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MARCH 2025

ISIS Cells Ambushed Bus Carrying Syrian Soldiers In Southern Raqqa (Video)

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ISIS Cells Ambushed Bus Carrying Syrian Soldiers In Southern Raqqa (Video)

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ISIS announced on January 30 that its cells had ambushed a bus carrying soldiers of the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) in the southern Raqqa countryside.

The group’s news agency, Amaq, said the bus was struck with an improvised explosive device as it was passing near the town of Mazra’at Kabsh. The agency released a short video of the ambush.

Amaq claimed that seven soldiers were killed and many others were injured in the ambush. However, no losses were reported by pro-government or opposition sources.

ISIS cells have been attempting to establish a foothold in southern Raqqa for a while now. Their new attack will likely provoke a fierce response from the SAA and its allies.

During the last month, ISIS terrorists killed or injured dozens of Syrian soldiers in similar ambushes on the Homs-Deir Ezzor highway, the M20. The army finally responded with a large-scale military operation on the highway. Three ISIS cells were eliminated.

Once the M20 is completely secured, Syrian government forces may launch a similar operation in the southern Raqqa countryside. The Russian Aerospace Forces, which have been supporting the operation on the M20, will likely provide assistance in Raqqa.


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Potato Man

Yup, Wahhabi, Zion, Kurds terrorists are getting more cocky now that Biden is in WH. If a war break-out it would be in Syria and Syria is the last place that need to clean of terrorists – which would help ME to build-up again.

Lone Ranger

They will be toast soon. The more they attack the more easy to trace and pinpoint and strike them. And contrary to U.S. air strikes Russian air strikes work, they are precise, on target and relentless, 24/7 as long as it takes.


Looks like it takes forever. One footage and 100 titles per year.

Lone Ranger

It takes far less than Nam or Afghanistan… Isis was toast years ago when they were 20times stronger. What makes you think the outcome will be different this time? Syria is gaining CIAisis is draining…;)


Afghanistan and Vietnam have different terrain, vegetation and size than central Syria, but what can we say about Chechnya which was even smaller :)

Lone Ranger

Thats one of the reasons isis has no chance long term in Syria. Chechnia is part of Russia isnt it…


Sure is,and they got rid of 6 or so of them cia cesspools of problemcracy


On paper yes, but in reality the warlord do whatever he pleases, Putin doesn’t have words to say there. Warlord overboasts he’s the greatesr Putin fan and if you don’t believe him he just shoot you :) more like Mexico and the cartels.

Lone Ranger

Cool story but reality shows otherwise. Most the terrorists are dead or fled or switched sides. Only a handful remains but they are getting direct high tech support from the CIA and Mossad. But now even Turkey thinks these groups are a liability thats why they keep throwing them into the meatgrinder whenever its possible. Fact is terrorist encklaves are shrinking govt controlled territory is growing. Slow but steady, its a grind game…


Your thoughts are mixed today, Lonely. That satelite network is no joke.

Lone Ranger

I’m too complex for you :)

No joke, but you shouldn’t overestimate it either. It has failed many times in the past.


Indeed a guy using emojis in his comments, has a complexity of a professiinal tik toker.

What has failed many times in the past, Lonely? Any attempt to manipulate, control or hurt your mind?

Lone Ranger

Big words from someone working for Satanclaus…


Working for anyone is still better than living with your mom at your age

Lone Ranger

Projecting again? You are cute ?


You lack your mom’s hugs.

Lone Ranger

Im glad you dont…


Good boy, I will let her go back to you soon.

The Objective

You’ve been saying this for the past few months. with Biden in office, things will only get tougher for Russia and Assad in Syria. Want to bet?

Lone Ranger

And I was right… Isis losses are mounting. Biden is a retard with retard advisers. Remember Crimea,, Syria,Iraq…? It will be the same story all over again. Except Russia, Syria and Iran are in the winning position from the start :) Ziorats trying to start a big war after Daddy Trump left… Trump and his team was the more dangerous one because they werent made up totally from retards. So no worries Shlomo ?

The Objective

“Biden is a retard with retard advisers”. This is the exact reason they’ll cause more trouble for Russia.

Currently, Russia is spending about $10 billion a year in Syria. It’s economy is in trouble due to sanctions and threats of sanctions. Russia’s arms industry declined by 17% since 2015 (the year it entered Syria). India opted out of its joint defense program with Russia over the Su-57 stealth fighter. Russia’s allied regimes are in trouble, with more to follow (Belarus, Syria, Armenia)

Competition from Chinese manufacturers dwarfs any Russian hope of entering the global market with civilian tech. There’s increasing competition even in the tech industry for Russia. CAATSA again deters potential buyers of Russian weaponry. And many other problems with Europe. The current disturbance in Russia can spiral out of control (4000+ people arrested already). Should things turn bloody, it can destabilize the country pretty fast.

Iran is a troublesome ally in Syria. It jostles with Russia for control of the Syrian government. The rebuilding of Syria is something Russia cannot fund.

The U.S is benefiting from Syria’s oil and no one dares attack them. They are making money in Syria, while Russia is spending what it has to keep Assad alive (not in power because he no longer rules Syria as a whole country).

It’s clear to see that Russia is losing and will continue to lose in the future, unless some miracle happens.

Lone Ranger

“Biden is a retard with retard advisers”. This is the exact reason they’ll cause more trouble for themselves and lose at the end.

Currently, Russia is spending about $10 billion a year in Syria. It’s economy isnt in trouble due to useless sanctions and threats of useless sanctions. Global’s arms industry declined by 17% since 2015 (the year it entered Syria). India temporarily opted out of its joint defense program with Russia over the Su-57 stealth fighter like they dud with the Mig-29K, Su-39MKI and french Rafale to lower tge price only to rejoin later. Typical I duan tactics, business as usual… CIA allied regimes are in trouble, with more to follow (Crumbling UK, Canada, EU)

Competition from Chinese manufacturers dwarfs any U.S. hope of entering the global market with civilian tech. There’s increasing competition even in the tech industry for USA. CAATSA again deters potential buyers of U.S. weaponry. And many other problems with Europe. The current disturbance in the U.S. and Israel can spiral out of control (4000+ people arrested already). Should things turn bloody, it can destabilize the countries pretty fast.

U.S. is a troublesome globallly. It jostles with Russia for control of the Syrian government. The rebuilding of Syria is something USA cannot fund.

Israel is benefiting from Syria’s oil and no one dares attack them. They are making money in Syria, while USA is spending what it has to keep CIAisis alive (not in power because they no longer rule Syria as a whole country).

It’s clear to see that U.S. is losing and will continue to lose in the future, unless some miracle happens.

Fixed Trollstoy ?

The Objective

Fix this one Trollstoy. but be sure to provide stats, even from your own blog. I like your type. Why does Russian propaganda outlets hate Biden more if they believe Biden is less of a problem for the Kremlin. I want you to provide sources that consider Biden less trouble for the Kremlin than Trump. On the other hand read these sources all saying Russia should expect more trouble from Biden. Democrats naturally hate Russia and consider then the greatest threat to America. There are thousands more like this. Sources: https://www.cnbc.com/2020/10/20/why-russia-could-be-worried-about-a-biden-presidency.html https://thehill.com/opinion/international/532435-biden-and-putin-us-russia-relations-after-trump https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2021/01/22/heres-how-biden-can-move-past-trumps-fatal-attraction-russia/

Global arms market increased 8.5% from 2018 to 2019, standing at US$361 billion in 2019. Russia’s arms revenue drop significantly, with one Russian company losing $1.3 billion in sales. Only two Russian companies appear in the top 25 global arms sellers. Chinese companies rapidly displacing their Russian counterparts. And more bad news. U.S arm sells grow significantly over this same period. Source: https://www.sipri.org/media/press-release/2020/global-arms-industry-sales-top-25-companies-85-cent-big-players-active-global-south

India’s main problem with the Su-57 is that the program is a failure. It did not produce the kind of fighter jet India wanted to equip its airforce with. It is possible for India to rejoin the program, but ONLY if Russia manages to fix chronic problems with the plane. Short of that, kiss India’s cooperation goodbye. Russia even offered India a partnership again in 2019, which India refused. Source: https://thediplomat.com/2019/07/russia-offers-india-its-su-57-stealth-fighter-again/

Russia’s economy on a downward trend since 2005. Source: https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/NY.GDP.MKTP.KD.ZG?locations=RU

I need not even comment on your claim about CAATSA hurting the U.S.A instead of Russia.

You say Israel is the one benefiting from Syria’s oil and not Russia? Read this article where Syria says U.S oil company signs deal with the Kurds. You can find a lot more. source: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-syria-oil-usa-idUSKBN24Y0FD

Russia lost Armenia, Azerbaijan, Ukraine, and Georgia, all within a short time. Russia came pretty close to losing the whole of Nargono-Kharabakh. The situation is still far from certain. Belarus is in turmoil as well. The problems faced by these Russian allied regimes is much bigger than the one any U.S ally faces.

Russia is stuck in Syria, burning $10 a year with no end in sight and no guarantees that it can ever recover that money. $10 billion a year since 2015 amounts to about $60 billion! this is no small money. This does not even account for the loan Russia is giving Assad. Russia faces a similar financial dilema in Armenia and N-K, as those people do not have the resources to buy the weapons they need to defeat Azerbaijan. Hence, Russia is forced to supply most weapons for free.

So many indications show that Russia is going down. low life expectancy, and a simmering political instability. The U.N warned in 2015 that Russia’s current population could fall to a third by 2050.

Russia is a decaying empire. Hardly would you find ANY world class consumer product manufactured in Russia and respected globally. Their arms industry that was once rubbing shoulders with their U.S counterparts have long been pushed into the ground. China has taken their place. So, your lovely Russia is imploding. An economy that relies largely on sales of oil like some Middle Eastern or third-world country, accounting for some 60 – 70% of exports. Less and less foreign investors are attracted to Russia. Even Malaysia and Turkey outperform Russia when it comes to best countries to invest in.

So, if you are blinded to this collapse, not everyone is.

Lone Ranger

Your sources are null and void. Sorry kiddo. All CIA fronts. Russia never claimed Biden to be a bigger threat if anything it was the opposite.

The Objective

Hello, sweetheart. I’ll await your reply. Let’s see how far you can go

Lone Ranger

Fix this one Shlomo Trollstoy ?. but be sure to provide stats, even from your own blog. I like your type. Why does CIA propaganda outlets hate Russia more if they believe Russia is less of a problem for the CIA. I want you to provide sources that consider China less trouble for the CIA than Russia. On the other hand read these sources all saying U.S. should expect more trouble from China. Democrats naturally hate Russia and consider then the greatest threat to communism. There are thousands more like this. Sources: RT, Infowars, ZDF, TV5,

Global arms market decreadef 8.5% from 2018 to 2019, standing at US$361 billion in 2019. Russia’s arms revenue rose significantly, with one Russian company gaining $1.3 billion in sales. Only two U.S. companies appear in the top 25 global arms sellers. Chinese companies rapidly displacing their U.S. counterparts. And more bad news. U.S arm sells decreasef significantly over this same period. Source: Sputnik news.

India’s main problem with the Flip-35 is that the program is a failure. It did not produce the kind of fighter jet India wanted to equip its airforce with. It is possible for India to rejoin the Su-57 program, but ONLY if manages to bribe chronic problems with Indian bureaucrasy like did France. Short of that, kiss India’s cooperation goodbye. USA even offered India a partnership again in 2019, which India refused. RT news

U.S. economy economy on a downward trend since 2005. U.S. debt clock Wall Street Journal

I need not even comment on your claim about CAATSA hurting Russia instead of USA

You say Israel is the one benefiting from Syria’s oil and not Russia? Read this article where Syria says U.S oil company signs deal with the Kurds to sell oil to Israel. HAERETZ news…

CIA lost Armenia, Azerbaijan, Crimea and Georgia, plus Mexico and Canada and half the EU all within a short time. USA came pretty close to losing the whole of Nargono-Kharabakh. The situation is still far from certain. USA is in turmoil as well. The problems faced by these CIA allied regimes is much bigger than the one any Russian ally faces.

CIA is stuck in Syria, burning $100billuon a year with no end in sight and no guarantees that it can ever recover that money. $10 billion a year since 2015 amounts to about $60 billion! this is no small money. This does not even account for the loan U.S. is giving isis. USA faces a similar financial dilema in Armenia and N-K, as those people do not have the resources to buy the weapons they need to defeat Russia. Hence, CIA/Turkey is forced to supply most weapons for free.

So many indications show that USA is going down. low life expectancy, and a simmering political instability. The U.N warned in 2015 that U.S. current population could fall to a third by 2050.

USA is a decaying empire. Hardly would you find ANY world class consumer product manufactured in USA and respected globally. Their arms industry that was once rubbing shoulders with their Russiamn counterparts have long been pushed into the ground. China has taken their place. So, your lovely USA is imploding. An economy that relies largely on sales of stolen oil like some Middle Eastern or third-world country, accounting for some 60 – 70% of exports. Less and less foreign investors are attracted to USA. Even Malaysia and Turkey outperform USA when it comes to best countries to invest in. Gernany alone exports more than the whole U.S. of A…

So, if you are blinded to this collapse, not everyone is.

Fixed Trollstoy ?

The Objective

Well, it’s clear that you have nothing of substance say. Good surrender tactics. I won’t waste any more time replying to you until you start making sense. In the meantime, enjoy some of the ugly facts you just learnt from my comments about your rotting super-power. The fact you took time to edit my post means you read it through. While your fingers can lie, your conscience will question what you believed to be true about Russia. I’m pretty sure the downward trend is clear to you now. Have a good day, matherfucker.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

The US financed Bin Laden and his Mujahedeen to fight a guerilla war against the Russians in Afghanistan and the Russians pulled out eventually, then the Taliban started a guerilla war against the US in Afghanistan and now the US is leaving Afghanistan too, so if you think this fight against Isis is an easy one think again, a similar type of fighting force kicked to worlds 2 strongest superpowers out of Afghanistan after decades of similar attacks, so don’t assume this is an easy task for little old Syria. The only way to stop Isis is to give them no appeal to the local population, give them no reasons at all to believe Isis is a better option than the Government, but at the moment there are several factors that give the Sunni population in Deir ez Zor more reason to join/help Isis than support the Syrian Government, and the biggest reason is Iran and it’s militias. Before Iran took over southern Deir ez Zor Syrian school children had to go to a Mosque or Church to learn religious studies, it was against Syrian law to indoctrinate them while attending school, now all children in southern Deir ez Zor have to learn Shia ideology while attending school, and Sunni parents hate that, especially the religious fanatics, and I don’t blame them. On top of that if you’re a Sunni business person you’ll pay higher road tolls, extortion fees, bribes ect to do business in Deir ez Zor, and you’ll also be placed second in line for any business opportunities behind Shia businesspeople, that causes major resentment in the Sunni population as well, and again I don’t blame them. So if Assad really wants to stop Isis permanently those 2 things should be addressed first, cut them off at their roots and even a guerilla force like Isis can’t survive, that’s the only way to really get rid of a force that hits and runs and has no home base to attack. The resentful local population is the Isis home base so that’s who you have to eliminate first to win, but you can’t just eliminate them the old fashioned way, you have to eliminate them with incentives, otherwise they just pop up somewhere else. Iran is the problem in Deir ez Zor and contributes to Isis’s growth like no other factor does.

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