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ISIS Cells Set Up Fake Checkpoint On Damascus-Deir Ezzor Highway, Execute Several People (Photos)

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On May 17, ISIS terrorists set up a fake checkpoint on the M20 highway, which links the capital, Damascus, with Deir Ezzor. A number of Syrian service members and a civilian were captured then executed by the terrorists.

“ISIS operatives blocked the Damascus-Deir Al-Zour road at the Ghabagheb area, and captured a car carrying an officer in the ranks of regime forces, in addition to two soldiers and women, all of whom were executed by ISIS operatives,” the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) said in a report.

After the incident, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) deployed reinforcements on the M20 highway. However, no clashes with the terrorist group were reported.

A day earlier, ISIS cells abducted and executed an alleged informant of the SAA in the vicinity of the town of al-Sukhnah in the eastern Homs countryside.

The group also released photos showing the execution of four men in eastern Homs. The men were accused of spying for the Syrian intelligence. One was beheaded while the others were shot in the head.

ISIS Cells Set Up Fake Checkpoint On Damascus-Deir Ezzor Highway, Execute Several People (Photos)

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ISIS Cells Set Up Fake Checkpoint On Damascus-Deir Ezzor Highway, Execute Several People (Photos)

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ISIS Cells Set Up Fake Checkpoint On Damascus-Deir Ezzor Highway, Execute Several People (Photos)

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ISIS Cells Set Up Fake Checkpoint On Damascus-Deir Ezzor Highway, Execute Several People (Photos)

Click to see full-size image.

ISIS Cells Set Up Fake Checkpoint On Damascus-Deir Ezzor Highway, Execute Several People (Photos)

Click to see full-size image.

ISIS remnants launch these attacks from the Homs desert, which lays between eastern Homs and western Deir Ezzor.

The army and its allies conducted a large number of security operations around the Homs desert. Nevertheless, the ISIS threat is still not removed.


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Icarus Tanović

What I have just said in my last post talking about previous article…


TurkIsis strikes again. Untill we destroy the turkisis state of criminals and thugs this will continue…


Well-known journalist Nevsin Mengu, who has a career in CNN Turk and DW, is facing a lot of threats in Turkey.

The journalist complains that she and two other women have been targeted by extremist media outlets that support the Erdogan government but also by Twitter accounts. According to her, they threaten to kill her and rape her.

In a televised interview, Mengu said it would be the fault of the Turkish state if anything happened and spoke of paramilitary groups.

Here comes the civil war in turkgay…

klove and light

ISIS terrorists set up a fake checkpoint on the M20 highway, which links the capital, Damascus, with …..


year 2020 and the 99% Zionist brainwashed are telling us what…….. that russian intelligence Surveillance is not able to track the M20 Highway………lolololololol

if that were truly the case……… dont bother starting a war with NATO!!!!!

Rhodium 10

ISIS continue targeting SDF members in areas where US forces are deployed!…

fayez chergui

Islam is hell


what do you know about Islam cunt?


your profet raped 6 yr old girl when he was 54


another isis member speaks


We know you like to rape children like your fake god. We know you’re afraid of women which is why you hide them in sacks. We know you think drinking camel piss is a good idea. So, yeah, we know lots.


What about the Talmudist like you. Stupid Yiddish with medical disorder.


How old was Aisha? 9 years old? Riiiiiight. Time to drink your camel piss…..


George Soros you still there? Why you don’t get back to your chamber


Soros is a Nazi, didn’t you see him at your last rally with your good friend Haj Amin al-Husseini?


stupid neck-moving you are still talking?


I’m sorry – I forgot you’re fasting and hungry- that must be the reason for all your stupid comments. Save your camel piss for sundown


Because Wahhabist Al-CIA-da spin-offs, following in the footsteps of CIA//MI6/Mossad agents like “Colonel Tim Osman,” getting mostly Muslims killed, then selling their stolen loot to “NATO allies” like Turkey represent “Islam”… [/sarcasm]


These ISIS members you see posting here and killing in Syria near always Target Muslims. Muslims have been the greatest victims of ISIS Jewhadists, ISIS is a creation of Judaism, of Jews and Zionism in particular for Zionist expansion, that is all there is to it and thats why they only cut the heads off Muslims in Syria, and you wont ever see them cut the heads off Jews occupying Palestine, until perhaps someone begins financing an anti Zionist version; all they care about is Money. They are as anti Islam as the people posting in this thread.



Indeed, these wahhabist movements were created with western/zionist support to attack islam and ultimately enslave the culture with constant war.


Agreed, and the Zionist leadership knows that, hence why “moderate” terrorists keep magically finding American TOW missiles, and all the “Israeli” and American air support against real anti-terrorist forces. “Israeli” Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon was even in a video interview with Eli Levi admitting that ISIS apologized for attacking “Israel.”


what do you know about islam? this is not Islam, this is extremist terrorism. follow the money


Yeah, it’s not like all their actions are justified with specific quranic references.


Yes, references like “those who devour usury will not stand,” and “whoever kills an innocent… it is as though he has killed all mankind”… [/sarcasm]

Infowars was correct to “follow the money.” Killing innocents and selling their oil, infrastructure, gold, and other loot to usurers out of “NATO allies” like Turkey is not Islam. Having the critical thinking skills necessary to believe “Iraq had weapons of mass destruction” do not change this.


Infowars https://media1.giphy.com/media/XjslAgqNEHCRa/giphy.gif


Yes, Infowars. The commentator you replied to in this thread… BTW, I stopped watching Colbert after he tried convincing us that “Syria gassed people for no reason.”


During a deposition for a number lawsuits filed by the parents of Sandy Hook victims, InfoWars host Alex Jones said he had a “form of psychosis” And you think that just started and ended with sandy hook. Guy’s a nutter.


Maybe, but Jones or someone who works on the InfoWars media outlet is probably not involved with infowars, the account in this South Front comment thread.

Karen Gabriel

Your attempt to generalise and lay full blame on Islam for some fake Muslims’ atrocities are erroneous, pathetic and ridiculous? It’s like blaming Christianity for rampant church paedophilia and/or blaming Judaism for zionists’ illegal land theft and oppression of Palestinians.


1. Zionism is political. 2. There’s no justification in Christianity for the actions of the priests. 3. Islam has engaged in all of the atrocities ISIS is currently doing, for millenia

Karen Gabriel

Then fake Jews zionists have no right to be in Palestine and they shld be tried for war crimes they committed on Palestinians and return all stolen lands. P*ss off with your ignorance and lies.

Rabbi Dovid Feldman “The Occupation Must End”



What is this paLIEstine you refer to? The only place I found was the British Mandate of Palestine and it shows a flag way back in 1939 before the paLIEstinians were created by the KGB, very similar to one I’ve seen before – do you know of another actual country that has a similar flag? (Hint – ??????????????????)


Here’s another hint, sweetie pie



‘The army and its allies conducted a large number of security operations around the Homs desert. Nevertheless, the ISIS threat is still not removed.’

So WHAT is the point in these security operations then? Do Daesh get a heads up and know exactly when and where these operations are going to take place so have time to go and hide somewhere? Or they have the power to just magically disappear when the army carries out the operation in their area, then re-appear as soon as they have gone?!


NWO forces control Al-Tanf and Deir-ez-Zor to the south and east of the Homs Desert, respectively. Al-CIA-da does have territory to leave and enter from.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

That’s because they only operate in the Homs deserts, they actually live in Deir ez Zor, so that’s where the SAA have to go if they want to get rid of Isis.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

US Special Needs in action again!

James Adams

Assholes just assholes


These are false flag operations as they are too aware of what to stop. Maybe DMA (https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dairat_al-Mukhabarat_al-Ammah) operatives.

Porc Halal

The true face of islam!…until this sick and hatred-full ideology will not disappear from the face of the world, the mankind will encounter every single second this kind of barbaric crimes against humanity…

Porc Halal

Applying sharia (islamic) law…


Lone Ranger

Mossadisis killing arabs…. Time to carpet bomb them with FOABS.


Why not move to Gaza. Vittorio Arrigoni is waiting for you

Lone Ranger

Why are ziofucks like you doing the same shit Nazis did to you in WWII? Ever thought about that…?


Really, What people are tattooed with numbers? What laws specifically discriminate (jobs, land ownership) against PaLIEstinian? – oh, sorry, was thinking about Lebanon. Where are arabs burned to death – no, that’s ISIS. Try again dummy.

Lone Ranger

Except for the tattoos you do everything else. Isis is run by mossad and the CIA by the way…


Lebanon bars paLIEstinans from over 50 professions. The PA has a law that has the death penalty for land sales to Jews. You can’t point to a single Israeli law that’s even similar. But one thing is clear, coronavirus has affected your ability to refill your prescription

Lone Ranger

Israel is using heavy artillery and carpet bombing instead of the death penalty when it comes to Palestinian lands… That’s much more civilised…


Israel hasn’t carpet bombed in decades, but I wish they would. Care to provide some evidence? Where’s “paLIEstinian land” is it near Oz, south of Gondor?

Lone Ranger

They did a few years ago. For about 2 weeks straight. Thousends of civs died. They used up all the artillery ammo to the point where they had to request the U.S. to send more…


CARPET BOMBED. Evidence. That’s was heavy artillery- need to level the buildings in Gaza where your hamas buddies are. Try again

Lone Ranger

Didn’t know Hamas was in a UN kindergarten full of children… Hamas is also run by the mossad by the way….


Oh, you didn’t know?





Lone Ranger

Fake Mossad news…


Yes, UNWRA’s direct acknowledgment is fake meaning UNWRA is fake. An organization set up to support fake people with a false history non-existent identity, And false claims. So let’s get rid of this fake organization and the fake people it supports!!!

Lone Ranger

Even if it was true killing hundreds of children is a no no.


Tell that to the paLIEstinians. And arabs. And Boko Haram and the Houthis. And al shabab (shall I keep going, sweetheart?)

Lone Ranger

All Mossad, CIA, MI6 funded. And of course saudisis Arabia, who gives them the money? You, and everybody else buying their oil. 99% of all terrorists would dissapear within a week without funding. We both know that.


OH, NOW I GET IT!! You’re an Iranian troll. Silly me, I should have realized. Listen, the mourning period for your stupid sailors isn’t over – go cry in your soup, come back later

Lone Ranger

No hit. Try again.


If not I’m downtown Tehran defacto. Either way, you’re a douchey douche.

Lone Ranger



Awww, she thinks she’s an armchair psychologist. Listen, just because you take the medication doesn’t make you an expert on why you need it

Lone Ranger

He* Projecting again… Not everybody is on meds, sorry to dissapoint you ;)

Lone Ranger

Really? Didn’t know hasbara has a cyber unit in Tehran.


Nope, I’m in NYC and PROUD to support ISRAEL ???????????????? Try again mohammed

Lone Ranger

You were the one saying you are in Tehran…defacto… You aint supporting Israel by supporting zionists, the exact opposite. No hit, try again…;)


Israel is zionism. Zionism is Israel. Am Yisrael Chai https://media1.giphy.com/media/fSkbBNzzPo9i5Oos7p/giphy.gif

Lone Ranger

Thats the same slogan nazis used with their Reich… Similar tactics too…


evidence evidence evidence. As for nazis and your friends – I do love this picture.


Lone Ranger

Neither are my friends. And zionism is the same as nazism. Even according to Orthodox jews.


sure they are, you’re defending them to the detriment of the only democracy in the middle east where the muslims/arabs you claim to support have a better life than any other. And the extreme orthodox jews to whom you refer are a smaller minority than even your fringe jew hating group. But enjoy being part of westboro

Lone Ranger


Only tip of the iceberg…


so your evidence is a politician kissing young girls on the head or an air kiss near the cheek. Ummm, they all do it. Literally all over the world. And some random guy’s cut and paste video on youtube is not exactly a reliable source. You need a job. https://www.upworthy.com/ever-wonder-why-politicians-kiss-babies-the-answer-is-weirder-than-you-think

Lone Ranger

Like I said, tip of the iceberg… He aint only kissing them but rubbing them, whispering in their ear, how many videos do you need? I can link a few dozen more… Ziorats protecting pedobiden, what can I say, not surprised…. Clinton was a pedo too… Epstein and the lolita express… Too bad he got suicided, I think he was the 273rd on the clinton bodycount list… Have a nice day :)


You’re barking up the wrong tree, sweetheart, I’m not a democrat. Bless your heart.

Lone Ranger

You are projecting again… Who is using nazi tactics? Who is funding, training, supporting wahabinazi terrorists? Who created Hamas? The correct answer is the Mossad did, and still does. They control both sides, genocide is a lot more efficient that way…


Who keeps people in camps – “refugee” camps in Lebanon, Syria, Jordan. No camps in Israel. PA is self governance. Saudis fund wahabis. The ONLY thing you’re right about was the false hope regarding hamas. Israel hoped a religious organization would be a moral counter to secural paLIEstinianism. Turned out islam does what islam is. And then they eliminated the head of the snake. Keep trying. Isn’t it time for you to protest a soldier’s funeral?

Lone Ranger

Sure, same type of self governence native Americans had in their concentraion camps a 150 years ago… Im right about everything I said. Mossad runs wahabinazis, saudis included, and the CIA and MI6 are your toyboys as well. Islam would be as dangerous as a hamster without western funding. Mossad needs an enemy so they can wipe out more and more people and destroy one country after the other for the Greater Israel Project. But it seems you guys failed at least for now. Have a nice day.


The Palis have more rights than native Americans who were governed by an inherited monarchy- chief to son. You are funny, Israel could have taken over Egypt, rolled into Damascus, controlled Jordan and make Lebanon a northern suburb. They don’t need to find an enemy, the greater Israel project (unfortunately) doesn’t exist. I wish it did though, the world would be better off

Lone Ranger

P.S. I would never do that. But guess who is sending them to fight useless never ending wars to die for zionism… I rest my case.


Whatever you say, westboro. Oh , again, give one example where Israel asked the US to fight it’s wars for them. Of course I can give many examples of the US asking Israel to refrain from action for US interests. Dummy

Lone Ranger

And jews are a minority in the middle east… Israel is not a democracy neither is the U.S. by the way.


First comment is irrelevant. Try again. Israel is a democracy, so is the US. That it is a republic doesn’t make it not a democracy. There’s a difference between the structure of the government and form of exercise of selection. Don’t try to argue that with me, you’ll lose every time. The US just isn’t a “pure” democracy. But the states are.

Lone Ranger

Sorry, your magic wand is out of order today…:) U.S. was a constitutional republic, was never meant to be a democracy, but now its only a two party dictatorship run by the military industrial complex, wall street banksters and the cia. States rights are being eroded for decades. Israel is a military dictatorship even opressing jews let alone arabs.


There isn’t enough time for me to teach you civics. A constitutional republic is not mutually exclusive with a democratic form of government. And Eisenhower wants his comments back nutter.

Lone Ranger

Palestinians only have water and electricity if Israel gives them any from their side. Yeah I bet its almost as bad as in Detroit…


Don’t care about detroit – they destroyed their own city. paLIEstinians take the charity from Israel since it’s Israeli water and electricity. They can get their own if they want – build (or better, move to Jordan)

Lone Ranger

More precisly Israel wont let them to build any… Yeah Israel needs more Lebensraum….sounds familiar…


There were power plants, greenhouses, etc in Gaza & your friends destroyed them. Cement is used to build terror tunnels, paLIEstinian leaders steal aid money. Their own fault. It’s not “living space” when it’s your own homeland. Too bad this isn’t baseball, you’d have been out a long time ago


Supporting isreal you master huh. Fucking slave .How is corona ?


Totally – LOVE ISRAEL. AM YISRAEL CHAI. Now, I’m not sure how corona is. Let’s ask Turkey. Iran.




Do you think i m gonna click on your stupid link jew


Of course not. You can’t read and you shoot up people who want to, right Malala?


you are stupid like your god Jared Kushner


At least he’s not a pedophile child rapist, slave owning marauder who was kicked out of his home. Know anyone like that, Mohammed?


You like talking about pedo child rapist huh it’s what the Talmud teaching you ?


No, your Quran. https://media2.giphy.com/media/cjobI155YzUFge3qgI/giphy.gif


dirty Shylock .


You are so cute. Keep trying, but clearly you’re upset so take a break, it’s almost sundown so you won’t be so hangry. Here’s something for you to eat….. https://media0.giphy.com/media/RlMcg79nb7pKw/giphy.gif


What are you talking about dirty kike like you know my times zone now mouahaha


I know more about Islam than you know about anything. Now – don’t you have to Go and blow yourself up?


So to be clear, you’re acknowledging that it’s true. Human shields. Keep supporting that, your moral high ground just caved in though, just so ya know.

Lone Ranger

I said if it’s true. We both know mossad has the power to do some reality shift. Yeah killing hundreds of children and thousends of civs is a real moral high ground, give me a break… Even the U.S. govt thinks it’s real bad and they are real good at killing civs….


If you don’t want civilians dead, don’t store & fire rockets from schools, mosques, hospitals. Don’t send kids to attack the border. Live in peace, get peace. Start a war and you die

Lone Ranger

Tell that to the mossad. They are funding terrorists to have a reason to wage war same as the CIA and MI6. Peace is bad for the business…


Tell that to your bosses who keep funding hamas & hezbollah

Lone Ranger

I cant, since I dont work for Mossad…


You’re repeating yourself. Tell kahmeini to spend more on your script and less on little boys

Lone Ranger

Funny thing but if you swap Kahmeini to Bibi or Biden it becomes true. Oy vey…


Biden likes women (not a biden fan). Bibi is awesome – hope he keeps winning, annexing. Oy vey is right. So you’re not a pedophile worshiper, an iranian shill, so you must be a leftist socialist retard. Stalin is smiling…

Lone Ranger

Biden likes little girls, not women, slight difference… Check out youtube if you dont believe me. Plenty of evidence… Bibi is a warmongering retard. Rabin was the last good President of Israel but Mossad killed him. Like I said peace is bad for the business… Actually Im more of a Christian conservative, albeit not a Trump supporter, and Im not a fan of KKK either…


Again – evidence. I don’t like Biden, but show me where he likes little girls (allow me to refer you to the Bacha bāzī). Don’t just say “you tube” that’s just more proof of you being intellectually lazy – something you’ve done all morning. Christian conservative you say. They LOVE you people in Pakistan. Please explain to Asia Bibi and all of your co-religionists your support of Islam https://www.persecution.org/2019/10/05/christian-girls-pakistan-targeted-forced-conversions/

Lone Ranger

I dont support Islam. I support Human rights. Yeah wahabinazis and mossad walk hand in hand…


As a “christian conservative” I think you want to be very careful about casting aspersions – here’s a little history for you


Lone Ranger

New York Times? Really…? Come on…







Lone Ranger

And now you are doing the same… Ironic isnt it…


Really, give examples. Your generic broad statements are simply more evidence of your lack of intelligence

Lone Ranger

Maybe you should tell Mossad to stop funding Hamas….

Lone Ranger

The year was 2014. https://time.com/3065174/gaza-school-un-white-house-israel/


On CIA money.

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