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ISIS Cells In Diyala Kill, Injure 17 Iraqi Service Members In Coordinated Attacks

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ISIS Cells In Diyala Kill, Injure 17 Iraqi Service Members In Coordinated Attacks

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Late on May 2, ISIS cells carried out two coordinated attacks on Iraqi government forces in the eastern province of Diyala.

The first attack targeted a center of the Iraqi police in the village of Zaghinah in the district of al-Abarah. ISIS terrorists attacked the center with machine guns and sniper rifles. The terrorists also ambushed reinforcements upon arriving in the scene.

Iraqi security sources told the Anadolu Agency that four policemen were killed in the course of the attack. Nine others, including an officer, were injured.

In another attack, ISIS terrorists ambushed two military vehicles in the district of Udhaim. One of the vehicles, that was carrying deputy-commander of the 18th Brigade’s 2nd Regiment, was targeted with an improvised explosive device (IED). The terrorists targeted the other vehcile with machine guns.

“A fighter was martyred [in the ambush] and three others were injured,” the Security Media Cell said in a short press release addressing the ambush.

As usual, ISIS’ news agency exaggerated the results of the attacks, claiming that 21 government fighters were killed or injured. The agency also claimed that four vehicles were destroyed.

A day earlier, the terrorist group’s cells in the northern province of Saladin carried out a large-scale attack on positions of the People Mobilization Units (PMU). As a result of the attack, ten PMU fighters were killed and several others were injured.

The recent attacks indicate that the ISIS is planning to develop its operations in Iraq.


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Rafik Chauhan

there is some traitor in Iraqi force who is providing and giving information to US to pass ISIL. otherwise after so many operation by Iraqi force in diyala against ISIL . They are stll active it means US and some Traitor providing this terriost information of the the movement of Iraqi and PMU force

Free man

The PMU demanded that the Americans leave Iraq. The Americans reorganized their forces and left many bases . ISIS recovered were the Americans ceased operations . And you blame the Americans. LOL.

Jens Holm

Thats result might be there too. By that Iran has an extra excuse for even more influence and the Bagdad shiits are the loosers too.

good american

I never saw the US get mad at Israel for treating the enemies of the US. Or Saudi when they give ISIS TOW’s. Remember when the US attacked Syrian army positions and then ISIS attacked five minutes after the bombing? ISIS captures the oil fields from Syria and now the US has them. Huh. But yea, you must be right.

Free man

For several months, the pro-Iranian militia has been attacking Iraqi bases where the coalition forces are. To deal with the situation, coalition forces have reorganized their forces instead of fighting ISIS. Now we see the result. Do you think the US war against ISIS in East Syria is actually a proof that the US supports ISIS? Where did you see that the Saudis gave American weapons to ISIS, among other things, to fight Americans? If the US is so bad why do you continue to live in the US? Why not immigrate to a great country like Iran?

good american

Well, you don’t know where I live, but it does have a strong history of anti-imperialism. You remember when ISIS had the oil fields and they were sending the oil tankers by the thousands to Turkey and the US never touched them? Why not, especially when they were buying weapons that would potentially hurt US forces? What did they do in Iran Contra? Sell cocaine to buy weapons? Who was it again? Now they sell oil to buy weapons, instead of ISIS it’s the SDF doing the same thing. https://www.globalresearch.ca/u-s-military-aid-to-al-qaeda-isis-daesh/5548960 I am disappointed that my country is so corrupt and awful, and I will not be an apologist for it. Giving the US a free pass just because it my country does not work with my moral compass, though it may well with yours.

Free man

You’re right, I don’t know where you really live. You seem to prefer the positions of extreme Islamic dictatorship like Iran over the democratic state in which you say you live. An imperfect democracy that made quite a few mistakes in the Middle East. But still there is no basis for comparison between the western democracies, for all their faults, to totalitarian states like Iran.That’s why there is immigration from countries like Iran to countries like the US and not the other way around. That’s my opinion.

good american

My friend, if my brother was doing or about to do evil, I would not keep silent or defend him just because he is my brother. If he was fighting people because he insists on getting into their business, acting like a gangster, killing people because they defied him, I would not give him a pass. I am hard on my country because it is my country, and I care about what is mine. My criticisms are not from hate, but from love. Some of us have to kick against the the injustice done in our name. If we don’t we share the sin.

Free man

I respect your critical stance. We are fortunate that we can criticise our governments openly and there is no doubt that there is alot to criticise. But still I don’t think the US has support or supported ISIS in the past, it’s not something that can be hidden in a democratic country.

good american

We’ll see who turns out correct.

Jens Holm

You dont understand whats going on at all and did. You not even try.

Who is who there, where Yoy name people as traitors, makes no sense. Iraq is one big conglomerate and hardly connected and having many many agendas.

So You might be a traitor Yourself and maybee the other think Your kind are the main traitor.

Your somment makes no sense.

Maybee the mistake was to make Iraq after WW1 instead of several ones mixted in another border system changing Syria and Turkey as well.

We see almost all problems are from Iran to Afrin are unsoved. Maybee the wrong people there are the ones from Damaskus, Bagdad, Ankara and for that matter Teheran.

Much like “leave me alone”, but none will let them.

Ricardo Xavier

The big question are: Why English empire and French empire wanted to create Palestine State? And why at the same time, Russia betrayed the Armenians and retreat, letting the Turks to revenge over the local Armenians? Why they retreated? Why? What was the plan?? Who decided was not Soviet… The Bolshevist revolution didn’t happened yet…

All royals from Europe used to mix between… And the Russian kings was the same power families… ;)

So, Israel borning was planed, plotted, by all christian empires to serve christian goals of Jerusalem access, with the mask of the Jews…

What they did with Syria and Iraq, all European empires did the same to Africans. Make the borders to dont respect ethnic distribution, stimulate war between them, than sell weapons and buy their natural resources and products at low prices.

It was not accidental, it was planned has it is… War are profitable to weapons sellers and to importers…

Because of Turkey and Iran, Syria and Iraq cannot be divided by ethnic distribution because that will be treat to both Turkey and Iran… And Europe!!!

Spain, France, Belgium, Switzerland, UK… They all are Yugoslavia lands…

Jens Holm

Almost all of that already has been very well descriebed by many much better then someone like I can.

You therefore should read about it from those free sources and not in my way of telling things.

It seemes You are told You will be destroyed but its about Your bad regimes and fx blocking for oil by the old “food for oil” line.

It was and are a “if not” destruction. Assad choosed NOT. Saddam choosed NOT.

So its only about free production and oilsale with tazpay to the countries and people working there.

The rest is 50 million dont care people and some dades for Christmas. You and others might wonder we “support” the Wahabis in Saudi-Arabia. But its same thing. The main thing is getting the needed oil and as much as we need and we pay for it. Vomen driving cars there and women and incomming workers being raped every day is second. We have our own to take care out, but we do tell we dont like that part.

So You dont have to resist or join. We dont care apart from the oil, which You before west came hardly was for local lamps. …………………………………………………………………………….

I see none support Your kind of state even in in some matters might make sense.

I am in direct opposit way. I wish several smaller states, so people if needed can go safe. The arab systems are not for states like Syria but much smaller ones like Emirates.

I therefore will have the main influence on local matters there and people to decide their own leadership and whats needed by taxmoney and how much.

After that some of those Emirates can help each other where its decided by their local parlaments.

The key is Your people in the region dont work for any unification but the opposit. The Human rights by UN is the only way westerns know. It takes as much religion and old hate away as it can by making demands for every singlke citicen being the same for the law. Its not about religion, etnic, tribe, wealth and like that.

And when I propose all oil in Syria just can be shared and money given to every citicen and half to children for their education all Assads say MINE, ITS MINE.

And its exact the same for the shiits in Bagdad. The oil oney not even reach the Shiits there. They cant even give Basra water for drinking.

I see none want peace until they have won the war. None. I think I only agree in, it coudl be an idea at least to stop figthing each other. The fightings are good reasons for outcommers to come in escelating things even more.

Ricardo Xavier

“Your kind” I am atheist and anarchist. Tell me, what is my kind?

“The big question are: Why English empire and French empire wanted to create Palestine State? And why ?”

My question are answers, not truly questions… ;) Stop being stupid. Russia (before Bolshevist revolution that cleaned Russia from their power elites), France and England, was already planed Israel… Dumb…

The majority of Russian rich survivors was Jews… The Great Israel Map plan…

Wahhabism was different. The savage soviets created the huge refugees camps in a poor country like Pakistan, savage vs savage, the Saudi king payed Wahhabi schools to that refugees on Pakistan. After programmed with wahhabism, that humans never been able to be normal again.

Extremist actions (soviets, usa) creates extremist reactions (al-qaeda, isis…).

Not all muslims are like you. And i defend a lot of Muslim extremists in some points, because of the last line i wrote before… Cause effect.

So, stop being stupid. You dont know my type, and probably you even hate me more because i support gay muslims that exist here in europe that are better muslims as you.

Yes i am atheist and anarchist. Allah, God, and Santa Claus dont exist. Its all mind illusion. Platonic love. The feelings are truth, but she dont exist the way you need :p

Jens Holm

You dont reflext what makes influence. Thats getting knowledge by learning and using.

The othe rpart is keep people in the dark by religion as well as fx Marxisme of the Russian and Chinese kind.

By that Jews were the very few in fx Russia which by that gave them influence and sometimes even at high places.

Its typical for Your kind, You never mention there was no big devlloped middleclass in Russia. There is not today. The same for Arabistan. No middle class is allowed and therefore hardly exist. Your South American adventure is same thing. Its very hard for me to see the Great succes because the middleclass is not there and things by that are unproductive and fall apart. …………………………………………….

WW1 is very well descriebed and even into to diaries day to day and even long time before that.

Number one in that told be even fanatic Germans are Germany was the only Agressor to start WW1 and not Britts, Germans and the totally neutral and far away USA. I include Italy as non agressor.

So it was a war among Empires and some little shitholes named ME was nothing apart from the Turkish Petroleum company and the Suez.

Only Tzar Russia had any big plans and would like to have Istanbul.

I think You should look at the many maps for the Osmans and see Leaders of the world hardly didnt know what to do with all the worthless parts trying to make them useful at all.

And the results were a lot of smaller treaties and among then Balfour one and two, Sevres an d Lausanne.

The decided people there apart from a few things were totally unuseful and people there therefore vould make own countries.

Here it was luck some Jews of the “european kind” would go to there and help to fll the vakkuum controlled by Britts bringing in our kind of jobs and innovate between the ancient farmers and towns.

And Your stupidity for Russia as well as Sovjets only mention the few jews getting influence. You dont mention the 5 millions jews, which left Russia as well as the many others from that Region, which also left to anywhere else.

I see the same patterns for today. More like more Russians leave Russia then the other way. And muslims prefare to live among Christians and infidels instead of trying to change impossible systems being badm bad and bad again.

Its about few people by totalitarisme rund the rest for won puprose only.

West has no problems with Jews as You descriebe them. They mainly are descriebed as mainly very good taxpayers. They are very good to create jobs and we do tax the emplyed as well.

Those money go back to the ones, which by more or less good reasons has nothing.

So westerns are all jews in several vital matters and anytime prefare that for the results You do.

The problems should be solved by education and a productive middleclass and not the front as we see them in Venezuela too. Sicialisme also has to based on production. Its not enough to share things better, if there is nothing to share.

And its the same for Russia and most muslims, where people are kept with no responsabilities and dont believe in the presented possibilities seeing they dont work.

Ricardo Xavier

You still stupid. No body are my kind. No past or present people represent me. No one represent other person… I am me. :) We all are just individuals, and history books and religions means nothing…

The past generations means nothing… We all born free, without past or culture… Everything else are introduced. God Allah dont exist, its fantasy, and you are brain retarded.

Ricardo Xavier

More, about the true comunism goals, dont forget Cuba and Venezuela world block… Che Guevara are still alive inside a lot of “my people” <3

Jens Holm

I see none of them as succes for people living there.

Ricardo Xavier

If USA trully try to do the same to China, they will start to have help. China until now been friend with nato comerce… If nato, stop comerce with china, china will offer their technology and medicine to the enemies of nato…

Ricardo Xavier

The only ethnic that deserve respect in “your kind” are the Kurd’s. Fuck Sunnis, fuck xiits, fuck Turks. Only the Kurdish women soldiers deserve to live. :p

Ricardo Xavier

You are so stupid…

johnny rotten

I’m amazed, is the Anglo-Zionist infantry still around? had not been defeated by the largest coalition ever seen? the care of isisraeli doctors is truly miraculous, they bring the dead back to life.

Free man

Sure thing, Israel is responsible for ISIS attacks in Iraq. What a simple and clear world you have. LOL.


Stupid cunt, before the US Zioterrorist invasion with fake CIA evidence of “Saddam’s WMD”, there was no al-Qaeda/ISIS in Iraq, you simpleton twat.

Free man

Wipe the foam off your lips. So because the Americans made a bitter mistake and invaded Iraq 17 years ago, Israel is responsible for ISIS attacks today. I guess that makes sense to you. LOL.


Same in Lybia before NATO’s Zioterrorist intervention. Such coincidences must be a a great mystery of the universe for retarded shits like you….

Jens Holm

Gadaffy was a nasty guy of the worst kind. Same thing as for Syria. There was only one oppinion made by fear and bajonets.

Now Toy probatly support some Warslord, which seemes to be Your only possibility.

So whats the result?

Fynny too, if MOntgommery and Rommel knes, there was oil below…


Not to mention Syria before the US/UK/France Zioterrorists, the staunchest Western supporters of the Rothschild neocolony in Palestine said “Assad must go”. Another enigma for the idiotic fucks that are not paid CIA/JIDF trolls.

Jens Holm

Arrrh Rothchilds bringing in wine and cigars again…

In heaven there is no beer, that what we drink it here.

Jens Holm

Maybee should go back taking Your medicine or start taking it again.


After the US Zioterrorists evacuated ISIS commanders from Ramadi before it was liberated by PMU and the Iraqi army supported by Iran, ISIS cells went into sleeping right until the moment the US/ISrael would need them the most.

Jens Holm

That unfortunatly is a highly biased version.


What you say is pure Zioterrorist bullshit.

Jens Holm

Internet says as I do.

Even putting in them as “Zioterrorists” is barking madness. You are worse then underinformed sbjctive garbage maker not even able to clean own mind and normal sense.

If You said You were a cook none would trust You to boil and egg:(

The Objective

When I want to laugh, I read your comments. Not only is the English a fatigue to read, but also the messages scarcely adds anything to the conversation. You enjoy it when you piss people off on this forum don’t you? Their replies must be entertaining to you.

Free man

Iraqi soldiers pay the price of the pro-Iranian militia’s fight against coalition forces. Too bad.

Jens Holm

Maybee You shoild define, what Iragi soldiers are. So many Iraqien armed forces driven as milotias are oly partly loyal to Bagdad and also has their own agenda.

Ricardo Xavier

Kurdish and Xii are the main ethnic in Iraq and Iran. Because of Turkey, its dangerous to Kurdistan truly born without total destructive war over Turkey…

Why not all Syria + Iraq + Iran in just one country with Assad has the King? Capital – Bagdad. First goal? Damascus – Bagdad – Tehran connections, and oil pipeline crossing all countries to the Mediterranean sea…


Ricardo Xavier

The big question are: Why English empire and French empire wanted to create Palestine State? And why at the same time, Russia betrayed the Armenians and retreat, letting the Turks to revenge over the local Armenians? Why they retreated? Why? What was the plan?? Who decided was not Soviet… The Bolshevist revolution didn’t happened yet…

All royals from Europe used to mix between… And the Russian kings was the same power families… ;)

So, Israel borning was planed, plotted, by all christian empires to serve christian goals of Jerusalem access, with the mask of the Jews…

What they did with Syria and Iraq, all European empires did the same to Africans. Make the borders to dont respect ethnic distribution, stimulate war between them, than sell weapons and buy their natural resources and products at low prices.

It was not accidental, it was planned has it is… War are profitable to weapons sellers and to importers…

Because of Turkey and Iran, Syria and Iraq cannot be divided by ethnic distribution because that will be treat to both Turkey and Iran… And Europe!!!

Spain, France, Belgium, Switzerland, UK, Russia,China… They all are Yugoslavia lands… They will never accept country split by ethnic reasons, because their own citizens will want the same freedom rights…

And they dont want to loose territory, neither tax money over that citizens.

So, instead of split, Syria, Iraq and Iran, should become one country to be able to resist against the world will to destroy them… Israel, Turkey and Saudi Arabia are supporting since the beginning the destruction of Iraq, syria and Iran.



Staggering to think that in this day and age, these guys just can’t be defeated and even when they are seemingly weakened, they just come back for more. And apparently there are reports coming in of numerous attacks happening all over Iraq now. Sorry Iraqi’s. Looks like Daesh are back.

Jens Holm

Its not like that. You have to make realisme in seize and how well they organize and promote themselves.

But its true, that Bagdads and the many more or less affiliated create and learn nothing to prevent incidents like that.

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