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ISIS Cells Storm Gas Field In Eastern Homs, Kill Guards & Workers

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ISIS Cells Storm Gas Field In Eastern Homs, Kill Guards & Workers

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Several Syrian service members and civilian workers were reportedly killed when ISIS terrorists stormed a gas well in the eastern Homs countryside.

ISIS attacked the gas well, which is located in Wadi al-Dhubiyat between the town of al-Sukhnah and the T3 station, late on December 19. The terrorist group’s fighters capture the well for a few hours before being pushed away by the Syrian Arab Army (SAA).

According to several pro-government sources, six of the well’s guards were killed by ISIS fighters in the course of the attack.

The terrorist group also abducted five civilian workers and executed them a few hours later. The victims were identified as Majod al-Samir, Mohamad al-Alwi, Khalil al-Jaber, Fuad Mohamad and Ahmad Haj Qassim.

Earlier this week, ISIS fighters attacked the strategic M20 highway, which links Deir Ezzor with Homs. The attack was foiled by the SAA and the National Defense Forces (NDF).

The recent terrorist group attacks were launched from the Homs desert. Hundreds of the terrorist group’s fighters and commanders are reportedly hiding there.

By launching such attacks, ISIS is likely attempting to regain momentum in central Syria. The army has so far succeeded in preventing this.

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Sadly, this is SAA’s fault. They should have cleared the Homs desert in late 2017/early 2018 when ISIS was weakend there. Now they have to deal with that mess. I know there is the At-Tanf base, but when the SAA would have cleared the Homs desert, ISIS cells would mostly be active in At-Tanf and not in the government held area. After Idlib, the SAA can finally focus on the Homs desert and At-Tanf!


Yeah, but when the SAA would have cleared the Homs desert, ISIS cells would mostly hide in At-Tanf. The SAA could have fully secured the border to At-Tanf with much manpower, so ISIS cells can’t launch hit and run attacks and would be trapped inside the green area.

Hasbara Hunter



Why are you still here. I told you to kill yourself!!! Go do it now worthless, ignorant cluleless cunt!!!!


Daesh following orders to disrupt Syrian gas production?


Oh for fucks sake Syria. Sort it out will you!! is it so fucking difficult to get rid of these guys?!! You must be an incompetent bunch of wankers! No wonder the world has lost interest in your people and your pathetic war.

Hasbara Hunter

That is because you AngloZioNazi motherfuckers keep breedin’ New Ones….Filthy fuckn AngloZioNazis. You will pay the price boy…You are Nothing…crawl back in that safe place where the sun never shines…


Oh dear. What a sad pathetic angry little cunt you are. Seriously. do the world a favour and kill yourself you pitiful excuse for a human being. You really have no idea of what is going on around you do you?

Hasbara Hunter

Hahahaha you thought you could sneak in here unnoticed? You little piece of Rat-Shit….


Oh I’ve been here for years. Monitoring little clueless cunts like you!! So when are you going to take your own life? I’m waiting……

Hasbara Hunter

I know you…You are a Filthy AngloZioNazi Disinfo-Agent….did you think I forgot you…you little pathetic piece of Excrement…better follow my advise & Piss off for a couple of years…Send my regards to your Collegues motherfucker…You Suckers Lost….how does it feel to be a Loser?


Ooh so much anger and resentment. What’s the matter? Mommy and daddy disowned you? Can’t get laid? Scared that the nasty jews are going to get you?

Hasbara Hunter

I ain’t scared of shit little bitch….you Parasites keep Crawling away under rocks all the time…you Vermin are Chickenshit Cowards…you are done… Considering all the HasbaRat-Vermin in here these days you Folks must Panic a little right?

What do you want boy?


lol! Actually, truth be told. I was just playing with you! You’re cool and I’m actually on your side!! I was just playing with you! No hard feelings?

Hasbara Hunter

Nope….want war get war…easy does it…


No problem. Just been one of those days!

US-Navy Revert Shia

How many Shekels, you Swinging “TWAT” did Sheldon Adelson the Obese asshole trump the jew slave master pay you to suck his little jew pick-!

David Parker

Daesch, not “ISIS”. They are nothing but CIA proxy head-chopping murderers. They must all be shot down and the sooner Al Tanf ceases to exist, the sooner Daesch will cease to exist.

Hasbara Hunter

Daesh..ISIS..Al-CIAeda..Masonic Muslimbrotherhood.. Moderate Headchoppers…Wahhabis….FSA…HTS…It is ALL the SAME ANGLOZIONAZI VERMIN…The AngloZioNazis Only Create Smokescreens & Makebelieve…..nice moment to exterminate each & every AngloZioNazi Mercenary…

The Empire will Fall…

Icarus Tanović

Bravo! Comment of the day. This made my day.

David Parker

The whole point is do not give them respect by using their CIA name which pretends to political legitimacy as if they were anything but hired murdering and torturing demonic spawn of the anti-American Zio-controlled US “deep state”.

Hasbara Hunter

The U.S. Government & the Deep State were the ones that gave Al-Qaeda & Osama Bin Laden (aka Tim Osman) the respect & the political legitimacy…starting with operation Cyclone…I personally consider them Demonic Raping, Torturing & Headchopping Mercenaries for the interests of the AngloZioNazi Empire…U.S….British & ISraHelly Intelligence trained & instructed them Filthy Headchopping Parasites…Headquarters stuffed with Foreign Intelligence were Bombed by the Russians…


David Parker

Right, but don’t let us do it.

Hasbara Hunter

If folks want to change something…folks have gotta do something right? Things don’t change by themselves…and one cannot expect Others to solve their shit right…I solve me own shit..

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

great job in stopping the daeshbags here SAA

You can call me Al

It looks like the US and the hooked noses are giving information freely to them again.

Icarus Tanović

They never attack those held by Americans and mercenaries…

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