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MARCH 2025

ISIS Cells Blow Up Headquarter Of Hay’at Tahrir Al-Sham In Idlib (Video)

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On June 13, a vehicle-borne improvised explosive device (VBIED) exploded near a headquarter of Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) around the al-Kunsurwa building in the western part of the northern city of Idlib, according to the HTS-linked news network Iba’a.

Syrian opposition activists revealed that six members of HTS and civilians were killed and nine others were injured in the VBIED attack.

Minutes after the explosion, ISIS cells claimed responsibility of the VBIED attack through their social media accounts and said that the attack was a response to the HTS assault on an ISIS military camp in the village of Kefir Hind on June 5. Back then, HTS fighters killed twenty-three fighters and commanders of ISIS and captured five others.

During the last few months, ISIS cells stepped up their operations in the northern governorate of Idlib and targeted dozens of fighters and commanders of HTS and the Free Syrian Army (FSA). According to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR), over 130 militants have been killed in similar attacks since the beginning of May.

The new attack confirms that ISIS cells are still strong and capable of carrying out effective attacks in Idlib, despite the recent security operations by HTS and its allies.

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Muja Suria

What the hell? Are the lSlS guys crazy? Or it is fake? Not animated flag…


FU*K OFF YOU ISRAHELLI HASBARA TROLL ! Whatever you are, say & do ISRAHELL IS THE ENEMY OF HUMANITY ! Sooner or later the SETTLERS will be sent to wherever they came from and if they refuse, well…you can only blame it on YOURSELVES !

Muja Suria

Don’t take it too seriously :) Its lfie after all and anywhere in nature there is fighting or struggle (jihad). So it can be considered as a law of nature, everything that is alive fights and die since dawn of history :) Or do you deny that? Do you deny what you see in nature? Do you deny this life? Are you blind? Or deaf? Or unintelligent? Wake up :( Open your eyes :) https://youtu.be/-7S7U1IrHXI?t=34s

Jozef Mucha

haha stoopid religion is for dumb bro

Joe Dirt

you must be new to the world….Islam is the main reason why so many people die…


What is this rubbish supposed to show me? Yeah, no shit in nature wild animals struggle and kill one another, it is a part of life. That doesn’t mean human beings are justified in emulating some of the less savory aspects of natural urges and inclinations towards violence, especially when it isn’t warranted against other innocent human beings.

The biggest problem in the world, and the impediment to a largely peaceful world is in general, people like yourself wishing to dictate to other people to believe as you do and to live as you or your worldview approves. If you learned to mind your own fucking business instead of scapegoating nearly all of humanity as “kuffar” and trying to slaughter and subjugate everyone for some unattainable utopia that most people don’t want to be a part of, the world would be a better place. Your particular strain of aggressively intolerant religious beliefs that you “struggle” for is nothing more than a mental illness causing unnecessary harm and suffering for other fellow human beings.

Thousands of years from now, your distant ancestors will look upon you with utter repulsion and shame. You are embarrassment to civilization and progress, and you will ultimately go extinct.

Muja Suria

Eumlating? Humans are part of nature, they are more intelligent animals to whom Allah(swt) sent his book with the verses of truth to guide them. You can clearly see how animals follow islam and are born muslims, they are not killing themselves without a reason but to protect their kind or survive. No body is goind to kill their own kind.

Wait im not talking about lSlS now so even if the rest of non-muslim world can be considered as kuffar (the atheist, pegans or polytheists) i dont agree that we should kill them until they attack us with their disbelief and ideologies.

“That doesn’t mean human beings are justified in emulating some of the less savory aspects of natural urges and inclinations towards violence, especially when it isn’t warranted against other innocent human beings.”

You clearly dont know even basics of your history do you? Tens of thousands bigger or smaller wars, americans wiping the native population, world wars, genocides and massacres all in your christian Europe. The plagues that killed millions of people. Everybody will once die and the difference between you and us muslims is that we have chance to enter the paradise if we pass this test.

V. Mecki

You are offending God with this bullshit “So we are just animals with larger brains thats all..” Maybe you are an animal, but God isn´t! Genesis 1:27 “So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him;”


“Eumlating? Humans are part of nature, they are more intelligent animals

to whom Allah(swt) sent his book with the verses of truth to guide them. You can clearly see how animals follow islam and are born muslims, they are not killing themselves without a reason but to protect their kind or survive. No body is goind to kill their own kind.”

LOL. I’m having a hard time taking you seriously. You must either be a professional troll or seriously one of the dumbest Muslims, let alone human beings I’ve ever come across. Islam is essentially an ideology and a worldview. Animals acting out on their natural basic instincts is not animals subscribing to some religious worldview. For the most part, animals kill one another either for consumption (if they’re predators) to survive or as rivals in the competition to mate. You have a lot to learn about the animal kingdom if you don’t think animals kill “their own kind”.

Where the fuck did you honestly get your shit education from? This is cringeworthy and embarrassing. This is why maybe memorizing a medieval book of fiction isn’t the best use of one’s life. It tends to rob people of the ability to use their brain for reason and development of good critical thinking skills. I am not a Muslim, but I know quite a few Muslims and your thought process is honestly a fucking embarrassment even to them. It’s no wonder some of the biggest losers, social rejects and degenerates of society are drawn to your “caliphate”. People like you are literally incapable of functioning in modern society or contributing to human flourishing and progress if this senseless dribble is what passes for intellectualism amongst your fringe fanatical ilk.

“Wait im not talking about lSlS now so even if the rest of non-muslim world can be considered as kuffar (the atheist, pegans or polytheists) i dont agree that we should kill them until they attack us with their disbelief and ideologies.”

What does that even mean “attack us with their disbelief and ideologies”. Ideologies, worldviews and different disagreements and opinions are always going to clash in any sort of exchange of ideas. This doesn’t in any way indicate that people should be automatically killed. That’s how basic intellectual discourse works, and most of humanity, including most Muslims have already figured this out. That you think someone should be killed because they expose you to ideas or worldviews that you are in opposition to just shows the degree of barbarism and savagery that your mind is infected with. It’s honestly sad to see how you’re literally several centuries behind in terms of social progress behind the rest of the Muslim world and for that matter, the entire world. Thankfully people like you will be buried in the trashheaps of history one way or another.

“You clearly dont know even basics of your history do you?”

I am actually well versed in the history of wars and conflicts in the west, as well as the wider world, much more so than you are. After all, I didn’t spend most of my life in some useless madrassa reciting verses in the Quran and subscribing to a literalist interpretation of a book without any application of critical thinking while being forcefed some whitewashed historical narrative by some equally ignorant and clueless imam.

“Tens of thousands bigger or smaller wars,”

Just like tens of thousands of bigger or smaller wars and unnecessarily bloody conflicts were fought by Muslims as well as between Muslims under areas of Muslim rule for the last 1400 years.

“americans wiping the native population”

Largely due to the importation of infectious diseases like smallpox that people of the “old world” brought in that they were not even aware they were carrying (which doesnt even address the fact that noone at the time understood fully what infectious disease are or how they are transmitted).

” world wars, genocides and massacres all in your christian Europe.”

The 2 bloodiest world wars (the first one included the Muslim Ottoman Empire committing the first modern genocide) resulted in a record number of deaths largely due to the higher populations involved (the populations of nations states and empires was much higher in the early 20th century) and the far more lethal and advanced weaponry that was developed (modern bombs and guns are far deadlier than swords, maces and archery of medieval times). These facts alone have nothing to do with my so called “christian europe”. Given the same geopolitical circumstances, weaponry and technological superiority at the time, the Ottomans, the Mughals and the Safavid Empires would’ve committed atrocities on a similar scale.

” The plagues that killed millions of people. ”

I’m not sure what you mean by this. There were plagues in the Middle East and Asia that also killed millions of people. The black death epidemic for instance wiped out approximately 30% of the population in the Middle EAst and Persia and approximately 40% of the population in Egypt. In case you ignorant morons haven’t caught up with the science of the last 6 centuries or so, plagues are caused by the transmission of certain strains of gram negative bacteria between different animals, including humans. They are not caused by the wrath of your so called beloved Allah.

“Everybody will once die and the difference between you and us muslims is that we have chance to enter the paradise if we pass this test.”

No the difference between me and people like you is that you waste your life believing in absurdities that have no basis in reality (and don’t get me started about all the nonsense about “Dajjal” and the “Mahdi”, the moon splitting in half, the sun “rising” in the west, and all the other ridiculous garbage that will never come to pass). If there happens to be a higher power of some sort and a life after this one, psychopaths like yourself will be the first ones to be sent to hell for having such a nihilist view of life (of this so called “test”) coupled with your bloodthirsty barbarism that you impose on other human beings with little regard for basic human values like compassion and coexistence.

“So we are just animals with larger brains thats all, everybody smarter than monkey can and will see it somehow, just look at the conflicts even today.”

We are animals with bigger and better interconnected brains, but clearly we can see with you being a prime example, not all of us are capable of using their brains rationally to avoid unnecessary conflict and repression of others. It’s a shame because the potential of achieving peace or greatly reducing global violence is there but superstitious barbarism apparently is still part and parcel of some degenerate’s world view, as we can see from your example and the types of regressive idiots you support.

“No matter how you justify war it is still war and killing like always but under different reason (for democracy and freedom or whatever). ”

Yes, but it is usually better to avoid wars and find other methods of conflict resolution such as coexistence and tolerance, concepts that apparently are alien to your butchering cult (and when I mean butchering cult, I am not talking about Islam, but rather your narrow, fringe, fanatical version of it). Also, the reasons and motivations for conflicts actually matter. It is ludicrous nihilism to suggest that because armed conflicts are an unfortunate part of human history that therefore we should throw our hands up and embrace unnecessary unarmed conflict and suffering for any given reason that comes to mind and that seems to suit the interests of our own particular ideology. That sort of defeatist thinking is precisely one of the major reasons why peace and coexistence is so difficult to achieve. In other words, your aggressive caliphate cult is a big part of the problem.

“The sad thing is i know how it will all end and in the next 50 years the whole world will be pulled into another conflict.”

You don’t know anything at all about how things will be 50 years from now, nobody does. The course of human history has a tendency to play out in unexpected and unpredictable ways. You don’t know if or when it will “all end”. It could end tomorrow with a nuclear exchange as a result of human error. Or it could “all end” tens of thousands of years from when humanity (or whatever humanity turns into) becomes an advanced space faring civilization now when all modern religions have either long gone extinct or been radically transformed and reinterpreted into a form that is completely unrecognizable today).

One thing is certain. If and when humanity does go extinct, it will most certainly not be in a way that you predict or envision it to play out, nor will it be in a way your beloved holy book prophecies. Your distant descendants will confirm this and they will look back at people like you with disdain for the kind of clueless uneducated fanatical morons you were, much like the way most of the civilized world, including most Muslims already view you today.

“You cannont deny that because we have limited resources and nobody will give up without fighting and struggle”

I don’t deny that there’s a possibility that mankind might destroy itself in fighting over dwindling limited resources. But I do deny that this is some inevitable fate set in stone. Our collective actions as human beings will determine what our destiny is. If we can switch over to sustainable resource usage and population, then the scenario you describe can be averted.

“(jihad, see again the islam here?).”

You are one deranged and delusional individual. You observe some conflict(s) or “struggle” in the world and in our present reality and suddenly the first thing that comes to your mind is “jihad” and therefore the “presence” of “the islam”?

Where did you actually learn to think in this sort of incoherent manner? I have a very strong feeling you’re actually trolling and are probably not even a Muslim but just some half literate ISIS/FSA fanboy. There is no way you can be this stupid. And I don’t even mean that as an insult. You have the intellectual capacity of a small child, I am honestly embarrassed on your behalf. Your response literally looks like some kind of nefarious joke.

Muja Suria

My english is not perfect and if you doesnt correctly understand me at least dont insult me. We can talk in Arabic if you want but this site marks it as spam…

“Animals acting out on their natural basic instincts is not animals subscribing to some religious worldview” And what are instintcs? It is code from God how to behave and also people have instincts. The submitted to God will so they are Muslims. They dont need the book nor they need guidance because they are perfectly guided and it is not in their capabilities to read it anyway. I see you are atheist and you think that we are all stupid but trust me one day you will realize how wrong you were (i know it from my older friends).

“You have a lot to learn about the animal kingdom if you don’t think animals kill “their own kind”. Im sure that i know about it far better than you trust me. I never said that maybe you misread it. Im saying that they are not killing themselves without a reason but to protect their kind or survive. No body is goind to kill their own kind (without a reason).

“This is why maybe memorizing a medieval book of fiction isn’t the best use of one’s life. It tends to rob people of the ability to use their brain for reason and development of good critical thinking skills.” I memorized the Qur’an since young age and what? It teaches you about the situations in your life and how you should act. If you are capable of deep understanding (tafseer) of the Qur’an you will explain much more of what is happening in the world now. And this why im saying that plants and animals are muslims because they submitted to will of the God. Read this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tafsir

“Are those who have knowledge and those who have no knowledge alike? Only the men of understanding are mindful. ” (Quran, 39:9)

“People like you are literally incapable of functioning in modern society or contributing to human flourishing and progress if this senseless dribble is what passes for intellectualism amongst your fringe fanatical ilk.” Hope you are not serious? We are the best of the people, compare this to the lazy people who only sit and sleep and live as sheeps. Im very educated so don’t try this tatctics on me. And no i don’t mean western education full of hate and atheism.

“What does that even mean “attack us with their disbelief and ideologies”. For example if you invade country and you will say that christianity is the only truth or atheism is the only truth and islam is false… then there is nothing between us and killing you. But if you are kuffar and live peacefully without telling the others how wrong they are, then you can live until you start spreading lies against our religion. This is different from lSlS view on the world but im far more peaceful and respecting even for the misguided people (Because God knows best how they will be punished).

“without any application of critical thinking while being forcefed some whitewashed historical narrative by some equally ignorant and clueless imam.” No, im critical thinking unless it oposses my religion of course. So i love science or other opinions until somebody says that my religion is false which isn’t as there is clear proof from God. And even science is proving more and more that we will never know all and we will never reach or understand God (Allah). And the only result of this is to submit to his will because he is all knowing and he knows best. For example something in 2 dimensions will never know about third because there is no possibility to understand it. They can imagine it but they can seriously prove it because the rules may change and all will be broken (i mean physical theories). We think that we know something but no we only observed something and we think that the Gods are us now (which is wrong). We know nothing and who says that knows far more than people saying the know all.

“We are animals with bigger and better interconnected brains, but clearly we can see with you being a prime example, not all of us are capable of using their brains rationally to avoid unnecessary conflict and repression of others.” Our brains create the conflict not avoid it. Think again and you call me stupid and troll? How can you say that the one who use their brain rationally will avoid conflict when they cannot? For example somebody wants to kill you. And what is to use your brain rationally is relative and culturally defined. So again you are fitting everything to your world view. You seems to be very irrational to me because i believe in different things than you. See?

“Yes, but it is usually better to avoid wars and find other methods of conflict resolution such as coexistence and tolerance” We tried that, didnt work. Ask your bloodthirsty governments caring only about money (in both short term and long terms resulting from power over “defeated” countries). Iam saying that we are smarter than people on the west. All you have is good educational system so it makes something even out of idiot. But it is going downhill as far as i know (You are now in the degradative phase). There are many examples of that.

“You don’t know anything at all about how things will be 50 years from now, nobody does. The course of human history has a tendency to play out in unexpected and unpredictable ways.” You cannot be serious here. Wow are you living in some bubble or what? You may have knowledge but you cannot aply it correctly. If you brain has enough capacity you can extrapolate existing and past data into future and if you are thinking in the higher abstract sense there is nearly 60-90% possibility for huge conflict in the next 50 years. Nearly 99.999% in the next 500 years. But of course we cannot predict exact date not even how it will start. And do you know about statistics? Enthropy? And chaotic systems at all. You think that we are all stupid and im the worst of the muslims or brainwash? No im for peace if it is possible but if the other side is bloodthirsty and only seeks a way how to confuse you and enslave you then the only solution is to kill them and drive them out of our land.

“One thing is certain. If and when humanity does go extinct, it will most certainly not be in a way that you predict or envision it to play out, nor will it be in a way your beloved holy book prophecies. Your distant descendants will confirm this and they will look back at people like you with disdain for the kind of clueless uneducated fanatical morons you were, much like the way most of the civilized world, including most Muslims already view you today.” Say it to any modern scientist and he will laugh at you (If you dont trust the Qur’an even science disproves you). There are physical laws and they do say that we will never leave earth in any state for long time. There are limited resources on the Earth, advancement in computer technology will drastically slow down very soon. We will go extinct before we leave this Earth(Dunya), you atheists may seek life anywhere in the universe but all you will find is death. There is radiation in space, there are dangerous stars and black holes and whatever. Our sun will explode or something will hit our planet and there is no help for us. And travelling far away in the light years distances is impossible and hard even for massless light not even for sopisthicated huge spaceships which are prone to error and malfunctions and the energy required for that is so high. Complex life is designed for this planet you know that your DNA code does not know locations and connections of the neurons in your brain? All of that is function of space where you live and other properties. If there are children born in the spacecraft far away from this dunya they wont be born healthy. They will have all brain damage on birth because the properties which form it are different, the gravity will be different and the whirling forces will be different. Do you know that the moon has the power to pull sea water from shores? We are not that isolated that you may think.

“But I do deny that this is some inevitable fate set in stone.” So you except that there will be people or nations who will say: Ok we are all peaceful and we are going to die soon because our organism does not have the required energy to function correctly. We will give up without fighting for our survival. You know the stories of people buried under buildings? When some of them cannibalized others to survive etc… People will turn into beasts when there is threat to their existance again if you deny that you are the most ignorant and stupid person i know on internet. Trust me even the enemies said that thats the truth and it is corrects for everything that lives. Nothing (healthy) will watch himself dying without doing anything to prevent that hope you understand me. So lack of resources means you will die… At one point we will all lack resources (more people that resources). And dont start this ecology bullshit to make solar panels or whatever you need alot energy and it wont last forever so there is no green energy. And you cannot get food from nothing, process it with nothing. Not even the human body can work correctly without energy you know that the brain or heart consumes energy to work properly? Islam teaches us all we need. Everything that has start will have its end.

“Where did you actually learn to think in this sort of incoherent manner” No i think coherently but there is language barrier and it costs me so much energy to write correct english as possible. At least gramatically but im not sure how you see the meaning of my text. You should stop insulting us and you should thinking that we are some inhummane beasts or whatever. We are no different than you trust me. And people like you may end up in simillar situation or even in worse. Then will you understand? Yes most of the people are ignorant because they never can feel the others or understand why are they doing this or that becase they never lived same or simillar lives. Im not sure how old are you but if you are in my age you will maybe one day understand what i said and you will probably see what i predicted. Half literate? How much you know Arabic in the exchange? So again it is subjective to your standards. And no im not trolling and what i like or love is my personal thing. And no iam not stupid. Sorry you are so wrong or you don’t understand me correctly.

Muja Suria

Well are you trying to hurt me? My english is not perfect and if you doesnt correctly understand me at least dont insult me. We can talk in Arabic if you want but this site marks it as spam.

Animals acting out on their natural basic instincts is not animals subscribing to some religious worldview And what are instintcs? It is code from God how to behave and also people have instincts. The submitted to God will so they are Muslims. They dont need the book nor they need guidance because they are perfectly guided and it is not in their capabilities to read it anyway. I see you are atheist and you think that we are all stupid but trust me one day you will realize how wrong you were (i know it from my older friends).

You have a lot to learn about the animal kingdom if you don’t think animals kill “their own kind”. Im sure that i know about it far better than you trust me. I never said that maybe you misread it. Im saying that they are not killing themselves without a reason but to protect their kind or survive. No body is goind to kill their own kind (without a reason).

This is why maybe memorizing a medieval book of fiction isn’t the best use of one’s life. It tends to rob people of the ability to use their brain for reason and development of good critical thinking skills.I memorized the Qur’an since young age and what? Im worse than you? It teaches you about the situations in your life and how you should act. If you are capable of deep understanding (tafseer) of the Qur’an you will explain much more of what is happening in the world now. And this why im saying that plants and animals are muslims because they submitted to will of the God. Read this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tafsir

People like you are literally incapable of functioning in modern society or contributing to human flourishing and progress if this senseless dribble is what passes for intellectualism amongst your fringe fanatical ilk. Hope you are not serious? We are the best of the people, compare this to the lazy people who only sit and sleep and live as sheeps. Im very educated so don’t try this tatctics on me. And no i don’t mean western education full of hate and atheism.

What does that even mean “attack us with their disbelief and ideologies” For example if you invade country and you will say that christianity is the only truth or atheism is the only truth and islam is false… then there is nothing between us and killing you. But if you are kuffar and live peacefully without telling the others how wrong they are, then you can live until you start spreading lies against our religion. This is different from lSlS view on the world but im far more peaceful and respecting even for the misguided people (Because God knows best how they will be punished).

without any application of critical thinking while being forcefed some whitewashed historical narrative by some equally ignorant and clueless imam. No, im applying critical thinking unless it oposses my religion of course. So i love science or other opinions until somebody says that my religion is false which isn’t as there is clear proof from God. And even science is proving more and more that we will never know all and we will never reach or understand God (Allah). And the only result of this is to submit to his will because he is all knowing and he knows best. For example something in 2 dimensions will never know about third because there is no possibility to understand it. They can imagine it but they can seriously prove it because the rules may change and all will be broken (i mean physical theories). We think that we know something but no we only observed something and we think that the Gods are us now (which is wrong). We know nothing and who says that knows far more than people saying the know all.

We are animals with bigger and better interconnected brains, but clearly we can see with you being a prime example, not all of us are capable of using their brains rationally to avoid unnecessary conflict and repression of others. Our brains create the conflict not avoid it. Think again and you call me stupid and troll? How can you say that the one who use their brain rationally will avoid conflict when they cannot? For example somebody wants to kill you. And what is to use your brain rationally is relative and culturally defined. So again you are fitting everything to your world view. You seems to be very irrational to me because i believe in different things than you. See?

Yes, but it is usually better to avoid wars and find other methods of conflict resolution such as coexistence and tolerance We tried that, didnt work. Ask your bloodthirsty governments caring only about money (in both short term and long terms resulting from power over “defeated” countries). Iam saying that we are smarter than people on the west. All you have is good educational system so it makes something even out of idiot. But it is going downhill as far as i know (You are now in the degradative phase). There are many examples of that.

You don’t know anything at all about how things will be 50 years from now, nobody does. The course of human history has a tendency to play out in unexpected and unpredictable ways. You cannot be serious here. Wow are you living in some bubble or what? You may have knowledge but you cannot aply it correctly. If you brain has enough capacity you can extrapolate existing and past data into future and if you are thinking in the higher abstract sense there is nearly 60-90% possibility for huge conflict in the next 50 years. Nearly 99.999% in the next 500 years. But of course we cannot predict exact date not even how it will start. And do you know about statistics? Enthropy? And chaotic systems at all. You think that we are all stupid and im the worst of the muslims or brainwash? No im for peace if it is possible but if the other side is bloodthirsty and only seeks a way how to confuse you and enslave you then the only solution is to kill them and drive them out of our land.

One thing is certain. If and when humanity does go extinct, it will most certainly not be in a way that you predict or envision it to play out, nor will it be in a way your beloved holy book prophecies. Your distant descendants will confirm this and they will look back at people like you with disdain for the kind of clueless uneducated fanatical morons you were, much like the way most of the civilized world, including most Muslims already view you today. Say it to any modern scientist and he will laugh at you (If you dont trust the Qur’an even science disproves you). There are physical laws and they do say that we will never leave earth in any state for long time. There are limited resources on the Earth, advancement in computer technology will drastically slow down very soon. We will go extinct before we leave this Earth(Dunya), you atheists may seek life anywhere in the universe but all you will find is death. There is radiation in space, there are dangerous stars and black holes and whatever. Our sun will explode or something will hit our planet and there is no help for us. And travelling far away in the light years distances is impossible and hard even for massless light not even for sopisthicated huge spaceships which are prone to error and malfunctions and the energy required for that is so high. Complex life is designed for this planet you know that your DNA code does not know locations and connections of the neurons in your brain? All of that is function of space where you live and other properties. If there are children born in the spacecraft far away from this dunya they wont be born healthy. They will have all brain damage on birth because the properties which form it are different, the gravity will be different and the whirling forces will be different. Do you know that the moon has the power to pull sea water from shores? We are not that isolated that you may think.

But I do deny that this is some inevitable fate set in stone. So you except that there will be people or nations who will say: Ok we are all peaceful and we are going to die soon because our organism (nation or whatever) does not have the required energy to function correctly. We will give up without fighting for our survival. You know the stories of people buried under buildings? When some of them cannibalized others to survive etc… People will turn into beasts when there is threat to their existance again if you deny that you are the most ignorant and stupid person i know on internet. Trust me even the enemies said that thats the truth and it is corrects for everything that lives. Nothing (healthy) will watch himself dying without doing anything to prevent that hope you understand me. So lack of resources means you will die… At one point we will all lack resources (more people that resources). And dont start this ecology bullshit to make solar panels or whatever you need alot energy and it wont last forever so there is no green energy. And you cannot get food from nothing, process it with nothing. Not even the human body can work correctly without energy you know that the brain or heart consumes energy to work properly? Islam teaches us all we need. Everything that has start will have its end.

Where did you actually learn to think in this sort of incoherent manner No i think coherently but there is language barrier and it costs me so much energy to write correct english as possible. At least gramatically but im not sure how you see the meaning of my text. You should stop insulting us and you should thinking that we are some inhummane beasts or whatever. We are no different than you trust me. And people like you may end up in simillar situation or even in worse. Then will you understand? Yes most of the people are ignorant because they never can feel the others or understand why are they doing this or that becase they never lived same or simillar lives. Im not sure how old are you but if you are in my age you will maybe one day understand what i said and you will probably see what i predicted. Half literate? How much you know Arabic in the exchange? So again it is subjective to your standards. And no im not trolling and what i like or love is my personal thing. And no iam not stupid. Sorry you are so wrong or you don’t understand me correctly.Are you trying to hurt me? My english is not perfect and if you doesnt correctly understand me at least dont insult me. We can talk in Arabic if you want but this site marks it as spam.

Muja Suria

Look how accepted im in my community thats all for accusing me of being half literate, trolling etc. I write what i believe is truth. And you dont have agree with me on that. However It is not my fault. https://i.imgur.com/GEOIYG5.png

V. Mecki



Are you dumb? Are you stupid? Are you deranged? Are you a Zionist agent? Take your spyware windows 10 and stuff it where your head is. Take your show to Times of Israel, they’ll appreciate it…and take your butt-buddy Joe ‘dumb as’ Dirt with you.

Jozef Mucha

This is pro-russian web get back to your daesh site https://i.imgur.com/HzfcrQT.jpg

Muja Suria

Daesh? It is Islamic state of Iraq and Sham(lSlS), Then islamic state (lS) in arabic al dawla al islamiya fi iraq wa sham. So word daesh is used by propagandists and traitors.

Feudalism Victory

Two birds with one stone

Richard M



fake as f&&&. More likely dynamiting evidence of israeli involvement in a part of idlib likely to be tigerized in near future

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