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On January 18, fighters of the ISIS-affiliated terrorist group Boko Haram attacked several positions of the Nigerian Army in the village of Toumour in the southeastern region of Diffa, according to the ISIS-linked news agency Amaq.
Amaq claimed that ISIS fighters killed 25 Nigerian soldiers and captured four vehicles armed with 12,5mm guns, a vehicle armed with a 14.5mm gun and two infantry fighting vehicles (IFVs).
The ISIS-linked news agency usually report the attacks that were conducted by the Abu-Musab al-Barnawi branch of Boko Haram. This indicates that Abu-Musab al-Barnawi branch has expanded its operations into the southeastern part of the country. This group had been mainly active in the northeastern part of the country since 2014.
A local police source told Reuters that Boko Haram fighters entered the village of Toumour on vehicles that were painted in the colors of the Nigerian Army. Facing the surprise attack, the Nigerian soldiers withdrew from their positions around the village. However, hours later the Nigerian Army supported by the Nigerian Air Force was able to recapture all the positions it had lost around Toumour, according to the source.
Reuters reported that only four soldiers of the Nigerian Army were killed and eight others were injured by ISIS in Toumour. The source added that a single civilian was also killed in the clashes in the village.
BOKO HAREM was not affiliated. And may still be not affiliated, with ISIS. BOKO was no more than small time disorganized criminal organization until US entered fray. BOKO grew in great part because US led military forces in three African States were just as ruthless as Bono at its worse. This is so F’n common with USA when small states begin taking US military payments, BRIBES to corrupt governments. Reminds me of old old warning from After Troy was burned to ground by gift of Trojan Horse; “Beware of Greeks bearing gifts. Just replace Greece with USA.
Who the he’ll is this writer? Please do not join the SOUTHEAST NIGERIA (BIAFRA) in this menace of whether bokoharam or ISIS whatever, because they have no place in that region. And no IGBO PERSON will join such nonsense and that’s why we need our country BIAFRA.
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