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MARCH 2025

ISIS Cells Kill, Injure 15 SDF Fighters In Daring Deir Ezzor Attack (Photos)

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ISIS Cells Kill, Injure 15 SDF Fighters In Daring Deir Ezzor Attack (Photos)

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ISIS announced on March 6 that its cells had carried out a daring attack on a HQ of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) in the town of al-Shheell in southeastern Deir Ezzor.

During the attack, which took place late on March 5, the terrorists targeted the gates of the headquarters with machine guns and rocket-propelled grenades. The ISIS news agency, Amaq, claimed that a fighter of the SDF was killed and two others were injured.

After attacking the gates, the terrorists ambushed reinforcements of the SDF. Heavy clashes broke out. According to Amaq, six SDF fighters were killed and six others were injured. A pickup truck was also destroyed by the terrorists.

Local sources in Deir Ezzor confirmed that the HQ of the SDF was attacked by ISIS cells. However, the number of casualties has not been verified yet.

Following the attack, a unit of the SDF stormed al-Shheell hospital. SDF fighters arrested seven of the hospital’s staff and broke many pieces of medical equipment. The fighters went on to burn one of the hospital’s vehicles and a nearby house.

The Kurdish-led group is yet to provide an explanation to the assault on al-Shheell hospital, which was most likely a retaliation to ISIS attack.

Last month, the SDF carried out a large-scale operation against ISIS cells in Deir Ezzor. As proven by the terrorist group’s daring attack in al-Shheell, the operation did not change the security situation in the area.


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Servet-i Funun Literature

Moral of the story Isıs has more guts than Saa aka thunderbolts taygır-maygır force.🐯🐯


Just some minor skirmishes amog the terrorist Ziocorporate globalists’ lowliest food soldiers and mercs, like when Turks and al-Qaeda have a marital spat.

Servet-i Funun Literature

Does it change the fact that Saa cant launch(can not even imagine) an attack to Sdf?

John Wallace

The SDF and SAA have had an agreement from years ago at the height of ISIS not to attack each other . Nothing about guts at all. It is much easier to hide then come out and attack a target at your time and place of choosing.. That is how the weak attack the strong ..


W.t.f,saa can’t fight? do you actually know what fighting means? ihttps://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/7397838a39adcb2028e218ed681e0397745bcaedcfd59d75434d12ebea342b0e.jpg

Servet-i Funun Literature

Saa can not launch an attack to Sdf!!! ı dont remember ı say Saa cant fight.

Jens Holm

SAA has their hands full and more to it.

Jens Holm

He knows nothing about it and lower in level thenYou.

Jens Holm

Another stupid reflexion. I have my memory and remeber last time.

Servet-i Funun Literature

Animal, Saa can not kill any sdf soldiers let alone re-taking its lands,oil rafineries.Sdf is controlling all oil rich areas with agricultural lands.They have their own education.They decide the oil prices in Syria and when Sdf doesnt sell oil(like nowadays):İran,partly Russia is supplying it.Thats why ı said ısıs has more guts than Saa.At least they are ambushing sometimes

Jens Holm

As You wish.

Servet-i Funun Literature

Get lost..living in denmark or whatever thousands kilometers away from syria lecturing about Middle-east.ı am done with you.

Jens Holm

I have exact the same information as You and has been studying Middle East from God made the world and some correction later on was made by Noah and his wife.


nice conversation amongst your own ID’s no?…..can I please interject in here with a hard-on too?


sdf aint saa,if isis had no cia superdrugs,what them boka bokaa,silly lgbtq wannabe!

Servet-i Funun Literature

Bs,without air-force Isıs is a hard opponent to reckon with and yeah Isıs over-all better than Saa right down to the last bullet.

Jens Holm

Thats how the conditions are. ISIS are organized in small well organized groups and also mainly are hardheaded veterans.

So more equipment in the SAA compensate for them.

Jens Holm

We know their guts. They are rewarded with 72 hostile male virgins in heaven https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/50fb1deebe03ca6b951d641b7733d1e6c065062f0adf319256937f28a34975a3.png

Supreme Blyat

It’s the captagon

johnny rotten

The usual internal disputes within the NATO foreign legion, an opportunity for a bit of self-promotion of the isis, just to justify the American occupation of Syria, demonstrating that there is no difference between the isis and the Kurds, just a change of hat to switch from one role to another, violence against civilians and in this case even against a health facility and its staff, a characteristic trait of terrorists at the service of the American occupiers.

Jens Holm

Nato is not in Syria.

Much as some infection permanent has occupied Your head.

John Wallace

Syria has been attacked by members of NATO which include Britain , US , France , Turkey , Netherlands , Germany and YOUR beloved DEMARK . So your statement NATO is not involved is BULLSHIT . Numnut.

Blas de Lezo

The Zio-Wahhabi terrorists are killing the secessionists filth. Assad wins again.

Jens Holm

Well, if it happend.

John Wallace

What’s with attacking the hospital and staff ??.

Jens Holm

SDFs dont do that. A theory could be ISIS tryed to retreat that way or some semi ISIS work there.

John Wallace

Did YOU read the article. ” Following the attack, a unit of the SDF stormed al-Shheell hospital. ” So how the fuck can you say The SDF don’t do that. Numnut.

Cheryl Brandon


Furkan Sahin

but SDF is better than Isis but both is bad

Jens Holm

I dont think SDF themself is better then ISIS. They are semilar or a little below.

The difference is the americans are able to give them active support fast.


Iran will dismantle both and then you’d be left holding hands with the young men in your refugee center mr jens. Then what will you do?

Evan Vokes

ISIS is pure doctrine out of the koran and hadiths whats the problem? This is how the non prophet lived and everyone is supposed to emulate him

Assad must stay

Hahahaha yea go after them not SAA and stop attacking hospitals

Jens Holm

So far I cant see, there are verifycation for that at all.

But if so its very clever made.

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