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ISIS Claims Dozens Of Malian, French Soldiers Killed In Suicide Attack

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Dozens of Malian and French soldiers were killed or Injured in a recent suicide attack by the Islamic State in the Greater Sahara (ISIS-GS), the terrorist group’s news agency, Amaq, claimed in a report on March 14.

According to Amaq, the attack targeted a convoy of French and Malian forces near the town of Indelimane on the road linking the towns of Ansongo and Menaka in eastern Mali on March 10.

A suicide vehicle-borne improvised explosive device (SVBIED) struck a gathering of Malian and French soldiers near the convoy, allegedly killing or injuring most of them.

Amaq said that SVBIED was driven by a suicide bomber known as Abdullah al-Ansari. The agency also shared a photo of the attacker.

ISIS Claims Dozens Of Malian, French Soldiers Killed In Suicide Attack

Abu Abdullah al-Ansari

The same convoy was supposedly targeted again on March 11 near the town of Ihagana with an improvised explosive device (IED). Amaq claimed that the attack destroyed a vehicle, killing everyone aboard it.

No SVBIED or IED attacks were reported in Mali on March 10 or 11. This suggests that ISIS-GS claims are false or that both attacks were a complete failure.

ISIS-GS was formed in 2015 as the result of a split within the radical group al-Mourabitoun. French and Malian forces have been attempting to contain the threat of the terrorist group ever since with limited success.


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it’s not because it has not been officially reported that it’s false

Furkan Sahin

Isis is much worse than Assad


I don’t think, but it’s an other debate

Furkan Sahin

lol Isis has not caught Damascus Aleppo Latakia Homs Hamah if they have captured those cities it would have been much worse and Isis does not have warplanes and helicopters

Lone Ranger

Oh they sure have. Its called USAF and IAF.


That’s what the propaganda say. But until proof of contrary that’s Assad who bombing people savagely. Isis fight for principles assad for the chair


To me it is simple. If the western says it, then it is a lie. That you believe them after all the lies they have produced and spread speaks volumes about you. Either you are naive and tha is bad, or you are their mouthpiece which is worse.


Still don’t get it do you,ye facist fkwits are done with,88% people voted Assad in! That is democracy gimp,not your soro affiliates speakets from its cakehole sht!@

Ricky Miller

Right. The forces of secularism, building roads, building and operating colleges, building and operating hospitals, allowing people to be religious if they want but not if that’s their choice, all that is so much worse than head chopping jihadi street gangs taking slaves for wives and killing anyone outside the “code.” There is no debate.


Ok ok we saw hospitals and roads construction and colleges and… in Irak or elsewhere built by forces of secularism represented by American invading or secularist regimes. Secularism provide only dictatorships, wars ,… after you come to accuse and demonize some religious who defend themselves by lies and caricatures propaganda. We saw what secularists did cowardly in their planes by bombing and razing cities killing any life .you destroy 100 infrastructures and build one that’s a deception. Indeed about this no matter for debate!

Ricky Miller

Secular dictatorship is far better than any religious one. China would be a good example. China has high marks for law and order and it’s hybrid system has lifted 500 million people out of poverty and into the middle class. I’m fine with the forces of faith having a safe community for themselves to live the way they want but that’s the outer boundary of what I would consider acceptable. No way in the world should “militants” or theocrats be able to decide for me how I live or to use force of arms to keep my community outside of central government authority. That’s my view and that’s what has happened in Syria.


Good one. I read about what a “brutal dictator” he is and feel like the Irish widow at her husband’s wake.

The priest was praising the dead husband to the sky. Kind, generous, honest, etc. After a bit of this the widow gets up, looks in the coffin, then sits down again.

Mrs. Flanagan, is there a problem, asked the priest?

No, she says, I just wanted to check to see if you were talking about the same man.


Are you gai,dumb or both? Regardless Assad remains because he is ok,inluke the many incest spawn wannabe soros bots whom only think of their cakeholes! You kweers better give it up,do a real days of practical solutions other than being so nonbinarie like null and void in ye wake!Ether way truth will curse you to hell! Wisen the hk up,fool no truth,not just,nor intellect,nor justice,ye days are done!

You can call me Al

Same, same; don’t fall for the propaganda.


Beats believing cia kweer who thinks thy petty little mindsets overturns the truth!

Fair treatment

Look at him .. The devil himself,… Devil has 1 eye… even in horror films devil is shown to have 1 eye

You can call me Al

He wears Prada as well.


The “eye of Horus” is mainstream, it’s even being advertised by the jihadi types.

The Vigilant Citizen.com site follows the trends being pushed.


Oh dear. STILL paying attention to these guys are we SouthFront?

AM Hants

Wonder if they are helping with the SF funding?

AM Hants

Thought the French were sponsoring ISIS, with many others? There again, with ISIS getting trashed in Syria, guess they need some media headlines.


In a wierd sort of way, ISIS is just a global franchise for criminal gangs, as is Al Qaeda.

If I am correct, it is not unusual for the Yanks and other NATO forces to be fighting a terror franchise brand in one country whilst secretly supporting the terror franchise in another. :)

You can call me Al



All suicide bombers are hired from cia/soros/pro nwo insurgency(period)




I’m really glad that another ISIS member did the honorable thing and blew himself to bits


The devil don’t care,just like kweers,their fates are sealed,there will be no where to run+hide,they will be exposed for the inept drug addictions raised by tyrants on the road to nowhere,this is why many a soros supporters suicided in the end,after they were too far gone!

Bobby Twoshoes

It’s Tyrone from Chappelle’s show, finally gets off the crack then blows himself up.

cechas vodobenikov

the French were astute enough to withdraw from Vietnam; perhaps this will convince them to ignore the bribery and money provided by them by the amerikans. they were more independent when they rejected NATO membership…Macron now has approval ratings in the mid 20th percentile

You can call me Al

“astute” ?, “Coming after the First Indochina War, this period resulted in the military defeat of the French, a 1954 Geneva meeting that partitioned Vietnam into North and South, and the French withdrawal from Vietnam, leaving the Republic of Vietnam regime fighting a communist insurgency with USA aid.”

They got battered.


The communist backed by communist weaponry decimate the cover far reight sects of pro wanker nazi/johnson and his coward khazar/nwo continmgent who false flagged war!

that is clearly a facist socialist george soros problem,never legit communist people ever!


At long last! Now I understand!!!!


Yes, Al, the Viet Minh liberators battered and deep fried the French at Dien Bien Phu :)


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