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ISIS Captures Several Government Troops In Homs Desert

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ISIS Captures Several Government Troops In Homs Desert

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ISIS cells operating in the Homs desert launched a surprise attack on a unit of the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) south of the city of al-Sukhnah on March 8.

Pro-government sources said that an SAA soldier was injured and three others were captured by the terrorist group’s fighters. The captives were reportedly taken to ISIS hideouts in the center of the Homs desert.

Following the attack, warplanes of the Syrian Arab Air Force (SyAAF) and the Russian Aerospace Forces carried out a series of airstrikes on ISIS positions in the Homs desert. Heavy clashes also took place in the area of al-Dubiyat south of the al-Sukhnah.

More than 1,000 fighters and commanders of ISIS are reportedly hiding in the Homs desert, which lays between eastern Homs and western Deir Ezzor. Last year, the son of ISIS leader, Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi, was killed by the SAA in the region.

According to pro-government sources, the SAA is currently conducting a military operation south of al-Sukhnah with the aim of locating and freeing its three soldiers.

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Jens Holm

Assads and his puppies might fokus there in stead of Al Tanf, where ISIS is not.


I can’t believe the incompetence of regular SAA army troops. How do you get captured in the desert having overwhelming fire power, aerial superiority and long distance vision equipment ( whether delivered by the Russians or captured from the ISIS in large quantities for the past year)? If not for the Russians, Syria would have been toast by Dec 2015, that is pretty much clear.

Jens Holm

The reasons has been well descriebed for decades. You even can find them on Youtube.

Ishyrion Av

I’m sure you would do much better. From the armchair.

George King

When your are in a hostile (desert & rattle snakes without rattles) environment you don’t turn over a rock with out getting bit occasionally! This work requires up close and personal work and the land area mass has been addressed in earlier post. I do agree on toast by 2015 without the Syrian Alliances and there is no mistaking the heavy lifting by Russia contributing but in the end it is the Syrian citizens in protecting its Treasure, Commons and Inalienable Rights. Go Tulsi Gabbard for President, an angel with and a veteran of the US Armed Forces but a patriot and protectorate of the people world wide.


Sad to say but these captured SAA are as good as dead.

Jens Holm

They were send to sudden death. They are not even raised from child to be much more then that. Thats how they do and the great leadership insist. .

Daniel Miller

My god the SAA is incompetant


Why hasn’t the SAA cleared these assholes from the Homs desert?

Valery Grigoryev

Too much job for too small prize.

Jens Holm

People there has no idea about handling deserts as well. The only fresh troops mainly are taken in as forced recruitments.

The only winners might be the ones selling guns and the ones not liking muslims.


Before all of the Anti Assad KeyBoard heroes become to animated with how inept the SAA are in their defence of the Homs desert, it should be recognised that the Homs desert is a vast area of rugged desert with many caves etc to hide in.

To put it into context, the Homs desert ia circa 80,000 sq kilometres.

The TOTAL land mass area of Denmark is 42,924 sq kilometres.

So it is easy for circa 1000 ISIS to hide and for small raiding parties to move around in secrecy.

To put in into a simpler context for the US/ flag wavers here, if ISIS have 1000 men in the desert, EACH man has an area of 80 sq kilometres to hide in.

Even Jens Holm could hide in an individual area that big :)

You can call me Al






Very descriptive photos , Al.

Far too many people think a desert is as featureless as a childs sandpit.

Jens Holm

I havnt. I know the terrain and the different kinds as well. You also can find them in Afghanistan, Yemen and Libya.

I even know how it was in the very old days and we also have maps and descriptions from long time before any arabs was there as well as crossing it by karavans, cars and aeroplaines.

Today we have google maps, where we can see cars but not caves.


Yes, sometimes it is very easy to find a excuse for ineptitude of the people,

Jens Holm

Its well known for the whole world apart from Yourself.

You raise the whole region for the past and even insist blaming others…

Jens Holm

I know how the problems are. It will take years to clean it, but I write about the lack of raise and education for doing the job with less losses.

Too many ambushes killing spendables should not be an options as often as we see it.


That being the case Jens, I would have thought that ‘enlightened’ Denmark would have supported the Syrian Arab Army and NOT the US Coalition of Terror that has trained, armed, funded and supported with air power, the UN proscribed terrorist gangs within Syria.

Jens Holm

Denmark as Governess and parlament has changed a lot since the invasion of Iraq. We are much more supporters of USA then we was.

We are still critical but follow them moo much.

You dont get the other side of it. Just because we support or are much more with USA, it dont say we support Assads at all. We see no sides there as. We agree with most of world telling Assads are very bad people and insist. Its not better with the Jihadists. We dont support them as well.

To me itrs very, very dark to support any Assads or Jihadists here. The only ones relative clean kind of looking like us are SDFs even we dont like they are Marxists too.

Syria is a very primitive state having no structures for, what we are and prefare for devellopment and progress for all. It even is very low for the Baathist. How can we ever support hardly any of the men treating women as they have very low rights even made to even more low in education and influence then men and boys.

I am sure we dont see Your version of UN at all. UN try to improve human rights. Most Syrians do not. UN support food to all, which has not and today feed maybee 75% af the Syrians.

Just as red cross UN was made as a neutral organisation for all civilians which were killed in wars and according climate. By that being terrorrists or non terrorrist version are just “people” .

Assads has done everything for the opposite as You write too. You even ignore that the support for the different kinds of uprise are based of many years of terror by the Damaskus state.

When UN tell that very well proven fact, Damaskus should change to the better. We dont see that.

How many millions are enemies if the Baathis state even they has been forced and killed in line. Assads bt that is no Goverment for Syria but controller of big parts based on bajinetsm, fear, Russia, Hesbollah and Iran.

Should we or UN support that. I dont think so. Thats why I would like to leave You in Your own dark. We cant do anything to that madness as well I see no friends of us apart from SDFs which 4 socalled countries even are learned from birth are the real main problem for You.


Ineptitude is the key words, and lack of compromise with his country.


If Russia, Iran, and Hezbolah leave Syria, just in two month ISIS could recover the whole Syria land, but Lakania.


Hmm… smash-n-grab intelligence raid on Syrian forces… now which outfits do things like that? Not many. Just SAS, Delta, Mist’arvim, Blackwater and derivatives. I don’t believe ISIS even exists. This attack was probably carried out by foreign military operatives in headscarves.


Jesus Christ, this is exactly what jihadists do across the entire world from Mexican cartels to taliban. You think it has to be a western spec ops force to pull it off?


….and in all those places we find western spec ops forces…..too.


So what?? Lmao Never mind. I have to consider the source. You’re right…only spec op forces know how to kidnap people.

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