-90 Battle Tank From Government Forces Near Al-Mayadin

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that is a very bad incident.


Apparently ISIS has changed strategy and is using numerous small attacks on SAA Forces to inflict 30+ casualties every day. SAA is likely under-reporting it’s losses, but can’t hide the fact that every week several high ranking officers are being killed. (This week Tiger#6? May have been killed). Even AMN Leith Fadel appears shocked by the carnage.


If that was the case then how come T2 is still contested and the SAA are unstoppable as they march up and down the Euphrates???


While Isis has been weakened and is no longer capable of consolidating major victories; but still strong enough to use guerilla war tactics and Bleed Out SAA Forces every chance they get. Those Chechens in ISIS have been fighting Russia for decades, acually centuries since 1785.


When ISIS tries to bleed SAA, they bleed themselves as well, guerilla warfare in open spaces is moronic idea.


Guerilla Warfare in the modern sense was invented by the Spanish who rebelled against Napoleon’s Army and won. Don’t ever discount the effectiveness of guerilla forces on their home turf against an invading army.


Methinks a large British-Portuguese army under Wellington coming in from Portugal, and Napoleon’s misfortune in Russia also had something to do with it. Probably a lot more that has been ignored by Spain in favor of romanticizing its own contribution in that effort. In general guerilla forces do fairly well in surviving against superior foes, by avoiding to give battle, but actually defeating a conventional army that stands its ground is rare. Even the most effective partisan forces that I can think off in history, the Yugoslav and Soviet partisans, got clobbered every time they had to stand up against the Wehrmacht. And it was only the arrival of the Red Army that finally turned the tide in those battles.


You are correct in that it is a preferable guerilla tactic to avoid large scale encounters and live to fight another day. This type of raiding tactic has also been a fundamental technique used by Arab tribes going back thousands of years in the region. Western or European style fighting and tactics for centuries has been designed around heavy infantry and cavalry since the Ancient Greeks, whereas middle eastern/central asian tactics and strategy is generally more designed around light forces and mobility. During the Greek Civil War in early 1800s, fighters from Europe were frustrated that Modern Greeks fought in the Eastern Style as opposed to their heroic ancestors at Thermopolaye.


Modern warfare has changed considerably for the last 200 years, the guerilla attempt is to engage an occupying army asymmetrically, attacking supply and communication lines causing limited casualties, and psychologically annoy the adversary by refusing to give battle. Guerrillas operate effectively when they have some cover, urban, topographical or natural; Eufrates valley is an open flat terrain, the mobility of ISIS guerillas is limited, and the guerillas are the invaders that are being systematically annihilated.

ISIS does not have control of the countryside nor the population that dwells there, as was the case with Spain.

Solomon Krupacek

russian partisan kick your ass, liar!


You forget that the SAA is liberating ISIS areas where dissenters were drowned in cages, burnt in cages, hacked to death etc. The local populations are now joining the SAA to clear the US /Israel common criminals and terror invaders.

Without willing support of locals any guerrilla force lacks the ‘oxygen’ needed to survive.


Some are, some arent. There are about 183 different tribes in the Syria/Iraq Battlespace, so while you may ally with 1st tribe – the neighboring 2ND tribe may not, as 2ND tribe it will probably historical enemies of the 1st tribe. It’s a mistake to think that Arab tribes follow same rules as other civilizations.


I would also add the Israeli tribe in that lot Kenneth. A truly vicious and edacious band of the ‘entitled’.


In Israel there are different groups of Jews with different agendas, in the US there are different groups of Jews with different agendas. Every now and then I check out @Max Blementhal to get his perspective.

Solomon Krupacek

you russian should know, how big stupidity did you write.

your partisan grandgrandfather is unhappy in his grave.


Seemed to work pretty well for Mohammad.

John Whitehot

yea sure. because earlier they weren’t using guerrilla tactics, they were fighting like a regular army.

i understand you have to write shit, but this is fiction – try writing a novel instead.


Kenneth gets much of his info from the US State Dept Briefings and as they said last year ‘ The US creates its own reality ‘.

This narrative though is dashed on the Rocks of Truth in any conflict with nations that have the power to reach the US in time of a future world war.

The US has been unable to defeat the lightly armed irregular Taliban fighters after 16 years and counting.


We can reasonably expect the Insurgency to last for months or years or even decades; after major operations are done.

John Whitehot

no, you can reasonably wish that the insurgency lasts years or decades, since it’s the thing that suits israel the most.


You are mistaken.

John Whitehot

no you


My only goal is to be as accurate as possible. Israel doesn’t need me to defend it since the Jews are very prominent in the banking and media industries. Plus Israel are something like 7-1-0 if we count the Lebanon invasion as as a tie with Hezbollah.


Wrong, there is not insurgency, there are mercenaries paid by USA-Israel-NATO with the help of Qartar, Saudis, Jordan, Turkey.


Gustavo, there is definitely an Insurgency – the US was never able to conquer Anbar Province Iraq despite having 178,000 troops in iraq. You can’t expect to take and hold the Euphrates River Valley with just a few thousand Russians, Iranians & Palestinians. The Arab Tribes will keep attacking them, like they do everyone else.


Thats great and all but… … This isn’t chechnya, nor is it russia…

Leon De Elias

Yeah..sure..Lost every time though..Majority of the Chechens today siding with Russia just a small number of Saudi/Turkish trained Wahhabbi terrorist still walking around and killing,butchering beheading..Fuck those bloodthursty animals..!


Most people would consider 6,000 to 10,000 to be a sizeable number. Roughly a Brigade.


You gotta admit Chechens don’t give up. Been killing Russians continously since 1785.

Leon De Elias

Well,today Chechens killing Chechens who are killing Russians..Chechens are given a great opportunity and they took it..Have you seen Grozny recently..? Rebuilt into a super-modern capital

just like Little Moscow..Skyscrapers,factories..like never before..

Solomon Krupacek

beter dont talk about T2. saa was not able for weeks to take it.


Some reports today say it was taken by Hashd PMF & not SAA.

John Whitehot

troll pest

Deo Cass

No. It is the latest upgrade of the T72, the same one which won the Tank Biathlon competition in Russia. The upgrade involed a fully outomated turret and shell loading system, as well as laser optics targetting and guidance system.


T-90 is a quality tank. Don’t know about the dazzlers though.


AMAK is saying it’s a t-72 wtf?


T90 is just an upgrade T72. So somewhat technically correct, as T72 are everywhere. Like calling a weapon an AK 47.

Solomon Krupacek


Leon De Elias

Well if its so..T90 is not just a Tank..Need proper training to use the capabilities of this awesome machine..They have none..This tank is quite useless in their hands..

John Whitehot

why is this pic so darkened? why can’t amaq produce a single piece of evidence that isn’t doubtful, once in their miserable existance?

Leon Auguste

Dont / shouldn’t these tanks have tracking devices?

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