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MARCH 2025

ISIS Cells Use Improvised-Incendiary Devices To Burn Farmlands In Iraq (Photos)

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ISIS cells burned hundreds of acres of farmlands in the northern and western parts of Iraq, mainly in Khanaqin, Makhmur and Tikrit, over the last few weeks.

Iraq sources revealed that these sabotage operations were a punishment to local farmers, who had refused to pay Zakat [an Islamic tax] to the terrorist group.

“The militants have begun collecting royalties from the villages of Makhmur, asking the owners of the harvesters $5,000, and imposing a Zakat of between 15 and 20% on the crops … The farmers have lost seven months of efforts, which were consumed by fire for refusing to pay the royalties,” an Iraqi security official said commenting on a recent fire that devastated dozens of acers of wheat and barley in Makhmur.

At first, it was though that ISIS terrorists were simply using fuel to set fire to the crops. However, TØM CΛT, a twitter account observing the security situation in Iraq, released photos on May 18 showing never seen before improvised devices used by the terrorist groups to start the fires.

The device, which is could be described as a remote-controlled improvised-incendiary device (RC IID), is built around a simple Nokia 1280 mobile phone. The terrorists connected the phone’s 3.5 mm audio jack to what appears to be a thin resistance wire, of an unknown material. A V-shaped metal piece was used to make sure the two ends of the wire will remain in place.

The phone’s original Li-Ion 850 mAh battery was apparently replaced with a more powerful one of 1,200 mAh, likely to make sure the IID will have sufficient power.

ISIS Cells Use Improvised-Incendiary Devices To Burn Farmlands In Iraq (Photos)

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The IID is activated by a phone call. Electricity from the audio jack goes through the resistance wire heating it up to temperatures high enough to start a fire. The phone and the SIM card inside also burn.

ISIS Cells Use Improvised-Incendiary Devices To Burn Farmlands In Iraq (Photos)

Click to see full-size image

These easy-to-make devices have allowed ISIS cells to commit their crimes from a partially safe distance, while leaving behind little to no evinced, in most cases.

Thankfully, the locals were able to uncover several IIDs, which will likely help Iraqi security forces to track the perpetrators and bring them to justice.

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al quaida

“These easy-to-make devices have allowed ISIS cells to commit their crimes from a partially safe distance, while leaving behind little to no evinced, in most cases.

Thankfully, the locals were able to uncover several IIDs, which will likely help Iraqi security forces to track the perpetrators and bring them to justice.”

A molotov coctail is maybe not so easy to trace.

Tom Tom

true, but then you have to be in the proximity when the fire starts.

al quaida

Molotov thrown into a farmer’s field from a moving vehicle. By the time the fire takes hold and is noticed you’d be miles away. Easier, more efficient, and far less evidence.


A burner-phone with a prepaid sim doesn’t give you much leads to investigate.

If you don’t need the remote-control, you can also set an alarm and get away without a simcard.


Guys you don’t know that why Saudi Arabia stick with America and Israel because America have taken their all gold.

Saudi Arabia is a piece of shit now. They are permanent slave of America. Iran is hundreds time better than Saudi Arabia. Howmuch oil America wants to buy with in one year from Saudi Arabia then so much dollars America prints. In other words America takes oil from Saudi Arabia free.

America either deceive the leadership of a country or invade a country to take its all gold.


Not just the gold, most of the trillions of dollars Saudi Arabia has earned from oil sales is in the US. They are allowed to take weapons as payment, but nothing else. When Kissinger struck the petrodollar deal with SA, it was we have this deal for you, if you don’t accept, we will kill you.

Brother Ma

I believe the last sentence but do we have any evidence? Any one leaked kissinger-s conversations at the time? Any refs off the top of your head?

It was always said that Kissinger greenlit theTurkish invasion of Cyprus but it took almost fifty years for official docs to surface proving this.

Xoli Xoli

Turkey advanced terrorists technology.

Tom Tom



ISIS cells active in Iraq or somebody else? Seems a bit easier to use a cheap and simple flare. The resistance wire pictured will create heat like your bread toaster, if given enough power.


Israel, ISIS, Al-Qaeda and Bokoharam are cheap weapons of America.

Tom Tom

Yes they are, indeed.

Tom Tom

As per the original plan with CIA paying the Sunni’s to stop bombing the Americans with IED’s in 2003/2004 in Iraq as well as making a deal for Saddam’s Baathist military leadership to secretly run ISIS. And now U.S./Israel proxies clearing out the area for their new Sunni-stan from Raqqa in Syria to the Tigris in Iraq, providing the same bulwark against Iran that Saddam did, for a period of years and holding the ground till Israel can occupy that ground. WW3 may get in the way of those plans.

Tom Tom

As per TOMCAT, “Genocidal fascists and #Baathists have a lot in common…” Check out photo:


Tom Tom

TOMCAT: The tribal crowds in Anbar have operated separate from main PMF for years – under coalition supervision while taking orders from a general officer in the Iraq Army. They are effectively Anbar’s “National Guard”, complete with commissioned officers.

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